FINAL P. T. A. MEET THURSDAY, MAY 10, 7:45 p .m . A T GRADE SCHOOL. This Person & That t By C.T.E. CLACKAMA OUNTY NEWS Meet Frank Fuchs of Eagle j Creek. He is the oldest man I in this part of the county and Estacada, Oregon, Friday, May 11, 1956 $2.50 Per Year Number 19 iMw^e Copy 10c Volume No. 52 is headed for the hundred [ mark and js pretty sure to j make it as he is rated a, re-1 markable man physically with i a deportment mark of •‘excel lent.” He is coming to his | 94th birthday and is about The Jr.-Sr. Banquet and As mayor, I w'sh to express three weeks older than Ed Thanks to the cautiousness my personal thanks tn all who Prom., the big formal social Linn of Estacada. Frank may of an Estacada school bus dri of Estacada high were present at the City Park event be the oldest person in these ver, a major catastrophe was spring season, was last Sunday. The accomplish school's parts too, no woman coming averted late last Friday night ments of the forenoon were held last Saturday night. By forward to challenge h's title; when a busload o f returning tremendous. In review, there tradition, the Juniors feted the if there be one of the feminine high school athletes was forc [ were men from the Rod & Seniors, preparing the pro gender over 93 years old she ed off the road between Red- I Gun Club, Volunteer Fire gram, decorations, and food, is still alleging that she is 29. land and Viola. The boys and D‘ t*t., Kiwan's, and City for this occasion. Frank came here from Walla the'r coach, Bob Dungan, were Banquet chairman was Bar Crew. The equipment on hand Walla where it is claimed that coming home from a track- included the city backhoe.the bara Bayne, assisted by Gerry it is so nice there they named meet at Monmouth. AH testify Forest Service Bushmaster Shoemaker and LaDonna A n it twice and Frank says that that the bus was moving at a (an ingenious device for derson . The turkey dinner may be true, but his prefer slow speed, nearing the brow brushcutting, which allows was prepared by the junior ence for the title goes to Eagle o f a hill at 11 P.M., when a car you to stand erect and still mothers, Mrs. Arnold Ander-* Creek where they do every approached from the south at do six men’s work,) also the son, Mrs. Dave Horner, Mrs. thing. ra'se everything except a high speed, with blinding dump truck of Sidney Atkin Glen Marchbank, and Mrs. bananas and have more fun headlights, and occupying the George Frost. Dave Horner son. than a box of monkeys, and middle of the road. Bus-driver carved the turkey. Freshman Accord'ng to Herb Fifer, there is some question about Harold Sarver tried to pull o ff Park Board Chairman, he and sophomore students wait the bananas. It is rumored the road to avoid a collision, would like one more working- ed on tables. that the good old Clackamas but the soft shoulder gave bee as then there would be as Master of ceremonies for the County News will tell you way turning the bus over on sured parking and picnicing banquet was Don Frost.Jerry soon about the time that ban its side. The careless driver of u osu a jsijq o lfacilities for the big w'ndup , qitM pouiBiaajuo anas were grown here right in the oncoming car sped away the clearing project. Many of ] a humorous reading. Musical this age and not a million into the night. il talked lamm of ui a i selections included a soprano the men present years ago. Taking advantage Coach Dungan, recalling the breakfast. This i so*° by LaDonna Anderson, a chuck-wagon of the long time Frank has danger of fire in such circum - would involve most all fa- duet by Judy Watson and Ger- been with us he can be cited stances, ordered the boys to and a piano m'lies in Estacada thru a unity ry Shoemaker, as a witness to most of the get out of the bus immediate Jack of effort in putting our park solo by Ann Harbert. events narrated here. He re ly. Since the rear passengers Boy Scouts of troop 210 Joe Barr, ‘n Estacada. A sec- night, May 7, when a sudden More on Wh'te gave the opening invo members most of the advent couldn’t seem to force the em held a cookout on. April 30 in ond cookout was just getting 1 burst of rain sent the boys un- to use this summer. cation. this later. ures of hop picking days ex ergency door open, at that an the back yard of Scoutmaster under way last Monday | der cover. General chairman for the Don’t forget the next work cept the one about the marr gle, half of the boys pulled out will be Sunday the 20th dance was Judy Frederickson. ied man who crawled on h‘s themselves up and out through at 8 AM in the Park on Lake Patti Stone was chairman o f stomach a full half mile to the w'ndows, before the es decorations. Jeanine Hale was Shore Drive. OUR PARK. LOCAL FIRMS HAVE j meet some girl only to find cape door was opened from in charge of refreshments, as Thanks again to all who were out it was his wife who was the outside. sisted by Barbara Spink and present. BREAK-INS at the end o f the crawling line The only casualty discovered Ralph J. Svehaug, D.C. Mayor Judy Barnes. ready to meet him violently. was Larry Ebert, who suffered Robberies in Estacada this At intermission time, the Frank can remember when a bruised ear and slight con qceen and princesses were A new building inspector, past week have kept local po Mrs. Doris Smith, a resident there were no dandelions in cussion. The bus was reported lice on the alert. On Wednes crownçd by ‘M. C.’ Jerry Eagle Creek, then all of a sud ly in good running condition Fred Marshall, was appointed day n'ght, May 2, the Sports o f this community since 1904 LEGIONS NOMINATE Ch'rstenson. Jr. princesses at the last city council meet diel in Emanuel Hospital May 7 den ‘Rows are red and violets this week. were Darlene Westrand and ing, upon resignation o f Harry man’s Cafe was robbed o f its after an illness o f about seven NEW OFFICERS are blue but neither gets On Saturday weeks. She was bom in Grand Judy Watson senior prin Blake, who has held the job cash register. around like dandelions do.” LAST RITES FOR The local Am«rclan Legion cesses were Lynn Bean and for this past year. Blaka, who night Coffield’s Market was Forks, N.D., Jan. 4, 1895. Frank has three sons and and Auxiliary met Monday Bev.Fox. A very special event cash register, JACOB MOSS TUESDAY is h<gh school instructor in robbed o f its She was a member of Centen that’s all, not counting the crowning Funeral services were held manual arts and shop, stated which had only about $2 in it, nial Rebe hah Lodge and a past evening. The Auxilary Junior accompanying the cat. The lure of the big c*ty members presented a short of queen Eva Jo Girt was the and quite a bit of meat and noble grand. She was also a got Frank Jr. and Joe. Will last Tuesday for Jacob Moss, a he will be spending the summ cigarettes. announcement of her engage During the same member of the Estacada Garden program. iam remained at Eagle Creek resident o f this community for er In Corvallis, attending sum night an The Legion Post nominated ment to Bob Bess. attempted break-in Club. and live« with his father in the past 35 years, who died on mer school at Oregon State was made on the following officers; elec- Ray Hayden’s Music for the Prom was Funeral services were held the little house close to the May 3 *n Portland.He had been college. t'on to take place at the June provided by the band of Bob Shell Servkre Station. These Eagle Creek postoffice now taken to the Waverly Glencoe Marshall, a resident of South cases remain unsolved as yet. from the Chapman Funeral meeting: Commander- John Bodhmke from Lewis & Clark Home Wednesday, May 9 at run by Lewis Rivers. So Nursing Home on 82nd St.,af Estacada and a native o f Eagle Abbott; 1st vice commander- college. for many 2:00 P.M.. Crematkm followed keep on living. Frank Fuchs, ter he became ill, about two Creek, has worked years as a carpenter in the Es at Lincoln Memorial, Portland. LeRoy Forman; 2nd vice com and be happy and contented months ago. Mrs. Jane Alexander re mander- Jack Broadhurst; 2nd 26. tacada area, where he is well Jake Moss was bom in Piqua, Rev. Violet Bolliger officiated. forever. ported on the recent essay He is Ohio, May 16, 1878. He was a known and respected. Survivors are her husbnad vice commander- Louis Coff contest conducted in both in; adjutant- Merle Marshall; retired logger. He was a mem- now semi-retired, which will Arthur Smith and two sons, , . The purchase of a officer- Bill Chirsten- schools low him *mp)e time fo r his|** There were jTjmors ri rece: Alton of Portland and Ronald _ J Cody . and Forrest hospital bed was -discussed.The N c ig h b ° r ? ° f iQb. thal'the' ralsing’ o fh o p s Wa s'ltr On W ednosadv ylay 17 the o f Estacaa, V andchlM ren chaplain- Sy Law bed and Wheel chair the unit ill's name was sug PT A be resumed in the Eagle Creek sponsored “ summer and one sister, Mrs. Della Ewait Deceased is survived by his the rence; historian- Oral Storm- owns are both in use at district but no one in the dis wife, Margaret of Estacada.and gested py a group of local round up” for pre-school chil of Estacala. They are for er; service officer- F. E. Doo present t‘me. trict knows anything about it. a nephew, Clarence Burke of ouilding contractors who were dren who will enter first grade ley; assistant service officer- community use. represented at the last Plan next fall will be held at Many say ‘‘wish it was true” Kenton, Ohio. the Frank Marshall; Sergeant at Mrs. Dorothy Marshall, mem for their notion it was the best Funeral services were held ning Commission meeting, A p grade school library at 9 a.m. presented arms- Fred Millard; executive bership chairman, These same builders Physical examinations will be era in Eagle Creek history. at Chapman Funeral Home ril 30. Showerman with committee- Adolph Still, Bill Mrs. Don recommended the ap given by Dr. Allyn Price, phy While the prices on hops are with interment *n IOOF ceme also Chirstenson and Larry Meade. her 25 year honor guard. She not published in Portland any- tery. Rev. Vernon Ross officia pointment o f an assistant in sician, and Dr. John Schultz, others Two new members were ta was not present when spector, to serve only when the dentist, and medical care will more, <n those days many lay ted. Estacada athletes made a ken into the post— Charles received theirs. She served the inspector was unavoidably ab- lpe recommended if needel. awake all night waiting for good name for the'r school last Hinchliffe and Charles Snow- unit as president when 19 This should include all pre- Friday, May 4, when they won the price of hops printed in Mrs. Jake Moss came home sent. Dick Senner, new main- years old and was the young ley. the Oregonian in a prominent from the Waverly Glencoe tenance superintendent for Es- school children who wil reach the league championship at The Auxiliary heard reports est president to serve any unit place every morning. Among Nursing Home where she has tacada, was appointed to this ; their 6th b'rthday before next the Willamette Valley League the star attractions of hop been for several weeks. Her post; but it was made clear j Nov. 16. The medical record track meet in Monmouth Esta from committees- Mrs. Mary at any time. The unit voted to give the on poppy ap- blanks which are legally re- cada scored 94 points in the 14 Millard reported picking time were the nightly sister, Mrs. Kathryn Tompkins that this was a personal sales for week of May 21 to Legion $50. dances and love scenes wit will be staying with her here. pointment and not related to quired to be filled out for all events, which took place his position as maintenance children entering school for throughout the afternoon and nessed every night, including Sundays. Nearly everybody SCHOOL BANDS SCORE ™*n- the first time, will be available evening. The Planning Commission at this time. Parents of begin- Top scoring runner was Den got married during that per HIGH IN CONTEST note that ny Sarver, who won the 100 iod and most of them were of Band members of both Esta stated also, in its report, that ners should take the durable and lasting type. cada high school and grade the builders had approved the these blanks are not be'ng sent yd. dash, the 220 yd. dash and school are proud of the “excel suggest'on of raising the build- out by mail this year as in past the broad jump. Gary Linn Among the leading sights of lent” rating (2) which they ing permit fees, to allow more years' won in the high hurdles. Esta- the Eagle Creek district is the received at the dlstrict music compensation for the inspect- Chairman of the health cada’s relay team, which won pipe of Adolph Still. He only fe ^ v a l contest in Milwaukie or. It was felt that this would roundup is Mrs. George Smith, first place, included Frank encourage him to devote more Other members working on Winterberger, takes it out o f his mouth last Saturday. John Wood when he eats. In view o f his time to this work. this are Mrs. John Marshall.P. cock, Kevin Rolph and Denny popularity, good looks and Union Oil Co. Lots T.A. health chairman, Mrs. Sarver. skill in keeping the smoke Woody Miller, Mrs. Dave Hor To Be Annexed coming out, it *s a great pleas An ordinance No. 10 was ner, Mrs. Walter Graven, and Ronald York High Man ure to nominate him for the passed by the city council last Mrs. Wm. Tucker. champion pipe smoker of Ore Thursday to annex lots in In Army Track Meet gon. J. J. Inskeep, Clacka block 3 o f the Terrace A d ; tw o b ir t h d a y s April 28th S P-3 Ronald E. mas County extension agent, dition, in behalf of the Union ARE CELEBRATED York set a record of h'ghest The Estacada Schoool Dist may be a candidate against Oil Co. of Calif., 'n line with rict 108 school operating bud About 20 teen-agers staged 1 scorer in a regimental track him, but the best man in such the latter’s plans for building get for the 1956-57 school year a surprise birthday party for meet at Fort Riley, Kansas.He a contest would be Adolph.Old a larger storage plant in Esta will be voted upon from 8 to 8 Barbara Keller and John Dein- took first place in javelin smokers who no longer smoke cada. Included were lots 17 P.M. Friday, May 18th. inger, Jr:, late Saturday night, (his favorite) shotput and dis or have taken to cigarettes and 18. now belonging to Emil The amount to be voted is following the high school Jr.- cus. He also ran with a relay just consider it one of their an Emma Vahl, and lot 7 and $89,437.88 which is the am Sr. Prom.The party, which was team which placed second. greater pleasures in life to the westerly portion o f lot 6, ount outside t he six precent held at “ The Fireside” on the Ronald is a 1953 graduate stand and watch Adolph belonging to Union Oil Co. A limitation law. This amount Mt Hood Loop highway above of Estacada Union High and smoke. If Adolph goes into hearing of this ordinance will 's $9,795.77 over last years’s i Sandy, featured a fried chick- Oregon’s javelin champion of th's contest and appoints his be held on May 28 at 8 P. M., amount of $79.,642.16 outside en dinner, and was arrange by 1952. While in Germany he wife, Grace, his campaign prior to 'ts becoming effective. the 6 percent limitation law. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keller and took first division champion- manager, he can’t lose. She The total budget is $249,460 Mr. and Mrs. John Dien'nger, ship last year. is one of the community lead CALL McNAMER FOR compared to $239,995 a year parents o f the two honorees, ers and takes a prominent YOUR FIRE PERMIT ago or $9,455 more than last I and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krieger. CHURCH MEMBERS PLAN part in promoting the best Fire permits *n the city o f year. PAINT JOB SATURDAY This amount will re- j Both seniors. Barbara and things for her country, her Estacada should be obtained quire a 2 1-4 mill levy higher: John have their 18th birthdays The First Church of Christ I clubs and her neighborhood. from Hurley McNamer. Don’t than last year. on May 7 and May 11 respect Christian) is planning a “do-it-1 call Wayne Wade as he no lon Reasons for the higher ively Birthday cakes for the ourselves’ paint job May 12th | ger issues fire permits. See or amount are: to provide for the party were made by Mrs: Kel- and invite all male members The old timer was in the call Hurley McNamer. Mrs. Krieger, in the of the congregation to meet at hiring o f one more teacher, if ler and Eagle Creek store several of a flower-bedecked the church building manned needed, purchasing a school | shape years ago and the grocer said JURY TO TRY bus, and replacing a sidewalk - May basket for Barbara and a with a large paint brush and a to him that Mrs. So-and-so WILLIE THE WOLF and other repa'rs in the main- man’s hat with colored hat lot o f enthusiasm. who left the store when he A jury of 12 frogs will de tenance o f the school build - band for John. The congregation also ex came In, was one o f the best cide the fate o f Willie, the ings. On Sunday the Kellers had tends its cordial invitation to farm wives around here. “ I W olf during the operetta ’Car a family dinner at their home the community to join in the remember,” he said, “ when nival Capers’ to be presented GARDEN CLUB worth while services we are for Barbara. she first came into the store by the Estacada Grade School now having Sunday 10 A M., A noon luncheon was served ----------------------- after mov'ng into this section, on May 11 at 8 P.M. at the by Mrs. Fred Bates. Mrs. Jack LOCAL BUSINESS RE- 11 A.M. and Wednesday 7:30] a bride from the city. She grade school.Willie the accused Nickelson. andMrs Louise Dou- QUESTS TAX RATING P.M. asked for eggs and I told her by Henny Penny, the forest glass. If you enjoy Christian The regular business I An interesting variation on that they were stricty fresh gossip, of doing challenging, vital away with meeting was called to order a t ' the business tax theme greet- friendship, but small ones. “That’s the Grandmother and Red Riding 1:30 P. M. Mrs. Ed. Linn | ed the town council with the preaching, Bible study and trouble with some farmers” Hood. She produces evidence President, opened the meeting reading o f a letter from A1 prayer—th's is for you. The Clackamas County News job printing depart she said. They are so anxious through television and Judge with the group giving silent' Collins, owner of Estacada to sell their eggs that they Turtle pronuonces Tom Watson has returned to ment has completed the installation of its Kluge sentence. prayer for the ill. i Ready-Mix. stating why he take them off the nests too Included in the operetta from California Automatic 12” x 18” platen préss. This will assure are Roll Call found twenty six should be included under tax Estacada soon.” the Quepn of Hearts. King members and two guests pres- classification, even though he where he spent the winter. In Cole. Mother G oes» folk and ent. Publicity Chairman Mrs. operates out-of-town. His re- a few days he will go to Can job-printing customers better quality printing and Many recall that at a meet other forest people. An admis Adolph Still reported that the quest along with others was ada for the summer. Tom is will speed production and delivery. Last Friday, ing of some organization way sion price of 15c for students scrapbook had been completed referred to the Appeal Board, the father, grandfather and j f o r ¿hie fjrs't time in Estacadas history, two job - for adults is be'ng and sent in to the Federation which will reconvene on May great grandfather of the three [ back yonder in a hall near a and 35c presses were in operation at the same time. Jacks. Chairman for competition. 1 24 at 8 P.M. , charged. (Continued on Page 6) School Athletes In Forced Landing They're Not Boiling Their Pancakes, Either! F. Marshall New Bldg. Inspector "T h a ik s " Park Jr. Sr. Shindig Hot Workers, Svertaug Stuff, More Fun! Doris Smith Rites Held Wednesday Pre-Scho«l Health Check-up M ay 17, Rangers Crack Track Champs J Meet The Press - Job Printing Addition Grade School Vote On Budget Fri.