C L A C K A M A S C O l'N T Y N I K S . E S T A C A D A . O B E G O S . F R ID A Y , Jl S » m wm m PFPSOPFO-PFPSOt/WANT ADS FOP QU/CK PFSULFS / 7 !». 1851 WANTED to TRADE Paint Saddle Horse for children for either a tandem disc or 2 bot­ tom plow for Fordson tractor Call Estacada CR. 6415.Box 79, L. J. Anderson ...................... Editor and Publisher Estacada route one in George Published weekly on Fridays at Estacada, Clackamas County, district. J28p Oregon. Entered in the postoftice at Estacada, Oregon, as sec­ ond class matter. Subscription rates in Clackamas County one NEW LOW PRICES— E Z year $2.50; outside the county and in the State of Oregon one TERMS year $3.50; outside the State of Oregon one vear $4.00. Sub­ USED TRACTORS scriptions payable in advance. and Equipment Just Traded For STAFF CORRESPONDENTS 54 Model A IHC and equip­ Garfield ........................ Mrs. Ray Gordo ment $1195 Viola Mrs. Lafaye Fout.» H John Deere with plow and George Mrs. Joe Wiederhold cultivator $650 G John Deere, good rubber NOTICE FOR BIDS $750 | Sealed proposals for the pur­ F 14 IHC on rubber $325 - chase by the City of Estacada 15 Caterpillar o f a Blanket Liability Insur­ T6 IHC wide guage, blade and FARM EQUIPMENT ance Policy will be received canopy $1250 Complete line of by the City of Estacada at the 46 D4 wide, with blade and City Hall, Estacada, Oregon, Service on all makes drum until 8:00 P.M. on the 3rd day 40 other crawler and wheel and models of farm of July 1957.At said time the tractors equipment. bids will be thereafter public­ IIESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. ly opened and read. Proposals NEW LOCATION Gresham, Oregon shall be in the form of a letter, and models of cars. sealed and addressed to the Also service on all undersigned at Estacada, Ore­ LAW N MOWER gon. makes. A copy of the requirements SHARPENING NEW OWNERS of the Blanket Liability Insur­ Gresham Equipment Gas Engine Repair ance Policy can be obtained at the Recorder’s office. Co. The City of Estacada reser­ Best selection of new & used ORIENT GARAGE ves the right to postpone the GARDEN TRACTORS, Phone MO 5-4722 i awarding of the bid for a rea­ TILLERS, LAWN MOWERS- sonable time or to reject any Loop Hv. Orient Guaranteed Factory Parts and all bids. Published for the first time -VJOEN MACHINERY on the 14th day o f June. 1957. 633 E. Powell Gresham ! MO 5-5514 MONEY to loan on farm and M. E. TILLERS home mortgages. Beattie, Hibbard and Caldwell, Huge Bldg., Oregon City, ’ phone 5259. The Estacada office, A ll S is * », N e w a n d U s e d S e* a t b e fo r e / o u b u y . NOTICE of FINAL ACCOUNT next to the Broadway Thea­ In the Circuit Court of the ter is open on Wednesdays; Lana Lane Trailer Pia JV 4 0 LA N A A V IN U C . S A U M State o f Oregon for the phono 451. County of Clackamas, Pro­ bate Department. On Sunday several cars took In the Matter of the Estate of 15 Boy Scouts on a weeks George L. Walter, Deceased. camping trip to Camp Baldwin Notice is hereby given that in the Dufur area. John Abbott the undersigned, as adminis- is in charge of the boys while tratix of the estate of George on their outing. L. Walter, deceased, has filed her final account in the Cir­ I cuit Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Clackamas County, and that Monday, the 15th day of July, 1957, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appoint­ ed as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 7, 1957. Date of last publication June 28, 1957. LEAH FAUST, Administratrix. RAYMOND L. JONES, Attorney. CaLACeAMA^^XHIMT I will not be responsible for IZZY'S AUTO WRECKING, Phone Damascus 2317. Address any debts other than my own. Kt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at K. M. GORE, Estacada, Ore. Barton. We buy and sell all J28p kinds o f batteries, radiators MYERS and scrap automobile parts, I1ARDIE SPRAYERS tires, old and refittings, angle HAND OR POWER. irons etc. We buy junk, any | Paul Slominski, DMr All type nozzle«, hose repair old junk DENTIST parts and «ervlce. FLOWERS for all occasions. | HESS El. IMPLEMENT 9 to S Mon. thru Sat. CO Special arrangements for MASONIC BLDG. Gr^iham, Oregon FOR SALE: 4 lots 60x100, showers, parties, etc. Also ¡ Estacada, Oregon close to city water and sewer. flowering potted plants. Ames FOR SALE: 55 Internation­ $275 per lot. Elmer Davis, Flowers, telephone 59-1, Es­ al Log Truck. Walker Trailer. Dr. L. W . Griffith Estacada phone 19-5. tic tacada. Oregon. 501 Engine; 34 rear ends; road ranged, all like new.. Mrs Hel­ A Complete Optical Service TIMBER WANTED FOR SALE: 5 bedroom en Hathaway, 825 4th Ave. Eyes Examined WANTED: Cedar poles, all house on 100 ft. x 100 ft lot; Phone Empire 7-3351, Sweet Broken Lenses Duplicated sizes. Telephone CApitol 1 block from grade school. Home, Oregon Glasses Pitted Niedermeyer- Mar­ $11,700. Terms. Call Estaca­ 2-9581. Eyeglass Frames Repaired WANTED; To buy all kinds da 156 tf. tin Co., 715 Portland Trust While You Wait of livestock. Harold Sarver Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon.M29 We invite Comparison of FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house Estacada phone 35-51. Service, Quality and Price TIMBER AND TIMBER near city center. Double lot. We do our own grinding CHECK WITH US BEFORE LAND WANTED 1 1-2 bath. Basement with fur­ VISION OPTICAL CO. YOU BUY A NEW SIDE Top prices paid in cash for nace; immediate possession. Gresham, Oregon DELIVERY RAKE and liirger. W. R. Jones, 140 Shafford St., tracts 40 acres Office on Powell Blvd. Model 350 Semi Integral Phone R. M. Luthy, PR 5-3194 Phone CR 9-6153. Telephone MO 5-3813 Delivery or write 4220 S. E. Henderson. John Deere, Side Rake $520.00. FOR SALE or LEASE: 15 Portland, 6, Oregon. HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. acre farm - mile north o f Es­ D14 tacada; 2 houses, one 3 bed­ 1925 E. Powell. Gresham, Ore Howard L. Smith Phone MO 5-3101 room with stove, water heat­ SCEPTIC TANKS CLEANED $25.00 Insurance - Real Estate er.On the other house one bed­ SPINET PIANO. Will sacrifice 24 hour Service 172 S. E. Fuorth St. room, kitchen, living room for quick sale in this locality Phone Prospect 5-5346 Office Phone 31-6 Res. 6913 and large back porch. 10 acres Cash or terms. Write Tallman j Portland, Oregon in grass. 1 mile north Estaca­ Piano Stores, Inc., Salem, Ore, da on Heanmon Road. Call R. WELL DRILLING “ Honest July 12 c A. Schmidt Real Estate, Phone Allyn M. Price, M.D. CR 9-3973. tf I Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- JOB WANTED: Housework Physician and Surgeon sen, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon, or baby sitting Phone CR OWNER SAYS SELL IT ! Phone Oregon '"ity 6085. X-Ray & Laboratory 9-6506. Ann Whitman, Eagle 40 acres, 3 miles out; 22 ac- j Services, including Creek, Rt. 1, box 451. J5c SHINGLES FOR SALE res in cult., 3 bedroom modern Electrocardiograph home, good barn, hay ready to l ’s; No. 2’s or Ni. 3’s. Rynning Drug Store Bldg. FOR SALE: Dual Control H & K SHINGLE CO. be cut. $600.00 down for a Phone 23F1 Freezer and Refrigerator; 14 Phone Estaacda 2561 quick sale. ft. Trailer house: dining room BERENTZEN suite; 1935 Plymouth 4-dr., PAINTING REAL ESTATE, ESTACADA good farm trailer on rubber, Brush or Spray Phone CR 9 3283 miscellaneous tools, etc. Mary DON WICKIZER Don Day MONEY IS SCARCE BUT WE Route 1, box 201, Eagle Creek Millard, 1-4 mi.N. Springwater Store, Phone 5861 or CR 9- For Free Estimates Phone HAVE LOTS OF TRADES 6983. Agent for Loyalty Group & 24F12 9 acres on paved road, all in Franklin National Group cultivation, 2 acres in cane- FOR SALE.Alta Fescue Hay Insurance Companies berries, 2 homes, barn and ot­ $20 per ton. O. D. Bowman,Rt. | Tel. Res. 701, Estacada, Or. her outbuildings, very good 1, Estacada, box 144. Phone location.Owner will take good CR 9-5131 WANTED - Work— Union city home in trade. DR. PAUL O. CROWN 34 acres chicken farm, close laborer. Contact Julian Olson CONCRETE BLOCKS CHIROPRACTIC PHYS­ in, 24 acres in cult, balance in on Hawthorne, Lake Park, Es­ for A ll shapes 8x8x16 “ Lite* 1 ICIAN small timber, Modern 2 bed­ tacada. Blocks sold at our plant room home, small barn and FOR SALE: Reg. White Pe­ Only 33c each Midford Bldg. — Estacada large chicken house, 1000 kingese and minature Poodles. Gladstone Block Co. chicks capacity. Will trade for Telephone Estacada 1F6 M. I. Hinkle, Eagle Creek. Rt. 82nd at Clackamas Bridge city property. 1, box 440. Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 Hours :9:30 to 5:30 p.m. 10 acres, 3 miles out, all in cultivation, very good 2 bed­ SHORT LOGS WANTED— 12 FOR THE BEST DEAL Closed Thursday room modern home, drilled and 16-ft. lgths, 24” max. di­ on a NEW PLYMOUTH or well, barn, chicken house and Telephone Estacada 1F6 ameter. CHRYSLER .ee or call garage. Large pond for irriga­ MacPherson Lbr. Co.., Eagi' HAROLD BOYANOVSKY tion. Will trade for 45 foot Creek, Oregon. HESSEL’S, Gresham MO trailer house or Eugene prop­ Phone OL 4-7411 5-2146 or Portland AL 1-1626. NOTICE TO CREDITORS JOB PRINTING erty. Clackamas County News 5 bedroom home in city. Notice is hereby given that WOOD FOR SALE: Log Also Used Cars and Trucks Estacada, Oregon the undersigned has been ap­ Large living room with fire­ ends $10 a cord,planer ends $6 TF. “ Printing With That place, 75 x 100 lot, garage, a load, slab, stove size, $18 a FOR SALE: John Deere A pointed by the Circuit Court Professional Look” Call Park Lumber Co. Tractor and equip., 5 ft. 12A of the State of Oregon, for the close tG schools and shopping. load. Letterheads Envelopes Will trade for Gresham prop­ j Phone 18F-7______________ 1 combine with aux. motor. 6 ft. County of Clackamas, Probate Business Cards - Booklets erty. cover crop dies; two 14 or 16 Department , Administrator of j BUILDING CONTRACTOR — Circulars - Posters Tickets of William A. BERENTZEN No. 44 Plows 8 ft. single disc the Estate \ New homes, garages, all types REAL ESTATE, Estacada drill with fert. and grass at­ Rhodes, deceased. All persons I remodeling. Beat the summer Evelyn M. Lawrence Phone CR 9-3283 tach, tool carrier and field cul­ having claims against said Es­ \ rush. Large bedrooms built for to tivator.See or call Harold Boy- tate are hereby notified Issurancc of A11 Kinds 1 $19.85 per month now. Local present them to said Adminis­ anovsky, Alpine 2-1626 or Notary Publ.c . references. Free estimates glad- trator at the office of Beattie, MO 5-2146 TF. Estacada, Route 2. Box 94 I ly. Call PR 4-6592 or write Hibbard & Caldwell, Hogg i i — Telephone Estacada 97-3 FOR SALE: 200 nev- 3 foo* Building. Oregon City, Ore­ FOR RENT: Furnished m o d -1 CROWN HOME IMP. CO. ern house close in. Phone MU I 9525 S. E. 78th St., Portland 22, cedar pickets $20.00; 357 Mag­ gon, with vouchers duly v e r i-! Ore. Phone Estacada 205. A25p num gun & holster $75.00 24 fied, within six months from t DR. LIONEL BURTON 7-4427. July 5 c Kaiser - Frazer date hereof. OSTEOPATHIC WANTED TO RENT: Mid­ inch FOR RENT: 3 bedroom pra­ Rototiller, new engine, $250; Dated June 7, 1957. dle age couple, no pets or chil­ PHYSICIAN AND ctically modern house with Metal Egg Laying Nest, 50 egg R. A. CLAYVILLE, lease water heater, range and re­ dren. wants to rent or SURGEON capacity. $20.00. Call CR in. Adminstrator o f the Estate of frigerator. Last house on Hin- two bedroom house close ESTACADA, OREGON Best of references furnished. 9-3283. William A. Rhodes, deceased. man road on right. Call Esta­ Office Hours: 9 to 12 HIBBARD & Please communicate with P.O. FOR SALE: 3 acres grass BEATTIE, cada 48F3. 3 to 6:30 CALDWELL, Box 223, Estacada. hay. Mrs. L. O. Davis, Esta­ Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri. FOR RENT:: Modern Trailer TF. Attorneys for Adminstrator, cada. 9 to 12 Ahurs. & Sat. Space at Lakehead Trailer Hogg Building, Oregon City, | Phone CR 9-3250 FOR SALE: 4 light oak din­ FOR SALE: Heifers White Court on Faraday road.Phone Oregon. ing room chairs. Phone Esta­ Face Herefords asd 1 1-2 year Published issues June 14,21,28, Estacada 19-52. July 5p cada 18R15. old bull good for service.Mike July 5. “ ORCHARD CREST FOR RENT: House in coun­ Matelewski, Rt. 1, Estacada. NURSING HOME” try. Fireplace, modern. Phone SPECIALS YOU CAN’T AF­ CR 9-5172. July 12p FORD TO PASS UP Kind loving care for conval- MU 7-4427. July 5c Wood Cabinet Sinks $85.00 ■scents and elderly folks or WANTED: Berry pickers to Pouring Insulation $1.19 sk. sign up now for blackcap pick­ and inyone needing a home Blue Hex Composition mrsing care. ing. Going wages by the Roofing $6.95 You will enjoy our cheerful pound, all berries weighed 1x4 Thriftite Flooring 295 M EAGLE CREEK TRAILER ounge with T. V . Join us at Harry Marshall, Rt. 1, box 310, Beavercreek. Ore,4 miles from , Orchard Crest. You’ll be glad I PARK. Modern Trailer park­ 1-2 x 6 Cedar Fencing 2 1-2 lin. ing court with washing facili­ Viola: half mile N.W. o f High-! •ou did. U. S. White Paint, Good util­ ties. H. Sheire, Eagle Creek, land store on lower Highland If you are overweight, here is Sandy Route 2, box 359 ity Paint $2.50 road. Phne Beavercreek 9R15 the first really thrilling news Route one, box 76. Phone Jhone MU 7-204.. On Bon- to come along in years. A new 4 ft. Step Ladder $3.20 Estacada 9813. tedt Road tf. 5 ft. Step Ladder $4.00 ""F O R REPAIR OF SMALL & convenient way to get rid of See us for Quality Used Car 6 ft. Step Ladder $4.80 APPLIANCES SEE US. GEN extra pounds easier than ever, Buys. We finance, GMC or 8 ft. Alum. Roofing $2.25 ea. TRY HARDWARE & APPLI so you can be slim and trim as FOR SALE — Donblewear or bank. Screen Doors $7,95 and up ANCE, North Roberts Avenue, you want. This new product SHOES. Designed for com­ Bowman- Hoffman Pontiac, VALBERG LUMBER called DIATRON curbs both GRESHAM, OREGON tf. fort. Built for Wear. YARDS, Inc., hunger and appetite. No drugs, 818 East Powell, Gresham Doublewear Shoe Company Phone MOhawk 5-2166 no diet, no exercise.Absolutely USED TRUCK BARGAINS Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE: Down timber, 1954 FORD Pickup V-8 $595 harmless.When you take DIA­ PAINTING - PAPER HAROLD NORTON mostly second growth fir, in 1953 WILLYS 4 wheel drive TRON you still enjoy your HANGING Local Representative, Phone Estacada near high school and Sta. Wagon, real clean, $1195 meals, still eat the foods you F r e e R e tir" e fe * Estacada 7x2. P.O. box 342 grade school. Seasoned and 1946 FORD Flatbed Truck 1 like but you simply don’t have rsr tf-vir Basis makes first rate fireplace or the urge for extra portions and 1-2 ton $395 T„ J. FREDERICK heating stove wood. Easily 450 GMC, long wheel base, 5 automatically your weight Phone Estacada 44F1 accessible. Phone or write speed transmission, length­ must come down,because, as ■TR LOGS WANTED AT Larry Meade, Estacada, phone ened and plater, motor com ­ your own doctor will tell you, APPLIANCE and WATER GOOD PRICES pletely overhauled. A dandy when you eat less, you weigh 29-12. PUMP REPAIRS AND less. Excess weight endangers heavy duty truck $995 PARTS. Also SERVICE. We give full scale and pay FOUND: Come to our home 804 GMC Dual Axel Truck, 20 your heart, kidneys.So so mat­ Pauli’« Repair Shop big tall brownish colored dog. foot flat bed. 3012 timken ter what you have tried before, :ash each week for Old Estacada phones 67-7 or 67-61 Long ears.short tail and white axels, 10 hole Budd Wheels. get DIATRON and prove to Growth Yellow Fir Peeler« spotted chest. Call Mrs. Geo. 10-20 Rubber; 5 speed with 3 yourself what It acn do. DIA­ Lucich & White Baker, CR 9-6377 delivered to our plant in speed Brownie excellent con­ TRON is sold on this GUAR­ dition. This is a fine big rig; ANTEE: You must lose weight Tractor Co. Gresham. FOR SALE: Good going bu­ low mileage, one owner. Nev­ with the first package you use Authorized Clinton siness reasonable. Nets $450 a er been off pavement $3650. OLYMPIC or the package costs you no­ Air-Cooled Motor« month. Call Oregon City 7015 BOWMAN- HOFFMAN thing. Just return the bottle to Repaired - Rebuilt or see Karl at Miller Chevro­ PONTIAC MANUFACTURING your druggist and get your Parts and Service July 12c 818 E Powell GRESHAM money back. DIATRON costs Super Hv.. Gladstone. O. C. let, Estacada. COMP ANT Phone MO 5-2166 $3 00 and is sold with this «477 FOR SALE: Log ends and strict maney back guarantee by Division, The Dean Co, planer trim. Get your next il » - « F. DENNEY BABY SITTER WANTED RYNNING’S DRUG STORE Gresham, O re*«» b u il d in g b y c o n t r a c t winter’s wood supply now.Call 8 to 4 5 days a week. ESTACADA Call Park Lumber Co. 18E7. Tf. OR OAT CR 9-4158 J21p Mail Order Filled Phone MOhawk 5-2161 . . . Phone Estacada ME* Professional Directory naics, 10c per line, minimum Ad. charge 1 time 75c; 3 times S»1.50. Deadline for regular classified section is Tuesday For Sale Real Estate Massey Harris Real Estate Loans railer Homes Legal Notice Miscellaneous Business Services Lose Ugly Fat In 10 Days Or Money Back FO R LEASE N e w W ell-located Two-bay M odern Steel Service Station at Estacada ! inancia! Assistance Available to Qualified Person. CALL Portland CA 3-2194 Dr ys Beaverton MI 4-8012 Evenings W e're your bank of service Besides aiding you with - - - your financial problems, your family Clackamas County Bank has these services for your convenience: • Our personized checkbook service which helps you with your bookkeeping. • Our Bank by Mail service, yours for the asking. • Our night depository for late banking. • Safety Deposit Boxes for your valuables. We invite you to use these services. Clackamas County Bank SANDY, OREGON Serving Eastern Clackamas 1911 County Since A Member of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.