6 C L A C K A M A S C O I NT \ N E W S , ES TAC 'ADA , O R E G O N . F R I D A Y This Person&That (C ontinued F ro m P age 1) i t out th at the 1500 to 2000 turkeys that have m ade th e ir hom e in th e place fo r the past 2 0 years w ere gone. Harold K itch in g has a lot o f e x p lain ­ in g to do and by th is tim e must have propounded satis-1 fa c to rily to everybody th at a low and depressing turkey m ark et was the cause o f th e vacuum . It is no easy jo b h e rd ­ ing turkeys and th e re must be - - M \ Y 31. 1W7 som ething in it fin an cially or many know all about him and else. It got to th e place w ill gladly inform you. w here Harold was ashamed to Now som ebody is te llin g 1 look a turkey in the face and sell her down the riv er fo r a th at som ebody threw a book m ere pittance. Harold is one o f jo k e s in the fire and it ju st I o f the best farm m anagers in roared. O ne fam ily o f birds th at is the country and he w ill have A b je ct apologies to Eldonna still seen around this area is turkeys again on the place B e­ when reasonable ru nning e x - * L an kin s (M rs. G erry A m es) the w oodp ecker fam ily. for inad verten tly leaving her cause o f the lum bering indus­ penses can be realized. on the o ff the list o f those who have try these birds a re ........................... been em ployed at th e Estacada w ane. T h isis not good be- Now th at you have seen the bank at one tim e, esp ecially cu ase they feed on insects that nam e o f 'B a rt' and w ill be ask- j such a good one as E ldonna.A t are h arm fu l to m an. Birds ing who he is and w hat he present she has a good posi­ clu bs a ll o v er A m erica are try- has done, rest assured that tion in a C orv allis bank. WINCS OVER ESTACADA FIRST O f THE WEEK COUPON SPECIALS! ............. CELLO PACKAGES GOOD ONLY MONDAY, TUESDAY, SALAD W EDNESDAY,Jl'NE3 4-5 WITH THIS COUPON C O UP ON G O O D O N L Y XT H O R N E R ’S «1C. C n » F F MONDAY. TUESDAY. W EDN ESDAY STORE (oupon vniut spumi 1 WHITE SATIN SUGA ¿i lbs ABC Phmhir.g & Irrigrtien Co. MINCED HAM WITH THIS COUPON J ing to preserve them by set* and over, who have tu b e rcu l­ need fo r the realily av ailab le j ting up forest reserves w here osis and m any o f whom arc bed.M ore tuberculin testin g of I they are protected. It is said also alcoholics,is a g reat threat the to tal population was re c­ d rift j ommended, beginning w ith the it tak es alm ost an a cre o f fo r- to our society fo r they from place to place spreading [ 6 m onth old infant, and ch est j est to feed one w oodpecker. X-raying all positive reactors One of our most com m on! the disease. T uberculosis is still not re c­ regularly to find the unknow n o f this group is the orange- is source of infection. Continued shafted F lick e r who is the o n - 1 ognized in m any cases as of research was recom m ended as 1 ly w oodpecker who feeds reg ­ shown by national figures erad ication ularly on the ground. He is five percent being reported for necessary before brown above with a black the first tim e on death c e rtifi- j of T B is possible. Also recom ­ mended was the fin an cin g o f I collar in front. He is 13 to 14 cates. Dr. M itchtU said. ; inches in length. Modern drugs and surgery tuberculosis refresher courses A nother is the P ilated have shortened the hospital to educate m ore doctors to re c ­ W oodpecker who is seen fre- tim e fo r treatm en t and greatly ognize T B . ; quen tly in the wooded areas ! increased chances fo r getting T h e OTH A and its 36 cou n­ around here. H e is huge 17 to w ell, he said. M inim al cases 19 1-2 inches in length, b lack now can exp ect to be w ell ty a ffilia te s presented a $5000 w ith w hite under his wings within two years; m oderately grant to the U niversity o f O r­ and throat, a red head and top advanced have a chance th at egon m edical school to bo ap ­ knot. 95 percent w ill reco v er and plied to the G rover C. B e llin g ­ far advanced cases can hope that 90 p ercent w ill get w ell, er fund research . The S aid ie T U B E R C U L O S IS IS NOT relapse O rr Dunbar nursing education Y E T L IC K E D T H E Y SA Y but fiv e percent will fund has been established to T uberculosis is not y et lic k ­ and six percent will die. scholarships Hasty w ithdraw al of hospital provide nursing ed was the statem ent repeated on by health auth ority who spoke beds was frow ned upon by the in Oregon w ith em phasis to th e 300 delegates from 30 t m edical m en for there is still public health nursing. Oregon counties at the 42nd I annual m eetin g of the O regon j Tuberculosis and H ealth asso­ FIX THAT BATHROOM ciation this w eek in Portland. Nine delegates attended from Call “WALT” at 25F1 C lackam as County. Dr. A m brose S. C h u rchill, j d irector tuberculosis control • PLUMBING SUPPLIES section, Oregon state board of health, and P h ilip S. H itch- j * SEPTIC TANKS cock, director, church rela-1 tions, L ew is and Clark co lle g e , ® PUMPS both o f Oswego, participated I in a panel discussion on the j ® WELLS W A L T E R HI S S T B law s of Oregon. I T O F N S F l) • IRRIGATION Dr. Roger S M .tchell, U n iv ­ PLU M BER ersity o f Colorado m edical school, D enver. as g u e s t1 sp eaker said the tuberculosis ease rate had dropped as m a r­ 4th St. ESTA.CADA 25F1 kedly as the death rate. also Let WALT’ Do It. ________ the High percentage of hom e , less, single m en of 50 years 3 9 c Lb. BY THE PIECE WITH THIS COUPON C O UP ON S G O O D O N L Y AT H O R N E R S R I G C H I E F MONT) X V T U ' SD A Y . W EDN ESDAY STORE i REM EM SS! NO SALES WITHOUT COUPONS, ANö COUPONS ARE GOOD JUNE 3-4-5, ONLY m io A SSO R ^D FLAVORS L IM IT WITH THIS COUPON C O UP ON DM Y MONDAY, good CH IEF WEDNESDAY STORE on ELECTRIC W A TER H E A T E R AND R A N G E ^ Homers Big Chief Market See your appliance dealer or plumber ESTACADA FLOOR AS MUCH AS 50 Percent Off Entire stock of Floor Covering, Metal Molding, Tile, Wall Tile, etc. This Stock Must Be Sold Out Completely By SATURDAY NITE, JUNE Jim H O S E K , Owner 1st