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About Estacada's Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1957-1976 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1957)
Cötacafta’ö Clacfeamaö In It's Fifty-third Y e a fo i Publication. Volume No. 53 Number 10 Estacada, Oregon, i : :< City Park Group .i- :? V invites Attendance JL3 this Person & That tat Mon. Eve Meet Single Copy 10c l ’idi Dr. Price Earned ' ¿sunt /3N to ci the Yeur // Important P.T.A. j Meet Should ke The Estacada Park Com mission w ill meet Monday ev Ralph M. and Floy Wade ening at 7:30 P.M. at Howard v m — ; purchased the north Estacada HI A t this time service station (known as Smith’s office. Wade’s) on Feb. 14, 1926 and plans w ill be made- for the A iT Herb Fifer signed the legal papers for its clearing of the sale on Feb. 14, 1957, to a Seat Park area. It w ill be necessary for someone to donate power tle company. They got 22c pr gallon for the first gasoline I equipment to aid in the cl(.ar- ing work. This can Include any they sold in 1926 and 36c a gal lon for the last they sold in type of wheel or small cater of 1957. Nobody would guess pillar tractor and lengtns what gasoline w ill be worth 31 chain. Those o f you who are in pro years hence and most folks position to help in this think that automobiles w ill be ject are invited Jo atttend the run by atomic powcr then.This Monday evening meeting. continual ownership 31 years not only beats anything in Es- B O Y SCOUTS SELL cada, but most everywhere HOUSE NUMBERS HERE else. The Wades retained ow The Clackamas County Medical Society and a group of citizens Estacada Boy Scout Troop nership of their home on the 210 with their leaders, John selected Estacada’s Dr. Allvn M .‘ Price as Clackamas County’s premises but have m ovcd it to Grove and Ernie Price, made the south half ot the grounds, “ Doctor of the Year’’ according to a Monday report. The award the rounds of town Saturday to which they did not sell. Then- finish a project they started was made for outstanding service to his community professionally home now faces east across last summer and fall of seling from the Estacada high school. and civicly beyond the call of duty, so to speak. poperty owners new house Ralph was bom at Olix, Ore numbers. Since all streets have The Estacada community heartily concurs with the wise choice. gon, and Floy Harlen in Wis been renamed it required new consin. It was destiny that Dv. Price has given unselfishly of his time and abilities workng house numbers too. they met in Estacada with a People not home and folks for the bettermentof the Estacada community. His guidance of high school romance in pros who are renting their houses the Estacada Planning Commission has resulted in municipal pect, as both graduated from create problems. I f renters do Estacada High in 1924. Their progress that is an achievement for a town of Estacada’s size. not want to foot the bill for a two children, Wade and Flor- number set, they should see if Besides the inspiration he has offered for city betteiment, the ence, also graduated from the i . . . , . . . ,, „ ... , , , their landlord would defray the same school. Wayne married facts speak for themselves. Outstanding are the rezoning o f the cost. Darleen Phillips, and they live City, renaming, marking and numbering of street and addresses with their three children in north Estacada. Wayne officiat- « , C J and the start onwhat will eventually be a modern street lighting ed around the Wade servee sta- /|C l//IC f #lf|CfVOf* i C l S system for the entire town. It has taken perseverance, patience, tion most o f his life. Florence, ™ * their daughter, married Otto diplomacy and the ability to withstand criticism to accomplish Hendrickson and with their these things. Dr. Price does not entirely agree with these state three children live at Eugene. Ralph and F loy have estab ments, and gives no small amourtl of credit to the splendid help Acting Mayor Dave Horner, lished a reputation o f stability from theEstaeada City Council, past and present. in the absence o f Mayor Bob and reliabilty not only in their i *" ddciardd the business associations but in ev- fw em n ch , «t®8 erything fo r the betterment o f week o f March ------ * 17 ■ " to 7- 23 as city m the town and community .Both widc P T A week.Special atten- tiglg Ralph and Wayne jumped onto ' t*on ‘s called to the P T A activ- the fire hose cart in the years , ities occuring on Thursday and o f its beginning and still take Friday o f this week, an active interest in the Estaca Fun for everyone from baby da fire department. Ralph and FORMER L O C A L M AN The Conservation Reserve sister to Great Grandpa is pro Floy are members o f the Odd 1957 DIES IN C A L IF O R N IA mised at the Estacada P T A ’s Program, a part o f the Fellows and Rebekah frater Kickaroo this Friday evening, Soil Bank, is now in operation Mr. Thomas Hanrahan, form in Clackamas County. This nities. Floy was organist for er resident of Estacada. passed Retiring Upper Clcckamas March 22. It will be held In long range conservation pro the Rebekahs for 14 years. away at the home of his niece, River Chamber o f Commerce the Grade School basement be- gram is designed to retire mar The most welcome news to Mrs. M. J. Ccrnio in Ventura, president Hershel York turned gining at 7:30 P. M. their scores of friends and California. Feb. 28. soils This is the groups annual ginal or low producing He was his office over to Bill Wymore, from crop production, and shift neighbors is that they are go buried in the fam ily plot at the fund-raising project, replacing popular Barton meichant at their future utilization into a ing to remain here and continue Calvary Cemetery in Grand the Chamber meeting Monday the usual vaudeville. to be interested in Estacada Forks, North Dakota. Chairmen Mayrose Godsey permanent cover o f grasses anu evening. and be among its best boosters. legumes, or forest trees. Surviving relatives are his. N ew members o f the boprd and Jean Smith announce that Good citizens, good friends and widow; one sister, Mrs. To accomplish this intended Wm. are Paul Treckeme (retiring among the many attractions good folks in every way, they Dunlop o f Beaverton, Oregon;! diversion to Permanent cover, will be a fish pond, food booths, vice- president; Ernie Rynning are hard to beat. anu the United States Government, and two nieces, Mrs. Harry Nis- 1 replacing Bill Ronayne, Chuck skill and novelty game», jitney dancing in the gym. through th" Department of A g son o f Taft,Oregon and Mrs. W. Baker and T y Correll. riculture, has agreed to enter M arjorie Moss has lived in C. Meyers of Otis. Oregon. Reports are coming in from There w ill be lots of prizes and into variable long term con Estacada for nearly forty years a questionaire forwarded to the rumor has t that the busy chair tracts with owners o f eligible and has made many friends men have talked people into milling operations in the area land on an annual “ rental pay during that time who w ill be as to the availability o f chips donating pies, so no lack of re ment” bssis. In Clackamas pleased to know that she is tht could be used in some man freshments is forseen. now in better health than she Admission and concession County this annual payment is ner of hardboard or chipboard was a fe w years ago. Since the 10c each, so $13 per acre per year for the m anufacture. Returns indi ticket will cost death of her husband, Jake, she parted length of the individual con cate the feasibility o f the in plan to attend and be has continued to live at Iter old (B y Sgt. Renfro) with your dimes in a most plea tract. stallation o f such an operation. In addition to the annual ac home across the street from The parents o f Co. “ D’s” The next step on the basis of sant manner. reage payment, the producer the grade school building and young men can w ell be proud information on hand w ill be to can receive 80 percent o f the she considers it very fortunate of their part time soldiers,their try to interest someone in such cost o f establishing the per that she has Mrs. L ila Scott, a ability to adapt themselives to an endeavor. manent cover, including lim e newcomer to these parts,living the concepts o f basic military stone, seed and seeding, and with her.Way back in the days training is commendable. LEN TEN P L A Y BOOKED seed bed preparation; trees when M arjie first came to Esta During the past fe w weeks A T MT. A N G E L and tree planting; or the estab cada, those around at that time the men o f Co. ‘D’ have receiv lishment o f certain wildlife Mount A n gel Abbey: Philip remember her as running a ed instruction on basic m ili conservation practices. laundry back o f where the Day tary subjects as military cour Turner’s powerful “ Christ in Minimum requirements for Lumber Co. is today. She didnt tesy and customs o f the serv the Concrete City” w ill be pre stay there Very long,'but got ice, uniform regulations The American Legion duly eligibility under the conserva and sented Snnday, A pril 7 by the Mount Angel. celebrated their 38th birthday tion Reserve are as follows; into her regular business o f the disassembly and assembly seminarians o f (1 ) The acreage to be di conducting a restaurant, where o f various types of weapons,all According to R ev. Gabriel Mor last Sunday with Auxiliary crop play members and many fr iends.A verted must be tillable she remained fo r many years, of which are part o f the basic ris, O.S.B., director, the giving satisfactory service to military training phase which was produced in N ew York last pot luck dinner ws served to land, which may or may no, all. Her many friends congrat- helps the new soldier to adapt November. The enthusiastic re aboht 100 people; visiting be be in a permanent cover al ready. ulate her and wish fo r her im- himself to army life and to views and the modem setting ing enjoyed later. (2 ) The farm must have a proving health and many more prepare him to receive advan- led to its choice as the annual Among Past Commanders, years o f living. ced training in occupational Lenten production in the H ill who served the Post thru the top Auditorium. years present were Sy L a w A U X IL IA R Y LAD IE S DO skills. There are two Oregonians in rence. Forrest Erickson, Oral Ray and Louise Turner have The officers and non commis W ELFARE W ORK ot Stormer, Larry Meade. Hap lived in Estacada for 13 years sioned officers o f Co. ‘D’ are of the cast of six: Jack K ra ll Friday a large group o f w o Portland and Wm. Park o f Mt. Dooley, George Tracy, Fred and naturally made many the highest caliber and are do Millard. Russell Reed. Adoph men o f American Legion A u x friends.: It is with great sor ing an excellent job presenting Angel. a A mail order system for the Still, Ray Gordon. Bill Christ iliary, met in their hall for directing row those friends realize the the instruction and day of sewing. They also made 2 P.M. enson. Merle Marshall. time sale o f tickets to both 1 almost hopeless struggle Louise the training o f our part for the and 8 P.M. performances has has made against cancer. It soldiers. Past presidents present were more paper flowers Sgt. Renfro, assistant unit ad been set up at Mt. Angel Sem Daisy Tracy, Evoyn Lawrence, Veterans hospital wheel chair has been a great try and the Prices have not been Lois Erickson., Mary Millard, parade. only chance she has to survive visor. states that “ w e have the inary. They had on hand a large would be a so-called miracle. potential, the leadership, and raised with $1 for adults and Mary Reed. Eva Dooley, Gladys the ability to develop Co. 'D ’ 50c for children and students Stormer, Dorothy Showerman , number o f finished gowns and She recently jjeclared that if also a trained, still maintained for this annual Grace Still. Helen Christenson pajamas fo r children; she must go she preferred to into one o f the best number o f pretty dresses for the pre-Easter event. and Leila Gordon stay in Estacada with her hus best equipped and one o f small girls for Portland Child in the band rather than in a hospital. most effective units M RS DR H A L L STR IC K E N Immanuel Lutheran Church, welfare Center- One quilt was As long as there is life there is State o f Oregon.” Mrs. R.I. Hall had a stroke at Main A Center. Sandy, Oregon. finished and another started.At hope. 80 stay on, Louise. A L G A N O B A C K IN OFFICE Sunday service*, 8:30 and 11 noon a pot luck dinner was ser her home Friday eve. She man Ina Chevron, Gladys Lenten services, W ed ved to A1 Gano who has been absent aged to call neighbors who got A M. A boy seeing a girl crying on Carrie Sunday School Stormer. Eva Dooley, the school grounds come up to from U. S. Forest Service office the doctor to her. She was tak nesdays 7:30 Grace sooth her. He put his arm i for several weeks when he was en by ambulance to Portland at 9:45 A. M.The public is cor Marshall, Nona Reed, around her and asked, “ Isn't ill with pneumonia is now back General hospital. Her hosband. dially invited. W A. Loedtke, Still. Sue Aycock, Lois Erick son, Daisy Tracy, Leila Gordon, Dr. Hall, died a short time ago pastor. Continued on page 6 at his desk. By C.T.J4, ; IS p * ..... J$y ' t A L.-? h 1 * T Í P.T.A. Observance $2.50 Per Year Legislative Report By Our Senator Attended Herbert Williams, Estacada , P T A program chairman, an- j nounces a program of special interest for the meeting to br : held this Thursday eve., March 1 21 in the high school auditor- I ium. A guidance panel, with Dr. 1 Stolte, Clackamas County health officer, as moderator, will be featured. Members o f the. panel w ill be Dr. Dan Bill- meyer, pediatrition; Miss El iabeth Graham, special educa tion teacher at Milwaukie; and Mrs. K t-mper of the Clackamas County welfdre depit'. The grade school band direc ted by Joe Barr plans to pre sent some muscial numbers. Nomination o f next year’s officers will be held during the business meeting presided over by Mrs. Woody Miller. The hospitality committee will serve refreshments during the social hour. The meeting w il begin at 7:30 P.M. There will be a report on the high hchool hot lunch program for the coming year. By Senator Howard C. Belton You have probably read in the daily press that Democratic leaders in the legislature have declared their intention to hold th general fund budget for the next biennium down to the $265 million as a mark to shoot at. The announcement o f this decision was contained in a statement issued by the office o f Rep. Pat Dooley, Speaker of the House. If the Democrats who have a majority on the ways and means committee, which pass es judgment on general fund appropriations, are serious in setting this budget ceiling they have not been paying attention to what has been happening around the legislature for the past eight weeks. It has been my privilege to serve on this powersul 'egisla- The Blood Bank which has ! tive committee at every Session been coming to Estacada will co- skip us this year and will be in since 1941 and to serve as Sandy instead. The date is Tues ! chairman o f the joint sommit- day, March 26, at the Sandy teo for three sessions. Based up- appears Women’s Club from 4 to 7 P.M. j on this experience it ; to me that this statment by the Donors are also solicited from an Estacada and any prospective | Democratic leaders is just governor donor please call Mrs. Hap Doo attempt to take the o ff the hook. Either that or it ley at Estacada 6F12. is a definite repudiation of G ov ernor Holmes’ campaign pro gram. The ways and means commit tee now has in its possession bills calling for appropriations totalling $314 million. This rep “ Soil Bank Base” whichis the resents an increase o f $54 mil average of the 1955 and 1956 lion over the balanced budget acreage of soil depleting crops ' presented to the legislature by form er governor Elmo Smith. grown on the farm. (3) The producer must en Most of this excess represents ter into a contract and agree definite comitments made by not to utilize the Conservation Governor Holmes during his Reserve Acreage for any pur campaign including the propos pose, for the term of the con ed $40 per census child increase tract. The contract period may in the basic school fund. Also is $7 be 3,5 or 10 years, where grass included in thus excess school building is the cover, or 10 and 15 million for a years where forest trees are program promised by the go v the cover. ernor and the restoration o f $2 (4 ) The producer must also million to the budget for High agree to control the spread of er Education to which the go v noxious weeds o ff the Conserv ernor is also committed. ation Reserve designated acre The $265 million budget ceil age. ing set by Democrats repre The Soil Bank Program is be sents an increase o f only $5 m il ing administered by your local lion over th,. Smith budget.This Agricultural Stabilization and means that any new money in Conservation County Office, at excess o f $5 million which this Gladstone- Any Clackamas session might decide to appro County Farm owner or operat priate will have to come out o f or who is interested in this new the Smith budget. While I am program is urged to contact the ready to admit there might be ASC office as soon as possible some fat in the Smith budget I fo r details on the program as do not believe any substantial it may fit his farm. The cuts can be made without Ser deadiline or signing 1957 con iously impairing or curtailing tracts is A p rl 15. Also funds essential state services, or stop- are rapidly being depleted, and png construction o f new and anyone interested in the Con much needed buildings. servation Reserve Program For instance, if w e are to must act quickly, or they may give the school people the $40 not be able to participate due million increase in the basic to lack o f program funds in school fund they are asking for, Oregon for 1957. it seems we must trim $35 mill The ASC office address is 660 ion out o f the Smith budget.If McLoughlin Boulevard, Glad - we approve only a $20 million basic school stone, Oregon and the phone increase in the fund, it means we w ill have to number is Oregon City 6414. trim $15 million out of the Minnie Forman. Blanch Show Smith budget. And this makes erman, Bessie Meade. Meta no allowance for any o f the oth ad Kiggins. Men who came in er projects to wheih this for the dinner w( re Hap Dool ministration is committed. ey, Larry Meade, Oral Storm I feel that the governor has ir. Frank Chevron and Frank laid himself open to criticism Marshall. Continued on page 6 Blood m otile to be Sandy Tue.M ar 26 j P. T.A.äick-a Roo important Mews h r Farmers on Soil Wymore new C. of Offers Fumai Eve . Bank Contracts for April 15, Deadline Commerce Head Reserve Unit 0. ft. on Progress Show Estacada Legion Post Celebrates 38th Anniversary P. T. A. KI CKAROO FRIDAY, MARCH 22, ESTACADA GRADE SCHOOt. Fun For All!