THIS PRINTING NEWS and SHOPPER 2904 COPIES , Volume No. 53 Number 34 In Its Fifty-third Year of: Publication. Estacada, Oregon, Friday, September 13, 1957 'ingle Copy Currinsville M ill Burns in Earlv Tuesddav Morning firs; Part of ñfttí Saved Bla( i knights Ready fer Battle This Person & That Legion Units Have Good Turnout The American L egion Post The B lack K nights of the | Clackamas opened football and A uxiliary unit held their first m eeting M onday eve with ' workouts under direction of the new officers in charge. their new head coach Gordon * lutio were n c i v imuiL tu MUVt till Plans made to have the Bigler w ith hopefuls trying o u l‘ anuual turkey dinner Oct 13 for the team. Most of the first f rom 1 to 5:30 PM at Estacada w eek was spent in conditioning Grade School. Thisis one of and tryout- for the all im p or-! the Once a Year events for the tant quarterback spot. Bigler I Post and A uxiliary, w ould lika to use the ‘T’ from - 1 Mrs. John A bbott the A ux- ation if he can find the quar- iliary president m ade all the terback he needs to direct this standing appointm ents for the offense. year. The Unit voted to send their Last years Estacada Grade School Tigers had a mediocre check of the am ount am ount­ record and are hoping that thi. ing to $36 for the year The poppy chairm an was au ­ year w ill see an improvement on that record w ith the return thorized to order 2200 poppies. of m any veterans. Am ong the The program of poppy m aking boys w ho lettered last year starts in N ovem ber in the P ort­ are Larry Adamson, hard char­ land and Camp W hite hospit­ Each Veteran is paid $20 ging fullback, Howard Bess, a als. the very fast halfback, Denny per thousand for m aking Cutrforth, who played end last poppies. year but is being tried at the The date of the D istrict m eet­ at signal caling post now , Dick ing has been set for Oct. 6 8 K linker, a small but aggresive Beaverton w ith D istricts 9; guard, Deb Schliechert, a real and 1 having a joint m eeting. Mrs. Wm. tow er of strength in the for­ D istrict President to ward w all, A lllan W iley, a Flem ing invited mem bers slender pass catching end and attend a get acquainted m eet­ Sept. fire w hich had gotten a; good m ent w as called. This should George Dodd, an aggresive ing at the St Johns hall The U nit voted to guard. N ewcom ers to the team 15 at 2 PM. start. He tried to reach the be an exam ple to all of us the $25 for the G ift Shop. The Portland operator as he. did not mem orize the em ergency te le ­ are Bob Turner, John Shibley. R ehabilitation Chairman w ill phone number just in case w e who are fighting it out for the have lig h ts(th e fire cut out the would be caught in the same starting center position. Karl purchase m aterial for the m em ­ electricity.) H e w as unable situation. K iefl, Tim Stew art, Don Dob­ bers to sew for the three gift to raise the op eratoriat around The loss w as partially cov bins. K ent Engstrom and Mike shops. Mrs. A dolph S till, Mrs.Harry daybreak)to have her relay the a ered by insurance. Mr. Shoup Carlson, all trying out for Mrs. Larry fire call and it w as not until an guard spot; Ray Dubord, D en­ Hickmund and hopes to be able to rebuild the unidentified man arrived on nis Ross, W ayne W alters, and Meade w ill be in charge of the th e scene that the fire depart- m ill. M ike Chonle, all w orking to­ next luncheon for the Atkinson ladies. ing the show a success. The wards a starting end position; M embership drive is now on Gary Barden, W iley Howell, dsiplay put in by the F o r e st. and Mrs. Eva D ooley presented Service under direction of David Illeg, Leroy Sm ith and Mrs. Florence E. Larson; Mrs. John A ckerm an w as very nice. Ted Hodgkiss are all trying out E velyn S. P latt; Mrs. D aisy L. Mrs. John Englund brought an for the backfield. Coach Bigler returnees, R iley as new mem bers and Mrs interesting African V iolet dis­ also has som e fin e G eorge Armstrong presented Estacada Garden Club met play; B ill Griggs added inter- from the reserves of last year as a new at the hom e o f Grace S till Sept. in Gary M cCullough, and Rog­ Mrs. O live D avis 9 w ith Abbi«* Armstrmiir, Adia I ***1 ^ the show hy bringing in er Kftebing. ,’ “ | member. A ny eMgttrlp w om an bis m assive Sun Flow ers, and Dayton, G eraldine Wallace, | w ill be w elcom ed as a m em ber Mr. and Mrs. Morris W allaert | The Black K nights are going of the Legion A uxiliary.Please and Maude Haughton as host­ of the Dodge district displayed to be strongly schooled on fun­ contact Mrs. G eorge Armstrong esses w h o served lo v ely re­ som e o f their w onderful d ah l­ dam entals by Coach B igler and I i h7 ‘membership” chaiVm!m‘‘aKso freshm ents prior to the busi­ ias. w ith the strong core of return- rcnowaj dues are now being ness m eeting. ., . , ,u The next m eeting w ill be Oct. mg letterm en should p ro v id e, accepted Mrs Eva D ooley ls The president w elcom ed the ? gt j p M in the cit hall with the Estacada area w ith a our champion m em ber getter ¡Gertrude Rhoades mad the foIlow ing hostesses: Helen strong football team. and is w ell on a new record A Gardeners Prayer” and Ber­ Eaden, Gertrude Rhoades and No gam es have as yet been breaking challenge. nice M iller lead the group in Eva White. The next m eeting w ill be on scheduled but w ill be very “The More We Get Together.’ Oct. 7 at 8 PM in the Legion T w enty-seven w ere present soon. Watch this paper for the hall. Pot luck dinners w ill and each member answered first home game. soon start after that date. roll call w ith her worst weed Mrs.Minnie Forman the sew ­ pest and several thanking her ing chairman announced se w ­ secret pal for remembrances REPUBLICAN PARTY ing w il be an all day m eeting during the past month. COUNTRY FAIR At OSWEGO w ith potluck dinner at noon on Marvin B lack o f Black’s Brother Eldin Gilstrap and The Clackamas County R e­ Sept. 20 at 10 AM. A ll m em ­ Gardens in Saelm was schedul­ w ife of Turner, Ore., have been publican A ctivities Commit­ bers cordially invited to at­ ed as guest speaker. He called called, by unanimous vote of tee is holding a Country Fair tend. There w ill be plenty to the congregation and elders to at 2nd and B Streets, Oswego, do. from Oregon City saying his be the m inisters of the Chris- os Saturday, Sept. 21, from 10 car had broken dow n and he . A M. to 6 P.M. , , Couty N ews, 25c each or five w as unable to come. This w as tlan Church. , Prizes are being offered and fo r $ 1.0 0 . a great dissapointm ent to all as Brother Gilstrap is a man of Mamie For further information con­ several of our members have w ide experience, having at one donations solicited. Mrs. seen Mr. B lack’s w ork and have tim e been field representative E isenhow er has supplied a lo v ­ tact Mrs. R ussell Reed, enjoyed him im m ensely. for the old Eugene B ible Coll- ely etching of the White House H elen Crowson or L. D. Meade The recent flow er show w as e«e - ” e (ha;> expressed the op- and Mrs. N ixon a hand carved 1313 S. E. R iver Forest Road, _ . .. , . inion that the area around Es- wooden box w ith silk stole.In M ilwaukie. „ discussed and the chairm an,. tacada u a very chanenging addition, there are numerous Tickets are available locally Grace Still, thanked everyone | field and enters into it with other prizes.. A nyone who is at the office of the Clackamas interested in supplying prizes m ay contact for their cooperation in m ak- much enthusiasm . Ju lie Johnson, t By C. T. E. • This th e opening chapter , o f a teaching tale w hich ap- V peared In this paper over 3U } years ago. } T h e jir s t inform ation we ■ have regarding the anim al life of Estacada is contained in the ¡first N ew s published Dec. 1, 1904, is as follow s: i “Chas. Ferry now ow ns r 1 fne specim en of the M ongolian .phaesant birds. It is one he got of a farmer- w ho lives near Highland and w hose dog caught 'th e bird w hen it w as a young thing. It is not yet a year old and w ill be a very beautiful j ¡bird w hen fu ll grow n.” j Starting from that point and joggng down to the present .m om ent,this article is expected •to fully cover the subject from (alligators to zebras and ev en tu ­ a ll y w inding up w ith what ;Ferry started out w ith 34 years jago. Read on and yo u ’ll find [ history, tragedy, romance and scien tific conclusions. Back in 1907 a m erchant ex- D el Shoup (sIightly ‘ shook planer, hibited a pair of alligators un- up,) and Bob H eiple stand A sm all fire had developed Til one of them died and the watch over the remains o f the Monday afternoon w hich had other w ent away. W hatever mil1 P °rtion of the Sloup m ill been extinguished but was kept ¡became of it nobody know s at C urrinsville Tuesday morn- under observation. Mr. Sloup For quite a tim e it w as ‘seen ’ in g ' The Currinsville- Cazadero had remained on w atch until several times along the bank of and Estacada V olunteer Fire around m idnite and was about the river. Departm ents responded prom - to go home but changed his A t about the tim e the alliga- ptly to the iir e caI1 and were mind. H e w as resting in his tors w ere here an Estacada able to save most °* th e green car and fell asleep to be awak- hnan w ent to th e home of a chain- the burner conveyor and ened by the crackling of the neighbor w here he drank a blend of carbolic acid, turpen­ tine and camphor and on his w ay hom e saw a w hole herd of zebras.They blocked his path and he cohldn’t get aw ay so h ei ™__ ,. laid dow n in the street and . KlwanIa Club T5nth stayed there until the zebras A nniversary w as enjoyed T W uay even Grade disappeared w hsih w as som - ™ ~ e- 1 day even in g at A lo v ely affair was- h eld on fim a about daybreak ttw TWW ...School ca Sunday afternoon Sept. 1 for 50 people in attendance; morn ning. Mr. Tom m y May served an* ex c e l­ the Golden W edding for As far as the record reveals asd Mrs. A. J. K itching at the len t ch icken dinner. President there has never been a parrot home of their daughter and nor m onkey in tow n. One w o ­ A llyn P rice w elded the gavel husband Mr. and Mrs. Ernie and assessed m iscellaneous man in speaking of m onkeys in the R ynning w hen open house was said “you ought to see m y hus­ fines for advertising Tenth A nniversary K iwanis held for relatives and friends. band,’’but w e are speaking of B u lletin (It w as a nice job About 100 called throughout bona fide m onkeys, t h o s e fe ll- | a WaS “ * paid the afternoon. ,, ows w e all came from if you their D° c!) assessm and thOSe Mr. and Mrs. K itching were ents preSent and the Lord beleive such bunk. This m on­ married at the home of her key husband evened up the help those who w ere absent for father Granville Linn on Es­ they have y et to pay. score a few days ago to ask Instrum ental duets on base tacada Route One, Sept. 1,1907 w hen the antique show w as to horns and trumpets w ere pro­ at 4 P.M. by Rev. Charles Mc­ be held. He said, “I w ant to vided by D ave Petrasso the local and Pherson, pastor of take m y w ife.” Howard Horner (plus their own M ethodist Church. There are three horses w ith ­ com edy interpretations . Their The honored couple are the in the corporate lim its. The renditions were im m ensely en ­ parents of tw o children, Mrs. tw o prancing steeds of the joyed. Ernest R ynning and Harold Meade stables and a pinto po­ are The h ighlight o f the evening Kitching; grandchildren ny. A ccording to Don Meade w as the auctioning of the E sta­ Eloise Rynning, Mrs. Danny who can ride both horses at cada Lake A ddition lots provi­ (B everly) Mariman and Roger the sam e tim e, plans are un­ ded by Larry Berentzen.Robert K itching; also one great grand­ derw ay to start a dude ranch. H ughes o f Portland w as the daughter 3 year old Robin Ma­ A m ong fam ily m em ­ Bring them in here green and auctioneer and as a result of riman. send them aw ay covered w ith his efforts the K iw anis S w im ­ bers present at th e w edding 50 callouses— that is, the g en tle­ m in g P ool fund is now $400 years ago and now w ere Roy and Norman Linn, brothers of men dudes and lady dudes. richer. ! Mrs. Kitching, Harry and There are a lot of good horses Charles K itching, Mrs. Sara on the outskirts of the tow n w hich includes Bob Snyder’s Sandell, brothers and sister of Albert and Mrs. M aggie Thom­ anim al w hich does all the work as and Mrs. Fred Bates, cous­ around the place and gives Bob ins o f Mrs. Kitching. a chance to get out and work Mrs. K itching w as b om in for som ebody else.John March- Approval of the assistance of bank’s apnowed nag, those fine the P olice Dept, to enforce the C urrinsville and Mr. Kitching work tdfems of Albert K itch- n ew regulation made by Canada. the in Birtle, M anitoba, ihgs and th e fam ous riding Board o f th e Estacada They are m em bers o f Esta- Union pony of Thelm a G eil w ho is a High School w hereby the cada IOOF. and Rebekah lod- girl cham pion ridtr of the coast. drivew ay around the school *es One of our w om en residents building has been posted as a A t the reception the rooms says she has been liv in g w ith a *. NO THOROUGHFARE” ar w ere decorated w ith arrange­ m ule for 20 years but he hat ea. m ents of shades in gold and never been recorded in a jack ­ Mrs. The State Sanitary A uthor­ y e llo w flow ers done by ass census and hence doesn’t ity letter w ritten by K enneth G uy K eller, Mrs. A m os H ills count. H. Spies, D eputy State Sanit- and ®^rs- -Uni Lamb. A four Dogs are Estacada's most ary engineer gave the city *>ered cake w as decorated by popular anim al but a number their approval to com plete the Mrs. D el N ordquist in gold and of them w ill lose their freedom Shafford Street sew er e x ten ­ pink w ith m iniature bride and in a few days as a brave man sion as designed by the cities groom on center top. It was w ill com e around w ith a cage engineering firm o f ice cream, tea, Carl E. served w ith on a wagon and a long pole, a Green & A ssociates. coffee and punch. Pouring hunk of m eat, a net and a tear Mrs. Harold Kitching. The contract agreem ent for w ere bomb and w ill reach out and group m edical service with Mrs. Earl M cConnell. Mrs. Bill get them . M ay they even tu al­ th e P h ysician ’s A ssociation of Reimers. Others assisting ly have plenty o f bones and Clackamas County w as signed were Mrs. Danny Mariman, fleas. Estacada has tw o dogs by the Myor and Recorder up­ Mrs. M ary Elmer, Mrs. Maxine w ho have gotten into the n e w s­ on Council resolution approv­ O dell, Mrs. L eslie Hagstrom, papers. T hey are ‘Sport’ ing the agreem ent. Mrs. Joyce Peterson,M rs. Amos Smith, w ho goes to church reg- The m ain table war T he Mayor read a letter from H ills. larly except w hen his neuritis the C ounty Court cloth with in w hich covered in w hite bothers him and ‘Jig g s’ Epplett they advised the city that cer­ gold threads through cloth. In w hose affection for a tabby tain additional lots for the Es­ charge of the guest book was cat becam e world new s. You tacada P ublic Park w ere now Mrs.Charler K itching and gifts. can never te ll tho. A fellow in process of being transferred Mrs. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Mari- just dropped in, he said, to ed to the city. m as presented Mrs. Kitching “rest his dogs.’ There are a w ith a purple and gold orchid air w e never reckoned w ith. Mrs Anna Ella Tracy late of for a corsage. The w om an w ho w ished her Portland died in that city Sept. usband to be classified as a 11th. Funeral services w ill be The first baby clinic for the ! m onkey has been joined by an­ held Saturday, Sept. 14 at 2 P fall and w inter season was held other, a brunette w ife, w ho af­ M at C layville Chapel Thurrday w ith is the grade school ter finding som e light hairs on vault interm ent in Mt. Zion ce- m orning. Sept. 5 w ith more n er husband s coat declares m etery; Rev. V iolet Bolliger than 25 children exam ined by that “som e blonde is m aking a officiating. Dr. Stole and staff. I m onkey out o f m y husband.' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- — - — -— — The Horner gang stand proud- Service w hich w ill be given We a re still refusing to p u t REMEMBER THE ESTACADA ROD and G U N ly in front of the Chevrolet aw ay Saturday night. The car S ° niSC L U B SPORTS SHOW B r c d w ., T l- .t r , on sedan supplied through the full of groceries give aw ay will courtesy of M iller Chevrolet wind up the three day First (C ontinued on Page 8)1 Sept. 19th at 8 PM. Over 70 Free Gifta . . . . Kiwanis Celebrate Kitchings Golden Tenth Anniversary Wedding Held Sunday $2.50 Per Year Garden Club Has Good Attendance t New Pastor at Christian Church Engineer 0 . K /s Sewer Extension Dave Horner and Staff A ll Set for 1st. Anniversary Celebration This Week i anniversary celebration for Horner’s Market. Show n in the above pictures left to right; Dave Horner, Bob Jones; (new assistant to D ave Horner;) Jo Sanders; Velma Durham; A1 ice Correll; Janice Tracy and head butcher Frank Sabroski