estacadas Clackamas Count? jHetoS Volume No. 53 In Its Fifty-third Year of Publication. Estacada, Oregon, Friday, June 14. 1957 Number 22 Explained; Need Estacada Support f älrv Neva and Floyd Day stand gon. Of course, there will be proudly in front of the Estaca­ some ‘bugs’ in it before the da Telephone and T elegraph’s system is adjusted,, Patience new headquarters in Estacada. w ill be one of the best anti­ Estacada’s new autom atic tele­ dotes for ill hum or th a t may phone system, constructed at be engendered until the ‘bugs’ a cost of alm ost a half m illion are exterm inated. A m ajor dollars, is set to be activated changeover does n#t only ap­ New System for Emergency Calls Saturday, Ju n e 15, after 11:00 ply to equipm ent b u t also to the hum an elem ent who will P.M. This m ajor im provem ent in be w anting the use of their Tied in with New Phone System com m unications provides m odem phone system. The telephone directory w ith one of the fin­ present A fter 11 P.M. this Saturday is going to be very high until Estacada night, all the em ergency calls all the bugs are ironed out and est telephone system s in Ore- m ay not answ er all th e pub­ of our part of Clackam as, every m inute lost m eans the (JTit of control. County w ill go thru a dis- fire is getting " patcher here in Estacada who Don’t forget Estacada w ill be Chances Brighter fo r Swim m ingpool w ill, to the best of th eir abil­ the central receiving point for Optimism continues to grow i services and m aterials to be ity, get th e right fire depart­ 7 fire departm ents w hich oper­ concerning the Estacada Ki- donated by civic-minded indi­ viduals and firm s. The servi­ m ent, the right policem an ana ate w ithin the lim its of the Es­ other calls to the right destin­ tacada Telephone Co. and the wanis Com m unity sw im m ing ces w hich cannot be donated ation. By this tim e, everyone right one w ill be notified. For pool program since at this w ill represent the actual cash should have their new tele­ those who m ight be interested w riting engineers and archi­ it w ill be necessary to raise. phone books and a w ritten no­ there is the Estacada Volun­ tects are busily drafting plans It is intended to begin con­ tification from the R ural Fire teer Fire Dept. (City of E sta­ for the entire pool layout. ( struction as soon as possible C urrinsville- Caza­ These services are being don­ and continue step by step as Protection D istrict giving the cada;) telephone num ber to be called dero R ural F ire Protection ated by qualified personnel of funds are available. T he club in case of fire. KNOW THIS Dist., Springw ater- Colton Ru­ th Guy F. A tkinson Construc­ hopes th at a substantial start NUMBER. And w hen giving a ral Fire Protection Dist., B or­ tion company and w ill rep re­ can be m ade this sum m er. fire alarm , please give your ing R ural Fire Protection Dist. sent a trem endous saving.The This is no fly by night en ter­ nam e, route and box num ber Sandy V olnnteer F ire Dept, usual fees for these services prise. The club realizes that and city (Estacada. Eagle Clackam as- M arion County am ount to about 20 percent of getting such a pool built for Creek or Boring, etc.) or the Fire Patrol and Clackam as Co. the total pool cost. W hen the Estacada w ill be a long, hard corrèct house num ber and No. 2 from Oregon City. Do plans have been draw n and and sometim es discouraging street address under the new Not Dial O perator For You the specifications all w ritten fight, but it is being thought num bering plan here in E sta­ W ill Receive the Portland up- the exact cost of the pool of as strictly a long term ef­ cada, and w ait until released Long Distance O perator and w ill be known. It is then that fort w ith perserverance as the by the dispatcher. Confusion W hich Will Delay Your Call. the club w ill begin lining up key to its eventual success. I Impressive Ceremony and Excellent $2.50 Per Year New Plant Set for Debut Saturday Wife No Kidding It's A Fact Two Important School Bond Elections Estacada Telephone and Telegraph's The $200,000 bond issue ol am ount the elem entary bond the Estacada E lem entary Dis­ issue calls for and about 1-2 trict would cost approxim ate­ the am ount of the high school. ly four m ills each year for a T hat the Estacada Union ten year period. A person ow n­ High School D istrict has one ing property w ith a true value of the higest evaluations of of $5000 w ould pay $5 per school districts of its size in the state, being blessed w ith year. The purpose of the proposed several public utilities. It is bond issue is to raise money estim ated that Public Utilities for the purchase of the high such as PGE pay 60 to 65 per­ school building or to build a cent of the districts taxes. new unit for elm entary class­ The Union High School has room s in case the high school no outstanding indebtedness at bond issue is not passed. An this time. eight or ten classroom unit The state legislature is district could be built for this am ount considering school equaliization county and state of money. The Union High School bond wide. It would behoove local issue calling for $546,000 to taxpayers to vote bonds before build a new high school would their district evaluation is be approxim ately a 7 m ill levy equalized w ith poorer districts for a period of ten years. A of county or state. person ow ning property w ith a Polls w ill be open for the true value of $5,000 w ould pay bond issue elections for the two school districts at 2-8 P.M $8.75 per year. H ere are some reasons why on M onday, June 24. Voters the bond issues should not be of School District No. 108 w ill too large a blow to th e local vote tw ice th at day, once . at the grade school and once at taxpayer: T he State L egislature just the Estacada Union High passed a bill authorizing $15 School. Patrons of the Union m ore per census child, raising High District, b u t not of E sta­ th e am ount of S tate Basic cada Elem entary D istrict 108, School Support m oney from w ill vote once at the high $80 to $95. This am ount of $15 school. per cencus child w ill off-set A person m ust be a resident local property taxes. a of th e district six m onths and It is estim ated th a t the off-l registered 30 days previous to set w ill be approxim ately 3 orl the election in order to be el- 4 m ills, w hich w ill be the| igble to vote. Single Copy !0c lic’s questions as far as the op­ eration of a dial system is con­ cerned. People w ill find it not too difficult/ to adapt them selves to the use of the dial phone af­ ter a little practice. The funda­ m ental principle of dialing is to dial your prefix CR which is for Crestwood, then the key num ber whichis '9’ and then the rem aining four digits. For inform ation on calling on your party line, stop in or call at Fife Permits Now Needed Fire perm its are required for all fires w ithin the city limits except those in a F ire Dept.ap­ proved incinerator w ith a m anufacturers attached lid. Fire perm its for Estacada may be gotten from F ire Chief Ru­ dy Sagner and Asst. Chief Von G ray only. W arren Haase, who has been em ployed in A laska since M arch, is now in a hospital there, after injuring his eyes while working. Folks may be a bit incredu­ lous about being able to secure a subscription to the C lacka­ mas County News for 50c.This isn’t the case. The $2.00 C o u -» pon is $2.00 in cash th at you are receiving as a courtesy from the advertisers in the •‘News.’’ Thisis not a subscrip­ tion reduction. The changeover in the m ailing system of the “News” m akes it necessary that everyone have their sub­ scriptions brought up to date. Subscriptions not brought up to date w ill be rem oved from the list after the new m ailing system is perfected. The folks who are delinquent over a year m ay use m ore than one coupon to get current. There is no gim m ick involved. Fill out your $2.00 Coupon, fill out the accom panying receipt (to save th e advertiser’s tim e in filling it out,) tak e a copy of his display ad in this paper to the advertiser w ith 50c in cash, he w il issue your receipt and turn your subscription in to us. All nam es subscribed to the Telephone Com pany congrat - ulatory ad in this issue are el­ igible to receive coupons d u r­ ing the next w eek. You m ay use your coupons at the B ar­ ton Store in Barton, V alberg Lum ber Y ard in B oring,Clack­ am as County B ank and Sandy T heatre in Sandy and all G resham advertisers. This offer w ill continue d u r­ ing June for the advertisers in each issue. the telephone office for sim ­ ple instructions. Otherwise, the directory w ill inform you as to call procedure. It w ill be necessary for the public to see this beautiful te l­ ephone plant in order to ap­ preciate of w hat Estacada can be so proud. Open house for Register Now For the general public w ill be held on Saturday, Ju n e 22 from 1 to 5 P.M. Everybody w el­ Session come w hether a subscriber or Swim All persons 8 to 14 inclusive not. m ay sign up for the Sw im ­ ing program at M ayrose’s O.E.S. MEMBERS ATTEND m Dept, store starting next M on­ g r a n d C h a p t e r ' day; Busses w il be provided to tak e sw im m ers to the pool Mt. C hapter O. E. S. m em ­ at W elches as in past seasons. bers who attended grand chap­ W ith the help given by the te r sessions in the Portland PTA at least 100 sw im m ers Masonic tem ple most of last can be accom odated. If there w eek w ere W orthy M atron are m ore sw im m ers than can Daisy Tracy, W orthy Patron, be accom odated, it w ill be Del Gant; Mrs. Nita G ant, Mr. necessary to m ake 8 year olds and Mrs. Paul Eaton, Mrs.Mat- and 14 year olds ineligible. tie Darrow, Mrs. G ertrude The ballet class instructed Scrutton and Mrs. Hazel Day. by Miss B arbara Jesse is pro­ On Tuesday eve. Don Day gressing rapidly. The class hqp joined his w ife at a banquet in grow n in just two w eeks from H eathm an Hotel for G rand just a few girls to 23 girls R epresentative of Mississippi. ranging in age from the little pre-school girls up through the Valorie, 5 year daughter of 7th grade level. Anyone wish­ Mr. and Mrs. Val Nordquist, ing to sign up should come per­ fell one day last w eek w hile sonally to the grade school playing at hom e and broke her music room on Tuesday at 9:30 A. M. arm . Turnout Celebrates Opening or New Road Up the Springwater H ill A fter a Long W ait by Public The Estacada G rade School Superintendent A. G. Skelton, nd led the parade for the Bill W ymore, U pper C lacka­ •mal opening of the new mas R iver C ham ber of Com­ ringw ater H ighw ay last Sat- m erce president, Fred B arth­ day. The m iddle picture olomew. chairm an of the Ki- dw s presiding dignitaries wanis Highway Opening Com­ >ss dignity) w aiting for the m ittee, Rep. H erm an C hind­ irt of the program . Mr. Roh- gren and Estacada M ayor r. S tate H ighw ay M ainten- W einrich as he wields the scis- ce Head w aits patiently w ith sor to officially open the new me H urley, Bob W einrich 1 road. nd son) Bill W ym ore and At 2.37 P.M. last Saturday •rman C hindgren. Finally, afternoon, Estacada M ayor Ro­ ter the com pletion of the bert W einrich cut the ribbon eeches, Johnny C arpenter stretching across the new tnesses the cutting of the j Springw ater highw ay and >bon form ally opening the KOIN-TV’s Johnny C arpent­ ad. Left to right is Carpen- er declared the latest addition r, Gene Hurley, Public R ela­ to Oregon State Highw ay 211 ms head of the H ighw ay De- officially open to public trans- rtm ent. D istrict Highway I portation. Mr. C arpenter’s an­ nouncem ent ended the form al dedication cerem ony w hich began after Joe B arr's grade school band had paraded through tow n and m arched to the new highw ay site. Short, on the spot talks by state high­ w ay officials and visiting dig­ nitaries preceeded the ribbon- cuttting finale. A fine crowd of interested spectators viewed the cerem onies and in the first half-hour after the opening, a total of 237 cars m otored over the new roadw ay for an in­ spection run. This new highw ay section ends at the junction of high­ w ay 211 and the H illockbum - Dodge road. It has an easy to travel grade and the curves in it are smoothly engineered. This road should m ean a lot to Estacada econom ically for it will bring the entire popula­ tion of Springw ater and envir­ ons much closer to Estacada and thus provide them w ith m ore ready access to Estaca­ da’s shopping facilities. The dedciation cerem onies w ere arranged largely through form er Mayor Fred B artholo­ mew, who has been a loud and constant booster for the devel­ opm ent of this road for m any years. ____ HISTORY OF THE NEW SPRINGWATER ROAD The location survey for the L ittle Creek -Estacada section of this highway w as m ade by A. A. Kirkwood, location en­ Belview, W ashington, for ap gineer just 20 years ago. Our proxim ately $200.000. Due to new road follows the same the wet sum m er of 1954 prog­ route that was laid out in th e , ress was slow and the w ork original survey. w asn’t com pleted until A ugust Comparisons betw een the 1956. G rading w ork was new and the old routes are in­ heavy w ith some 266,000 yds. teresting. The new road is 4.18 of tough excavation and heavy miles long as against 4.88 miles clearing. for the old route. M axim um The rock surfacing and pav­ grade is 5 percent and 8 per- J ing contract w as let to Edwin cent on the old road Sharpest) C. G erber in M ay 1955. curves on our new route is 6 35,000 cubic yards of crushed percent instead of 56 degree gravel and 11,000 tons of as­ curves on the old road. phaltic concrete paving w ere Fact» and figures on the produced and placed. T here is new road dedicated last S atu r­ still some 8000 feet of guard day are interesting. rail and rock shoulders to On April 18, 1954 the grad­ place before the job is com ­ ing contract was aw arded to pleted. Erickson Paving Com pany of Paving was laid by J. C. Compton of M cM innville. T ot­ al costs for both grading and paving w ere about $370,000. Several local people who are responsible for keeping this road and other state high­ ways in this area in th e best possible condition are D arel R ohrbaugh, m aintenance sup­ erintendent for this district. He was here m ost of Saturday to see th at everything w as go­ ing alright; Donald Dodd and M arshall L aughlin and his m aintenance crew of Estacada w ere on hand to open th e road w hen the dedication ceremony was com pleted. The appreciation of all is ex­ tended to grade school band. '