Clackamas County Ne ws, Estacada, Ore. July 26, 1957 Bud Mabee, son of the Ralph Mabees, last Sunday A. M. left for an extended trip w ith his aunt and uncle and cousins from St. Helens, expecting to visit Lake Tahoe, Nevada,and Colorado. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs Ralph Mabee drove to Cascade Locks. Houseguests at the Richard Woodcock hom e are tw 0 cous­ ins from Portland:Jim Johnson, who has been a guest of young Dick for the past ten days, and Jim m y Woodcock, a guest of sm all David since last Sat. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. V ir­ gil Nelson and Bonnie, accom- panied by their friends the W estlings of Clackamas, w ent across the m ountains to The (By M argaret Ross) Cove, on the M etolius River, accident on Tuesday, near M adras, for a picnic out­ SANDY THEATRE A . D. Benshoof July A freak ing. 10, sent 7 year old Richard ski to Providence Hos­ Mabel Clester has returned Plumbing and Heating Zakrzew pital is Portland w here he is from a tw o weeks’ stay in Pow ­ General Sheet Metal expected to rem ain for some ers (near Coos Bay) w ith her Mt. flood l oop Hiway, Sandy husband, Bob, who is w orking v^eeks. W hile playing in the Work down there this summer. barn of his parents, the A. J. Thurs. Thru Sun. Zekrzewskis, he fell from the The Lloyd Potters spent last Estacada hay loft, landing on the should­ Thursday in Tillamook. er of a playm ate.The other boy The Sam Olmstedsa attended City Licensed was unhurt, but little R ichard a picnic last Sunday at Colum ­ Burt Lancaster and Phone MU 7-2881 suffered severe internal in ju r­ bia P ark in Portland, for form ­ er residents of Lake County. 1 Kathryn Hepburn in ies, aggravating a pervious ail­ Sandy On Monday evening a car and ment, for which com plications house-trailer pulled into the surgery w ill be required later. B uhlinger -Baley neighbor- , hood from Evedett, Wash., ' The Rainmaker' bringing A rt and Ethel Rosand and young son Jim m y for a brief visit. Ethel is a daughter ALSO of Mrs. M ary Buhlinger and a sister of Paul and Tony Buht- inger. W eekend visitors of the L.O. Gray's Hardware E S T A C A D A COM M UNITY BULLETIN Gerbers w ere their daughter 'Rock Pretty Baby' and fam ily, the Raym ond Shav­ Lem Jenkins recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Streeter ers, from Oswego A houseguest Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bond whoi University of Oregon M edical have been at the Tunnell Trail- School in Portland to begin her his brother L orim er Jenkins of and fam ily spent .sometime of the G erbers on Juy 14-15 Estacada cam ping around Mt. Hood and was Mrs. G erber’s sister Molie er Court for the past year have nursing studies there this fall. Lancaster, M innesota. returned home by way of Hood Bales been transferred to M adras. A Miss Sinclair is a 1955 gradu­ of Estacada. going-away party was held for ate of EUHS. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bow ­ River. On Sunday, July 14, Zola Mrs. Ginny Bond at the trailer man and son of Oregon City Crane and her two young daug­ of Mrs. W. C. Fields w ith Mrs. Mrs. Adeline Johnson and w ere guests at a New York The old Jam es M arshall hters, who have been spending j Toots W ilhelm, Mrs. Lena Miss Hiledgarde Russell of steak picnic in the yard of the hom e has been purchased by the past few weeks here w ith 1 Morgan, Mrs. O lin Plum ber, Lake Elmo, M innesota, are vis- Richard Schm idt home on No. Mr. and Mi's. G ordon Sm ith her m other, Dora Clester, re­ - - FIRST O f THE WEEK Mrs. Bessie L ake and Mrs. J.C. iting at the hom e of Joe Nich- M ain Street ast Saturday nite. and their tw 0 children, and the turned hom e to Cottage Grove. carpenters ana plasterers are Visitors of Dora and Nola I Tunnell attending. olson. They greatly enjoyed COUPON SPECIALS ..................... seeing the sights and beautiful Cecil M. Cahill left T hurs­ busy rem odeling it into a lov­ Clester last Sunday included: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lansing ofj scenery of tre E sttacada coun- day for his home in Honolulu ely m odern home. the Bill G ardners, of Salem, the Tunnell T railer Court have try. via Oakland, California, after B ill’s sister, Mrs. Rita Barnard, been entertaining company .............. a visit here w ith his m other, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Spon-1 her daughter B ertha May and GOOD ONLY MONDAY, TUESDAY, from California for the past Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L inn are Mrs. Ford Darrow. hauer w ere overnight guests of son-inlaw Paul and their several days. annouscing the engagem ent of the Dale Russels last Saturday ! young son, tne latter four, from W EDNESDAY, JU LY 29-30-31 their daughter M arlene Louise Em ma night. Sunday m orning both Sacram ento, Calif.; Miss Wilma Sinclair, daugh- to Jam es Oliver Poppe, son of TheV ern Suttons have been fam ilies traveled up the river Douglas, Ted W interburn of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sin- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poppe of vacationing for the past weeks fishing and had breakfast at Portland; Mrs. Ella G erber,her clair, has been accepted by the Portland. daughter Mrs. Shaver and in Yellowstone N ational Park. River Side Park. j small grandsons. Sunday visitors of the Jesse W hislers w ere their daughter Naoma Polehn and baby daugh­ Prices Good Fri.-Sat, ter, from Redland, and their son and daughter-in-law Bob and Nancy W hisler and fam ily, from Gresham . July 26-27 Mr. and Mrs. O ra Gaylord were Sunday visitors of M r.and Mrs. Alva Cranor, in Portland. Mr. and Mrs, Q uentin Cook and their three children, Cliff­ ord. Daniel, and B arbara, m o­ ved back to Eagle C reek last week, occupying the old Blais- dell house a t the junction of tile Estacada and Sandy roads. A nnouncem ent has been re­ ceived from Eagle C reek resi­ dents E lm er and Helen Berg of M ilw aukie, on the birth of a baby boy, their fifth child and fourth boy. This baby was bom on July 8, w hich also w as the 17th birthday of their son Gene L ast Sunday’s W estm inster Fellowship Youth of P resbyte­ ry gathering on the Lewis & C lark College cam pus attract­ ed 32 from the local area. FLAV-R-PAC 6 o z. Tin Included in this group were five m em bers of the Christian 1 2 o z . Tin Endeavor group of Estacada’s Reg. 15c Tin, Save 16r Church of Chirst, and a few local visitors, as well as Rev. Vernon Ross and Mrs. Ross. Sw im m ing was the m ain after­ noon diversion for the young people.M ain speaker in the ev­ ening’s program was Mr. Phil Hitchcock. Sunday School at Eagle MIRACLE WHIP C reek church resum ed last Sunday, after a six-w eeks’va- cation du rin g _ berry picking season. Eagle Creek Ed. Johnson has been in P ro­ vidence Hospital since July 15, suffering from a heart ailm ent. Special guest of Eagle Creek G range at last Saturday night's m eeting was the m aster of Po­ mona Grange, Mr. M ount, who exem plified the 3rd and 4th de­ grees for Perry Puth. Mrs. M ount was also a guest. Serv­ ing hosts for the evening’s re­ freshm ents were the Herbert H artw igs and the Gleb Hart- wigs. Announcements were m ade of the E. C. G range pic­ nic, to be held Saturday P. M., August 3 at Eagle Fern Park and the annual G range F air on Saturday, Sept. 7. liir r iiisv ille ............. We Reserve the Right to Limit SnacklLunch Meat Frozen Lemonade 2 9c "each 3 tins 29c Frozen P EA S FLAV-R-PAC 10 oz. Pkg. 2 for 25c Chuck Steak lb. 69c U. S. D. A . CHOICE F a llo t o f It E l l S X A I , I ' I ALL M EAT - NO WASTE Ham t ' a t l i e s Lb. '» ih * With that good smoked flavor! Your Choice - 5 different varieties _____ of Lunch Meatl Lb . 49 c Tastewell Brand PEAS, CORN, GREEN BEANS 303 Tins, 1 0 c each, 3 f ° r 2 9 c Salad Dressing Q t 49c Garfield News (By Leila Gordon) Visiting at the John Abbott A Currinsville Weekend home are ttheir daughter and i family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Sabolewski asd two boys, Vic­ Bonus Value! tor and M ark of East St. Louis, 111., and Mis. A bbott’s m other, Mrs. Florence Deurloo of San Reg. 63c, Save 14c Rasael, Calif. Visiting at the Ray Gordon home Sun. were Mr. and Mrs H arry Hickm und of Boring CliffChar Charcoal BRIQUETS and Mr. and Mrs. John Wicken- kam p of Beaverton. 5 -lb. bag 7 9 c , 2 0 - lb . bag The Skip A Week Club held a m eeting at Garfield Grange hall last week and postponed their picnic until Aug. 7 at E a ­ ROYAL ARMS TOILET TISSUE gle Fern Park.Too m any m em ­ bers w ere unable to attend the last meeting. 4 Rolls 2 7 c The Garfield G range Social night w ill be Ju ly 27 w ith a pot luck dinner at 6:30 P.M. A FRESH, RED RIPE TOMATOES charge of 50c and ice cream will be furnished by the grange and Mrs. Wm. Reim ers Luscious, at this money-saving valu! had Mr. dinner at the S tuart Puck- ! ett hom e Friday and on Mon. the 4 w ent to the airport to 2 lbs. 2 9 c get reservations to send some of Mrs. Puckett's pedigreed ( Persian kittens to Orlando, Florida, and Houston, Texas GREEN AND CRISP LETTUCE A fterw ards the Pucketts had dinner and spent the even­ ing at the Reimers. 2 heads for 1 9 c Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cooke.Mr and Mrs. Ray Gordon, Mrs. | Ethel Fortner and Mrs. Pearl j Fortner surprised Alex Botkin SUGAR-SWEET W ATERMELON last Wed eve by sharing cake | and ice cream w ith him to cel- 4 c lb. whole, by the piece 4 lb. j ebrate his birthday. Currinsville Merc. Co. %¥! Vic PHONE CR 9-3826 (ÊÊTOREGOM g r e e n REMEMBER! NO SALES WITHOUT COUPONS, AND COUPONS ARE GOOD JU LY 29-30-31, ONLY Horner’s Big Chief M arket, Estacada