CLACKAM AS C O U N TY NEWS, ESTACADA. OBEGON, r B ID A T . JA N, f t still have the stories. Perhaps 300 new subscribers, w e could you’ll be entirely indifferent as get an addressograph.Of course to the stories behind these pict­ then we wouldn't hear those ures so we are hoping that it \ wonderful complaints. will sort of provide you an op­ Estacada business volume in portunity to realize that you | some lines has shown a good are a bit curious. If you are, you (Stolen from the Clackama, increase. These folks who are can buy a Clackamas County j developing Estacada shopping County News Shopper) News where you shop in Est­ habits can’t be too wrong. You One does get a little perturb­ acada. (Please don’t bother the J might give it a trial if you have ed when attending a theatre neighbors.) If you are not get­ not before. (The guys and gals running ting to Estacada. S2.50 w ill L et’s get ahead with Estacada. them wonder if anyone still aupply you the complete and | The Upper Clackamas River we mean complete Clackamas1 does) id the sound goes off Chamber of Commerce has a and you can see but can't hear. I County New fo r a year. If healthy start. If you, as an int­ This .’ app;nj cn television too, j you don’t think it is worth it, erested citizen of this area can but the average contributor you should see us beam when give the Chamber your support. (and we do all contribute in some o f our subscribers comp­ Estacada can lead the way for time, patience nad dispositions, lain they haven’t received their more permanent development etc shrugs i o ff as “ technical paper. ami prosperity for all. Incidentally, we could use a difficulties’’ ■■ id waits for the picture to seui> down or turns new system of mailing that we believe would bepractically fool to another station. O f course it is free, and so is proof, ( Please, no remarks as we appreciate our handicaps) this shopper. Now, in this particular case, Of you 2,000 people who rece- jou have the pictures, but we ieve this shopper, we could have K- na-a These Pictures Are Wi'liout Words! “ Growing parents are the only ones suitable fo r grow­ ing children.” H a I D Y llA M lU $ ï l 'A ? ! N b B IA !J m » i quist and fam ily across the C O U N TY STOCKM EN TO S TA R T TO P m w v f a r RV * * * * haint got Sumption , to MEET A T W A R N E R GRANGE SI A R T THE NEW Y E A R B Y |ou]^ 0ut f er themselves after street from Owen Smith’s.The TO TH IS Jrtheys turned 50 they ain’t two Jubb children were here Clackamas County stock- SUBSCRIBING too, a couple o f cute kids. never agoin’ to have.” men will gather at 9:3(* A M. N EW SPAPER O N L Y $2 50 January 14 th at Warner Year in Clackamas County. There’s a line in the ocean i A bachelor is a man who can Grange for their 11th annual without where by crossing you can lose ! get a girl on his lap meeting according to Hugh a day, but the traffic experts having her on his hands.” Caton, livestock association say that’ s nothing, as there Is secretary. Estacada’s champion boost­ one down the middle o f the President Walter Fisher and er o f the world was here for a highway where you can do tv- j the board o f directors announ­ few days during the holidays. en better. ced the follow ing plans for the She is w illing to have her yearly gathering recently. identity revealed. Even the Featu-ed speakers are Dorothy, A little girl was taking her moon is the prettiest and the To stiffen the tip of thread or cord Sherrill, OSC Extension con­ before stringing beads, dip the end piano lessons very seriously in most entrancing when it is in sumer marketing specialist,who in clear nail polish. her home on the Currinsville the skies over Estacada. w ill talk on consumer rela­ road. She went over and ov- ’ tions; Dr. David C. England. As s o o n as or the same exercise. A fter a I EASTERN STAB W ILL OSC farm research leader, who you remove time the family dog raised his E N T E R T A IN JAN. 25 soiled dishes head and began howling. Her w ill discuss the use of hormon­ Members of Mountain Chap­ from the table, es in fattening market animals: p u t th e m to father called to her ‘ What are ter, O. E. S. w ill entertain all and Dr. John O. Schnauts.OSC “ I ’m practicing Masons, Eastern Star mem­ soak in a gal­ you doing ” veterinarian, who w ill talk on vanized tub of on the piano,” she responded. bers, and members o f Job’s controlling parasites. h o t , s o a p y “ Play something the dog Daughters, their families and w a ter. Saves Regular business, including doesn’t know,” he shouted friends on Friday evening, Jan. d is h w a s h in g the annual audit and appoint­ 25th in the Masonic temple. back. time! ment of a nominating commit­ The affair w ill start with a pot luck dinner at 6 P.M. There tee. and a report from C liff If you boil walnuts for five min­ It was good to see Mr. and w ill be a short Rolison, county trapper, w ill utes before adding them to baked entertainment Mrs. Clarence Jubb in Estacada program at 8 P.M. followed take place in the morning ses­ goods, the nuts won’t dry out your the other day. They lived by card playing and a social cake. sion. * * • here for a number of years in time. Eastern Star members W o rn c Grnn«e ladle will Do you have a new pup who cries the house on Currin street are asked to bring card tables. serve a noon lunch and the at night ? Put a clock in his box. The now occupied by Val Nord- speakers w ill be heard in the louder ths tick, the happier he’ll be. ♦ * * afternoon. You’ll find that fish is easier to scale if you rub a little vinegar over it. * * * P A S T NOHI r GRANDS When rug edges tend to curl up, CLUB MEETS M ONDAY Spraying time is at hand. Get those we jds out ATTENTION BERRY GROWERS! EXPLOSIVES tr* 3 1»W ÜWDER SUPPLIES Nrwr Available at ’T ie Past Noble Grands Club will meet with Miss Lavina Crawford on Monday, Jan. 14, ' at 1 P.M. Members are to bring articles for activity p ro -! made by ject. Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.— (St. John 1,3.) Mrs. Clara Hicinbothom ac­ Almighty God, all-good, all- daughter to merciful, made the vast, limit­ companied her less universe — our sun, and Hermosa Beach, Calif, on Dec. the millions of suns beyond it, 27th and on N ew Year’s Day and this tiny planet upon which enjoyed the Pasadena Rose we live. And He made each and Parade with her 3 gencrations- every one of us. in His image. Aliee, Doreen and Sharon.She Each and every one of us is w ill be spending the winter in one with God. as each and southern California. every sunbeam is one with the sun. brush hot Perma Starch on the un­ derside of the rug and press with a warm iron. * * * Save money on tableware by choosing stainless steel. It’s no cheaper when you get it, but be- ! cause it’s solid rather than plated it will serve you twice as long. E s ta c a d ». W — M l 1% JHBUI ’ •FT ’m r . U 1. H U I B t 0F WE H AV E MEDICAL STOCKPILE in the Federal Civil Defense Administra­ tion warehouse in Marshall, Mleh., is typical of the 38 stores of pulk medical supplies in the United States. Each medical stoeb- ile, located 20 to 100 miles from major target cities, Is determined the size of the adjacent target. if c d a Photo) modern type and Use the wrapper as a core when ; u-inding new yam into a ball. Then. when it’s time to reorder, you’ll j THIS PERSON THAT - comes in 10, 12 and Smooth galvanized wire for all varieties of cane berries. 14-guai • * have the weight and color informa­ tion right on hand. onced prmtcis are your guaran- WTi Y NOT let the j t two nrettv ones you can’ t g >t to first base and neither can your sister.” A teacher tells this one so it must be so. equipment and skilled, |experi For Strawberry Growers You will find our IPC and DIM ITRO combina­ tion spray the speediest and most efficient weed killer you can use. IPC in 1, 5 and o0 gallon containers. DIM ITRO in 1 anti 25 gallon containers. * (Continued from Page 1) 5’J PPLY of your berry fields now to help insure a bumper crop this coming season. Sales Books Posters Tickets For Cane Berry Fields C e fe .fence Posts — Binder 7wine FARMERS GAS AMD SUPPLY Across from the cannery - Gresham Phone M O haw k 5-2C91 BEE-LINE SAFETY SERVICE Will Add Miles of Service to Your Car Drive in today and have your wheel align- mem checked -- See us for expert frame work, heel balancing. wheel straightening and A-r-ii-i JilECKING FREE + ♦ 4- Our charges for work needed are most reasonable BEE-LINE SAFETY SERVICE P H O N E M O 5-3844 Gresham, Oregon E. Powell 1 REPORT OF CONDITION OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK Envelopes SANDY, OREGON P H O N E E S T A C A D A 85-1 OR C A LL A T OUR OFFICE RESOURCES Dec. 31, 1956 Cash on hand and in banks ........ $ 879,040.72 1,497,255.25 U. S. Bonds.......................... 277.118.93 Municipal Bonds & Warrants 39,632.00 Other Bonds .................... . 1,381,769.36 Loans and Discounts ........... 50,229.93 Banking House & Fixtures 4,692.00 Other Real Estate ................ $4,129,738.19 CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS I’ll bet that’* what you told all the girls— back in 19211” LIABILITIES Capital Stock ........................ r ' Tplus.................................. Reserves .................................. TTidivided P rofits................. Deposits ....... ........................ interest collect & Not Earned Dividends ............................. know, the more you ouglU to know I” My Neighbors .$ 75.000. 00 85.000. 00 23.000. 00 7,187.52 3,926,505.83 8,544.84 4,500.00 4,129, “ 3 1 Dec. 31, 1946 $ 688,926.31 1,428,610.00 61,226.89 6.00 463,099.67 2,830.00 None $2.644,693.87 i,000.00 15,000.00 26,20