Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976, September 13, 1957, Image 1

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, Volume No. 53
Number 34
In Its Fifty-third Year of: Publication.
Estacada, Oregon, Friday, September 13, 1957
'ingle Copy
Currinsville M ill Burns in Earlv Tuesddav Morning firs; Part of ñfttí Saved Bla( i knights
Ready fer Battle
This Person & That
Legion Units Have
Good Turnout
The American L egion
The B lack K nights
of the
| Clackamas
football and A uxiliary unit held their
first m eeting M onday eve with
' workouts under direction
of the new officers in charge.
their new head coach Gordon
lutio were
n c i v imuiL
tu MUVt
made to
have the
Bigler w ith hopefuls trying o u l‘ anuual turkey dinner Oct 13
for the team. Most of the first f rom 1 to 5:30 PM at Estacada
w eek was spent in conditioning Grade School. Thisis one
and tryout- for the all im p or-! the Once a Year events for the
tant quarterback spot. Bigler I Post and A uxiliary,
w ould lika to use the ‘T’ from - 1
Mrs. John A bbott the A ux-
ation if he can find the quar- iliary president m ade all
terback he needs to direct this standing appointm ents for the
The Unit voted to send their
Last years Estacada
School Tigers had a mediocre check of the am ount am ount­
record and are hoping that thi. ing to $36 for the year
The poppy chairm an was au ­
year w ill see an improvement
on that record w ith the return thorized to order 2200 poppies.
of m any veterans. Am ong the The program of poppy m aking
boys w ho lettered last
year starts in N ovem ber in the P ort­
are Larry Adamson, hard char­ land and Camp W hite hospit­
Each Veteran is paid $20
ging fullback, Howard Bess, a als.
very fast
Denny per thousand for m aking
Cutrforth, who played end last poppies.
year but is being tried at the The date of the D istrict m eet­
signal caling post now ,
Dick ing has been set for Oct. 6
K linker, a small but aggresive Beaverton w ith D istricts 9;
guard, Deb Schliechert, a real and 1 having a joint m eeting.
Mrs. Wm.
tow er of strength in the
for­ D istrict President
ward w all,
A lllan W iley,
a Flem ing invited mem bers
slender pass catching end and attend a get acquainted m eet­
fire w hich had gotten a; good m ent w as called. This should George Dodd,
aggresive ing at the St Johns hall
The U nit voted
to guard. N ewcom ers to the team 15 at 2 PM.
He tried to reach the be an exam ple to all of us
the $25 for the G ift Shop. The
Portland operator as he. did not mem orize the em ergency te le ­ are Bob Turner, John Shibley. R ehabilitation Chairman
w ill
phone number just in case w e who are fighting it out for the
have lig h ts(th e fire cut out the would be caught in the
same starting center position. Karl purchase m aterial for the m em ­
H e w as unable situation.
K iefl, Tim Stew art, Don Dob­ bers to sew for the three gift
to raise the op eratoriat around
The loss w as partially
cov bins. K ent Engstrom and Mike shops.
Mrs. A dolph S till, Mrs.Harry
daybreak)to have her relay the
ered by insurance. Mr. Shoup Carlson, all trying out for
fire call and it w as not until an
guard spot; Ray Dubord, D en­ Hickmund and
unidentified man arrived
nis Ross, W ayne W alters, and Meade w ill be in charge of the
th e scene that the fire depart- m ill.
M ike Chonle, all w orking to­ next luncheon for the Atkinson
ing the show a success.
The wards a starting end position;
M embership drive is now on
dsiplay put in by the
F o r e st.
and Mrs. Eva D ooley presented
Service under
of David Illeg, Leroy Sm ith and
Mrs. Florence E. Larson; Mrs.
John A ckerm an w as very nice. Ted Hodgkiss are all trying out
E velyn S. P latt; Mrs. D aisy L.
Mrs. John Englund brought an for the backfield. Coach Bigler
returnees, R iley as new mem bers and Mrs
interesting African V iolet dis­ also has som e fin e
G eorge Armstrong
Estacada Garden Club met
play; B ill Griggs added inter- from the reserves of last year
as a
at the hom e o f Grace S till Sept.
in Gary M cCullough, and Rog­ Mrs. O live D avis
9 w ith Abbi«* Armstrmiir, Adia I ***1 ^ the show hy bringing in er Kftebing. ,’ “
| member. A ny eMgttrlp w om an
bis m assive Sun Flow ers, and
G eraldine Wallace,
| w ill be w elcom ed as a m em ber
Mr. and Mrs. Morris W allaert | The Black K nights are going
of the Legion A uxiliary.Please
and Maude Haughton as host­
of the Dodge district displayed to be strongly schooled on fun­
contact Mrs. G eorge Armstrong
esses w h o served
lo v ely re­
som e o f their w onderful d ah l­ dam entals by Coach B igler and I i h7 ‘membership” chaiVm!m‘‘aKso
freshm ents prior to the busi­
w ith the strong core of return- rcnowaj dues are now
ness m eeting.
, ,u
The next m eeting w ill be Oct. mg letterm en should p ro v id e, accepted Mrs Eva D ooley ls
The president w elcom ed the ? gt j p M in the cit hall with the Estacada area
w ith
a our champion m em ber
getter ¡Gertrude Rhoades mad the foIlow ing hostesses: Helen strong football team.
and is w ell on a new
A Gardeners Prayer” and Ber­ Eaden, Gertrude Rhoades and
No gam es have as yet been breaking challenge.
nice M iller lead the group in Eva White.
The next m eeting w ill be on
scheduled but w ill
“The More We Get Together.’
Oct. 7 at 8 PM in the
T w enty-seven w ere present
soon. Watch this paper for the
hall. Pot luck
w ill
and each member
first home game.
soon start after that date.
roll call w ith her worst weed
Mrs.Minnie Forman the sew ­
pest and several thanking her
ing chairman announced se w ­
secret pal for remembrances
ing w il be an all day m eeting
during the past month.
COUNTRY FAIR At OSWEGO w ith potluck dinner at noon on
Marvin B lack
o f Black’s
Brother Eldin Gilstrap and
The Clackamas County R e­ Sept. 20 at 10 AM. A ll m em ­
Gardens in Saelm was schedul­ w ife of Turner, Ore., have been publican A ctivities
Commit­ bers cordially invited to
ed as guest speaker. He called called, by unanimous vote of tee is holding a Country Fair tend. There w ill be plenty
at 2nd and B Streets, Oswego, do.
from Oregon City saying
os Saturday, Sept. 21, from 10
car had broken dow n and
he .
A M. to 6 P.M. ,
Couty N ews, 25c each or five
w as unable to come. This w as tlan Church.
Prizes are being offered and fo r $ 1.0 0 .
a great dissapointm ent to all as
Brother Gilstrap is a man of
Mamie For further information con­
several of our members
have w ide experience, having at one donations solicited.
seen Mr. B lack’s w ork and have tim e been field representative E isenhow er has supplied a lo v ­ tact Mrs. R ussell Reed,
enjoyed him im m ensely.
for the old Eugene B ible Coll- ely etching of the White House H elen Crowson or L. D. Meade
The recent flow er show w as e«e - ” e (ha;> expressed the op- and Mrs. N ixon a hand carved 1313 S. E. R iver Forest Road,
. ..
, .
inion that the area around Es- wooden box w ith silk stole.In M ilwaukie.
discussed and the
chairm an,. tacada u a very
chanenging addition, there are numerous
Tickets are available locally
Grace Still, thanked everyone | field and enters into it
with other prizes.. A nyone who is at the office of the Clackamas
interested in supplying prizes m ay contact
for their cooperation in m ak- much enthusiasm .
Ju lie Johnson,
By C. T. E.
• This
th e opening chapter
, o f a teaching tale w hich
V peared In this paper
over 3U
} years ago.
} T h e jir s t
inform ation
■ have regarding the anim al life
of Estacada is contained in the
¡first N ew s published Dec.
1904, is as follow s:
i “Chas. Ferry now
ow ns r
1 fne specim en of the M ongolian
.phaesant birds.
It is one he
got of a farmer- w ho lives near
Highland and w hose dog caught
'th e bird w hen it w as a young
thing. It is not yet a year old
and w ill be a very
beautiful j
¡bird w hen fu ll grow n.”
Starting from that point and
joggng down to
the present
.m om ent,this article is expected
•to fully cover the subject from
(alligators to zebras and ev en tu ­
a ll y w inding up
w ith what
;Ferry started out w ith 34 years
jago. Read on and yo u ’ll find [
history, tragedy, romance and
scien tific conclusions.
Back in 1907 a m erchant ex-
D el Shoup (sIightly ‘ shook planer,
hibited a pair of alligators un- up,) and
Bob H eiple
A sm all fire had developed
Til one of them died
and the watch over the remains o f the Monday afternoon w hich had
other w ent away.
W hatever mil1 P °rtion of the Sloup m ill been extinguished but was kept
¡became of it nobody
know s at C urrinsville Tuesday morn- under observation. Mr. Sloup
For quite a tim e it w as ‘seen ’ in g ' The Currinsville- Cazadero had remained on w atch
several times along the bank of and Estacada V olunteer
Fire around m idnite and was about
the river.
Departm ents responded prom - to go home but changed
A t about the tim e the alliga- ptly to the iir e caI1 and
were mind.
H e w as resting in his
tors w ere here
an Estacada able to save most °* th e green car and fell asleep to be awak-
hnan w ent to th e home
of a chain- the burner conveyor and ened by the crackling of
neighbor w here he
drank a
blend of carbolic acid, turpen­
tine and camphor and on his
w ay hom e saw a w hole herd of
zebras.They blocked his path
and he cohldn’t get aw ay so h ei
™__ ,.
laid dow n in the
street and .
KlwanIa Club
stayed there until the zebras A nniversary w as enjoyed T W
disappeared w hsih w as som
- ™ ~ e- 1 day even in g at
A lo v ely affair was- h eld on
fim a about daybreak ttw TWW ...School ca
Sunday afternoon Sept. 1 for
50 people in attendance;
Tom m y May served an* ex c e l­ the Golden W edding for
As far as the record reveals
asd Mrs. A. J. K itching at the
there has never been a parrot
home of their
daughter and
nor m onkey in tow n. One w o ­ A llyn P rice w elded the gavel husband
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
and assessed
m iscellaneous
man in speaking of m onkeys
the R ynning w hen open house was
said “you ought to see m y hus­ fines for advertising
Tenth A nniversary
K iwanis held for relatives and friends.
band,’’but w e are speaking of
B u lletin
(It w as a nice job About 100 called throughout
bona fide m onkeys, t h o s e fe ll- |
WaS “ *
paid the afternoon. ,,
ows w e all came from if
you their
D° c!) assessm
and thOSe
Mr. and Mrs. K itching were
ents preSent
and the Lord
beleive such bunk. This m on­
married at the home
of her
key husband evened
up the help those who w ere absent for father Granville Linn on Es­
they have y et to pay.
score a few days ago
to ask
Instrum ental duets on base tacada Route One, Sept. 1,1907
w hen the antique show w as to horns and trumpets w ere pro­ at 4 P.M. by Rev. Charles Mc­
be held. He said, “I w ant to vided by D ave Petrasso
the local
and Pherson, pastor of
take m y w ife.”
Howard Horner (plus their own M ethodist Church.
There are three horses w ith ­ com edy interpretations . Their
The honored couple are the
in the corporate lim its. The renditions were im m ensely en ­ parents of tw o children, Mrs.
tw o prancing steeds
the joyed.
Ernest R ynning
and Harold
Meade stables and a pinto po­
The h ighlight o f the evening Kitching; grandchildren
ny. A ccording to Don Meade w as the auctioning of the E sta­ Eloise Rynning,
Mrs. Danny
who can ride both horses
at cada Lake A ddition lots provi­ (B everly) Mariman and Roger
the sam e tim e, plans are un­ ded by Larry Berentzen.Robert K itching; also one great grand­
derw ay to start a dude ranch. H ughes o f Portland w as
the daughter 3 year old Robin Ma­
A m ong fam ily m em ­
Bring them in here green and auctioneer and as a result
of riman.
send them aw ay covered w ith his efforts the K iw anis S w im ­ bers present at th e w edding 50
callouses— that is, the g en tle­ m in g P ool fund is now
$400 years ago and now w ere Roy
and Norman Linn, brothers of
men dudes and lady
dudes. richer.
! Mrs. Kitching,
There are a lot of good horses
Charles K itching,
Mrs. Sara
on the outskirts of the
tow n
w hich includes Bob Snyder’s
Sandell, brothers and sister of
Albert and Mrs. M aggie Thom­
anim al w hich does all the work
as and Mrs. Fred Bates, cous­
around the place and gives Bob
ins o f Mrs. Kitching.
a chance to get out and work
Mrs. K itching w as b om
for som ebody else.John March-
Approval of the assistance of
bank’s apnowed nag, those fine the P olice Dept, to enforce the C urrinsville and Mr. Kitching
work tdfems of Albert K itch- n ew regulation made by
the in Birtle, M anitoba,
ihgs and th e
fam ous riding Board o f th e Estacada
They are m em bers o f Esta-
pony of Thelm a G eil w ho is a High School
w hereby
the cada IOOF. and Rebekah lod-
girl cham pion ridtr of the coast. drivew ay around the
school *es
One of our w om en residents building has been posted as a
A t the reception the rooms
says she has been liv in g w ith a *. NO THOROUGHFARE” ar w ere decorated w ith arrange­
m ule for 20 years but he hat ea.
m ents of shades in
gold and
never been recorded in a jack ­
The State Sanitary A uthor­ y e llo w flow ers done by
ass census and hence
doesn’t ity letter w ritten by K enneth G uy K eller, Mrs. A m os H ills
H. Spies, D eputy State Sanit- and ®^rs- -Uni Lamb. A four
Dogs are
Estacada's most ary engineer gave
the city *>ered cake w as decorated by
popular anim al but a number their approval to com plete the Mrs. D el N ordquist in gold and
of them w ill lose their freedom Shafford Street sew er e x ten ­ pink w ith m iniature bride and
in a few days as a brave man sion as designed by the cities groom on center top. It was
w ill com e around w ith a cage engineering firm o f
ice cream, tea,
Carl E. served w ith
on a wagon and a long pole, a Green & A ssociates.
coffee and
hunk of m eat, a net and a tear
Mrs. Harold Kitching.
The contract agreem ent for w ere
bomb and w ill reach out
and group m edical
with Mrs. Earl M cConnell. Mrs. Bill
get them . M ay they even tu al­ th e P h ysician ’s A ssociation of Reimers.
ly have plenty o f
bones and Clackamas County w as signed were
Mrs. Danny Mariman,
fleas. Estacada has tw o dogs by the Myor and Recorder up­ Mrs. M ary Elmer, Mrs. Maxine
w ho have gotten into the n e w s­ on Council resolution approv­ O dell, Mrs. L eslie Hagstrom,
T hey are
‘Sport’ ing the agreem ent.
Mrs. Joyce Peterson,M rs. Amos
Smith, w ho goes to church reg-
The m ain table war
T he Mayor read a letter from H ills.
larly except w hen his neuritis the C ounty Court
cloth with
in w hich covered in w hite
bothers him and ‘Jig g s’ Epplett they advised the city that cer­ gold threads through cloth. In
w hose affection for a tabby tain additional lots for the Es­ charge of the guest book was
cat becam e world new s. You tacada P ublic Park w ere now Mrs.Charler K itching and gifts.
can never te ll tho.
A fellow in process of being transferred Mrs. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Mari-
just dropped in,
he said, to ed to the city.
m as presented Mrs. Kitching
“rest his dogs.’ There are a
w ith a purple and gold orchid
air w e never reckoned w ith.
Mrs Anna Ella Tracy late of for a corsage.
The w om an w ho w ished her Portland died in that city Sept.
usband to be classified as
a 11th. Funeral services w ill be
The first baby clinic for the !
m onkey has been joined by an­ held Saturday, Sept. 14 at 2 P fall and w inter season was held
other, a brunette w ife, w ho af­ M at C layville Chapel
w ith is the grade school
ter finding som e light hairs on vault interm ent in Mt. Zion ce- m orning. Sept. 5
w ith more
n er husband s coat
declares m etery;
Rev. V iolet Bolliger than 25 children exam ined by
that “som e blonde is m aking a officiating.
Dr. Stole and staff. I
m onkey out o f m y
husband.' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- — - — -— —
The Horner gang stand proud- Service w hich w ill be
We a re still refusing
ly in front of the
Chevrolet aw ay Saturday night. The car
B r c d w ., T l- .t r , on sedan supplied through the full of groceries give aw ay will
courtesy of M iller
Chevrolet wind up the three day
(C ontinued on Page 8)1 Sept. 19th at 8 PM. Over 70 Free Gifta . . . .
Kiwanis Celebrate Kitchings Golden
Tenth Anniversary Wedding Held
$2.50 Per Year
Garden Club Has
Good Attendance
New Pastor at
Christian Church
Engineer 0 . K /s
Sewer Extension
Dave Horner and Staff A ll Set for 1st. Anniversary Celebration This Week
celebration for
Horner’s Market. Show n in the
above pictures left to
Dave Horner, Bob Jones; (new
assistant to D ave Horner;) Jo
Sanders; Velma Durham; A1
ice Correll; Janice Tracy and
head butcher Frank Sabroski