Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976, June 28, 1957, Page 3, Image 3

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Eagle Creek
(By M argaret Ross)
Eagle C reek straw berry far­
m ers w ere pleased to find
their berries m aking a come­
back early this week, under
sunny skies, after a few days’
lapse. Most of them have now
finished picking for m arkets,
but “U -pickers” can still find
some good ones. Red-raspber­
ries are already being picked
for the m arket, and other cane
berries are following close be­
Last Sunday,
Mrs. Maude
B urnett celebrated her 81st
birthday w ith a fam ily gath­
ering, including her son and
daughter -in-law, Ronald and
Eunice (of Portland) their
daughter and son-in- law, Car­
olyn and A1 Downey (recently
from San Francisco) and Mrs.
B urnett's sister, Mrs. Parsons,
of Portland (who spent the
weekend.) On Tuesday her
two other sisters, Mrs. Stipe
and Mrs. Russell, came out
from Portland.
Monday afternoon Mrs. B ur­
nett and Mrs. Roy Meyers en­
tertained the birthday club at
Mrs. B urnett’s hom e w ith nine
present.A guest from Portland
C O U N T Y NEWS. E ST A C A D A . O R E O O S . F R I D A Y . JU N E IS. 1®67
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their home.
Mrs. Z. P. Coop spent last
weekend in M adras visiting
her daughter, Gladys G rant.
During Rose Festival week the
Coops enjoyed visits w ith his
brother from Cottage Grove
and also some relatives from
Mrs. M aude Forrester re ­
cently spent a w eek w ith her
son Paul and his w ife Sylvia,
In Redmond.
Last Friday Dora Clester
had a visit w ith her brother,
H erm an B rackett, and his wife
from Rufus. Last w eekend Ray
C rane cam e from Eugene w ith
his w ife to visit his m other,
Zola, and his grandm other.Do-
ra Clester, and the rest of the
fam ily.Visitors at the Clesters
on the pervious Sunday w ere
the Gardners (daughter) and
the Andersons, from Salem,
and Frieda T urner and the
Chuck W esterberg
fam ily,
from Portland.
Daisy Bush was here recent­
ly from Grapeview , Wash., to
look over her Eagle C reek
Jeanne V erberg w ent to Eu­
gene on the w eekend of June
15th to sing at the w edding of
a classmate. N ext w eekend she
is scheduled to sing at the w ed­
¡1 ding
of another girl friend at
The Dalles. D uring the past
year she has directed the chor­
al group of her sorority.
V isiting the W alt Sm iths on
Sunday w ere their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Lutz and small Connie
Lou, from Gladstone, out to
pick straw berries.
Last Sunday evening the
Jesse W hislers and the C arl
Ronnews w ent to Gresham to
see Carl Fitch, who has recent­
ly returned hom e from the
Vernon Ross was in P o rt­
land this week attending the
annual (Presbyterian ) Synod
of Oregon, being on the cam ­
pus of Lewis & C lark College.
M argaret Ross and Mrs. Flor­
ence G lover attended Synodi­
cal on Tuesday.
Among those from Eagle ;
Creek attending
G arfield
G range’s straw berry festival
last Saturday evening w ere
the V irgil Nelsons, the Len
Verbergs, and the Earl McCon-
sells (of E. C. G range.) The
S pringw ater’s straw berry fes -
tival on F riday night.
, Doug and Lavonne,
was Mrs. Hazel Olds, a form er ter-in-law
came dow n from Wishram,
Eagle C reek resident.
W ash., to return the George
Tom B urnett is w orking for Baley’s tw o youngest tots,
the sum m er in the Diamond whom C hristine had been
Lake area w ith a U .S.Forestry | keeping during berry season.
crew of boys under th e direc­ The Sam Olmsteads and their
tion of H arry Blake, Estacada fam ily, 25 in all, m ade a trip
high school teacher. Tom ’s pa­
Mt. Hood last Sunday, stop­
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley to
ping at ZigZag for a picnic.On
B urnett, took him up there on Tuesday
they accompanied
Sunday, Ju n e 16.
their son Leon and his fam ily
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. to Hood R iver t0 see their son
B urnett w ere in M cM innville Sam m y and his wife in their
at the home of th e T renton new beauty parlor.
M orrows (Ethel Mae’s niece) Mrs. F ran k W hite w ent to
w here her sister from Seattle Eugene on June 16 w ith her
was visiting.
daughter, M argaret Shellhart ,
Last weekend C hristine Hol- and fam ily, to spend aw hile at
Hours, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
luxury convertible
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By M yrtle D m ytryk
Recent visitors at the Sam \
D m ytryk hom e w ere Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Reed and three sons
of Fresno, California. The
Reeds are quite im pressed
w ith the Estacada country, and
would like to m ove here if
they find a suitable place. One
thing sure— they have a six
foot. 210 pound Freshm an son
that would certainly interest
any football coach.
W innie Shibley spent all of
last week acting as a counsler
ct Camp M enucha. w hichis the
Presbyterian Camp
near Crown Point. W innie
worked w ith the 12 year old
group, and enjoyed it very
I The social night at the
Sp' ipgw at' r G rar ’e on Friday
evening, Ju n e 28th will m ark
the second birthday and anni­
versary celebration. Every one
in the com m unity who have
had a birthday or anniversary
in April. May or June, are es­
pecially invited t„ attend the
pot luck supper. T here will be
a table w ith special en tertain­
m ent for each m onth. We are
also hoping to have Elbert
Sm ith back again to play the
accordian. Mr. Sm ith m ade a
big hit at the G arfield G range
S traw berry Festival last F ri­
day night, just as he did when
he played at our Grange. All
in all, it should be an enter­
taining evening, so start m ak­
ing your plans now to join us.
Mr. and Mrs. E verett Shibley
are attending a two day m eet­
ing of the Presbyterian Church
Synod this week, at the Lewis
and C lark college in Portland
M yrtle and Judy D m ytryk
drove to F ort Lewis, Wash.,on
Saturday for a visit w ith their
husbands who are attending
National G uard Sum m er Camp
there. While there we also j
talked to Jerry Hale, Denny
Gerald W eiderhold,
Jim m y W eston, Danny M ari-
man. Nicky Hayden, Cecil and
Sharon Taylor, and Harold
G eraldine Shoem aker
with their baby, Davie. For the
benefit of the wives and m o­
thers of the local boys, they
are all having a fine tim e, and
their H eadquarters Com pany
has taken quite a few honors
during the first week of the
cam p T heir Com pany Com ­
m ander. C aptain B arnard, told
us that he had never had a
Com pany to be so proud of.
W ith so m any Estacada boys,
how can they miss?
Gilbert Shibley is up and
around again and doing a fine
job of recuperating from his
rece n t surgery. It w as nice
tim ing anyw ay G ib— you got
out of the haying.
In the mountains of truth, you never
climb in vain. Either you already teach
a higher point today, or you exeicise
your strength in order to be able to
climb higher tomorrow.
Friedrich "Wilhelm Nietzsche
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