(Eötacactaö Clackamas County jacto? Volume No. 53 Number 21 OFFICIAL OPENING OF SPRINGWATER HILL ROAD SET FOR SATURDAY JUNE 8 Saturday, June 8, at 2:00 P. PROCLAMATION M. w ill be a highlight in the history of the Estacada area W hereas, the health of every and a tribute to the perserver- man, wom an and child is of vi­ ance and persistence of the tal public concern; and prom oters of the easy-grade W hereas, the economic w el­ road up Springw ater hill, fare of all people residing in along DuBoise creek. our state is of param ount im ­ Fred B artholom ew one of the portance; and long-tim e boosters for this W hereas, nutrition research new road has been in charge of ha«- fully established m ilk and the planning of the formal cel­ m ilk products as essential to ebration of the road opening. the health of every hum an be­ This route was surveyed 2u ing, regardless of age; and years ago by the State H igh­ W hereas, the m onth of June w ay D epartm ent. Unitl 5 years has been set aside each year ago the only progress m ade to honor the dairy industry for apparently was conversation its contribution to the w elfare until the S tate Highway Dept, of m ankind and to place spec took over and w e now have ial em phasis upon calling the th e culm ination of their fine attention of the public to the efforts in this beautiful sec­ goodness and nutritional val­ tion of w hat is know n as the ue of dairy foods; Foothills Highway. Now, Threfore, I, Robert D. The program as planned w ill Holmes, G ovrnor of the State start dow ntow n Estacada w ith of Oregon, in full appreciation a num ber by the Estacada of the opportunities herein G rade School band under d i­ presented for constructive p u ­ rection of Joe Barr. The band blic service, do hereby p ro ­ will m arch out to where the claim the period of Ju n e.1957, new road begins to be “ jere j as j une D airy M onth for the shortly before 2 P.M. ” Fred S tate of Oregon, and do urge B artholom ew w ill introduce every citizen of this state to Johnny C arpenter who will be ioin in observance of June m aster of cerem ony. The no­ D airy M onth, to the end that tables to be present for intro­ we may all increase our appre­ duction and brief speeches ciation of dairy foods, im prove w ill be Gene H untley, director our health and our own finan­ of personel and public rela­ cial wellbeing. tions for th e State Highway In Testim ony W hereof, i D ept.; A. G. Skelton, division have hereunto set m y hand engineer; the respective m ay­ and caused to be affixed the ors of Estacada, M olalla and great seal of the State. Done Sandy; together w ith others. at Salem this 23rd day of May. M ayor W einrich of Estacada 1957. w ill officiate at the cutting of (SEAL) Robert D. Holmes, the ribbon th at will officially Governor. open the road. By the G overnor M ark O Hatfield, Secretary of State. BOX HO LDE R LOCAL or RURAL ROUTE In Its Fifty-third Year of Publication. Estacada, Oregon, Friday, June 7,1957 ----------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------- — ♦ ________________ Single Copy lUc U. S. POSTAGE PAID Sec. 652 P. L. & R. PERM IT NO. 8 E Estacada. i S U L B U A ) V O S rcio VAVM $2.50 Per Year ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * -------------- Vc: k cn Lam SpUlwa; w ith Tunnel Start Shown SCHOOL BOND ELECTIONS SET FOR M O N D AY JUNE 24 The Estacada Union High School and Estacada E lem ent­ ary schoolboard directors have been busy w ith several special m eetings this w inter and spring discussing the school needs of the tw o dis­ tricts. It was decided by both boards that they would follow the recom m endations of the Citizens com m ittee off 22 lay citizens on a long range pro­ gram. The Citizens Com m ittee re ­ commended th at the Union High School District sell the high school building and pro­ perty except the stadium and football field and build a new high school building th at would accom odate not less than 500 students. They also recomm ended that due consid oration by given to using the grade school land th at was al was conttructed after a rec­ purchased a year ago north­ C onstruction continues to on the spillway which it begin­ are being set. progress at the N orth Fork ning to take shape. Work is The picture on the right is ent cave-in that held up work. west of the high school bulid Dam. The picture a t the left alto progressing on the other of the portal of the Cazadero- About 300 men are presently ing for a future high school building site. wat taken of tahe w ork done side w here the diversion tubes Faraday tunnel. This new port­ efployed on both projects W ith these recom m endations in m ind an appraisal was m ade by an unbiased apprais­ com m ittee on the high CHILDREN TO GET POPULAR COUPLE ing Testing of New School Director school building and property including the stadium or Phone Plant Near Election June 1 7 SUPERVISED P LA Y WED IN CHURCH not football field. The figure set was $205000. T he annual school election C hildren age 6 to 10 are in- ~ r n r a iw Each board is follow ing the of Estacada School District No. vited to take part in the Esta- f t n t f y l l / f i l J League Opens Play 108 w ill be held on M onday, cada Sum m er Recreation Pro-1 Lay Citizen's C om m ittee rec- W ork around the Estacada Ju n e 17th. Purpose of the an ­ gram. Miss D elores Schleichert The Estacada M ethodist om m endantion by calling for telephone office is going along nual election is to elect a new high school physical educa­ C hurch was the scene Friday bond issue elections for the as planned. The new dial board m em ber for a term of tion teacher, will teach the evening of the w edding of people to vote on M onday .June equipm ent has been installed five years, to replace one out­ children craft and art w ork Miss Judy Mae W atson, daugh­ 24th. Voting w ill take place and is ready to be tested. * going director. W. H. (Bill) and supervise free play on the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack W at­ at the Estacada Union High The telephones th a t have C arnes of the Viola district playground facilities. Class­ son Sr. to Stanley Gene Dmy- School and at the Estacada not been installed as yet will will have filled, his term of of­ es w ill be held 9:15 A.M. to 1 tryk, son of Mr. and M rs. E d­ G rade School tw o to eight P.M be installed by the first of next fice and w ill b ike outgoxag^P.Ji. each, M onday, ’ Wednes- w ard D m vtryk. Rev. Violet The m ain purpose of the legion & Auxiliary grade schooT election is to Is­ week. m em ber. Mr. Carnes has been day and Friday through June. TOlTiger offtrTated. On the evening of Ju n e 15th petitioned to run for reelect­ They w ill start this Friday, The bride given in m arriage sue bonds in the am ount of the new system w ill go into ion and has accepted the nom ­ June 7th at 9:15 AM. Children by her father, w ore a w hite $200,000 to acquire classrooms Elect New Officers Church Soft Ball I operation. over full length by purchasing the high school From now until the ination. are asked to m eet her in the lace ballerina gown, w ith finger-tip building. If the elem entary The local A m erican Legion League Opens Play i big day the phone crew will be Anyone who wishes to run breezew ay betw een the prim ­ satin' I testing the lines and new pho- for board m em ber should be ary building and m ain build­ veil caught by a crow n of m at- school bond issue is passed and A uxiliary m et M onday even­ ching lace and seed pearls.She the high school bond issue to ing and elected the following At a m eeting held in the ' nes. W hen your new phone petitioned by a certificate of ing. carried w hite orchids on her construct a new high school officers: Mrs. John A bbott, G rade School last Friday, rep­ I rings, please answ er it. Your nom ination signed by not less does not pass, the elem entary will be appreciat­ than ten legal voters and his bible. president; Mrs. George A rm ­ resentatives from 8 churches cooperation Miss Jcanine Hale, maid of school lroard could use the strong, 1st vice-pres; Mrs. Al- w ere present to enter their ed..New telephone directories acceptance be on file w ith the HUNT CLARIFIES honor, wore a pale green taf- bonds to construct a building D istrict Clerk. Mr. H. C. San- lvn Price, 2nd vice-pres; Mrs. s in the church soft ball will be m ailed out the last of de reta ballerina frock and car­ to house 8 or 10 classrooms. s. by W ednesday.June 12th. Adolph Still. recording sec: team in connection w ith the this week. ried a nosegay of pink and District No. 108 in Estacada is v / e e d CONTROL The pe'ition m ust be filed by Mrs. Forrest Erickson, corres­ league school recreation pro­ w hite roses w ith baby breath. short 2 classrooms this year.It June 10th. ponding sec:Mrs. L arry M eade grade Mr. L. J. Anderson, Publisher The gram. A nother team m ade it bridesm aids, dressed like closed school this May w ith treasurer. Instalaltion of offi­ known they wished to enter Clackam as County News, the honor attendant,w ere Miss 681 students. It is estim ated INSTALLS cers will be Aug. 24th. Estacada. Oregon for a total of 9 teams. RUMMAGE SALE Shirley Stith, and Miss Linda th at over 700 students will en­ Officers for the Legion Post D ear Sir: was decided at the m eet­ M archbank. The flow er girl roll next fall w ith approxi­ were also elected the same as ing It that A rum m age sale sponsored There are a lot of m islead­ league play w ill be ring bearer were tw ins, I m ately 60 additional students reported nom inated at the every T hursday at 6:30 P M. m a n s by the local A m erican Legion ing rum ors about weed control and and M ichael Conrey. each fall for the next 10 years. M ay m eeting w ith exception starting Thurs.. June 13 w ith Estacada Garden Club in- , A uriliary, w ill be held at the in Clackam as C ounty and I M ichelle W atson, Jr., brother of W hich means tw o extra class­ of Ray Gordon who was elect­ four games being played at stalled the follow ing officers i Legion hall Thursday, Friday would like to clarify some of the Jack was best man. and rooms per year will be needed ed finance officer in place of the same tim e until each team for the vear 1957-58 at their | anfj Saturday. June 6. 7 and 8. the false inform ation as fol­ the bride ushers w ere D elbert Kig- to keep up w ith the influx of | m eting last Monday: President Bob Cody. lows: Please bring your rummage. has played the other 8 teams. children in the district.. The gins and Ronald York. Mrs. M innie Form an, poppy Some of the rules draw n up I Miss B ernice M iller; 1st vice- Sack lunch at noon each day. 1. Is the Weed Conral P ro ­ The brides m other school building has 18 to w ore an chairm an of the A uxiliary,re- | by the group w ere as follows: p res- Mrs. Hugh W allace; 2nd gram going to be enforced? ice blue sheeth dress w ith high 20 room s th at could be utilized ported poppy sales $173.05 and No baseball shoes allowed, no vice-pres- Mrs. George A rm ­ Answ er: Yes. for elem beige accessories. The grooms thanked her com m ittee for ; baseball bats, only regulation strong: secretary- Mrs. Carl 2. Is the county going to do m other w as dressed in green poses. entary classroom pur­ their cooperation. Mrs. Allyn soft ball bats. If darkness is W esterbcrg and treasurer-M rs A tty. Jones Has j the spraying? The high school has 380 stu­ w hite accessories. Price, Civil Defense, reported about to intervene it is an au­ Jam es Lamb. Mrs. Adolph A nsw er: O nly on CounPP w ith Music for the w edding was dents this year and w ill have on identification tags and m a­ tom atic 5 inning game, oth er­ Still, D istrict D irector, install­ | and Federally ow ned property, furnished by Miss Anne Har- over 500 students w ithin a 5 New Associate ny post m em bers and A uxil­ wise 7 innings of play. All ed the group. not-on private land. year period. iary m em bers ordered brace­ team s w ill use 38 ft. pitching Mrs. Ray Gordon, outgoing Raym ond L. Jones, Estacada 3. Did the L egislature appro- bert at the organ and Miss La or A 6 proposal a 7 class­ president, presented the group attorney, announces th a t E l­ j priate a great deal of m oney Donna Anderson as vocalist. room addition to to add lets. She also reported on as- 1 distance. the present The church was decorated “Bird Songs In Your m er F. W ollenberg has associ- I for tansy ragw ort control? sem bling an em ergency k it of Team s entering this season's w ith e candle-light cerem ony high school building was voted food and first aid. play will be Catholic Church, G arden.” „ _ ............. , ated w ith him for the practice A nsw er :No. The L egislature for th roses, snap dragons, dais­ dow n in M arch, 1955. A pro­ Past Presidents C hairm an Springw ater C arl W esterberg repor- Qf jaw ¡n tj,e Estacada office, \ appropriated nothing for this w ies, ith and Presbyterian , ted Mrs. glads, all in pink and posal to extend the Union High on planting the city hall w hich w ill be open on Tues­ j program . reported sending 44 dozen pa­ Church of God, L atter Day School curriculum dow n to in­ per flowers to the Portland V. j Saints. G arfield Nazarenes, annuals. The M arek G reen­ day, Thursday and Saturday 4. Who will do the spraying w hite. clude the 7th and 8th grades A reception was held at the A. hospital for the Rose F esti­ M ethodist, Eagle C reek P res­ house, presented the club w ith regularly from 2 to 5 P.M. since the County is not? a Junior High School pro­ church following the cerem o­ val W heel C hair Parade. Reg- 1 byterian, Crusaders for Christ, pansies and other annuals and Mr. W ollenberg has been a Answ er: Each individual ny. Anne H arbert and LaDon- for gram also voted down. A assisted Mrs. W esterberg in u lar sewing day June 21st. and the B arton Church. m em ber of the Oregon S tate property ow ner w ill be expec­ na Anderson served and Mrs. survey was taken in 1955 at a pub­ planting. Delegates to state conven-1 since 1939 and is a spec­ ted to eradicate his own M ary B aker poured. lic m eeting showed the Conservation C hairm an. Mrs Bar tion w ill be Mrs. Geo. A rm ­ ialist in Social Security tax a­ weeds.The County w ill enforce The brides going aw ay cos­ m ajority of the people th at Clara Coffield,asked the m em ­ tion strong, Mrs. John Abbott, Mrs. the law and give aid and assis­ tum e was a green fitted suit a plan of building a new favored and benefits besides gen­ high bers to bring tw igs of native eral practice. Ray Gordon and Mrs. Wm. Rites for William tance in the form of advice rath er than a junior trees and have them proper W ith Mr. W ollenber’sgg's as­ only. Also you m ay obtain in­ w ith pink accessories. The school Christiansen. Mrs. Forrest E r­ school or adding class­ identified at the next meeting. sistance, Mrs. Jones w ill be ab­ form ation you need from the newly weds will live in Forest high ickson and Mrs. Adolph Still Grove follow ing their honey­ rooms on to the present high L. FUCHS It is being brought to the le to give this local office ad ­ | County Agent. are delegates at large. school building. attention of the club of the ditional tim e under this new 5. Who can I get to do my moon at the coast. Mrs. Forrest Erickson re ­ ported on the dinner served to F uneral services w ere held littered streets in Estacada,and arrangem ent. spraying? DAIRY MONTH DOINGS the A lum ni and thanked all last Tuesday m orning for Wm the club wishes to draw the Answ er: Call one of the com ­ GOVERNOR JOINS JUNE for their w onderful coopera­ L. Fuchs, who died on M ay 29 attention of the general public m ercial sprayers, of which at his hom e in Eagle Creek. to this fact. W on’t you as a tion. 1 there is one in alm ost every Mrs. S. E. Law rence, legis­ Bill, who lived in this area for citizen of the tow n take pride Forester Burke 1 section of the County or you lative chairm an, reported on 40 years, has been the custod­ and help keep Estacada clean? m ay do it yourself. ian at Eagle C reek school for Corsage chairm an reported the bill w here Social Security the All spraying of tansy rag­ four years. P rio r to the group made 46 corsages Gets Promotion would be deducted from the that past w ort should be done by this w orked as a logger for and 43 buttonaires for the Veterans pension. T hru the a long he tim e but if the weeds have e. He w as bom in G rade School; also decorated Estacada D istrict Ranger tim effort of V eterans organiza­ Spring Valley, not been taken care of as yet IIlls., on Dec. Earl K arlinger announced to ­ the stage. C om m unity service tions and Congressmen, the 26, 1896. He is survived by should be sprayed im ­ the prom otion and trans­ they bill w ill be m odified and no his 93 year old father, F rank reported on m aking 36 a rran ­ day m ediately as the tansy rag ­ fer of Forester R ichard Burke. gem ents for the alum ni ban­ deduction made. ort will be budding and Fuchs, w ith whom he lived, quet. Jr. from Estacada to the Zig­ w bloom N ext m eeting w ill be an 8 T. ing soon and w ill be a brother Frank Fox, of Toke- zag R anger D istrict of Mt. P.M. m eeting. No host lunch land. W ash.,and a nephew Ro­ Due to m any fairs and Labor I m uch harder to kill causing a Day being th e last holiday of Hood National Forest. greater expense to the proper- j after the meeting. bert E. Fuchs, of Portland. fv owner. nwni,r the year, the club reconsidered Mr. Burke has been station- ty Clayville Chapel, in Estaca­ their Flow er Show date and ed at Estacada for the past 5 The belongs t0 each da, was in charge of funeral set Sept7 and 8th for their an ­ years w orking on tim ber m an­ property problem ow ner sooner I ents. Rev. Vernon nual show. Mrs. Adolph Still is agem ent and sale adm inistra­ each land ow ner and w the Local Shoe Store arrangem ith ta n sy 1 Ross officiated. tion. In his new job at Zig­ eradicates this noxious weed, general chairm an. ent was at W iliam -' T he program , roses and iris zag B urke w ill be responsible sooner the County w ill be j In New Location ette Interm N ational Cem etery in w ere discussed. Mrs. Jam es under the D istrict Ranger, for the rid of the weed. the adm inistration of activi­ Portland. Lam b and Mrs.Ray Gordon on Herm an Banks, local m an­ Sincerely, G overnor R obert D. Holmes the G overnor's signing of the iris and Mrs. G eorge A rm ­ ties on the Bull Run W ater­ D. J HUNT, ager, reports th e move of the Ju n e D airy M onth proves him self a real cheese official shed portion of the Zigzag Dis- j w ^ 'c o n t ^ ï inspector, strong on roses. A rrange­ Estacada Shoe R epair Shop Moose Lake, M inn , Star- proclam ation for Oregon. Also fan by accepting another slice and R & L Shoe Store, Inc. to Gazette: “'As early as 1653 m ents and horticulture were trict. B urke will start w ork COMING N ext W eek! De- offered by Miss Edith Herron, relaxing after the signing cer­ the II. O. O. F. building form there appeared this sign on a judged and discussed by Mrs at Mr. em ony is Floyd Hopeman, ow ­ Zigzag Ju n e 10th. The tails erly occupied by Gosslings. businessm an's door: ‘I have Adolph Sitll. She explained Burkes on New Swimm ing Pool; program director of th e Oreg- ner-m anager of A lbany’s Snow plan to move into a faults and points to be con­ Plans are being m ade for a laide aside business, and gone the in Rhododendron about Phone Service; School on D airy Council. D airy re- j Peak D airy and chairm an of new line of w ork clothes and a-fishing,' wheih proves thev sidered in entering roses in a home freshm ents w ere in order after Ju n e D airy M noth in Oregon. the 15th of June. Rond Election, etc. show. w ere sm art in those days too” a bigger shoe stock.