Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976, July 19, 1957, Image 1

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C la c k a m a s C o u n t ? J 5 e to ?
In Its Fifty-third Year of P u b lic a tio n ._______
Volume No. 53
ISstacadaToregon, Kriti ly July 19, 1957 _______
Number 27
Single Copy 10c
EagSe Creek Has
$2.50 Per Year
Th is Person & That
Heavy Wind Bla st
F rid a y , J u ly 19, a t 1 :0 0 P.M . on P o rtla n d ’s K G W -T V on the
N ew H o rizo n s p ro g ra m , E stn c a d a ’s civic ach iev em en ts w ill be
o u tlin ed by th e ab o v e p a n e l of local citizen s, left to rig h t: R. R.
C ooke, C ity R e c o rd e r a n d M unicipal J u d g e ; L. J . A n d e rso n th e
p u b lish e r of E s ta c a d a ’s C la c k am a s C ou n ty N ew s; R ay H a y d e n ,
o rig in a l P la n n in g C om m ission m em b e r p ijich -h ittin g fo r Dr.
A liyn M. P rice, P la n n in g C om m ission p re s id e n t; D avid H o rn er,
C ity C ouncil p re sid e n t a n d th e H on. R o b e rt W e in ric h , E s ta c a d a ’s
m ayor.
T his w o n d e rfu l o p p o rtu n ity has b e e n a ffo rd e d E sta c a d a by
S ta tio n K G W -T V as a resu lt of th e o u tsta n d in g reco rd th a t has
m been a tta in e d in E sta c a d a im p ro v em en ts in th e last th re e years.
T h e p ro g ra m as p re se n te d on T V h a s been p re p a re d u n d e r the
o f Of. AHvri M. P F I « r W ith' Iffe lS S K n S l assem bled
by th e p an el m em bers. A dress re h e a rsa l a n d tim in g of th e p ro ­
gram w as well reciev ed a t T u e sd a y ’s K iw anis C lub luncheon.
R. R. C ooke has been d e le g a te d to a c t as o re g ra m m ode-ntor.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Under­
wood. Judy, Norman and Lena
Underwood have just returned
from a trip east.
The party
eachfd Rapid City, S.D. and
Floyd and Estella
were turned back by , , electric Estacada route one. have pur-
storms and were unable to go i chased Hawthorne General 4th,
east as tney hr 1 planned.They j a bull
from c.R. and C.U.
were equipped for campin.'| Leddy, Oregon City.
out but sp nt only two nights
in their tent because of storm The new animal is a purebred
conditions. On the way back Milking Shorthorin and the rec­
they visited Yellowstone Park ot d of the transfer of owner­
and found weather conditions ship has been made by the
perfect. All in all the trip was Am rican Milking Shorthorn
lovely, Ann reports.
Society at Springfield, Mo.
Sbsrfhorn Makers
By C.T.K.
While most of us were aware
of high winds last
few of us would compare it to
a hurricane.
However, some
residents of
Creek last Thursday afternoon
witnessed a littlo tornado pas­
Eberhardt Pleads Executive Heads
sing across their ridge, whip-
The largest industrial insti­
1 ping up piles of hay and trans­ tution in Estacada is the Park
other light objects Lumber Co., with Glen E.Park
G uilty on Reckless Hold Meeting
from fields and farm-yards.
It was started in
1946 and now occupies a num­
Driving Charge
Heads Meet
ber of contiguous acres west ox'
ON MONDAYS Estacada where just a short
The Executive Committee of
Upon advice of bis attorney,
Petty Officer Jack Davis, U time back it was a wooded
Alex Nichols Eberhardt, plead­ the Estacada Garden Club met
ed guilty to the charge of reck­ at the home of Mrs. F. E. Doo­ SN, Navy recruiter for this ar­ thicket on which the boys hun­
less driving in Judge Cooke’s ley Monday, July 15, and pas­ ea, will be at the postoffice in ted rabbits. The fact that the
the Estacada every Monday from mill is there at all is due prin­
Court and was fined $350, 90 sed on the schedule for
day jail sentence suspended, fall flower show, September 7 11:30 to 12 noon to interview cipally to one man,
The title of
and the recommendation that and 8. The theme of the show applicants for enlistment in the Glen E. Park.
"captain of industry” ¡3 used
his driver’s licensefbe suspen­ is "September Song.” The in­ Navy.
in every section of the country
class to .Garden
ded for 90 days.
Clubs will be Autumn Flame,
Garfield Grange will have a to bestow upon those worthy of
featuring the theme of he show pot luck supper July 27 at 7 P such a showing of leadership,
M. 50c charge. Ice cream will and as for the honor in the Es-
AT NEWS OFFICE for visiting Garden Clubs.
The ladies of the Methodist j The show will be held in the be served by the grange.Social tacada district there is
Church are sponsoring a Cook primary basemest of the Esta­ evening to follow supper. In­ question as to who the captain
ed Food Sale at the: Clackamas cada Grade School. The gener­ stead of a picnic it was decided of industry is here —Glen E.
County News Office this Sat­ al chairman is Mss. Adolph to have a work day to finish Park. A great job, Mr. Park
Still and the junior chairman the kitchen on Augost 18. Pot He employs 80 men and all of
urday, July 20th.
them speak very well of him.
luck at noon.
is Mrs. Guy Keller.
Millions of feet of lumber are
piled about the plant, the cut­
Harherf Bros.
ting length being 6 to 36 feet
Pioneer Pla nt Demolished fo r Prog é
and the planner size 20 by 30
inches. All of this is from old
Geî Contract
growth fir lumber, delivered
Harbert Brothers, Estacada, 1
a 30-mile area with an
Friday submitted a bid
additional charge
for over
$253,898 to be low of six bid­
that distance. There is on the
ders when bids were opened
mill grounds an attractive and
by Portland District, Corps of
well equipped office with lour
Engineers, for construction of
capable women
77-100ths of a mile of relocat
Glen E. Park is not
ed state highway No. 58 at
just an ordinary woodsman, lie
Lookout Point Reserjroir on the
is a genius, and has a number
Middle Fork WillamJttte River,
of worthy deeds to his credit.
one mile south of th£ project.
Bids ranged
as , high as
Forty-three years ago this
! $690,688. Government
newspaper thanked tts regular
ate for the work wgj $359,737.
and gained
w & k njM*t bCLfcompleted .
thopi as follow* MiHfcH. B
By November 30th
G ib s o n o f E a g l e C re e 1 $
Echó Glthens of ‘Alspaugh.Mrs
M L. Sevier of Viola, Miss Car­
oline Wiederhold of Bissell.the
Flora Johnson
Gladys Joyner of George. Miss
Viola DeShnzer of Firwood.
Mrs. Della Vallen of Elwood]
E. S. Wooster, Rev. Aue and
Earl Kilgore of Springwatcr,
Mrs. E. T. Sating of Currins-
ville, Mrs. S. J. Devine of Bar-
ton, Mrs, A O. Whitmmh Mrs.
II. A. LeBarre,
Botkin and R. C. Donnins
At about this :
time William Shearer of
i field was operated on for
] pendicitis and lived
about it and Ruth Myers
Stanford Cox got married and
set up housekeeping in E taca
da in the Adix house near the
Methodist church.
Fred Bates has been receiv­
ing treatment for a heart ail.
ment in a Portland hospital.
_ - He is expected home soon.
Virgil Parker has gone to the
Veterans Hospital in Portland
and expects t0 be back in
couple of weeks.
Texaco Super
Service O B r a *
A1 Larson is announcing the
Mr. and Mrs. Amos
spent Sunday in Jasper, Ore­ opening of his new Estacada
gon, at the annual Hills reun- I Texaco Super Service station
ion. where they spent the day i in today's issue of this news­
with over 100 relatives and a paper.
few close friends.
The Hills j This entirely new super ser
spent the 4th in Bend with vice station has recently been
Mr Hill’s sister, Mrs. Paul Ray I completed on the site of the for- J
enjoying the water
pageant mer R. M. Wade Service Stat-
and the rock show which Mrs ion at the corner of Main St
Hills repotts was very lovely. j and the
Estacada- Portland
------------------ -------------------| highway opposite the Estacada
I High School.
Mr. Larson states he will
make the announcement of the
I grand opening of this new bu­
siness in the near future.
loose ¡'ones tobe at County Fair
Here is a cute trick to prac­
tice on a friend:
1. Ask him to write down
12.345,679. (Note the number
eight is omitted.)
2 Now ask him which num
her of all these he likes the
least. When he gives you his
answer, tell him to place an
‘x’ above the number he selec­
3. At this point.
him to multiply the original
12 345,679 by a number which
you suggest.
4 Once he multiplies as di­
rected, he will find that every
figure in his total corresponds
to the number above which he
put the “x.”
Meta Kiggins is in the Ore- I
gon City hospital for observa­
tion. She has been in ill health
the past several months.
Tuesday, July 9, saw the demo
our area’s spots landmarks-the transformer hoi
i1 once served the Kara
pking way for Poillai
John Lee of Estacada has switchi ig varrj
been namec I winner of a schol-
■a rb.
957 58 at OSC
no of 18 OSC stu
led $138
spen orship of th<
i ni higher educi
planation: It really doesn’t
tter what
number your
iend selects. Merely multiply
that number by 9. Thus, in the
case alxive, you multiply 5 x 9
ami get 45. Once you have this
total, multiply 12.345.679 by it