flintm s CLACKAM AS COUNTY N E W S. E S T A C A D A . ' OKECON. C U ID A Y, A P R IL PfPSOPFO-PFPSON WANTAPS \ FOP Q(//CK PFSl/lFS H. m i 7 FOR SALE: Parakeets, coc- katiels, love birds, canaries, rice birds, finches and one can­ ary goldfinch cross, sings good. J. Albert Forb, Route 3, box 670, Gresham. Phone MO 5-4671. News Ads. Get the Biz, Tel. 85-1 Come n and meet the newest FOR SALE: Log ends and such levy are: | planer trim. Get your next ! family in town— the new John Increase of salaries ] winter’s wood supply now.Call Deere tractor line for 1957. E. Additional teacher L. Smth Co., 380 S E. River WOOD FOR SALE: Log I Park Lumber Co. 18F7. Tf. Site and building fund Road, Gladstone ends $10 a cord,planer ends $6 FARM EQUIPMENT Save half or more on child- The amount of tax, in excess a load, slab, stove size, $18 a j ren’s coats — beautifully re- of the 6 percent limitation, Complete line of FOR SALE: 1953 Mayflow- load. Call Park Lumber Co. I styled from your old ones. : er 27 ft. proposed to be levied for said housetrailer with Phone 18F-7 Service on all makes ! Phone 19R4 or write Box 123. [ hath. $400 for $1000 equity. Paul Slominski, DMT fiscal year is $57274.93. anrl models of farm Estacada, Oregon DENTIST Dated this 11th day of April, Phone Estacada 9851. pM15 Building Contractor — New 9 to 5 Mon. thru Sat. 1957. equipment. homes, garages, all types r e- MASONIC BLDG. WANTED: Tu buy all kinds Lloyd H. Ewalt, Chairman modeling Beat the summer N E W LO CATIO N Estacada, Oregon ! of livestock. Harold Sarver, FOR SALE: 3 sectional book- Board of Directors FOR SALE: 4 lots 60x100, rush? Large bedrooms built Estacada phone $>-51. and models of ears. l cast-. Also kitchen table with 4 Attest: close to city water and sewer. for $19.85 per mo. now. Local James W Smith, See Mrs. Also service on all $275 per lot. Elmer Davis, ref. Free estimate gladly. Call HARD IE Dr. L. W . Griffith MYERS chairs. Reasonable. District Clem. Edith Hall or C.J. Smith, cor­ Estacada phone 19-5. tfc PR 4-6502 or write makes. SPRAYERS A Complete Optical Service Publish Auril 19. 26, and May ner of Lakeshore Drive and Crown Home Imp. Co. HAND OR POWER. NEW OWNERS REAL ESTATE VALUES Eyes Examined 3. 1957. 9525 S.E. 78th St., Portland, All type nozzles, hose repair Canary. CHICKEN FARM Broken Lenses Duplicated Gresham Equipment 22, O r e g o n . A25p parts and service. 2 1-2 acres, small house, two Glasses Fitted Co. FOR SALE: Clover Hay in HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO large chicken houses, spring Eyeglass Frames Repaired bales. J. R. Lucicli, box 47, Es- NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELEC­ WANTED: Tractor work Ford ORIENT C-ARAGE Gjesham, Oregon water, beautiful view. Only While 'You Wait tacada Route one. , TION ON QUESTION OF equipment. Joe Janssen, Rt. $3000 with $500 down. We invite Comparison of Phone MO 5-1722 1, Box 122, Estacada. Garfield INCREASING TAX LEVY SMITH’S CUSTOM HAT­ FOOTHILLS RANCH service, Quality and Price Loon Hv. Orlen’ OVER AMOUNT LIMITED tf CHERY, 328 S. E. 139th Ave. We do our own grinding 56 acres, homestead cabin, district. Phone 19R5. BY SECTION II, ARTICLE good well, spring, fenced gar­ VISION OPTICAL CO. FOR SALE: BABY CHICKS- at Stark Ave., Portland. Phone XI, STATE CONSTITU­ Gresham, Oregon den and fescue fields, two Parmenter Reds, Stone- Colon­ AL 38113. MONEY to loan on farm and RELIABLE TRACT OR BUYS A26p TION barn. Located just above the ial Leghorns, Office on Powell Blvd. home mortgages. Beattie, HD5 Allis-Chalmers with Superboilers, Notice is hereby given that North Fork dam. $3,900 with Telephone MO 5-3813 blade and drum, very clean Hatch weekly. Newhouse Hat­ SHORT LOGS WANTED— 12 Hibbard and Caldwell, Hogg held in good terms. and 16-ft. lgths, 24” max. di­ Bldg., Oregon City, phone TD9 International with blade an election will be chery, Rt. 3,, box 640, Oregon ameter. School District No. 108 of LARGE HOUSE 5259. The Estacada office, and drum, completely over­ Clackamas County, State ot With apartment upstairs. Lo- City. Oiegon, Phone 60-11. MacPherson Lbr. Co.., Eagi' next to the Broadway Thea­ hauled Howard L. Smith Oregon.from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 | cated on 100x100 lot overlook­ A26c ter is open on Wednesdays: AG Cletrac with blade Creek, Oregon. p in. on May 1. 1957, at Esta­ ing business district. $8,500 phone 451. Phone OL 4-7411 Insurance • Real Estate Model C Allis- Chalmers, cada Grade School “ FREE” PAINT ROLLER in said with reasonable terms. Next Door to Post Office cheap and Tray with every gallon of School District, for the pur­ Anyone interested in a tele­ HOWARD SMITH REALTY Office Phone 31-6 Res. 6919 FOR SALE: 7 foot Cedar Model A Farmall.lots of equip. pose of submitting to the legal General Paint Latex Base phone answering service. 24 Estacada. Oregon Very clean district the “ Faze.” hours for home o\ business, Posts 35c each or a good price Cub Faimall with Plow and voters of said on all on hand. Call 16R11 Es­ question of increasing the tax call 56-1 for particulars. Dick's Logging Supply Disc, very clean tacada. levy for the fiscal year 1957- Allyn M. Price, M.D. A26 c B John Deere, cheap 1958 over the amount limited FOR SALE. Come in and Physician and Surgeon WD Allis-Chalmers and equip IZZY’S AUTO WRECKING see our fancy work and gift by section 11, Article XI, ot X-Ray & Laboratory FOR RENT: Furnished house Alot of power at a good price. FOR SALE:John Deere Mo­ Phone Damascus 2317. Address the Constitution of Oregon. selection. Used furniture for Services, Including modem would like someone H Farmall del M Tractor, plow, disc, cul- j Kt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at What have The reason for such addition­ Electrocardiograph interested in a share crop pro­ Barton. We buy and sell all sale or exchange. FARM TRACTOR CO. you? C & M Trading Post, tivator and spring tooth har­ al levy Rynning Drug Store Bldg. position. Phone MU 4427. Route 2, box 291, Gresham row. Also wood saw.. Henry kinds of batteries, radiators Eagle Creek.by the C & L mill. Purchase o f new school bus. Phone 23F1 Heilsberg, Estacada Rt. 2. box Mt Hood Loop Highway and FOR RENT: 2 wks. Others and scrap automobile paris, Improvement of playground Boring Road 74. Phone Estacada 17R15. BUSINESS IS GOOD, SO area 1 week. Mrs. Linda Baylink, tires, old and refittings, angle A5p irons etc. We buy junk, any WE NEED LISTINGS! Rt. 2, box 370, Sandy. Increasing cost of instruction old junk Berentzen Real Estate Additional teaching staff DR. KENNETH PARK FOR RENT: Cottage furn­ WANTED: Timber -Fir, ma­ Estacada Phone 24F12 Increased enrollment O PTO M ETRIST ished $35 per month. Also FOR SALE: Milk Cows, all ple or alder for horse logging. The amount of tax, in excess C O M P L E T E V IS U A L E X A M IN A T IO N want lady to help with house­ coming fresh soon. Nathan Call Portland BE 5-3089.A5p NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELEC­ of the 6 percent limitation, Office Hours 9 a.m. - 6 pan. JESS r . DENNEY cleaning. Phone MU 7-4427, Hoffman, Colton Rt. 1. bo 51 TION UPON QUESTION proposed to be levied for the Telephone MO 5-2490 Sandy. A19 OF INCREASING TAX LE­ said fiscal year is $71,474.56. Phone Estacada 30F6 1 B lo ck B e h in d G resh a m P o s t O ffic e FOR SALE: Westinghouse WANTED: Party for a share electric ! VY OVER AMOUNT LIM­ Dated this 20th day of March, FOR RENT: House, fire­ crop proposition. Phone MU BUILDING BY CONTRACT single phase 2-horse ITED BY SECTION 11. AR­ 1957. motor. Priced right. Also place. Modern 2 bedroom, $35 Don Day TICLE XI. STATE CON­ ll per month. Phone MO 7-4427 7-4427. ERNEST KAMMAYER. feed chopper. Paul Still, Ea­ OR DAY STITUTION Acting Chairman, Board of gle Creek Route one. Phone Agent for Loyalty Group & per month. Phone MU 7-4427 LOST: April 22: White Bun­ Notice is hereby given that SHINGLES FOR SALE Directors. Estacada 86-21. Franklin National Group ny Rabbit. Has red fingernail as election will be held in Attest: FOR RENT: Pasture for polish on ears. Phone 68-7 if l ’s; No. 2’s or Ni. 3’s. Insurance Companies School District No. UH 6 of H & K SHINGLE CO. about 20 head o f cattle. James whereabouts known. Howard C. Sanders, Tel. Res. 701, Estacada, Or. Wm. WANTED: Woman or girl to ! Clackamas County, State of Phone Estaacda 2561 Mutch. Estacada route one.box Bruquier across street District Clerk. from do general housework, live in. Oregon, fdom 2:00 P. M. to Published April 12, 19, 26,1957 169A, ntar Garfield Nazarene Clayville Chapel. BOARD & ROOM, close in. $60 a month, room and board. | 8:00 P. M. on May 13, 1957 at Church. DR. PAUL O. CROWN Good cooking. Phone MU 7- Phone MU 7-3643 or see me at Estacada High School in said FOR SALE: Estate Electric Cor. of Hood and Bruns Sts. school distret, for the purpose FOR RENT: 2 Br. Ranch Range; 7 heats; 3 burners and 4427. Chiropractic Physician Mrs. A. Hornecker, P. O. Box of submitting to the legal vo­ House with garden spot and deep well; top 38x23 inches. ACT NOW AND SAVE 143, Sandy , Oregon A12 ters of said district the quest­ Midford Bldg. — Estacada some fruit. $60 per month. Clock with timer; lots of stor­ AT SEARS ROEBUCK’S Fresh cow, if wanted (extra.) age room. Too large for our ion of increasing the tax lev" GRESHAM STORE WANTED: Reg, Shetland Telephone Estacada 1F6 Phone Redland Temple 1-2357 kitchen. Priced for the fiscal year 1957 1958 <4i reasonably. 15 and 20 Cu. Ft. Chest-type Mare or Filly Colt. Kind by M3p George Phillips, on Elm Road, FREEZERS Hours :9:30 to 5:30 p.m. - $33.00 and home, top price. Mitchell over the amount limited section 11. Article XI, of the off Lakeshore Drive, 2 blocks I $40.00 OFF 4-7341, call collect. M3 p FOR RENT: Excellent pas­ ( past old clubhouse. M3p Clostd Tuesdays Consitution of Oregon. UPRIGHT FREEZERS - ture, good fences, creek. $3.00 The reason for increasing $35.00 and $42.00 OFF. Evening» by appointment WANTED: Lady to do house­ per head per month. L.W.Fort­ FOR SALE: Riding horses. “ Ladv Kenmore” WASHER work. Phone MU 7-4427. Evenings Prone 68-6 ner. Phone 24R5; Estacada Rt. One pinto mare, half Arabian. and DRYER - $50 OFF 1. box 54. One Palomino mare, gentle. 2 Our -4-Star’ WASHER & WANTED: By May 1 or saddles. Lucy Waer. Rt. 2. box DRYER - $42 OFF JOB PRINTING sooner, woman or girl for gen- \ 135, Estacada. Phone Temple CALL MOhawk 5-3106 eral housework. Live in. Bd ct I i Clackamas County News 1-2668. Ml Op SEARS "Satisfaction or your room and $60 per month. ! Estacada, Oregon money back” Write, phone or see Mrs A FOR SALE: 2 used bathroom “ Printrng With That I MM 231 N Main. Gresham Hornecker, Sandy. Phone Ml: Professional Look” See us for Quality Used Car sets. Complete leg tub, basin, f BUILDERS Open Friday til 9 P. M. 7-3643. Double laundry | Letterheads Envelopes Buys. We finance, GMC or and toilet. trays Phone 25-F1 ■ Business Cards - Booklets or bank. FOR SALE: One six year DEPENDABLE USED ABC PLUMBING, 3rd St. Pontiac, j Circulars - Posters T ickets Bowman- Hoffman crib, like new. asd mattress ( 1 musai fT. TRACTORS 818 East Powell, Gresham Estacada and bahy bathinette in good j F 14 IHC on rubber $275 J BUILDERS H ä r t Phone MOhawk 5 2166 Formerly Wittmayer Plumb­ condition. Evelyn M. Lawrence Both for $25.00. [ 1946 A John Deere $795 ing Supply) m Phone 5R-2. Mrs. Lena Kig- , B A-C Tractor $695 Issurance of All Kinds gins. M3c IIIOntVIN- 83 % day s need PAINTING - PAPER With cultivator Notary Publ.c VITAL HANGING 1951 M T John Deere with 2- ¡a r s s l » , I i Estacada, Route 2, Box 94 PAINTING VITAMINS Fre»» Estimates 14 Plow; John Deere Manure Telephone Estacada 97-3^ Brush or Spray ’ lor clear lliln ---- Coetrac* or Hour Basis Loader $1295 DON WICKIZER good eyesight L. J. FREDERICK 9 N Ford, good $695 C. JONES Route 1. box 201, Eagle Creek M John Deere with plow and and general Phone Estacada 44F1 ESTACADA JEWELER For Free Estimates Phone well being cult $975 24F12 For Watch Repair L John Deere with Plow and APPLIANCE and WATER FOR SALE: ’51 Ford V-8 Tu­ Cult $475 Open 9 to 5 Daily PUMP REPAIRS AND { N il GY dor. Radio,heater and ovtr- 1950 M C John Deere Crawler For Watch Repair PARTS. Also SERVICE. $1450 drive. Five full cap tires used Pauli'» Repair Shop “ ORCHARD CREST only 6 months. Will take best? 1950 D2 Caterpillar and blade Estacada phones 67-7 or 67-61 HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. NURSING HOME” 117,000 miles Cat. Cpe offer over $350. Call Estaca­ Gresham and Portland da 14R15 for details. A26c Kind loving care for conval- Lucich & White Like new. Beautiful- Repairs Service cents and elderly folks or Tractor Co. flv equipned. WANTED May May 1 or yone needing a home and Authorized Clinton sooner: Dependable couple. A / CONCRETE BLOCKS irsing care. May have cabin. one large for All shapes 8x8x16 "Lite" Air-Cooled Motors You will enjoy our cheerful room for the summer or long­ Repaired - Rebuilt or r»»* ■ Blocks sold at our plant go »*1 unge with T. V. Join us at er. Board yourselves and fur­ Parts and Service Only 30c Each -chard Crest. You’ll be glad Super Hy., Gladstone, O. C. " .............. nish own fuel. Light, water Gladstone Block Co. u did. and garden space available if 6477 82nd at Clackamas Bridge Sandy Route 2, box 359 I Cross Country Stat­ wife will do general house­ Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 work for me for which she will lone MU 7-204 . On Bon- ion W agon. V eiy SCEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 1954 be paid $80 per month and ?dt Road tf. 194? $25.00 BIDS WANTED j would have time to do own I beautiful. Sealed bids will be received 24 hour Service Why do nutritionist» recom­ ular, need to improve their food I work too. Write, phone or see Phone Prospect 5-5346 | me in Sandy, Ore. com er of by School District No. 108 un­ mend a quart of milk or more habits. Milk, the Council says, is FOR SALE — Doublewear one of the teenagers best mean» Portland, Oregon Hood & Bruns. Mrs. A. Hom- til 8 P. M. May 8, 1957 for one each day for teenagers? One an­ for DES. Designed for com- improvement because of its swer is contained in the top ecker, P.O. Box 143, Sandy. ! school bus. Specifications may part Built for wear. of chart, above, prepared singular ability to "fill out” an I be obtained and bids submitt- WELL DRILLING “ Honest Phone Sandy MU 7-3643. Hiblewear Shoe Company otherwise inadequate meal. by the National Dairy Council, ' ed to the Estacada Grade showing Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- Minneapolis, Minn. Milk is also a good bu y, the substantial amounts FOR SALE: 1952 Stude- School Office, P.O. Box 220, of vital nutrients which young money-wise. As shown In the sen, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon. HAROLD NORTON baker 6 Hardtop Champion Estacada, Oregon. ¡ iDeLuxe. Power Glidt people 13 to 15 years of age re­ lower part of chart, per person al Representative, Phone Phone Oregor c ity 6085. Regal Deluxe. Auto transmis- Publish April 19 and May 3 ceive daily from a quart, of milk. income (after taxes) has risen icada 7x2. P.O. box 342 I sion, radio and heater, two America porsesscs an abun­ about. i0% since 1947 while the TIMBER AND TIMBER average price of a quart of milk dance of basic foods. Adequate tone green, low mileage.In ex­ NOTICE LAND WANTED meal planning, utilizing these has increased only 23<3>, accord­ cellent condition. $550 cash Notice is hereby given to all food3, ’nsuree healthier future ing to the Agricultural Market- Top prices paid in cash for t LOGS WANTED AT or arrange your own terms. Yet surveys repeatedly In g S e r v lc o o f th e U. tracts 40 acres and larger. Steve Zitkovich. Phone Estaca- taxpayers, who have neglected citizens. GOOD PRICES Phone R. M. Luthy, PR 5-3194 to file their Personal Property ixvoal »hat. teenagers, in u.irtic- Department of Agriculture. da 105. A26p or write 4220 S. E. Henderson, Report for Januray 1, 1957 • give full scale and pay Portland, 6, Oregon. FOR SALE 55 Internation­ with the Assessor’s Office, that Long Wheelbase ih each week for Old D14 ______ j, returns al Log Truck. Walker Trailer. | all Personal Property 700 Rubber next fifteen owth Yellow Fir Peelers ; 501 Engine: 34 rear ends; road filed within the FLOWERS for all occasions. March 21, ranged, all like new.. Mrs Hel­ days of this date, dvered to our plant in Special arrangements for en Hathaway. 825 4th Ave. 1957, will not have the penalty showers, parties, etc. Also esham. Phone Empire 7-3351, Sweet applied. However, all returns Business is too good! flowering potted plants. Ames Home, Oregon filed after that time will have O L Y M P IC * Flowers, telephone 59-1, Es­ a 5 percent penalty applied on tacada. Oregon. FOR SALE: Furniture. Bed­ i the total tax. M A N U F A C T U R IN G M. M. Graham, Assessor room set, dining room set, ov­ COMPANY T IM B E R W A N T E D erstuffed chairs and miscel­ Clackamas County. Opposit Estacada’s Schools WANTED: Cedar poles, all laneous household furnish­ Hvision, The Dean Co. Gresham, Oregon sizes. Telephone CApitol ings Phone Estacada 3R1. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom Gresham, O re g on (No Telehone Calls, Please.) 2-9581. Niedermeyer- Mar­ Phone M O 5-2166 $35 per FOR SALE: Pure bred Guer- house on Zobrist St. tin Co . 715 Portland Trust rone MOhawk 5-2161 mo. Call Estacada 3x12. I nsey calf. Phone MU 7-4427. Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon.M29 Professional Directory Rates, 10c per line, minimum Ad. charge 1 time 75c; 3 times $1.50. Deadline for regular classified section is Tuesday Miscellaneous Massey - Harris For Sale Real Estate Real Estate Leans For Rent Legal Notices [KEEP OREGON GREEN j £*> Why Teenagers Need Milk Business Services i This Week's SPECIAL! 1955 Pontiac j $1845.00 1954 Rambler $1395.00 1951 Chev 2 dr. $445.00 1954 G.iYi.C. $1195 BOWMAN HOFFMAN PONTIAC WAITRESSES WANTED! TOMMY M AY COFFFE SHOP