I TWA HONORED AT EAGLE ess responsibilities for t h is CREEK STORK SHOWER shower. A double stork shower wasj given on Friday night. May 11, Estacada Scouts to for Mrs. George Baley and Mrs. Attend Camporee Stewart Woods, in the Eagle | Estacada Boy Scout troop 210 Creek Church fellowship hall. | will leave early Saturday The honorees were showered morning, with Scoutmaster Joe with baby gifts by 28 ladies Barr, to participate in the an­ present and a number o f others nual Scout Camporee at Canby, unable to attend. Centering the on the County |Falrgrounds. gift table was a large toy stork During the Camporee, which standing in a yellow crepe pa­ lasts from Friday eve: until Sunday, all o u f v Ciacka- per water Multicolored l^ vi w a ter « lily. uy. i V i u i U C O t o r e a I ‘J uuua^ • a “ s scouts tru ts v -.ia i.iv a - bouquets of tulips, lilacs, iris, j mas County will have a chance and other spring flowers, dec- I *° compete in camping skills. orated the tables, at which the ----- guests were served refresh- Ten-year-old Jimmy Barr, ments of angel food cake and 4th grade son of Mr. and Mrs. ice cream. Quite a number of Joe Barr> made a quiclc trip to the church ladies shared host-, Portland Genera, Hoipital Sun­ day night to have his appendix removed. Among those going to the coast this last weekend for pleasure and clams were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Saunders and children, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bartholomew and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Dunlop and John Stormer. Larry Mehl spent Mother’s day here with his mother. He teaches agriculture In the Wal­ lowa, Oregon, schools. | SPRINGWATIR EYES A L O F T The Clackamas County News Estacada, Oregon f " Friends o f Mrs Maude Rar Nora Carpenter, a faithful ■ck note the death last Satur day of her sister-inlaw, Mrs Observer until she moved to Margaret A. Rarick of Port­ California a few years ago. is land. The Rev. Charles C.Rar­ vis'ting Estacada friends. There ick, husband o f the deceased, is a plan afoot to draft her for has visted Springwater Church Tower service at least once many times in past years; and while she is here. local friends extend sympathy The new Aircraft message to him in his loss. Dr: and Mrs form (yellow sheet) is now in Rarick had just celebrated use and columns No. 3, function their 65th weddlng anniversary of Aircraft and No.8, distance Visiting at the Harry Sarver Edward Shearer, who is cur­ from Post are both to be omit­ home for the past ten days rently staying at home of his ted. We would be remiss in our were their daughter and son-in- son Gilbert in West Linn, was over duty as a reporter if we failed law, Mr. and Mrs. Julio Quilici visiting in Springwater and baby daughter Lou Ann. the weekend, attending Satur­ to set down here that S-Sgt. On Monday they left to return day's Grange meeting and Sun­ Mattson wore h>s new summer uniform, and very smart too, on to their home in Lovelock, Nev day church services. During last week the Sarvers Dale Roeder returned last his most recent visit to Estaca­ and their guests sojourned at Thursday to the home of h‘s da. Also we are informed that Seaside. parents .Mr and Mrs. Cyril the Sgt. has the promising be­ All Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oberg Roeder, after serving with the ginnings of a moustache. this will be apparent on attend­ and childen spent the weekend U.S. Army in Germany. at Longbeach, Wash. The Everett Shibleys drove ance at the Wednesday evening Wilma Guttridge and small meeting. Mothers Day week end visit­ sons to Troutdale on Sunday Peggy Anders, who served at or at the home of Mr. and Mrs. for her to "catch a ride” with the Tower until taken to the Don Showerman and children friends driving home to Herm- hospital somet‘me ago, is at was his mother, Mrs. Blanche iston. On their return trip, home convalescing. Showerman o f Hillsboro. She the Sh‘bleys stopped in Port­ Larry Anders has taken up came on Friday and they took land to visit Mrs.Shibley’s bro­ Observer duties again for the her into Portland Monday to ther, Bill Beck, and family. Garfield Grange after an inter­ get her bus for home. WhUe high school studies Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Shibley val when here she was taken to the went to Portland Sunday for kept him too busy for sky­ homes of various friends she a Mother’s Day dinner at the watching. knew while living here and al­ home o f Jean’s Park's Mill has donated an­ parents, the so attended Methodist Moth­ McCloskeys. other load o f wood for the ers Day church services with Estacada Celebrating Mother’s Day stove at our post. her family. For dinner on Sun­ with Mrs. Erma Tenny were i Volunteer Fire Dept, members day Meta Kiggins also was a her two daughters and their fa- I have volunteered to help our guest at their home. Underwood milies— the Lyle Pattersons of | supervisor, Red with delivery. Milwaukie and the Ken Petr'es Rev. Violet Bolliger has a new grandson born to her of Portland. Also sharing Sun­ dinner at the Tenny home daughter and husband, Mr.and day was Ed. Shearer. Mrs. C. Edward Brain May 10 The Del Gants enjoyed a in Berkeley, Calif. He has been named Joel Marcus and Mother’s Day dinner party in This is the store of over one thousand gifts has two brothers, Edward Jr. Portland, hosted by their son and Kenneth. The paternal Delmer Gant and son-in-law, grandparents live in California. Don Thomas, and also honoring that would be appreciated by the boy or girl Norma Mrs. Nettie Littlefield of Port­ the younger mothers, land, who is a frequent visitor and Reitha.Later they all visit­ graduate. It’s easy to choose gifts here where at the home of her daughter. ed daughter Rita DeSeranno and her family in Portland. Rev.Violet Bolliger, is the great Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner, grandmother. accompan'ed by Mrs. Helen you have such a large and varied selection— Hubbard, spent Sunday visit­ MRS. BATES ENTERTAINS ing their daughter and son-in- ind you‘11 find our prices will appeal to you PAST NOBLE GRANDS law, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Evon in Mrs. Mollie Bates was hostess Oregon City. Last Thursday for the Past Noble Grands club night visitors at too----- the Horner at her home Monday at a 1P.M home were Mr.and Mrs.Robert luncheon with 15 members pre­ Copp o f Portland sent. The Arnold Broadhursts Mrs.Amy Rivers, president of drove to Salem Sunday to see I the club, conducted the business Mrs. Broadhurst’s mother. Mrs. ] meeting when plans were made Winnie Lappen. Saturday night 11 for the June 11 meet. It will they entertained Arnie’s moth­ Powell Blvd. and Main Grsham, Oregon ' be a pot luck p'enic in the yard er, Mrs. Lucy Broadhurst, and of Mrs. Nellie Currin. Commit­ B‘ll Brown. Monday luncheon tee will be Mrs. Florence Goh- guests included Lucy Broad­ ring, Mrs. Wilma Rynning and hurst, Lois Brown and son Da- | Mrs. Elsie Hale vey, and small niece Joyce Broadhurst. On May 8. Arnie Those attending the Lewis Broadhurst attended a meeting and Clark Spring Concert at of the “ old timers” auto club the civic auditoriem recently at Portland’s Multnomah hotel. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy were Mrs Foland Girt, Eva Jo weekend were Girt. Barhrra la v r ? and Mrs. Baker last THE TIRE SALE EVENT OF THE YEAR Clvde Alexander. Stanley Girt, Roy’s sister and brother-in-law of who ‘s majoring in music at Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cave HERE IT IS— I Lewis and Clark played in the Springfield. hand. Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Lawrence enjoyed a Mothers Day dinner ■n Portland at the home of PAST MATRONS CLUB IS ENTERTAINED their daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. Ahh‘e Armstrong was Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wiechmann. I hostess or Friday afternoon to Visiting the Henry Heiisbergs the Past Matrons Club of O.E. last Friday afternoon was their c P ' -sent were Mrs. Alice sister-in-law, Mrs. Jay Moore fV-tpr Mrs. Madeline Fourier, of Spokane. Top Quality Co-op Pasrengcr Tires The Wilbur Howells spent Mrs. H^zel Day, Mrs. Bessie Meade. Mrs. Mary Reed. Mrs. Sunday with “ Red’s” mother, T .avina Ahnert. Mrs. Bess Kauf- Mrs. Rex Bledsoe in Garfield. I AS LOW AS I man Mrs. Julia Latimer, Mrs. On Saturday Mrs. Howell w*th j Vp-nita Gant,Mrs. Daisy Tracy. Bonnie visited her mother,Mrs Dessert l'-ncheon was served; Arnold Linder at Carver. Sunday visitors at the Ray I j followed h - a Short business Aycock home were Mrs. Robert I meeting and social hour. Guttridge (an aunt of Ruth’s) and Miss Lavina Crawford of 'T H O m MASTERS’ CLUB 6:70x 15 Tire. Price includes tax & mounting Portland. Dinner guests were MEET'S i*T ESTACADA Ray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.Ed The School M ajors’ C'ub of Aycock. B U Y C-OP TIRES DURING TH IS SALE — Clackamas Countv held its Sunday afternoon visitors at May meeting on Tuesday. May the Jack Akins FOR M ILEAGE - Q U A L IT Y - SA VIN G S home were 8th in the Estacada Grade Kathleen’s parents, Mr. and School cafeteria. Archie Pad- Mrs Roy Beck of Portland berg of Milwaukie, club presi­ Three Springwater young dent presided over the meet­ people who went w'th Vernon ing. Tom McBride, Principal Ross to Portland on Monday 600 N. E. 8th St. Gresham, Oregon £ of Molalla was elected vice- night to attend the m onthly. president to succeed Ray Buy­ meeting of Youth Presbytery | ers. Concord School Sunt Ray were Winnie Shibley, Lilly Ru Buyers will automatically be­ pert and Mike Newell. Other | come president for next school Westminster Fellowship mem-« vear. Bill Shannon, County bers from Eagle Creek also Supervisor will succeed him­ wont along self as secretary-treasurer. This Wednesday afternoon the Springwater Grange Home Ec. club met at the home of Mrs. Laura Tucker, and after­ CARPENTER wards feted her with a special . surpise celebration >n honor of | REMODELING her 79th birthday. Trucks are hauling logs off General Contracting the back of Elmer Dibble's pro­ Painting - Decorating- Spray perty this week. Advance announcement is or Brush made of two Springwater Grange sponsored events on Paper Hanging Saturday. May 26. In the morn­ Prompt and Expert Service ing will be the annual cemetery A. R. TALMADGE, Sr. cleanup. At noon at the Shib­ 280 W. Exeter - Tel OC 6404 ley home, will be a picnic to which all children of Spring Gladstone, Oregon water. Dodge, and Viola are invited to come and bring their parents land food ) FOR THc GRADUAL. MAR ro vom Him Friday, May 18, 1956 "NEWS" Want Ads Produce Results! dDa ^DQQg Qaagd I NC-R E DI 8 I't TWO ARKANSAS A * GUARD JE T P ,w „- - v KTUWHN FROM AN AIR ATTACK ON NORTH KOMA LITERALLY GARXJED HOME TOE PLANE O f A FELLOW GUARDSMAN WHO HAP PASSED OUT FROM LACK Of OXYGEN THEY PUCHF TRHR WING TIPS UNDER THE WINGS Of MS UNCONTROLLED PLANE. 6 ¿S í GREAT GUARDSMAN 0IRTH OF A G REAT N A M E 2 6 tw p r e sid e n t ; BEGAN HIS M ILITARY CAREER IN THE NEW VORK NATIONAL GUARD IN »92. HE LATER COMMANDED COMPANY B . ô ih REGIMEHT WASHINGTON GUYS') our & THE NAME'N ATIONAL GUARD” ORIGINATED IN 1824 WHEN THE OLD 7™ REGIMENT O f THE NEW YORK M ILIT IA TOOK THE NAME IN HONOR OF LAFAYETTE. WHO HAD COMMANDED THE FRENCH "GARPE N ATIO N ALE f f in a n c ia l , s e c u r it y NAnO HAl GUAPP5MEN WITH 2 0 TEARS SERVICE MAY QUALIFY FOR FREE RETIREMENT PAY AT AGE 6 0 . HAVE FUNÎ DANCING Saturday Night, May 19 GRESHAM REXALL DRUGS TO LARRY HOYT And His We Give S. & H. Green Stamps! W E S T E K A A IIS Iv S STARS OF STAGE - SCREEN RADIO - RECORDINGS CO-OP T'RE ¥IE£K APPEARING AT May 14!k thru 19th Sportsman’s Club ESTACADA CLEARANCE SALE Dutch Boy Paints ? *1 5 6 0 FARMERS GAS & SUPPLY MW MAN'S T DISCONTINUED COLORS Hi Gloss Senigloss Shoo 'rem 9:00 e.m. to 6:00 p.m. TRAINED TECHNICIANS iN THE Servicing All Mak^s . . . TV SETS, aii makes AUTO R A D IO S "" Tiisan l o s l Easy Spindry....... $ 5 0 * 0 0 OREGON CITY Located in the Estacada Electric TUBES TESTED FREE PHONE 44 F I We Pick Up and Have One-day Service Robert Ney;imiii Flat USED DEPARTMENT RADIOS Carl Prokop I moi k T nue iTinuci u ik v t : (M a t m o n * xwatwt. « M T TO K V O B ilU P HIfll F R I E Write or CoM DEAN CLINIC M m f p roclo-o* y to «UK. m û t I p.m . M o o .. W o d .. M . 10 o-te. •»•* 5 P.m . T o « , amé Thma. r y , . . r ^ n u f iiO i — Q M ro p ro c tv m o N. L M M T IO U IIV U O - - - - - o f Î-W 1 I Ro r f ím t é 11, Ow | w O m PLUMBING CO. 611 7th St. Oregon City 8 Foot Frigidaire...$ 6 5 - 0 0 17 Inch R. C. A. T V ...$ 5 9 ,0 0 Water Heaters Immediate Installation. No Down Payment General Plumbing Phone O. C 8558 W Estacada Electric