(X A C K A M A S C O l'N T Y N t W S, ESTACADA. O R EG O N . NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NOTES FR ID A Y . A T R IL Uk IM S two sm all children spent Eas­ ter weekend w ith the Wilsons. A dogmatical spirit inclines a man to be ENGAGEMENT IS censorious of his neighbors. Every one of ANNOUNCEMENT and Sylvan Carter have been Sunrise Service. Afterwards of Portland and h is son-in his opinions appears to him written as Mr. and Mrs. G len Fox an ­ | seeding grass and spreading ! the m em bers gathered at the law, A1 D ow ney o f San Fran- with sunbeams, and he grows angry that ! Burnetts hom e for a b rea k fa st., cisco. A1 and Carolyn, who are nounce the engagem ent or lime. (By L eila Gordon) his neighbors do not see it in the same W. F. 1 spending the holiday week their daughter B everly to K e­ B ill Reimer spent the w eek A choir composed of w ith her parents, are hoping vin Rolph, son of Mr. and Mrs. members sang in the Easter light. He is tempted to disdain his cor­ V isiting at the Milo Groves ! end at home but "burned to Mike Rolph. The wedding are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ricken- the Veterans hospital Sun. for service at Eagle Creek Church to m ove to Portland soon. respondents as men of low and dark un­ K evin more tests before th ey w ill later in the morning. Gail Ma- The Roy Mann fam ily mov­ w ill be in July when bach of Hot Springs, S. D. derstanding because they do not believe bee, an Eagle Creek junio, gets home on leave from the know if an operation is n eces­ ed last w eek from their old ! L ittle Tom Klaetsch had to sang a solo at the church ser­ home in the what he does —-Watts Douglas Ridge Air Force. have stitches taken in his heao sary. Garfield Home Extension vice. schoolhouse to southeast Port­ after a goat butted him. He is Easter day found m any local land. Their daughter Carolyn o n e of the Jim Klaetch twins. w ill m eet w ith Mrs. H elen Ea- people attending church serv­ w ill finish her year at Estaca Del and N ita Gant enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gordon den Wed. of this w eek. w ith their Mr. and Mrs. Harold Middle- ices, both at Eagle Creek and da high school, commuting Easter dinner spent Easter with their son and fam ily, the John Wicken- ton attended the w edding of elsewhere. There w as also the w ith her brother Leroy, who daughter and fam ily, the De- Lloyd usual round o f holiday visitisg is still em ployed locally. Serranos of Portland. Mrs. De D ay and N ight S erv ice - A L ocal In stitu tion kamps in Beaverton and on hisi sister n law Mrs. w hich w e former Rita Mrs. Louis Skates was taken Serrano is the the w ay hom e stopped for a M iddleton, formerly o f George, w ith relatives o f P h o n e M O haw k 5 -3 7 9 4 G resham , O regon have a partial record here. by am bulance to a Portland Gant. visit w ith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. but now of Portland to Lloyd At the Jesse W hisler home hospital last Friday. Mann also o f Portland Easter Christiansen near Barton. four branches of the fam ily Mrs. M illie K laetsch s giving Sunday. Last Monday evenisg th ree: to officers of Eagle Creek church Mr. and Mrs. Milo Groves tree gathered on Sunday a House o f Stuart party at her J. C. visit: David and Bob Whisler, Shirley Burnett. Tony Buhl mothers hom e . the Milo Gro­ visited his sister, Mrs. Saw yer recently. She hud been Marian Haskett, and Naoma inger and Virgil Nelson v es on Tuesday. ac -1 Miss Pat Duus left Friday in Hillboro hospital after surg­ Polehn, and each of their re­ companied Rev. Vernon Ross Don and to her spective fam ilies. for San Jose, Calif, to visit her ery but had returned to Moreland Presbyterian Pamela Fern, church to attend a buffet-din- She is Naomas baby brother and fam ily, the Glenn home in Vernonia. was baptized at the Eagle ner m eeting for pastors D uus fam ily and friends. She getting along fine. and Creek church service. w ill return in about 3 weeks. laym en of Portland Presbytery ! The Paul Stills spent Easter David Qualls Sr. Dispensary Saturday, April 20. wedding in Portland at the home of Technician w ith the Army is I vow s were taken by Sylvia j their daughter and son-in-law. hom e for a few days. H e w ill I Wilson and Tim Leedham at j (By Margaret Ross) Audrey and Phil Smith, and report at Fort Dix May 14 and the home of the brides parents, fam ily. Returning home they For the third tim e in a w ill be transferred to the Eu- I old Sheryl I M r and Mrs' Ember Wilson'in ropean Command for 15 mos. j month som e personal mishap brought 6 year on and presence of the immediate fa­ Louvena and Oscar C ra w -! has struck the Buhlinger fam ­ Bell, daughter of Vivian mily. Rev. Vernon Ross offi­ ily tree. Patty Jo Buhlinger, Carl B ell, who w ere also Sun- ford spent Easter at the Har- j ciated. Out of tow n guests in­ WATER HEATER the Smiths. old Wooster home. In the af-1 the youngest daughter of the dau guests o f Jeanette a Sheryl hoped to spend the cluded W ayne and ternoon they took a drive in Tony Buhlingers, fell o ff AND R AN G E Wilson of Portland, the brides Garfield and to the Dam. Mrs. teeter-totter at Eagle Creek w eek her with her grandpar­ brother and sister-in-law, and Nena Tracy is living at the school, last Wednesray noon, ents. Sunday guests of the Homer her sister Janice Howe of Col­ Wooster home since her oper­ and broke her right arm. She ton. Tim , who has made his See your appliance ation and is recuperating sat­ was taken to Emmanuel Hos­ Glovers were Mrs. Glovers sis­ home w ith his sister, Mrs. Vir­ Mrs. isfactorily. She enjoyed the pital to have the bone re-set, ter and fam ily, Mr. and gil Courtain. is the son of Mrs. CXTÇA T R A D E - I N M O N E Y and she returned home on Clarence Penning of Portland. dealer or plumber drive through her old comm un­ On Friday Patty Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holbrook Frances Leedham of Tennes­ ity w here she1 lived for many Thursday. see. Janice H ow e and h i/ w as able to go to the school to of Wishram, Wash., w ere Eas­ years. their Bill Klatesch is confined to attend a special Easter- birth­ ter w eek end guests of Sibyl B aley and bed for two w eek for observa­ day party honoring Carol An­ daughter, family. tion of a leg ailm ent. He is the ne Buhlinger and Sharon Nel Mr. and Mr. Chris Clements 2nd son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim son. Three w eeks ago Paul Buhl- of Orient spent Easter here at Klaetsch. parents, I I The Garfield Dorcas Society iger, Tony’s brother, broke his j the home of Marys -- Before that, little Susie Mr. and Mrs. Eric Seidel. m et last Thursday with Lou­ hip. Baley. grand niece of the Sunday guests o f the Oscar ! vena Crawford. A delicious -- - lunch was served to 13 m em ­ Buhlinger brothers, was struck j Judds included their daughter | and fam ily, the Jerry Todds of bers and 4 vistiors. They w ork­ by an auto.' Portland and their nephew. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Gerber ed on a quilt and decided to on Bob Judd. give the quilt recently finished acquired a new grandson to the lucky lady at our May April 2, with the birth of a ba- j A w eekend guest of Mrs.Ha- m eeting. Place to be announc­ by to their daughter,Mrs. Ray- j Zel Beers was Mrs. K atie Hei- I ed later. A book w iil be placed mond sh u v cr- of Oswego. The ple of Currinsville, who help- I IT IS N ’T T O O L A T E ! Y ou h a v e eig h t w h ole m onths to start on the Memory shelf for Mrs Shavers other three boys spent ed Hazel observe her birthday j — i— » i- i *■-- 0n Saturday. Last Thursday a few days that w eek at the Wooster, mother of Harold a sa v in g s program to m eet your C hristm as gift prob lem s. Y o u ’ll Gerber farm. a smal birthday party was g iv ­ Wooster. b e sorry if you nut it o ff an y lo n g er! T h e sm all am ount you put Tuesday evening visitors of en for Hazel by som e ap­ Both Mr. and Mrs. Harley Eagle a sid e ea c h w eek m ounts stea d ily to cover costs o f g ifts for e v e r y ­ S teele have been ill the past the L. O. Gerbers w ere the A l­ preciative mothers of Creek school children who en­ w eeks. They are w ished a bert Gerbers of Logan. on e on your list. W E ’V E S U G G E S T E D IT, JO IN T O D A Y ! Thursday night guests of the joy her cooking day after day. speedy recovery. Ethel A ttending the floral dem on­ Shirley Burnetts w ere Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. stration at Molalla last week Mae’s sister and brother-dn- Hubert Westerman enjoyed a Andy Ander­ visit from 3 of Mrs. Wester- from Estacada Garden Club law .H elen and her niece mans nieces and a nephew.Mrs w ere Grace Still, Florence son, and son. and from Dinuba. Lamb. Abbie Arm strong and and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Tren- Mildred Coke, ton Morrow, and small son. Calif; Mr. V iolet H inkle o f La- Leila Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Mike M oscow, Helen remained until Friday, pine, Ore., Mrs. W inifred F ish ­ mother of Linda N iesen, v is­ when she w ent on to McMinn­ er and Arnod Huggans of Mil- the Morrows, waukie. They had come to be ited at the Harold M iddletons v ille to visit w hile her fam ily returned to w ith their father, Wm. Hug- on Easter. gons of Clackamas Heights, Mr. and Mr. Sylvan Carter Seattle. Earn 21/2 per cent on all savings— Joanne Burnett came home who is critically ill and whom plan a fishing trip to the Rock on Creek R eservoir in eastern Or­ on Friday from OSC at Corval­ the W estermans visited 3 per cent on three year lis for the Easter week-end. / Sunday. The W estermans also egon this w eek end. Kenny Ronnow returned stopped on Gladstone to see Mr. and Mrs. J. Hankins deposit certificates. (Virginia Carter! have moved hom e on Thursday from Pac­ John Stidel, a former neigh­ bor. who had suffered an ac to Twin Falls. Idaho where ific U at Forest Grove. The Ladies Aid of Eagle cident in his home last Friday. both have found em ploym ent. On Tuseday, April 16, the Mr. Hankins parents live in Creek church m et at the hom e of Florence Cloninger on W ed­ Lonnie Sm iths enjoyed the T w in Falls. Ernest Over 100 attended the serv nesday, April 17. A nne Judd visit of Mr. and Mrs. ices childrens Easter program 1 and Dora Clester w ere co-host- Stockley o f Phoenix. Ariz.,for- mer Eagle Creek residents, at The Nazarene Church in esses. The World Fellow ship Circle who are in Portland for a AH deposits insured to $10,000 by Garfield Sunday. John Parvin 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. n ext W ednesday, short visit. sang 'The lio ly C ity’ accom p­ w ill m eet Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Saturday visitors of Maude anied by Patty Jones on the May 1, at the home of Mrs. Ed Burnett were her son Ronald Reha. piano. The young people o f W est­ Mrs. Edward Lee and daugh­ ter Marsha visited her parents m inster Fellow ship arose early the Paul Christianens in Clat- Easter morning to go to Esta­ cada . They constituted nearly skanie Easter Sunday Everyone is busy farm ing half of the faithful who clim'o- these nice days. Lola Reim ers ed the hill to attend the union Garfield News Carroll ^fiuterai Hume EcigSe Creek E LE C T R IC « ]P JOIN OUR SHRlSTBsfiS CLUB it seems like a long time now find Chrictmas here but w ith ifs problem* when y ~ j you'Si think back and wish you'd joined our CHRISTMAS CLUB! Remember, we have invited you. Estacada Branch Biggest Sellers.. .because îheyïe Biggest Savers I WE HAVE modern type and equipment and skilled, experi­ enced printers are your guaran- antee of satisfaction. WHY NOT let the job department of your home-town newspaper sunply all your printing needs — Competitive prices. LETTERHEADS Sales Books Wedding Invita­ Posters tions Tickets . S alome rts r~ n — ~— ' Envelw es C h e v r o l e t t ru c k s a r e built t o b e the b ig g est sa v e rs I Look at the way they’re put together. Frames, axles, suspensions, all chassis components are built to shrug off the relentless beating of a long, tough schedule. Look at the safety and con­ venience features in Chevrolet cabs. They’re roomy, soft riding; you've got High-Level ventilation and pan­ oramic visibility. Look at Chevy’s latest model—new high-capacity Vi- ton pickup that measures a full 98 inches in length! And look at Chevy’s line-up of super-efficient V8’s and 6’s. All heavy­ weight truck models and many mid- dleweights come with V8’s as stand­ ard equipment. Light-duty jobs fea­ ture the latest edition of the savingest Only franchised Chevrolet dealers 6-cylinder engines in the history of the truck industry! High-performance V8 power is optional at extra cost in lightweight haulers. Stop by and talk it over with your Chevrolet dealer. He’ll show you a model that lives up to the latest in engineering advancements; a truck that will stay and save on any job you care to name! C hevrolet Task-Force 5 7 Thicks The "Big W heel" in trucks! display this fam ou s tradem ark P H O N E E S T A C A D A 85-1 OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS See i o u r A u t h o r i z e d C h e v r o l e t De a l e r