8 THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS ____ Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 13, 1957 THIS PERSON A N D THAT N O TIC E FOR BIDS Sealed bids for gasoline w ill (Continued from Page 1) ! be received by the City o f Es­ say to these two women and tacada at the City Hall; Esta­ all others that unless your hus­ cada. Oregon; until 8 P.M. on band swings from the chande­ the 3d day o f October. 1957 lier by his tail he mas be any­ Such bids shall be fo r the per­ thing but a monkey.We knew iod o f one year from October 1, a fello w who always put white 1957 to September 30th, 1958. cat hairs on his ‘coat whenevei A t the above time and place he goes where he w ill meet a the bids w ill be thereafter pub­ blonde and he is never sirened. licly opened and read. The She sees the white hairs and City o f Estacada reserves the thinks some other blonde has right to postpone the awarding beat her to him. But enough o f the bid fo r a reasonable about monkeys. time or to reject any and all There is a grave possibility bids and to waive minor infor­ that more o f this thrilling tale malities. may be published at another R. R. COOKE, C ity Recorder time. Back in the last century she married a millionaire, an actor, a preacher and an undertaker. It didnt take the kids long to figure out what was going on and that is where it came from: “ One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to go.’ Seorge Notes Mrs. Joe Weiderhold Mr. and Mrs. John C. Foster of Portland are the proud par- ests o f a fine boy John C. Jr. born Sept. 4 at the Oregon City i There’s something really refreshing about a glass of cold milk, j or flavored milk drinks like the milk shake being shared by the hospital. He weighed 6 lbs and boy and girl above. i3 ounces. Grandparents are Nutritionally, too, milk is tremendously Important to growing Mr. mid Mrs. Floyd Foster of young peopla. During summer vacation, while youngsters are away from the mWl sJlerns of school lunch programs, milk and other The kids are back; In school George and Mr. and Mrs. Fred basic, protective foods are specially essential, Bays the National and may all o f them do well. Prsuser o f Brent, Maryland. Dairy Council. A fam ily picnic was held at One o f the first stories is told Why do nutritionists recommend a quart of milk or more each by a teacher: The class had Eagle Fern Park Sun. which in­ day for teen-agers? Because a quart of milk furnishes 82% of their been instructed to w rite an es­ cluded Mrs. Elizabeth Chaney day's need for calcium, 40% of needed protein, 83% of the recom­ daughter mended level for riboflavin, and substantial amounts of other vital say on “ winter,’’and this one o f Milwaukie; her nutrients needed for building sound bodies and maintaining buoy­ read so: “ In winter it is very and husband Mr. and Mrs.John ant ith. __ win- Schmitz of East Meadows,Long cold. Many people die in ter and many birds all go t0 a Island, N ew Y ork; Mr. and Mrs warmer climate.” Paul Beck and Sharon; Janice .............. Beth and Paula Jo o f M ilw au­ kie; Mr. and Mrs. James O. The married fan was having Chaney and sons Pat and Mike an affair with two women. His of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C M w ife sued for divorce and said: Chaney and children Paul;Tom ________ “ I ’ll teach that rat he can t' and Georgia of Portland; Mr hnrsday, Friday, Saturday. Seoi'amber 12 13-14 have his K ate and Edith too.” and Mrs. C. E. Lins asd son ................. Frederick and Mr. and Mrs. U l ‘A IÓ /**• One busy afternoon last ^ ae ^eW erh old; Joseph; Mar- ers t0 its lines. Since 1947 th e1 Washington over the 230,000- , CHPiRUToN ‘ company’s average number of volt PGE line. week a tiny black kitten ran . . , , , ° eorge. customers has jumped from ^ d a y SO" K Was sun« The 230,000 volt line w ill be out on the highway on Estaca- ° U^ 171,986 to 238,192. , . „ strung over H-frame structures da’s main street. A fe w feeti 0 M - ¿ y The new ‘backbone’ line w ill from the west side o f the street „„ „ „ , ... . lef were Sat. visitors at the have a northern tie at Trout- with pressure treated Douglas the kitten felt dirty and com­ Aust n Moe home. In teh even­ dale with Bonneville Powei fir poles from Linneman to Sa­ menced to clean up. It took a G ilbert ing Mr. and Mrs Austin Moe , Administration, run t0 new lem. minute or two, thtn the cat K j O U W D . drove to Troutdale and visited Linneman substation west of In addition to the Troutdale- proceeded on its way. During their neice and fam ily, Mr and Gresham and then over a 50- to- Salem project, Warren an­ this time 37 drivers o f cars Sunday - Monda - Tuesday, September 1 5 - 1 6 - 1 7 Mrs. Howard Stern. m ile course to another new in­ nounced a transmirsion project either stopped, slowed down or stallation east o f Salem. PGE which w ill carry energy from dodged the cat. Scores w ill I has purchased a 40 acre site on PG E ’s expanding hydorelect- say to them: “ O.K. Good i east State street, 4 miles from ric facilities on the Clackamas work 1” in th** lOimfiy of the year! Salem, for the line’s southern river to a new snbstation term ­ New from the Kraft Kitchen! terminus. The Linneman sub­ inus near Oregon City. Power Look at that bunch o f cows! M i « M>mnrilk illv pr*««« i * station, where a 73 acre site from North Fok dam, now un­ N ot bunch— herd. Heard what? has been purchased, w ill be der construction on the Clacka­ Heard o f cows! Sure I have shared with Pacific Pow er & mas river east of Estacada, and heard o f cows. I mean a cow Light company which w ill put the expanded Faraday plant, herd. What do I care if a cow some o f the output from the w ill flow over two 115,000 volt heard— I didnt say anything I S w ift dam projec in southwest lines. shouldn’t have! _ A new transmission line, which w ill form a ‘backbone’ the length o f Portland General Electric company’s system, was announced Thursday as a ma­ jo r project for 1958 by PGE President Frank M. Warren,Jr. Rights- of-way for the new 230,000 volt line which w ill serve as an integrated part of the Northwest power pool grid through the W illam ette valley are being obtained by PGE.The company plans to have the pro­ ject, running from Troutdale to Salem, completed late in 1958. Designed to serve growing loads the line w ill form a strong tie through the middle o f PG E’s 2700 square m ile ser­ vice area. In the past 10 years PGE has added 66,205 custom­ il ; 7 | f t W N E 6 < W T £ K RQNAU HAGAN B /& IS W 7j “ EXPLOSIVE FUN fá a / fo * (% e e z á Jk c z GREGORY RECK LAUREN BAI ALI, m DESIGNING WOMAN, F orm al Opening Saturday, Sept. 14, NEW LOCATION IN O l d E s ta e a d a , O re . P O S T 4 A F F I F E 1 ( 1 .I H , Phone Estacada CR. 9-3336 Sandy M U 7-2301 Mt. Hood Cleaners—Laundry , Serving Boring Barton and Eagle Creek Areas w ith Our Regular Route Service Catering to all types of DRY CLEANING and LAU N D R Y. SHIRTS are our Laundry Specialty. FA S T SERVICE at our New Ultra-modern Electric LAUNDERETTE! Our policy is to give everything possible to better our service , so we appreciate your telling us when wrong so we may correct it. something is We also announce a necessary change in our Route M an. Due to his ill health, M r . Carson is introducing and recom­ mending to you M r. Bob Bucket who has had training in our plant as well as on the route. We assure you of prompt and co jrteous route service. Sgeorfcil fo r Our O pening Wash and Dry at our Estacarta launder s:*e, Saturday, Sept. 14th, O N LY , for 9 ^ a pound! Sv>aWI*L(«f , *V| f:. 14 through Tuesday, . > 7 - - Laundry Sh irts,--w ith your Dry Cleaning, 2 5 ^ each. t our office or on the routes! FREE Saturday Only! COFFEE a n t . ? :* G NUTS for Adults! ICE CREAM CONES for the Kids fro m 9 A .M . to 1 P .M .! Get Your Ticket At O lr O f For Service at the Super Cream , Next Door! I ***--1 Ml M M ' r.M