CLACKAM AS BARTON NEWS (By Virginia Horger) The Barton 4-Leaf Cothing Club is planning to have a candy and pop corn sale to be held at the next Barton Com­ munity Club meeting at the Barton school Friday night, April 5. The Cooking Club lt a by Mrs. Charles Snowley, has been invited to participate.The funds raised will be used to­ ward 4-H scholarships. Mrs. Louis Coffin and Mrs. Darrell | Wright are the 4-LeafClothing Club leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jones,Sr are enjoying an indefinite stay with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jones Jr. The C O U N T Y N E W S. E ST A C A D A . O R E G O N . C R I D A V. .MARCH 33, 1M7 STRICTLY BUSINESS 5 by McfeaHert tiriili Them But Qufek "Vwv OUR LAST TWO Plastic Wall Tile 41/4 x 4 1,4, 11 colors, each 4c Linoleum Tile ....................9” x 9” , each 9c 9x12 Artex Rugs ..........................each $5.50 Roll ends and drops, Inlaid Linoleum $1.95 Sq. Yd. Values to $3.00 FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 44F1 1956 DEMONSTRATORS Estacada Floor Covering Long box and 4-speed transmission I Ford Hall-ton Pickup Retailers - Contractors Phone 44F1 1 Mercury Montclair Hardtop y . “- ESTACADA SHOE REPAIR SHOP R. & L. SHOES STORES, Inc. These two terrlficvalues await you “ Sorry to see you leave us, Fed wig— not many men willing to work for your lousy salary!” Featuring quality shoe repairing All Work Guaranteed Featuring a line of NEW SHOES and *ain Footwear for the whole family BOOTS, GALOSHES AND OVERSHOES LOGGER’S BOOTS to ENGLISH BROGUES W e are at your service from 9 A .M . to 6 P.M. H. L.Banks, Operator-Manager , Sr. Jones are from Independ­ ence, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller I spent Sunday visiting in New- berg with Mrs. W. A. Miller Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Charles Snowley, Mrs. Willard Bristlin and Mrs. Sophie Mos- tel were luncheon guests of Mis. George Elliott in Beaver­ creek. Mrs. Elliott ¡s a former resident of Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snow- ley spent Sunday in McMinn­ ville visiting the Sam Severson family. The Ladies Prayer group of the Barton Church wil hold an all day work day and business session at the Kenneth Eaden home Tuesday, March 26th. Saturday eve. March 23 the Crusaders for Christ will meet at the Bill Wymore home to hear Rev. Bob Harlow, who is former pastor of the Logan Church and is now president of the Globa! Aids Corporation Sunday morning at the Bar­ ton Church the Junior Choir will sing “ My Savior First of All.” Don oJohnson will sing the pre-sermon solo. Rev. As- krens sermon is titled “ Our Three Fold Relationship.” Donna Dilley will lead the 6:30 Juniors for Jesus service and Sonja MiUer will lead the Se­ niors for Service Youth meet­ ings. At 7:30 Rev. Askren will speak on "Why the Waste’ The adult choir will sing and the childrens specials will be by Pamela Luft and Wally Miller. Rev. Walden Askren spent the week end with an evangel­ ist team from Western Baptist Seminary, where he is a stu­ dent holding services ai churches in Haines, Enterprise, Union and Cove, Oregon. Th,.y had the privilege of speaking and presenting the work of the seminary. Rev. Askren left on Saturday morning and returned early Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Still have received their first load o f lumber and will soon be ready to pour the foundation for their new two bedroom home. The Barton 4-H Clubs acted as the hospitality committee for the 4-H leaders meeting in Oregon City March 19. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Caffenli and family and mother Mrs. Caffenli from Portland were Ssnday callers at the homes of Mrs. Eugene Bomotti, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bomitti and Mr.and Mrs. James Bomotti. The Caf- fenlis are cousins o f the Bom- ottis There was a man who had stopped going to church because, he said, “ Church doesn’t make me feel any nearer to God.” One night he stepped into the children’s room to kiss them good night. And suddenly he felt as though he were in church. There was a pillowed altar and a devout congregation in prayer. Yet he didn’t feel any nearer to God. And in that moment he learned the truth that every soul must learn; religion is not some outer force that brings God close to a man. Religion is man’s inner yearning which reaches up and dis­ covers how near God is. And so, from the example of his children, he learned how to find the faith which had eluded him. And, finding it, he returned to church to share with other Christians the rich experience of worship . . . to receive the spiritual gifts of Word and Sacrament . . . to serve Christ in the vital, chal­ lenging work o f the Church. He knows that in church—or in a moonlit nursery—God is near those who want Him near! CLAYVILLE FUNER CHAPEL Estacada Phone 56-7 ESTACADA CHURCH OF GOD 6«con