THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Estacada, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 6, 1967 at the Jim Smith home for sev-BROADWAY T H E A T R E make merry and to make the ral days, left for their home OFFERINGS OF WEEK boss see that a machine cant in California Sunday.Ruth and (Continued fro P a g e 1) replace a lovely young lady— spent the weekend with thi Jim accompanied them as fai day — A terrific comedy with even in an office! s Salt m where they enjoyed a Ed Dmytryks. and on Monday Myrtle and Eddie went over t< picnic lunch and took in some Spencer Tracy and Katherine Starting next Wednesday — By Myrtle Dmytryk Gig -l the exhibits at the State Hepburn in 'Desk Set.' ‘Three Violent People’ a color-1 A great number of Spring- Forest Grove for dinner with Fair. Young and Joan Blondel help Stan ii ful western starring Charleton j water Grange members attend­ the Stan Dmytryks. Del and Nita Gant, Sue and this cinemascope and techni­ Heston, Anne Baxter and Gil­ his final ed the funeral of Mrs. Eunice preparing to start color picture show you what a Second featuri Snyder at Molalla last Satur­ year at Pacific University, and Ray Aycock, Bernice and Ra> jusy office is like when all the bert Roland. Miller, and Margaret Shiblej Judy ‘Hellcats of the Navy’ with] day. Mrs. Snvder had been an | ' is starting ' “ ‘K to work as ‘ lew electronic machiner take ill went up to Veda Lake, Ronald Reagon. active member of the Grange| ^ ‘Ptionist at a dental office over the duties of the secretar­ above Government Camp Iasi for several years, along with 1ln Eorest Grove. theii picking ies IWhen the girls see her husband Bill, and daughter Jackie Lee. Erma Tenny.and Friday huckleberry work being done by machines Mary Eiler, Hodgkisr. Grange! Geor« e and Grace Lundquis* The report is that the picking they really cut loose— time to burial services were held at '!'®re f** disner guests r.‘. the really fine for those who up the the graveside in the Elwootl G 10 Westman home on Sunday hiked about a mile m< Titian after them. NOTICE OF HEARING IN cemetery. Eunice will be evening. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Gant, THE COUNTY COURT serely in the Grange, Ruth Smith and daught-i and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gant NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, and our hearts go out to Bil’ Carol took their hoose gttests drove to Newberg on Sunday that a hearing will be held in and the family in their great Mrs. Gene Smith and three lo attend the wedding of Miss the County Court room at the loss. s o p s to Portland on Friday for Darlene Ware. Miss Ware is Court House in Oregon City, Holiday visitors at the Chas a luncheon with Mrs. Charles th^ daughter of former Spring Oregon, on Wednesday, Sept­ Stiter home were Minervas pa- Mann.Mrs. Mannis the former water residents. Mr and Mrs. ember 25th, 1957, at 1 0 :0 0 rents. Vonnie Smith. The Gene Luther Ware, who resided al A consider any objections Judy and Stan Dmytryk Smiths who have been visiting one time on the piesent any Del or testimony offered by Gant place and Nita Gant is person interested and to con Luther Ware’s sister. For sider it is to the best interest of those v/ho remember the W ait the County to relinquish the family, another o f the girls, title to Lots 867 through 872 Gail, who is now Mrs. Charles inclusive,and Lots 980 through Howard o f San Diego, gave 994, inclusive, Estacada Lake, birth to a son on August 4th. Clackamas County, Oregon, to Quite a few of the Spring- the City o f Estaacda, for pub­ SHORT in water people attended the lic purposes, as provided < TUM I steam engine show at the Pitt Section 271.330 O.R.S. Farm near Canby on Monday GUY H. PACE, County Clerk, to watch the old engines in ac- Clackamas County Oregon. tow , tion threshing oats. Matt Ott Publish Sept 6, 13, 20, 1957. «O ST was an interested specatator, as were Bernice and Ray Miller NOTICE OF SCHOOL DIS­ Del and Nita Gant, and Laura TRICT SPECIAL ELECTION Tucker. STATE OF OREGON W herever You G o . . . W hatever f o e Do . . . Mrs. Elwin Shibley enter- COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS tined her parents, Mr. and Mrs SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 108 Henry McCloskey with a birth­ CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OR - day dinner for her mother on EGON j . . . b# protected. Stete Auto-» RECREATIO N PO LICY Ii iuued Sunday. NOTICE IS GIVEN HEREBY I for term« of 3 to 90 deys in amount from $5,000 to $25,000 for State Fair visitors on the that at the School District | , accidental death PLUS $500 for each $5,000 coverage for medical holiday weekend were Joe and Special Election duly ordered j rate ' ‘ table 1 arpentai. * (See * -------* - L l- below) 1 Wilma Guttridge and s ons by the Board o f Directors of | Lagend has it that, long ago, the dog­ Robbie and Allen, Jean Shib­ Union High School District No. / H U N T IN G R E C R E A T IO N TRAVEL wood came into bloom on Calvary and ley, and Mr and Mrs. Everett 6, Clackamas County, Oregon, Pishing • C a m p in g Sum m er o r W inte r Iw in e is or Sleeiuri that, afterwards, a cross was implanted Outdoor Vacations Sports • Cruisas Shibley with Johnny and Win­ and hereby called, to be held | by Land, See, A ir THE CHURCH FOR A U into the flower itself, to remain for all Tours • Conventions * Boating (ScbaduUd A ir Trovai) nie. at the present grade school j ALL FOR THE CHURCH time. You can see it if you look closely, Elwin Shibley, whois a fire building in and for said, School Th« Church is th* greatest lac- rust brown against the white of each in­ YOUR CH O ICE OF THE FOLLOW ING PLANS tor on earth lor the building oS warden for the Clackamas and District No. 108, Clackamas U!4 Only U iM n fl « 1 4 H r Porlo4» MUmH4 h S c R a d s la f a l a w dividual blossom. character and good citizenship It Marion Counties Fire Patrol County, Oregon, on Tutsday, J is a storehouse ol spiritual values $25,000 $5000 $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 $15,000 Many of lis carry crosses, faint like the has spent 18 days inspecting the 24th day of September, j TEAM Without a strong Church, neither Principal Sam Principal Sam Principal Som Principal Sum fields and assisting the owners 1957, A. D., between the hours dogwood’s emblem but with us, never­ democracy nor civilization can OF ñus $2500 rws $5oo Plus $1000 nu>$isoo survive There are lour sound COVERAG E with their grass burning.Need- o f 2:00 o ’clock P.M and 8:00] M ad ical Expaeie theless. Somehow, in this Lenten season, M adiccl b penta M edical [>$••)• M edical Expense reasons why every person should less t0 say, he isnt a bit sorry o ’clock P,M., there will be sub­ P R E M IU M P R E M IU M P R E M IU M P R E M IU M we become particularly conscious of DAYS attend services regularly and sup­ tat it is almost finished. port the Church They are (1) mitted to the legal voters of \ them and of our need for help— a certain $ 5.00 $ 1.00 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 3 DAYS For his own sake (2) For his One can just see the tear said district and by them voted kind of help, that can be found only children's sake. (3) For the sake stained faces o f all of the m ot­ upon the question of extending 8.00 5XX> 2.00 3.SO 7 DAYS ol his community and nation. (4) through the things we learn in Church. hers as their little ones went and lengthening the course of For the sake of the Church itself The Church doesn’t pretend to banish 6.50 10.40 2.S0 which needs his moral and ma 4.50 10 DAYS trudging down the road to study o f Union High School terial support. Plan to g o to our cares and woes. But, its teachings school this week. (That is a District No. 6, Clackamas church regularly and tead your 14.00 8.7S 3.50 6.IS IS DAYS realistically consider the experiences of Bible daily. joke.) I believe the sorriest County, Oregon, to include life itself. No matter what our personal ones are those who have child­ grades 7 and 8 of the element­ 10.50 16.80 4.20 21 DAYS 7.35 D ty Book Chapter Verses cross may be, we seem ahle to bear its ren left at home who are still ary schools within said Union ] Sunday . Psalms 51 1-19 20.40 8.95 12.75 Monday Isaiah 55 1*15 30 DAYS S.I0 burden with more strength. too young to go to school. It High School District No. 6, Tuesday Mark 1 1-22 is always a pleasure for me to Clackamas County, Oregon. Wednesd'yMark 2 13-28 Lent is a wonderful time in which to 32.40 20.2S 60 DAYS 8.10 14.20 Thursday . Luke 19 11-27 see the fiue Pinkerton children begin making church-going a regular The vote on said question Friday ...John 14 1-51 going down the road to meet shall be by ballot, upon which Saturday. James 43.20 27.00 10.80 18.90 90 DAYS part of your life— if you haven’t already. 1-17 the bus, wearing such pretty shall be the words “ For ex- clean starchy clothes, and . tending and lengthening N O W A IT IN G — your Stato Auto agant will Utu« y#ur policy thr immadiatalyl happy smiles Of course, when j coure of study afc-Union High Ktidtt Ad*. Sirsefcac«. Vi. the rains come, they look a lit­ ■■ ................1 School District No.6, Clacka- \ .. -X- # .. J r äjj -A U T H O R IZ E D A G E N T ----- tle different. Whatever hap mas County,Oregon, to include Wim ^ in.. pened to the school bus that grades 7 and 8 of the element­ was promised to the people liv ary schools within said Union ! ing on this road when they vo­ High School District,” and the I ted to enter the Estacada voter shall place a cross (X ) in | School District? the square before the word “ YES” or before the word“ No,” T whichever indicates his or her ! New from the Kraft Kitchen: choice. Second and Main 8treets - “ The Church where a Christian Experience makes you member’ The polls for the reception Pastor James Moore of the ballots cast for or against the said question will on said day and date, and a‘ \ the place aforesaid, be opened ■ at the hour of 2:00 o’clock P.M Estacai aäa ‘ Phon and shall remain open until Phone 24-5 the hour of 8:00 o’clock P.M.of the same day, at which hour the polls will be closed. By order of the District School Board of School Dis­ Your Marshall Wells Store trict No. 108, Clackamas County, Oregon.made this 14th day o f August, 1957. Ernest Kammeyer, Chairman, District School Board, School District No. 108, Estacada Phone 84-2 Clackamas County, Oregon. ATTEST: Howard C. Sanders, District Clerk. S P O O N IT into hot foods Publish Sept. 6-13-20. For Good Printing try the job dept, of this Paper Sprsngwater P L A Y S A F E .V m LARRY BER Estacada, Oregon CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS ESTACADA CHURCH QF GOD TIME TO PLA^T COVER CROP ESTACADA FORD and MERCURY i% e e z fa n e z We Have New, Recleaned Oats, Rye and Vetch Ready Now Local Rye and Oats Are of Very Good Quality This Year c MILLER CHEVROLET SERVICE Now is the time to feed past­ ure for extra Fall Forage. We are unloading a carload of Viking Brand Calcium Nitrate for pasture fertilizer. $59 GRAY'S HARDWARE TOMMY M AY COFFEE SHOP and Sporting Goods YOU’RE AMONG FRIENDS . .. Jacuzzi Jet Pumps for Deep Wells Are *onr> h Water iy : : is Per Ton Car of 16-20 at the Car Price $ 8 7 Per Ton ....w hen you bank where you live, where the service is friendly because it's personal e...M ilw au kie and Estacada — it's your neighbors who serve you best. Estacada Branch . . . ■ 11 CC 0 F.s [uí!¡3 YJarehousc For Fall Application These Prices Are Very Attractive. W e Have All Other Fertilizers in Stock At Carload Prices. GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. 290 N. W. 10th Phone MO 5-2186 FAP CCTPAHY )R Earn - A per cent on all savings 3 per cent on three year deposit certificates. On Mt. H. l II ) o Hwy. at Po ‘ng V r:.d Greshrn. E c. 2 All deposits insured to $10,000 by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p. w