The G. G. H E. met with goods, baketry goods, horticul­ traxnc nazzara. iwr auver opem a *. t o i n o Leila Gordon Sept. 3 and plans ture and any kind of arrange­ a lot of time and effort On the [of Dora and Nola Clester were i project, and come up with 80 Adele Hildahl and Freda Turn- | Lstacada, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 13, 1957 were made for our annual fair. ment; also texUles and quilts; signatures on the petition (By Leila Gordon) er. Visitors on the previous coure of study of Union High Chairman. District your old photos; let's bring our School Ntw words added to the vo­ It will be open to anyone in baby pictures and see how ma­ Lots of big news on the home Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs District No.6> ciaeka Board, School District No. 10®, cabulary at the Deets home. Garfield, Estacada and outly­ ny can be Identified. The fait front for the Everett Shibleys Henry Hildahl and children. County .Oregon, to include Clackamas County. Oregon. They are William Henry 8 lbs. ing granges to exhibit.We hope will be Sat., Sept. 21. Nelosns ... and then Entries _ this . week. First of all _ Jim . „ left . . , The . Virgil .. , i grades 7 and 8 of the element- ATTEST: 13 1 2 ounces. Bum August all will enter one or more of may be brought In Fri. and friends the Glen Westlmgs last schools within ^ Howard iA Union from Porta Rico Sunday, Sept. 8 C. Sanders, 30 at Emmanuel hospital. This the following: Fruit, vegetab­ j 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. and we after a 3 day spree of seeing Sunday drove up to Timothy High school Dittrjct,” and the District Clerk. makes 3 boys and 1 girl. les, eggs, hobbies, canned need help arranging tables,etc. the sights of New York City he Meadows and Austin Hot voter sha„ jaCe a cross (x ) in Publish Sept. 6-13-20. a the square before the word | Friday PM.Doors wil be open will arrive home sometime this ; Springs, where they found i at 8 AM Sat. unitl 11 AM when week. Winnie moved into mecca of tourists and local ar . YES”or before the word“No ” judging will start. The even­ new dormitory at Lewis and ea residents at the picnic whichever indicates his or ter WORK DAY AT THE CHURCH OF GOD , choice ing was spent cutting out ap­ Clark on Tuesday, and Gilbert! grounds. Sat., Sept. 14, there will be rons for the bazaar in connec­ plans to move in on Thursday The Hank Suters had a pic The polls for the reception Poverty is uncomfortable, as I tion with the fair. Potluck in Classes are scheduled t„ begin nic last Sunday at Wilsada of the ballots cast for or a work day held at the Church o n testify; but nine times out of Port- ngainst the said question will of God.Anyone wishing to help the evening at 6:30.Bakery and next week. Poor Johnny is go Park with friends from James O. canned goods will be auction­ ing to get a little lonesome j land. i on said dav and date, and al may contact Rev. ten the best thing that can happen ed off after the pot luck and around home, but there s one j Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Berry and the place af01.esaid be opened Moore. to a young man is to be tossed ov- anything else donated for th at! nice thing about it— there will Don and Jim Melton spent Sun- at t^e hour of 2:00 o’clock P M 1 .................... day in Corvallis with G ate’» alld shall ,.emain open unti, TIMOTHY LAKE GETS purpose.Chances will be sold be more room at the table. ei board and compelled to sink or i sister, Mrs. T. B. Root. the. houi. of 8 00 0-clock P M o i 62,000 YOUNG TROUT on a quilt donated by Florence The Springwater Grange will Anderson and an afgan made start the fall season with swim for himself. -------Garfield the Callers oi Mrs. Maude Burn- the same day. at which hour The Oregon State Game by Leila Gordon. Rena Davis first daytime meeting next Sat ett Sunday afternoon Sept. 1. the p^is will bo closed. Commission has been planting is in charge of both. urday, Sep. 14. Now if we can were Dr and Mrs. Arch Kearns. By ordei. of the District young rainbow trout, three to Don’t forget the Grange is just have a good soaking rain who also have been visiting in School Board of School Dis- four inches long, in Timothy Sat. Sepl W Do come., maybe people will be able to Springwater. Dr. Kearnsla for- t, ict No 108 Clackamas Lake. Some 62.000 of thesi The officers of the Garfield attend. mt-r pastor of the local Presby- j County, Oregon,made this 14th young fish were in the plant Home Extension met with Lei­ The annual Community Fail tenan churches, is affiliated duy of August, 1957 . and should be of legal size by stitution ^ la Gordon Sept 10 and made will be held at Springwater with Westminster Church ln [ Ernest Kammeyer, A Local Institution D ay anti Plight Service opening day next year. , plans for the years program. Grange hall on September 21 Portland. Gresham, Oregon / Our Fnone MOhawk 5-3794 Pickers have been at work regular meeting will be All entries should be in by 10 Sat. Sept. 25. Place to be an­ AM at which time the judging harvesting broccili this week G o o d N u tr itio n M eans G o o d F o o d 1L_ j "I xf W*" nounced later. will start.Everyone is welcome in the fields of both Frank Vandal • are again at work to bring entries in all classes Tacherons and the Virgil Nel­ LONG BEACH, CAL. — Diet and nutrition are important fos in Garfield pushing over mail which include horticultiue,tex­ sons. good health and can help promote better health but diet is not a The first fall meeting of the «uie-all for whatever upsets the human race, Fredrick J. Stare, tiles, garden vegetables, flow­ boxes and road signs. M l)., Chain an of the Department of Nutrition of the Harvard baked Eagle Creek Ladies Aid will Hawley Steele has bran !,1 ers. canned foods and Univei ty School of Health declared here recently, lie spoke at and is still confined to his goods. The ladies of the Home Xe held at the church Wednes- th< 2-1 1 h annual meeting of the Western Branch, American Publio in day, Sept. 18 at 1;30 P.M. home. He would appreciate Fe. Chib will serve lunch II 1 Ith Association. callers or cards. , the dining room. There will be 'A small segment of the pub­ lic, egged on by unscrupulous said. Organic fertilizer makes Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Carter a program at 2 PM followed by ACTION MOVIES AT food faddists who have sonie- no difference in the nutritional enjoyed a weekend at the Ore­ games and recreation at 3 PM BROADWAY THEATRE thing to sell, look on diet as a values of fruits and vegetables' gon Beaches. The sea was real­ Most everyone hs a good timt Now playing at Broadway | Dr. Stare said, "but ami the question of whether to ly wild and put on a spectacu­ at the fair so start making youi Theatre we find a spine-ting­ 1 • curo-all,” there are many other facts in- eat whole wheat broad or en-i plans now to enter your ex­ ling western in color “Three Vi- I volved in health. lar display. riehed white bread is strictly a Mr. and Mrr. Burgess Wright hibits and have fun with thc olent People' A young hot ; “Good nutrition means good matter of taca young people went to by the Board of Directors of lung and other equipment, ambulance and transportation. Abbott to a banquet at the Nor- fairview for the monthly meet-¡Union High School District No. tonia Hotel in Portland Friday 11 »,r Presbytery. g Clackamas County, Oregon ! evening by invitation from Mi and Mrs. Do Smith and and hereby called, to be held George Wiler of the Clackamas small son Scott arrived from at the present grade school River Riad crew. A wonderfu’ rovo. Utah, last Saturday for building in and for said School For FAM ILIES . . . fried chicken dinner was serv­ a two weeks visit with Starleys | District No. 108, For Individuals . . . Clackamas ed, folowed by dancing in the folks, the Tony Buhlingers. County, Oregon, on Tuesday, PER banquet room and a good time I hey brought back Jim Buhlin- the 24th day of September, PER was had by all. Thank you ger with them who had been in 1957, A. D„ between the hours YEAR YEAR George. The banquet was serv­ Provo on a short visit. 0f 2:00 o’clock P.M and 8:00 ed for employees of Jantzen Saturday, Aug 30 the Hank o’clock P.M.. there will be sub- Beach of whch George is a Suters attended the wedding in mitted to the legal voters of member. Including Husband. Wife, and Un­ A g . lirrit* of Acceptance: All Adult, Salem of Janet McAlpine and said district and by them voted married Children Under 19 Yeart of — B ftFday . . . Children up to Charles Stiter has drawn up -nsign Michael Thomas. Janelupon the question of extending Age . . . Adult» to 59th Birthday. 18th E.rthdjy. and passed a petition for the is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs and lengthening the course of BENEFITS IN C R E A S E D W IT H E A C H A N N U A L R EN EW A L State Highway Dept to clear up Sterling McAlpine (Alice For-1 study of Union High Schoo' the brush at the intersection of resterlof Salem, and the grand District No. 6, Clackamas Day Hill Road and Highway daughter of Mrs. Maude Forres­ A C C ID EN T AND HEALTH DIVISIO N include 211 where it creates quite a ter of Eagle Creek. Her uncle County, Oregon, to grades 7 and 8 of the element­ STATE AUTOMOBILE AND CASUALTY UNDERWRITERS and aunt, Paul and Sylvia For ary schools within said Union Local Representative rester came from Redmond for High School District No. 6. the wedding and spent the Clackamas County, Oregon. weekend here with Paul’s mo­ The vote on said question ther. The newlyweds will re­ shall be by ballot, upon which side in San Francisco. shall be the words “For ex­ , Spending last weekend at tending and lengthening the Manhattan Beach were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ronnow and Kenny Triangle offers you four "Famous Formula" TRIANGLE and Kathie and Karen Potter laying Feeds— each one designed for the par­ Weekend houseguests of Flo­ X-TRA EGG PRODUCER rence Cloninger were Dr Ellen ticular needs of individual poultry raisers. Each 7 0 % P r o t e in DuBois. Evelyn Douglas, and has the prime ingredients for body building and FEED-ALL Gertrude Ryder from Portland increased egg production, including vital con­ A C o m p le f e A ll - P u r p o s e F e e d with a C O M B IN A T IO N Sunday morning Mrs. Clonin- centrates and an abundance of vitamins and ger’s brother Bruce Davis with 16 % EGG LAYER electric freezer-refrigerator his wife and their five children minerals. Start your flock now on one of these G r it a n d S h e ll In c lu d e d came to spend the day gather­ "Famous Formula” feeds to insure heavier lay­ • A real space-saver. BAR-NONE ing fruit to take home. 1 8 % P r o t e in — t g g M a t h ing this Fall and Winter. Tuesday night the Home Ec. • A budget sensation. Club of Eagle Creek Grange Mash or Pellet Form met at the home of Florence • Freeze or frost with a Cloninger. COMBINATION. soto tocata tv Tuesday night dinner guests V of Mrs Cloninger were Dora Your dealer hat outstanding Freezer- and Nola Clester and Emma Refrigerator Valuetl See him thit week. Douglas. Mrs. Cloninger received word PORTLAND GENERAL from her brother C. C. Davis in Newberg that while he yas ELECTRIC C O M P A N Y working on Grand Island rec­ Carver, Oregon Oregon'» Pioneer Beetrlc Utility • ently he and most of his fellow workers at the camp contracted the epidemic Asiatic flu accor­ ding to the doctor’s diagnosis • STORE, Boring Garfield Hews (Carvull Jhuu'ral llumc V IE W P O IN T ingle Creek WELCOMES YOU and the refera of POLIO Springwater LITTLE ELVIS" DOYLE with The Doyle Trio FRIDAY and SATURDAY CANCER $ 5000 °° liiriv - Rock 'H R d ! to REAL COOL MUSK! ROTECTION at LOW COST!!! Join the fun every Sunday Afternoon with Cy Shannon and 0 h i s " Rancheros" TUESDAY IS SPAGHETTI NIGHT T R IA N G LE L A Y IN G FEEDS Lead the Way . . . to Flocks that Pay LARRY BERtNTZEN Estacada Oregon Estacada Feed & Seed Carver Grocery m Lyle & Matt Country t