Clackamas County News, Estacada, Ore. Aug. 2, 1957 follow. The Brownell collect-; upon accident rates and upon potluck dish and the hostesses W A N T TO SELL TRY A ion includes specimens of injury and fatality rates. w ill furnish coffee, tea, and HOME THE BACON Mr. and Mrs Hersel York many species and varieties of “ When an airliner crashes, rolls. and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hom er I holly gathered from the fo u r: thousands o f dollars may be The members are asked to spent a veny pleasant evening j corners o f the globe. spent in investigating the make a flo w er hat for the meet­ last Saturday when they drove The group w ill enjoy a no cause,” Prisk said, 'but al­ ing. Our Conservation Chair­ (B y J. J. Inskeep. Extension to Welsh’s G olf Cuorse for din­ host picnic at Willsadia Park, J though traffic accidents take man, Clara Coffield. has asked Extension Agent) ner Mrs. Hom er reports that Many out o f state visitors are 1 Carver, at noon with lemonade countless more lives every day each ladv to brim; a tw ig or the food is wonderful and the served by the Brownells. this is the first attempt to small branch from a tree or na­ expected to attend he Oregon surroundings attractive. Afternoon activities include scientifically investigate the tive shrub growing in her yard. Holly Growers Association's e p p a visit to the Oregon Holly Co. importance and extent of speed i annual tour set for Saturday, . We are also asked to bring j August 3. Alfred Teufel, Cor­ orchard, one mile west o f the as a factor in traffic accidents. small ariangements and horti­ Highland store and across the While it is commonly accept­ culture to the meeting The pro­ nell Road, Portland, President of the Oregon Association says road from the now abandoned ed that speed is an important gram w ill be the planting and Here the factor in traffic accident rates, dividing o f peonies by : he expects visitors from C alif­ Highland School. Abbie ornia, Washington, British Co­ group w ill see many items of the extent of is importance js Armstrong. lumbia. at least two from New interest. Thisis mature French- controversial even among traf­ Jersey and one from Pennsyl­ English which, until now, has fic experts. One result of this ] vania. The New Jersey visitors never set a crop o f berries.Ef­ lack o f agreement is a wide va ­ I 1. L. Banks, Operator-Manager include C. R Wolf, President fectiveness of the use of male riety o f speed zones and speed of the H olly Society o f A m er­ trees w ill be shown. Visitors limits across the country. Qualify Shoe k^onirin" In addition to the speed ica and Dan Fenton, holly ex­ w ill enjoy and actual budding N O W IN STO C K and results checks on selected highway- pert and manager o f the W olf demonstration from past budding and graft­ sections, the accident records Orchards at M illville, N. J. Cowboy and Longer Boofs, Knyrlish Brogues, for the same sections w ill be The hoily growers tour this ing. .■vinnir styles for i ', ,;es, Children's and Y/orl; Weed and grass spray con­ analyzed. year w ill include two stops in S! io " 5 for . !cn and Boys. - - SPECIAL! Join trol plots w ill also be ready for Selection o f Oregon as one Clackamas County only. Tour­ Amino triazole of ten states to take part in the ists w ill gather at the Brown­ inspection. wu. family shoe club and get a pair free! without sticker studey was based upon the ac­ ell and his wife, Helen, will with and tried on curacy and availability of traf­ serve coffee and register mem­ spreader has been Canada thistle Dalapon has fic accident data and because bers and visitors. Insnectirn of the Brownell been tried as control for var­ of the fact that Oregon operates speed rule nursery and Arboretum will ious grssses as a substitute for under the basic cultivation around both ma­ which indicates a different ap­ ture and newly planted trees. proach to the speed problem Including Hauling, iiutchering, Cooling, Cut- Effect of these sprays on fo li­ than that taken by many other age w ill be noted. states. tin, wrapped and delivered for 6c lb. Mrs. Hazel Ping, Stafford, Pork 8c lb. secretary of the association, T E N T A T IV E H IN T IN G announces that this tour is in R E G U LA TIO N S SET Coding, cut, wrapped and delivered, 4c lb. no manner restricted to assoc­ A shorter either sex deer sea­ Shoe Latch For Shoes iation memebersrip. Every­ son than last year would be in one interested in holly invited. store for hunters if the tenta­ Marks End Of Shoestring U IU Visitors are advised to bring a tive hunting regulations adopt­ lunch and to wear stout foot­ ed by the game commission are The answar la aimpla. Shoa Dial CR. 9-5145 wear suitbale for wearing in given final approval at a sec­ String* ara on ;hslr way out. 1 A new ahoa latch which firmly dusly orchards. ond public hearing. attach«« a ahoa by praaaing on a a trap la rapidly replacing It In CHURCH OF GOD Last week we had something A C TIV IT IE S atylea for men and boy* of all ages. to say about the use of bees in 1 A ahoa latch haa nothing to. Rv Mrs DeLoris Strange red, white and alsike clover W e contract n~w homes, garages and all types There were 18 members and thread) nothing to align) ft to fiels. Bees are also effective in friends of the Estacada .almply pressed down to close and of remodelling. pollination of drimson slover, Church o f God who attended its completely adjustable to foot' Beat thu Summer rush! Large bedrooms built lotus, strawberry clover, sweet the camp meeting last •omfort It will last for yearn Sun. clover and vetches. for $19.85 per month if contracted now. held at the Nazarene camp Whan fester.-*! the latch to eov» To illustrate the point in fo r­ grounds in Clackamas. Three and with a leather band making II References supplied. Free Estimates gladly! mer trials from 100 heads of from here who sang in the very good lookfetg and permitting Call Portland PR 4-6592 or Write red clover with bees excluded choir were Miss Elva Knes- different style appttoatfeni, there w ere no seeds whatever, kern, Miss Carol Sorrels and but 4,446 seeds wjiere bees had Miss Corrine Palmateer. Miss The Executive Committee of access to the clover. Ladino Palmateer is attending the the Estacada Parent - Teacher clover- 100 heads had 365 camp meeting. Association met Tuesday, July 9525 S.E. 78th St., Portland 22, Oregon ! seeds with bees excluded but 30, to set a meeting date for Call Estacada 205 or 13,946 where bees had access the P T A for the coming school to the blossom. 100 heads of year. The second Thursday in crimson olover produced 508 each month was agreed upon, making the first meeting fall seeds without bees and 6,917 on September 12 at 8 P. M. seeds when bees had access to the blossoms. 100 heads of This w ill be a reception for The Estacada Garden Club alsike clover produced 40 ‘get acquainted’ teachers. At w ill hold their annual Potluck | seeds without bees; 12,621 this meeting date w ill be voted Picnic at the home of Ann Un­ seeds with beees. These figures on and by laws changed accor­ give one an idea of the impor­ derwood next Monday, Augu.5 dingly. at 11:30 A. M. with Ann Un­ tance o f bees in raising these derwood, Lena Underwood, and crops. hostesses. LETTLE. A N D TH E Y BRIN G This informaton was nclud- Elizabeth Ames as Each member w ill bring her NEWS A N AD. COST IS cd in Circular o f Informaton 554 issued by the Oregon E x­ periment Station. Its title ‘Bees fo r Legume Seed Pro­ duction.” Copies may be had at the County Extension O ffice at Oregon City upon request. S. E. 4TH. E S T A C A D A 10TES BY THE WAYSIDE [K I H REGOH GREEN ESTACADA SHOE SHOP Fortune R. fi, L. SHOES STORES, Inc. From A Shoestring Now Impossible G m y's Hardware Estacada - - COUPON M E A T C 9 7 FOR LOCKERS FiRST O f THE WEES SPECIALS ! ........ Middleton GOOD 05ILY M0«i9!Y, T'JESUAY, W ED N ES D A Y , A U G . 5-6 -7 BUILDING CONTRACTOR CROWN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. Garden Club Set for Monday Picnic Lawn Sprinklers Installed “ SU M M ER C H A M P A G N E " A.B.C. PLUMBING FIRES CAUSED BY CARELESS SMOKERS Careless smokers strat about one-third o f Oregon’s man- caused forest fires, reports Charles Ross, Oregon State college farm forestry special­ ist. In 1955, the latest report year smokers caosed 233 o f the 729 man-caused forest fires is Or­ egon. Ross says smokers are traditonally at the top o f the | forest-fire setters list. The hoi- j ocaust that roared out of the woods to bum up Bandon, Or­ egon in 1936— killing nine per­ sons— was started by a cigar­ ette. It’s not often that a truly new summer beverage makes a bow, but here’s a real debut: Rhubarb Cooler. Fruit-flavored and tart, this Smokers are urged tD follow three basic rules to prevent nectar-like creation will not only quench thirst—but sparkle conver­ j forest fires: (1 ) Use the car sation as it sparkles in the glasa. Lots of people are calling It "stun« ash tray. It is unlawful to mer champagne.” Ae It trickles pleasurably down your parched throat, singing eg throw cigarettes, cigars, pipe heels, nnd matches from car shady groves and cool green garden«, It actually suggests the spirited; windows. (2 ) Watch woods tang of champagne. Topped with a sprig of mint, It’s ms sys refresh­ ing as It la taste-pleasing. smoking. N ever drop lighted The Rhubarb Cooler is tjie Inspired suggestion of th# ReaLsmon materials along forest trails or streams. (3) Break matches in l folks, bottlers of reconstituted lsmon juice that Is uniform In strength half. Be sure the match is out and flavor, reqoirea no squeezing or straining. Yon simply pour tot ; before you throw it away. RHUBARB COOLER , Neglected or abandoned lto Iba. ihubazb ) to Dash edit I q t water # campfires ranked second in I Ito qto In cupe sugar _ «taget _ _ cto man-caused fires in Oregon j 1 to sop orange tnlae < worests in 1955, accounting Wash thabato and sal Into email piece*. Cover wtth water to a for 124 fires. Next on the list and eook and] soft: strata ton gk doable taleknese ai was logging with 81 fires. ■agar and etti nmS dtsenhnrt. Bring mtxtar Burning of debris caused 75 Jsto. Rem emm and salt, drill and eombtal forest fires. Railroads account­ J M tW tod w n » CMqtaMtootatqagrtfc)___ ed for 32 forest fires. Nineteen forest fires resulted from in­ tentional setting of fires. Of 729 fires last year, 165 were unclassified or listed under miscellaneous causes. There are. o f course, a large number o f 1 lightning fires •e which cannot be prevented, Ross explains. D IA L CR. 9-3968 IfmßftOAlPWiyi F S T A C A P A . O l? 6 G O N I h u r s . , F t »., Sat., August 1-2-3 Robert Wagner,.. Joan Lund,.. Debra Paget and Jeffrey Hunter with Cinemascope and Technicolor White Feather Van Johnson, Ann Blyth and Steve Cochran Slander Sun., Mon., Tue., August4-5-6 Cinemascope and Deluxe Color Deborah Kerr and Robert Mitchum i n .................. , Heaven Knows M r. Allison Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., August 7-8-9-10 Cinemascope and Deluxe Color Robert Wagner, Jeffrey Hunter, Hope Lange in The True Story of Jesse James John Cassavetes and Sidney Pgitier in ................ Edge of the City DKW th e REMEMBER! NO SALES WITHOUT iOUPONS, AND COUPONS ARE GOOD AUG. 5-6-7, ONLY Horner’s^Big Chief M arket, Estacada " Me M OTORISTS TO BE QUESTIONED ON SPEED Motorists may be stopped on some sections o f Oregon's high­ ways and— even if speeding— asked a few polite questions by a traffic interviewer and then sent on their w ay as the result o f a meeting Wednesday be­ tween State Highway depart­ ment officials and Charles W Prisk. Highway Safety Study Director for the U. S. Bureau o f Public Roads Actual speed checks and In­ terviews on selected sections o f highway w ill be part of a comprehensive highway safe­ ty study being condurted by the Bureau o f Public Roads to determise the effect o f speed of car any requiring other car the on in least the mainlenance road HAVE YOU SEEN IT? IT'S NEW! IT'S DIFFERENT! IT'S ECONOMICAL! IT'S HERE! ESTACADA FORD & MERCURY Dial CR. 9 3262 to-day!