lì ili VJ L A M M r i t i II Jllllt FOR RENT: Apartment. Elec, heat; furnished or un­ furnished. Phone 36-7. tf. The Clackamas County News Estacada, Oregon Py Friday, May 18, 1956 P FR S O H IO -P FR S O N W AN T FO R Q U /C K R Wanted, Livestock ■ John Gerald Kreig and Lillie May,1956.at 8 P.M.on said day in the City Hall of the City of Belle Cappa, both of route 1, Estacada, Clackamas County, Estacada, have been licensed to Oregon, a public hearing will wed. be held before the City Council of said City at which time the registered voters of the City of Estacada may appear and bt heard on the question of the annexation to the City of Estac- i ada of the following described real property contiguous to the City of Estacada, to-wit: WANTED: To buy all kinds of livestock, Harold Sarver, j Estacada phone 35-51. I ----------------------- ------ ,---- BULL iiLRVlC'J — By artifi­ | WANTED: To buy all kinds For Sale cial insemination. Prices from Real Estât Loans of livestock. Pay cash or $6, based on area and herd Heal Kstate size. Finest selected dairy MONEY to loan on farm and trade. E. Van Drimmelen, Rt. mortgages. Beattie, 1. Box 162A, Estacada 5 mi. and beef sires. Pi ene Esta­ home Rates, 10c per line, minimum cada 651, 1921 or 492. Oct.* * i Hibbard and Caldwell, Hogg cast of Estacada high school Ad. charge 1 time 75c; 3 times Bldg., Oregon City, phone on Squaw Mountain Road REAL VALUES $1.50. Deadline for regular 5259. The Estacada office, Lucich & White 2*4 arres on h'ghway south of classified section is Tuesday next to the Broadway Thea- Lot 7. and the westerly1 Tractor Co. Estucudu. Good 1 bedroom | ter is open on Wednesdays; portion of Lot 6, not within the NICE HOME Authorized Clinton home, fireplace, shop, garage, phone 451. City Limits, and Lots 17 and 18. spring water. $5500 with good i Good location; corner lot Air-Cooled Motors all in TERRACE ADDITION to terms. Repaired - Rebuilt N O T IC E O F F IN A L ACC O U N T 100 x 100, 4 years old; 2 bed­ Estacada. according to the duly Logs Wanted Parts and Service room; Lg. living room; hdw. recorded plat thereof in Clack­ N O TICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N th a t the 3 bedroom house on 100 x 100 floors. Good lawn, fruit trees, Super Hy., Gladstone, O. C. u n d ersig n ed h a s file d his F in a l A c co u n t amas County, Oregon: lot close to city center; base­ garden. Owners work else­ in the C o u n ty C le r k 's O ffi c e o f C la c k ­ 6477 FIR LOGS WANTED a m as C o u n ty , O re g o n a n d th a t M on d a y . ment with oil furnace, tile gar­ where. This hearing as above stated Will go FHA. We give full scale and pay J u n e 4. 1956. at 10:00 A M in the C ir - • He has demonstrated age. $8750 with $3250 down. is called and to be held pursuant cu lt C o u r t R o o m o f sa id C o u n ty , at $11,500 cash each week for old growth reg on C ity , h a s been a p p o in te d by said LEADERSHIP and to ORS 222.120 in the course WELL DRILLING “ Honest Yellow Fir Peelers delivered C O ou rt fo r th e h e a rin g o f o b je c t io n s SOUND JUDGMEM* Summer cabin on Clackamas VIEW BUILDING SITE of a proceeding for annexation Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- to our plant in Gresham. | a n d se ttle m e n t t h e re o f. • He inspires PUBLIC S y lv e ste r T . P ow ell, A d m in istra to r with 60 x 180 ft. lot. Only to the C‘ty of Estacada of said sen, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon, OLYMPIC MANUFACT - o f the E sta te o f D A IS Y M. P O W E L L , CONFIDENCE. 9 ACRES $1750: property and pursuant to Ord­ Phone Oregor r'ity 6085. decea sed . URING COMPANY Good solid modern house. • He is a man of ACTION. inance of the City Council of R a y m o n d L. J o n e s • Division, The Dean Co. E sta ca d a , O re g o n Large 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, Fruit trees; dandy garden; the City of Estacada dispensing A tto rn e y f o r A d m in is tr a to r Gresham Oregon PAPER HANG­ utility PAINTING with a vote of the registered party room, beautiful fenced chicken hse.;l bdrm., (F r. M a y 4. t o M a y 25. 1956) “ A governor the Tel. MO 5-2161 ING. and garage in separate bldg. grounds. Only $10750. voters of the City on the ques­ Free Estimates You’ll like this place. I people of Oregon tion of the aforesaid proposed SHORT LOGS WANTED— 12 Contract or Hour Basis 3-4 mi. from down-town Esta­ annexation. like and trust" and 14-ft. lgths, 24” max. di­ L. N. FREDERICK cada NOTICE OF SALE OF Full acre on highway north, ameter. $57.00 per M. Phone Estacada 44F1 $8,000. .. $2000 down R: R. COOKE Pd. A4. KtepElmo Smith O j m w C o a a * REAL PROPERTY good location and all cleared MacPherson Lbr. Co., Eagle R. A. CDick) RmvUnsoa Ora. IMO». City Recorder $2500. U tn rtr. Stltm , O n t m 2 acres unimproved; 2 cabins, Septic Tanks Cleaned $25.00 Creek, Ore., From and after the 15th day CITY OF ESTACADA I small barn, elec., good springs, Roy Reynolds, 9602 S. E. 80th Telephone OL 4-7411 of May, 1956, the following Good 2 bedroom home in Estac­ creek, fir and alder trees, good Phone Prospect 5-5346 described real property will be ada, garage, fencedy ard.clect. road, school and mail routes. Portland, Oregon COOPERAGE sold to the highest bidder sub­ heat. Really worth $7350 with 11 miles E. of Estacada. 1-4 LOGS & BLOCKS ject to confirmation of the $1750 lown. m*. to store and gas sta.$1000 WE ARE now accepting logs at ELECTRICAL WIRING Court, to-wit: SEE on terms; less for cash. W. A. (Bud) NASSHAHN Log Dump in Oregon City as PARCEL I: The southerly 30 well as the one at our St. Johns feet of Lot 8 and all of Lot 9 Licensed Electrician HOWARD SMITH mill. Old growth yellow fir in Block 29, FIRST ADDITION Phone MO 5-4064 or . SCHMIDT REAL ESTATE OR logs and blocks over 30” in di­ TO THE TOWN OF ESTACA­ MO 5-2917 H. N. MILLARD Estacada, Oregon. Phone 2x1 tf. ameter, any length 4 ft. or DA,in the County of Clacka­ over. Wood log grade and bet­ mas and State of Oregon. Brokers ter. Western Cooperage Co., PARCEL II: Lot 4, Block 8, Phone 31-6 Estacada FOR SALE: 19 Lots,; 2 Portland, Phone 6-0611. ESTACADA, in the County of For Sale Houses in Estacada Lake ANY MAKE — PAID FOR Clackamas and State of Oregon. WANTED — Pole and piling Park. Excellent view; full na­ OR NOT! PARCEL III: Lot 5 Block 8, THREB-BEDROOM home Vz ture stone construction; plas­ stumpage. Terms cash. Nieder- Livestock ESTACADA, in the County of mile south of Estacada on Pop- ter; hardwood floors through­ meyer-Martin Co., 715 Port­ And at the same time, Clackamas and State of Oregon. tar road. Beautiful wood set­ out; 4 bedrooms, much more. land Trust Building, Portland reduce your present car Tende/i, PARCEL IV. Lot 7 Block 7, ting on 1 acre. Pine paneling Also 1 bedroom house com­ DOG FOR SALE: German 4, Oregon. payments. c-20 ESTACADA, in the County of in liv. and dining area. Oregon pletely Registered. dékÙHJiÀ furnished on Lake Shepherd; AKC Clackamas and State of Ore­ City water. $8000. BE 4-2105 Shore between beach 17p. and Call Estacada 9215. Be Wise — Get your auto gon. eves. tf clubhouse. For Sale $22.000. Consid­ loans from an Auto Dealer. Bids may be made in writing FOR SALE: Leghorn Baby er trade for Portland proper­ at the office of Charles T. Miscellaneous (tome coo^ Ui7iHUiuttó ty. Phone OL 45727. Alfred Chicks. Dryden strain chicks Sievers, Oregon City, Oregon. Now call K. G. Kraft Dinner is a E. Schmitz, Bkr., 7670 S. E. on order. w ith L. A. SMITH Beavercreek timesaver and r McBride St., Milwaukie, Ore­ Rasmussen, FOR SALE: Sheep Shears, Administrator with the Will 3165. KRAFT gon. OL4-5877. OL 4-6253 menu-maker I Stock Electric Sunbeam Stewart. Annexed of the estate of Alva G R A T E D 17c up today —it cost FOR SALE— Live white East­ Practically new. Henry Smith, deceased.’ t f thaï th ravfk - only pennies. Sc er bunnies. Call Estacada Heilsberg, Bstaoada route 2, FORD DEALER oad-thraagh handy for school 12F5. R. L. Foster, Rt. 1. box 74, Phone 17R15 FOR SALE. Small house, che«i t (lava* lunches, emergency 11th and Mala NOTICE about half acre, $600. C. J. FOR SALE— Weaner pigs. J. FOR SALE — Rabbit manure. meals. And good John R. Schultz. DMD Sorrels, Eagle Creek, Route 1, A. Lamb, Rt. 1 ; Vz mi. E. high Call Estacada 12F5. R. L. NOTICE *s hereby given that eatin’ always I on Monday,the 28th day of Box 36. i8p. DBNTIST school. Ph. 12-F-61. pl3 Foster, Rt. 1. 9 to 5 M ob . thru Sat. FOR SALE: Large wood FOR SALE: Feed oats, heater; cook stove Maytag MASONIC BLDG. cream separtator, Moline 3- washer, good cond., or will Lost and Found Estacada, Oregon disc plow, Killefer double trade for bunk beds, good spring cond. and chest o f drawers. C. LOST — Billfold, in Garfield disc, three section Dr. L. W. Griffith J. Sorrels, Eagle Creek, Route district Thursday. Reward. R. toth drag. J. W. Reynar, Box 183, Estacada Route one. A13 1, Box 36. 18p. A. Medearis, Rt. 1, Box 94. A Complete Optical Servloe FOR SALE: Norge 4 bur. Eyes Examined FOR SALE: 3-8 in Ext. Rej. apt. size elec, range; excellent WANTED: Home for year Broken Lenses Duplicated 4x8 Sheets $3.20. condition, $50; also have coil oíd Springer Spaniel. Cali Es­ Plywood, Glasses Fitted Browns Building Supply,, Su­ spring fold up bed to trade for tacada 7x2. Eyeglass Frames Repaired per Highway, Gladstone, Phon­ rug or will sell. C.J. Sorrels, While You Wait es OC 6420, OL 5717 Eagle Creek Route 1, B 36. We Invite Comparison of pl8 Service, Quality and Price FOR SALK—5 Mi ft. Tandem j We do our own grinding disc. Fair condition. Phone 88-3 VISION OPTICAL CO. or contact Keith Lyone, Rt. 2, FOR SALE: 9 acres just out Estacada. Near Estacada Res- Gresham, Oregon city lim‘ts Estacada. 4 1-2 cld. WANTED: To swap complete I ervoir. l-2tp Office on Powell Blvd. Some wood timber. Very nice including Telephone MO 5-3813 modern 5 room hse; chicken house furnishings j S349.95 Butane - Kerosene hse; lots fruit; very clean. new 20 ft. Coldspot Freezer for Place $8000. Possibility of good house trailer.Call Mohawk j combination range; used but I six months. Come in and see p22 $350 job with it. George Beers, 5-2844 Gresham Howard L. Smith it. Make us an offer, van the Pioneer Broker, Sandy, Ore. Appliance Man, Inc., 55 N. Phone Mutual 2521. Broker - ’Real Estate Roberts, Gresham, Osegon. Next Door to Post Office Phone MO 5-4011. Listings Wanted Office Phone 31-6 Res. 6915 FOR SALE: Several good FOR SALE: 6 year siz. places near Estacada; some WANTED: To Rent: 2 bedroom, for trade. Phone Estacada modern home by young couple crib and mattress. Phone Esta- with one child. Phone 7x15. j cada 97 5 Allyn M. Price, M.D. 14R3. H. A. McClure, Rep. George Beers, Broker, Phone Physician and Surgeon MU 7-2521, Sandy X-Ray & Laboratory FOR SALE— ’41 Chev. 2-dr. Services, Including sedan. Cari Lins, Rt. 1, Esta­ Electrocardiograph cada, Or. Ph. 6 -R -ll. P19 ! FOR SALE- Houses and lots Rynning Drug Store Bldg. FOR SALE: 14 inch Console in Estacada ;also other proper­ TV set $45. Operat'ng. Phone Phone 23F1 ty. See or phone Veo Rals­ 8x5 before 11 A.M. or after 4 ton, Estacada phone 4F5. tf. P.M. IRRIGATION & INDUSTRIAL Don Day FOR SALE or TRADE 4 Br. House, Utility room fireplace, Agent for Loyalty Group & 40 Acres with 12 under cul­ Franklin National Group tivation. 2 wells, 1 spring. New *$45 1 FOR RENT: Pasture. 15 a c -) 4” x 30’ suction hose Insurance Companies 20x30 Chicken House, Garage res fenced, water, fourth year [ 5 h’p., 1 phase new pump $250 Tel. Res. 701, Estacada, Or. and barn. Desire 3 Br. House grass. Top of Day Hill road. [ Sprinkler Pipe & Fittings near or in Gladstone. Will con­ Phone 1F6 or 201 ROGERS MACHINERY CO. || sider lot. Phone or write W AL­ 5035 S.E. McLoughlin TER H. MAURER Rt 1, Box PORTLAND Dr. Ralph J. Svehaug PONTIAC - GMC Gresham. Oregon Phone f.iO 5-216G 45, Estacada, Ore. On Folsom BE 4 6478 Chiropractic and Road 3 miles north. NOTICE Naturopathic Physiciar Midford Bldg. — Estacada FOR SALE— 1x4 No. 3 dry The Clackamas County Telephone Estacada 1F6 flooring, $55.00 per M. Browns road dept, employees have For Appointment Building Supply, Super-High­ Business Services requested that the 1956-1957 Residence Phone 201 way, Gladstone. Phones OC HOURS: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 6420; OL 5717. FLOWERS for all occasions, j road dept, budget include a Except Thursday, Saturday $30 per month pay raise for Special arrangements for afternoons. Evenings by showers, parties, etc. Also FOR SALE: 1952 29 ft. all road workers. This will appointment flowering potted plants. Ames j bring the pay scale a step Kit Trailer. Good condition. Flowers, telephone 59-1, Es­ J. R. Gonser, Acacia Court, nearer to that paid in priv­ tacada, Oregon. Estacada. 17p ate industry. The road dept, JOB PRINTING CONCRETE BLOCKS did not ask for a $50 to $100 Clackamas County News Only 29c Each For Kent, Houses Estacada, Oregon raise, as was stated recently for All shapes 8x8x16 “ Lite” “ Printing With That in the Oregon C*ty Enter­ Blocks sold at our plant FOR RENT: Three room Professional Look” prise Courier. Gladstone Block Co. furnished apartment. Call Letterheads Envelopes 82nd at Clackamas Bridge Estacada 97-12 Business Cards - Booklets Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 j Circulars - Posters - Tickets — FOR RENT—2-bedroom house partly furnished; m o d e r n . IZZY’S AUTO WRECKING Phone Barnes at 9-R-5 (Mrs. Evelyn M. Lawrence Phone Damascus 2317. Address Clyde Barnes.) Rt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at lssarance of A11 Kinds Barton. We buy and sell all WANTED to buy o lamb for FOR RENT: House a mile Notary Public kinds o f batteries, radiators 4H club project at a reason­ and quarter out of Estacada. j Estacada, Route 2, Box 94 and scrap automobile paras, able pr'ce. Mike Newell, Six room modem house. Tel. | Telephone Estacada 97-3 tires, old and refittings, angle phone 97-6 Estacada 14F31. Available j irons etc. W e buy junk, any FOR SALE: New 6 rm. now. old junk home. Nice location. 8 bdrms., C. JONES all metal kitchen, circulating FOR RENT:2 bedroom mo- \ ESTACADA JEWELER between Eagle j FOR SALE LOT 52 x 100 fireplace, patio,good lawn, all- dern home 1 fruit tree; 4 Creek and Barton on high- j partly cleared, 3 blocks from fenced in; For Watch Repair O. J. Workman, Eagle P. O. on same level; nice shade trees; all sidewalks laid. way. Open 9 to 5 Dally building site. Price $200. Geo. Excellent terms. Duane Olan- Creek route one; Phone Esta-1 For Watch Repair > pJl aeda 74-2 W. Phillips, box 312, Estacada rie, Phone 8311 Class. A d Rates Legal Notices TáátyTíp for Quick Ms! BORROW CASH On your car or Truck! MACARONIAND-CHEESF Oregon City Motor Co. Professional Directory SPECIAL Attention h e lle r s Swaps W anted W anted to Rent Ï 95 1 M ercury 4 D r. $450 7949 Ford 4 D r. Sedan $150 19 49 Chev. 2 D r. Sedan $200 $795 Custom Catalinas, haded 19 5 2 G M C Pickup, A Premium For Sale, T V Sets PUM P BARGAIMS; fon) Buys Acreage fo r Rent Three Pontiac and perfect! A BARGAIN ON EACH. Bowman - Hoffman Pontiac WALLACE D. BISHOP DEMOCRAT J M isc. W anted For COUNTY Commissioner A step tow ard F A IR H 0 N Í S T R [S P O N S IB L E County Governm ent