Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976, June 28, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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C L A C K A M A S C O I S T V N E W S . E ST A C A D A , O K E G O N . F R ID A Y , J l'N E Í». IM I
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodd are
the parents of an 8 lb.S oz. son
David Samuel, born June 18
at 11:30 A M at the Holliday
Park hospital. This is their 4th
child and 3rd son. Mr. and Mrs
George Dodd of Brightwood
and Lloyd Mallicoat of Boring
are the grandparents.
Mrs. George Dodd is at the
home of her son and
for the present.
Mother and
(By J. J. Inskeep, Extension
babe came home Friday.
Extension Agent)
On our trip east we visited
the largest commercial holly
planting on the Atlantic Coast.
It belongs to C. R Wolf, M ill­
ville, New Jersey. Mr W olf is
the President of the American
Holly Society. He presided at
the society meeting
held in
Portland last October.
Mr. W olf and his
manager, Daniel C. Fenton, a
graduate of Rutgers U.gave us
a most cordial welcome. Let it
be noted here that Mr.
operates a
huge industrial
sand business. Holly produc­
tion is a hobby with him and
he gives every pound of holly
to his customers at Christmas
time. The crop we estimated
at 30 thousand pounds.
This planting of about 20 ac­
res is composed
entirely of
Ilex opaca, or native American
holly seedlings. Our so-called
English or European holly car­
ries the scientific name of Ilex
aquifolium. The leaves of Eng­
lish holly exhibit a deep green
sheen not found in the native
American holly.
there may be opaca varieties
developed which rival English
To keep ahead of the
game Oregon growers had bet­
ter bring on the choicest of our
English varieties.
Eastern orchard
ment problems appeared much
the samea s ours. Actually the
Wolf planting was made
quite flat land and he has
frost problem at blossom time
just as we have on
our flat
lands here. To get around this
problem Mr. Wolf has adopted
two measures.
The first con­
sists of construction
of two
wind towers approximately 30
feet high.
Mounted on these
are two electrically
aeroplane type
When the
temperature ap­
proaches freezing these mach­
ines are set in motion so that
the whole planting is providea
with good air circuation. The
second measure consists of use
of smudge pots
using some
type of oil for fuel.
Mr. W olf has tried
of our
aquilolium varieties
without much success. They do
not withstand the low winter
there. We talked of the possi­
9-3336. Sandy MU 7-230!
bility of locating future plant­
ings on rolling hills with bet­
ter air drainage.
Both M-
W olf and Mr. Fenton agreed
4th of July
W e'll Launder and Finish all your
for 2 5 « each
July 1 to July 6
iVIt. Mood
Cleaners and
Dial Estacada CR.
> «
Playing Friday
to this idea.
We are still
not satisfied
that our aquifolium
will not thrive in this general
area if planted on more favor­
able orchard sites. In fact, Mr.
W olf has had
little success
with Chinese or Cornuta holly
but we saw excellent Cornuta
speciments on
rolling land
nead Pihladelphia. Our time
was so limited we did not find
a single aquifolium tree plant­
ed on what we consider a good
California via Southern Ore- \
We visited the airstrip during
a heavy rain
did find
enough beetles to turn
above Lazy
Bend on the
Clackamas River. It is our in- i
tention to gather
colonies to release in
Clarks area and in the foothills
tu.-t of Molalla. St. Johnswort
is found in every portion of
the county.
While in West Virginia we
were also told of a holly tree
A bigger and better show,to
in the town of Romney where j run 5 full days with 6
we came from a seed performances, is promised for
which dropped from a wreath the 34th annual Molalla Buck
sent as a gift.
We examined eroo July 3-7.
this tree in nlossom and founa
Western Oregon’s
it to be a female opaca-a beau­ Western spectacle opens Wed­
tiful specimen.
Absence of a nesday evening and continues
male tree nearby
precluded through Sunday
the possibility of a berry crop. with both matinee and even­
While in this town we heard ing performances
of a commercial planting
in July 4th.
Central West Virginia but we
Two hundred of the rodeo
did not have time to inspect it. circuit’s top professional cow­
boys are expected to compete
Kansas farmers have suffer­ in arena events which w ill in­
ed from five continuous years clude Brahma bull riding, wild
of drouth. How they survive is cow milking and trick roping
a mystery but they are a tough and riding in addition to such
lot and survive they do. Pros­ standard events as
pects are eternal hope
of a and saddle bronc riding, calf
year of adequate rainfall. This roping and bulldogging.
year they had it.
Pdospects famous rodeo stock of Christ­
are for bumper crops of wheat, ensen Bros, w ill be used in Mo­
corn, sorghum,
and lalla, and only in Molalla
grass. Everyone is happy We
July 4th.
couldn’t help but think of our
Continuing a policy of pre­
bumper crops of strawberries
and turkeys accompanied with senting top personalities from
the world of Western enter
disastrous prices.
tainment, the Buckeroo Asso­
In the east its orchard grass.. ciation has obtained the serv­
In Kansas its brome grass.And ices of Cochise, leading char­
then in Kansas there
remain acter of the popular television
some good
areas of native show “ Broken Arrow,”
grasses-buffalo grass and blue- will be featured in all six are­
stem. Many of the more care­ na shows. The Apache Chief,
ful, sold their
cattle during in , the person of Michael An-
drought year so as not to abuse sara who created the favorite
share honors
their grasslands. The net re­ TV role, w ill
sult was that we saw lots
of with Montie Montana, a favor­
grass but few cattle and a few ite at previous Buckeroos, and
Heck Harper, Western enter-
We were told that breeding taincr of television and radi°
■ - at ■ approximate 1
cows were sold
j as well as a “ Bloodless Bull
prices of S60 a head last fall. Fight.”
A carnival and midway will
Animals of the same type are
for the
now selling at around $150 a offer fun and rides
youngsters all five days of the
With all the feed on hand celebration.
there might be a scramble for
Official hostess
feeders next fall.
Buckeroo w ill be Queen JoAn
Newland, with her attendants,
When one leaves the scene of Princesses
Marcia Bull and
his childhood he is likely
to Marcia Olsen, both of Tigard.
wild c reatures Expert horsemanship as well
which he considered common­ as beautv qualify all three for
place at the time.
for their positions on the
years had we heard the call of eroo Royal Court.
a whipporwill nor had we seen
A free, spectacular display
a firefly.
The folks we were of fireworks w ill follow
visiting one evening thought it night Performance in the are­
strange when we excused our­ na Ju'y 4th.
self to listen to the whippoor­
w ill’s plaintive cal! at
We did not locate him. Doubt N A V Y TO ENLIST A LL
less he perched on a gate par­
allel to his pereh and not
Lieutenant Commander C.
right angles like most birds.
Helm, US’ I. Officer in charge
There were the
cottontail of the Portland Navy Recruit­
rabbits, the Cardinal redbird, ing Area announced today that
the Eastern jays, the Thrash­ he has been authorized by the
ers, the orioles and an occas­ Navy department to
ional mocking bird, none
of another “ All Oregon Group"
which is found here.
during July 1957.
The farm dog followed
us Last year in June, 108 youths
as we inspected a
240 acre were enlisted in two A ll Ore­
farm in Kansas. As we return­ gon companies
ed to the farmstead he set up 'Ducks’ and the ‘Beavers.’The
a powerful commotion. As we ‘Ducks' established a
approached we found he had average mark on their classi­
a very large
blacksnake at fication tests and the ‘Beavers’
bay.. He must have approach­ were honor company and re­
ed 4 feet in length.
turned t0 Portland after train­
Our partner and owner of ing in chartered busses to pa-
destroy rade in uniform.
the ranch wanted to
him forthwith but we begged
The Oregon group this year
for his life and pointed tQ his w ill be formed with approxi-
merits as a destroyer of goph- mately 150 men and will be
ers and rats.Old Shep put up a sent to San Diego, Calif., for
bold front but since we
gave training.
Ceremonies at the
him no encouragement, he de- Pioneer post office in Portland
cided he didn't want to tackle are still in the formative stage
'no snake no how.’ And so we but it is planned to ask Ore-
met and left in peace another gon’s Governor Ribert Holmes
to address the group. Captain
creature of our childhood.
Our companion told us later W. J. Barry, USN, Inspector of
“ I am afraid of snakes and
I Navy Recruiting, Salt Lake Ci­
noticed you gave him a wide ty w ill conduct the swearing-
berth also.” We had to'admit in ceremony.
we did- Oh. W ell!
Young men from Clackamas
| County w ill apply at the US
St. Johnswort beetles releas- Navy Recruiting Station. 6727
cd on the emergency
airport SE McLoughlin Blvd., Portland
strip on LeDee
flats above!
—~ —T
North Fork
Guard Station,
Clackamas River in 1954 have
now spread over the entire ar­
ea. This is what we found on
an inspection trip to the area
the second week in June.
St. Johnswort,
weed or goat weed is common
to the roadsides and many un­
cultivated areas of Clackamas
County, although this weed is
not so serious as in cattle and
sheep rangelands. Millions of
acres of such lands have been
taken over by St. Johnswort in
California, portions of Eastern
Oregon, and Idaho.
Much of
this present situation is the re­
sult of overgrazing. The pro­
gram now is to eradicate the
weed and to give range grasses
a chance to come back.
Nevertheless, thisis a rather
serious weed pest here.partial­
ly because it is often confused
with tansy ragwort whichit re­
sembles in the blossom stage.
The beetle in question feeds
only on St Johnswort and. In
time, effects complete eradi­
cation. Entomologists discov -
ered the beetle in France.From
France it was introduced
Australia and from Australia
it was brought to California.
We obtained our beetles from
W e contract new home*, garage* and all type*
of remodelling.
Beat the Summer rush! Large bedrooms built
for $19.85 per month if contracted now.
References supplied. Free Estimate* gladly!
Call Portland PR 4-6592 or W rite
9525 S.E. 78th St., Portland 22, Oregon
Call Estacada 205 o r ________
Estacada Ford
1950 Cliev. Tudor
1951 Chev. Club Coupe
1954 Ford Tudor
1955 Ford V2 Ton Pickup $1095
1951 Ford Club Coupe
1950 Ford Fordor
1953 Chev. Pickup
1950 Plymouth Sedan
Nothing Down
24 Months To Pay!
We also have several Ford and
Mercury demos - TERRIFIC DEALS!
Dial CR. 9-3262
Route 3, Bering,
Portland - Estacada Highway
Is pleased to announce their a ffil­
iation with - - -
sponsored by Northwest Grocery
W e'l! process your locker meat to
The Del Monte M eat Co. cures and
smokes for us.
Bring your Clackamas County News $2.00
Coupons and 50c for a year's subscription with
this ad to us.
Here's Profit Insurance on Your Future Layers
Developing Feed
Tk« developm ent o f your pullets during the next two
months determines their ability as producers in the
laying house this FaH. Triangle has a special form ula
to care for this developing stage o f their growth. H i
full nutrient balance produces faster grow th and better
developm ent — - plus building e bodily reserve for
highest e gg production. W e "have it in mash or cracked
pellet form.
Estacada Feed & Seed
Carver Grocery,
Carver, Oregon
Lyle & M at Country
Store, Boring