Clackamas Counts Jîetos fit« CStacaitas I In Its Fifty Volume No. 53 Number 29 i Y phi of rublication. ’ Estacada, Oregon. Friday, Aug. 2. 1957 Hew U. S. Fish Hatchery Located on One ei$ag!e Creek's Many Beauty Single Copy IQç $2.50 Per Year Spots in the Bodge Countryside This Person & That By C.T.E. Estacada's greatest day was in 1912 when an attempt was made to create Cascade County out o f a portion o f east Clack amas county. With a w ell or ganized campaign committee t |4| for several weeks all Clacka mas county knew there was something going on and in the , eastern part it was bitter,heat ed and, on the part o f some,fa bk » natical. The sores made at that time were years in heal ing. A ll kinds o f stories have been told o f what happened in . . « . » , .: * , . * ; ’ those turbulent times, many of ■ K B S '* which had no truth in them. à . Í * * •** < * The one about the fighting and i’ * >r >■ rioting is the Estacada 'saloons’ every night by bitter partisans is all false, as there wasn’t a • ' I *• ; V beer parlor open in the town for the state of Oregon was rV . j dry as a bone. An Estacada j band pulled a parade in Port When Emil and Katharine Poikila settled on the from around ten men employed. The production of fingerings are reared. Del Carver is shown giving land every few days causing much speculation as to upper reaches of Eagle Creek east of the Dodge the plant should run around 6 million fingerlings the fish lunch with a unique arrangement of a converted potato ricer fed by compressed air. The why this was done. The oppo- j district, their imaginations could not stretch to take per year. This includes salmon and steelhead. osition charged it was a scheme fish are fed three meals a (lay. The picture above provides you a general idea to run floaters in from the | in the changes thvt have come to this beauty spot The secluded location does not lend itself to city to vote. Estacada spent with the installation of the U. S. Fish and Wild of the hatehery layout. The big building in the considerable money in the Life Service’s big new steelhead-salmon hatchery. background is a hatchery and administration buil a great number of visitors, but to the adventurous campaign. Their representa John Parvan is hatchery superintendent with ding. The ponds in the foreground is where the who find this bit of heaven, it’s worth the trip. tive was sent all over the county to contact voters. This During the absence of Meta led to some scandal whicn was TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Kiggins, the NEWS w ill appr enlarged upon by partisans.The We hope that you folks wh0 I eciate your reminders of any Underwoods have some pict have received statements in item ot news value we might ures o f the banners on Estaca the mail this week w ill come not have received. da streets. There are very few in immediately and make pay people livin g here now that NORBI.AD ANNO UNCES ment so we shall not be forced j w ere here then.Sam Barr was C O AST G U ARD EXAM S to discontinue mailing you the among those present and says ■ Howard Smith acted as Representative W alter Nor- paper after next w eek’s issue, j it never was as bad as the rge Rowan, route president o f the Estacada Rod blad (R-O re.) announced today State O fficer Don Bergin re If there are any credits or pay- j James stories were. The proposition & Gun Club at their regular that the competitive examin your subscription 1, Estacad*) died Wednesday was badly beaten. It carried in ports that a head-on auto ac ments on st week w hile meeting July 25. President L. ation for entrance to the 113. have re- , afternoon; J E=tacada and Currinsville, was cident two miles east o f Eagle that you may not the day Rivers was absent to attend a 'Jouit Guard Academy will be Ge<wge and^ ceivtid, please call us so the) <jt work e about even ts Ghtefleld. but in Eera PaGt near school board meeting. before his By. held nationwide on Feb. 24 all other precincts never had a north o f Estacada at about 1:30 matter may be adjusted. Mr. Rowan, a resident of the Twenty-four members were an d '25, 1958. These examina PM Sunday, sent three to the The Rebekah Lodge met chance. present. Garfield section for many ! regularly last Wednesday .July Oregon City hospital with min tions w ill be given in 111 cit Final plans were made for ies. years, was bom on July 25. 24, with 26 members present. Raymond Lovelace was the or injuries being suffered by and 1902 at Oregon City. He lived A card o f cheer was sent to the annual Sports Show The Congressman emphasiz best ball player Estacada ever two others. in Clackamas County his entire Mrs. Martha Myers wh0 opportunity offered has drawing to be held Sept. 19 at ed the Bergin said that cars driven had and many an expert says life, in this county. He was a been in ill health for sometime the Broadway theatre. There young men who choose this 4- he is one of the best that Ore by Douglas Edward Rambo,16. farmer and self-employed car a It was announced that there w ill be four major prizes:First year course which leads to gon ever produced, and Ray route 2, box 549, Estacada.and penter. His father, Mark P w ill be a reception at Molalla a Remington automatic 30.06; commission as a career officer mond alone is responsible be Boyce C. Sanders, 41, of Eagle The driver of a log truck Rowan was a pioneer o f on July 27 in honor of Mrs. Ed 2nd, heavy duty spin rod and in Am erica’s oldest sea-going cause he never played in but Creek met almost headon on a owned bv Lookabaugh narowly j Clackamas county, was boin na Olster. A ll Rebekahs are in reel; 3rd. a light duty spin rod service and a Beachelor of just a handful of league games. blind curve with Rambo going escaped injury last Thursday in this county and also spent vited to attend and reel and 4th- a portable Science degree. He played locally and in a few west and ran into the Sanders afternoon when fire o f undeter In his entire life here. A joint Odd Fellow-Rebekah camp refrigerator boxes. A candidate for the next e x re bush league games before Port car. Fortunately, Bergin mined origin broke out in the Surviving relatives of the picnic w ill be held Sunday, ; addition there w ill be about amination for the Coast Guard land o f the Coast league grab ports, both cars were going at undercarriage of his truck as it deceased include his widow. Aug, 18 at Eagle Fern Park. 60 other prizes donated by the Academy must be single, must bed him. It wasn’t long before about 25 miles per hour when passed through Eagle Creek. Opal Hazel, whom he married This includes families and the merchants o f the area. have reached his 17th but not he was let out. A number of they hit. Both cars were tow The driver, Calvin Fultz of at Stevenson, Wash.,on Decem j Theta Rho Club. Plans are progressing for tl his 22nd birthday by July 1, local fans, including the may ed to Estacada. The refreshment committee target range at Eagle Creek at 1958. and must be in excellent Mrs. Sanders, 41, suffered a Portland, was driving his load ber 23, 1949;; his mother, Mrs. or, visited the Beaver boss in abrasions ed truck (Donna's Support No. Emma Taczioli, Otos; two sons for the evening were Lester & Perry Puth’s property. Perry physical condition. Portland and asked for reasons lacerated forehead, 8) northward when bystanders and a daughter, Robert E. R o Ann Underwood. of Mae and is giving the club the use A high school niploma is the and tney put it straight. A big to her right knee, lacerations to in the center o f Eagle Creek wan, Red B lu ff Calif; James Charles Kitching and Irma and the property for the range. abrasions minimum educational require - league player right now but he the left knee with saw flames shooting out from Edward and Georgia Mae, both Plans are being developed her Ted Kiggins. ment, although high school sen won’t obey orders and keep in and bruises to the rest o f beneath the cab. at home; two brothers, Frank The membership enjoyed a to supplement the work o f the iors assured o f being graduat condition. For example, the body. Her daughter, Darla, 12, A southbound driver. Mrs. visit from Mrs Leila Edwards j Oregon Game Commission In ed by June 30 are eligible to Beavers are in Portland with a suffered a left foot injory and Len Verberg, also sighted the o f Wamic and John, Portland. Funeral services w ere held : of the M rytle Creek Rebekah trout propagation by using take the examination if a they forenoon practice schedul her son Gerry, 16, suffered fire as she rounded the turn ponds adjacent to w ill have at least 15 credits by last Saturday at the Peake , Lodge who is a past Noble small ed. Raymond fails to show up fractured right foot.They were and shooted the alarm to the at the ball park and after some | taken to the Oregon City hos truck driver.He pulled to a stop ' Memorial Chapel in Milwaukie Grand and Past District Chair- streams to release legal length that time. A ll applicants must with interment at the Logan I man. Mrs Edwards is presently trout into our stream. have three units o f English,two inquiries it is found out that he pital by C layville ambulance. There w ill be a joint potluck o f Algebra, and one in I visiting with Mrs. Elsie Hale. Rambo suffered a nose in and jumped clear just before cemetery. Plane is in Estacada, and up all night one gas tank caught fire.blow- picnic with the Western Rod Geometry by graduation. at that. Just indifferent, just jury and Sanders also had mi ing o ff its cap and sending a & Reel Clob on Sun Aug 18 at “ There are no appointments ‘forgets.’ Knows he is a good nor lacerations. Passengers in jet o f flam e and billow of R iver M ill Park. A ll members, or geographical quotas for en ball player and thinks that re the Rambo car were Bob Beis- black smoke high into the air. families and friends are in ell, 16 o f Estacada; Pat Kobs, trance to the Coast Guard gardless o f what he does he Boring Rural Fire Dept, re vited Gloria Academ y” Norblad said. ‘‘I w ill still be a good player; lia 16 o f M ilwaukie and sponding to the call, was un Shouge of Compton, Calif.They urge all qualified young men ble to be found in a back lot able to save the truck; but the were not injured. who are interested in a worth somewhere with the small boys slightly charred log load was while profession to w rite for when he should be down at tre later towed to its destination details and applications as soon ball park in center field. T y SPONSORING BEST intact by another truck. Paula Bryan, office secretary I as possible either to Coast Cobb was his favorite ball pla BOOTH AT FAIR of the Estacada grade school i Guard Headquarters in Wash- yer so it was natural that if he Mt. Hood Encampment No. has resigned to accept a po 1 ington D. C or to me, 1128 PARK LUMBER TEAM ever had a boy of his own he sition in Seattle Mr. Cody .prin House Building, Washington D. would be named T y Cobb.This 100, I OOF. is again sponsor ing a rest booth at the Clacka WINS SECOND PLACE cipal, s accepting applications C. Applications must be post T y didn’t take to baseball. He W e have for the office secretarial pos marked on or before January lives in California, and has a mas County Fair. The Estacada Park Lumber ition. l 15th.” good job. His mother was Hel acquired double the space used baseball team won play off en Lovelace, a beautiful and for this project last year. This game for second place in the Sunday afternoon was a holi accomplished young woman of endeavor is sopnsored and f i North Clackamas Babe Ruth the Lodges o f day for the employees o f Hor Estacada Just a fe w years back. nanced by Baseball league.They defeat Clackamas County, also Gres ner’s Market so that they could B R O A D W A Y TH E A TR E ham Lodge No. 125, the Junior ed the Grimshaw team o f M il- ' When a felow in the com- \ waukie 4 to 1 on the Estacada PR O G R AM OF WEEK attend the combination picnic Lodges and Theta Rho Clubs. Store munity has the reputation of Now playing Wednesday thru given for all Big Chief Mt. Hood Encampment wish diamond. Robin Cody went the dominating women, some- | allowing Saturday at the Broadway employees in the Portland area es to take this means o f thank full seven innings warehouse times when you go to him and only two hits. Mike Newell, Theatre — ‘ White Feather” a and the Wadhams demand an explanation you get ing the several lodges o f the Estacada catcher, led the hit- bright and colorful story o f the crews Mr and Mrs Dave Hor IO O F for their donations to one o f the surprises of your The Cheyenne Indians in the Gold ner. Mr, nd Mrs John McRae. this project. The Rebekah 1 ting wth two solid hits. life. When it was put up to our Rush days. Filmed in Cinema Mr and Mrs Ray Tracy, M r and Lodges are also to be com pli j league standings at tne end of Mi. local celebrity he first caution the league play was; scope and technicolor with Mrs Lloyd Bergman and mented for their cooperation and Mrs Frank Snbrnski and ed his audience that his name j Rex Bledsoe. Chief Patriarch y some outstanding new stars 1st— Concord won 8; lost 2 H be with held because women Robert Wagner and Debra P a all their families went over t0 Mt. Hood Encampment No. 100 2nd— Estacada won 8. lost 3 might get to hanging around get. Jeffrey Hunter and Hugh Avalon Park near Tigard and 3— Milwaukie- won 7, lost 4 w marvelous him wanting to be dominated. 4— Oak Grove won 4, lost 6 O'Brien lead the mighty Chey report they had a xr Here is the secret o f his long 5— Oregon City won 3, lost 7 ennes, whereas John Lund I ‘ ‘me and happy wedded life also. 6— Milwaukie Lions won l.lost plays the army colonel in Speedy Recovery, M E TA ! ‘•We agreed when w e were charge o f calvary who must re 9 married over 30 years ago that The Estacada team was host strain the gold prospectors Kerr and Robt Mitchum, a ma- my w ife would make all the Last Sunday around 3 p.m., Charles Hartley of from entering Indian territory | l ine and Sister Angela alone to the Milwaukie Grimshaw minor decisions and I'd make Island trapped The Upper Clackamas River team for picnic asd swimming ( Portland, and his son-in-law Eai‘1 Gower o f Colton before the peace treatv is sign i on a Pacific the major ones. She buys the at Cody’s residence after the | ed. Second feature is 'Slander'- were enroute to Colton with a pickup and trailer a daring expose o f means and ; behind enemy lines Filmed in clothes, the automobiles, gro- Chamber o f Commerce picnic game. color and cinemascope on T o series. etc. She pays the taxes w ill be held at Rosalind Lake — load of hay. Between the Highland and Elwood methos used by one o f the no- bago Island o f the British West and in fact handles all the mo Park near Snady, Sandy. Aug torius scandal.magazines that SQUARE DANCE NEWS Indies. intersections on the Highway, they became aware Direction arrows w ill be ney and also told our children 11 M erry Mountaineers' picnic they had a problem - - their pickup load was on have recently been seen on the posted to show the w ay to the N ext week starts Wednesday- what they could do and newsstands. A good cast pre “ The True park. There are ten tables, wiU be Sunday, August 4th at Story o f Jesse couldn’t do. Meantime I set by James" a cinemascope picture grills, sanitary facilities, be Eagle Fern Park. Dinner at 1 fire - - apparently from an exhaust spark. They sents a fine show, headed tled all the m ajor problems and with Robert Wagner, sides swimming and recrea P M ., dance to be held after managed to get the trailer unhooked. You can see Van Johnson. Ann Blyth Jeffrey such as World W ar One. W orld Steve Cochran. Hunter and Hope Lange. Com wards Bring your own eating by the picture what happened to the truck. W ar Two. the Suez crisis and tion. Boats without power are Sunday through Tuesday __ panion feature— "Edge o f the allowed on the lake. A11 m em 1 utensils. what to do with the hydogren The Clarks Rural Fire District truck controlled one we have been waiting -to C ity” a suspense story that w ill bers are urged to attend and The next regular dance to be you — "H eaven Knows keep you on the edge o f bomb.” - are welcome to bring friends held August 20th. your the grass fire along the road and saved a grain crop. bring Continued on Page 5 Mr. Allison” with Deborah seat Local Folk Injured Popular Garfield Rod & Gun Club in Eagle Creek Car Resident Called Sport Show Next Collision Sunday By Death Odd Fellows and Month, Sept. 19. Rebekahs Having Joint Picnic Leg Truck Catches Fire on Highway Pickup and Hay load Burns School Job Open Attend Your Show i C. of C. Picnic to be at Rosalind Lake Opportunity Calls For Young Men