a g e o e ven i m PERSOR/D-PERSON M W ADS FOR QU/CK RESULT 4 L ía c ita n ia s c o u n t y rse w s Estacada, Oregon o « y f a i ¿d ta a f Friday, March 16, 1956 Trailer Homes A ll S i i « * , Hmw am é U » * d S tt M b tlo r« y ou bu y Lana Lane Trailer Pi George Hates IßORROW Little Susie K rieg o f Albany is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kreig, Si. Mr Thurston Wal.strom en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. John Fugle and son Larry of Dodge for dinner Saturday night. L a r­ ry stayed over night to help his grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Poikla en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. T. Walstroni for dinner Monday night. Mrs. Elmer Timm has recup­ erated nicely after surgery at the Entlanuel hospital in Port­ land about three weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker and daughter, Joanne, of Portland visited at the Austin Moe home Sunday. Mrs. A. Moe is home now after a long stay in the hospi­ tal. She is feeling much better. Mrs. Florence Vanderhoofer of Salem is staying with her for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Joyner and little daughter of Garfield were accompanied to Salem to visit her mother, Mrs. H. Joy­ ner, at the TB hospital by his sister and her fam ily, Mrs. Howard Guthrie, Bobbie and Kathy. Mrs. Joyner is doing fine. CASH On vojr car Rates, 10c per line, minimum D’ PE N D A' I.E USED m FOR RENT: Unfurnished i i l l i i iCSS > i V \ i • '< ■ Ad. charge 1 time 75c; 3 times 1K At TOR $1.50. Deadline for regular cabin. 2 rooms, kitchenette, EQUIPM ENT ti 6 H o classified section is Tuesday shower; newly decorated; FLOW ERS fur all occasions — Crawlers— arrangements for near Eagle Creek. $35 month­ Special Guaranteed Flow er Service showers, parties, etc. Also For Every Occasion ly. Phone 98-11 A N Y M A K E — P A ID FOR flow ering potted plants. Ames D-2 and D-4 Caterpillars We 'arrange- to Please For Sale IHC T-D6 and blade OR NOT! Flowers, telephone 59-1, Es­ COTTAGES for rent, all elec­ tacada, Oregon. Two 22 Caterpillars Heal Estate Fhone tric. $25.00 and $30.00 a And at the same time, John Deere MC and 40's month. Lakehead Park. Far­ reduce your present car CONCRETE BLOCKS BC Crawler with starter. Has O.C. EZ? 3 - O L 4-2969 aday Road, Estacada. * payments. O N L Y 27c each blade Anytim e B U YS OF THE WEEK for A ll shapes 8x8x16 “ L ite” Wheel Tractors — Daily D elivery Service— Blocks sold at our plant Be Wise — Get your auto N ew 2-bedroom home, forced 11 t ip Wanted S & H Green Stamps 3 John Deere M, all equip­ Gladstone Block Co. loans from an Auto Dealer. air heat, birch kitchen, side­ ment 82nd at Clackamas Brjdge walks in. Asking $9,500 with W AN TED — Man with double Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 2 Fergusons with equipment $2,500 down. Really nice. 2 Case drum donkey to fall and yard S & M IZ Z Y ’S A U TO W RECKING 3 I H C Two-bedroom home in good 200,000 ft. second growth, to Phone Damascus 2317. Address 2 Moline repair, own well, spacious tree; $8 per 1,000. Mueller, Rt. 1 Rt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at Over 40 wheel tractors ready grounds facing on two streets. 2, Estacada. First left-hand Barton. We buy and sell all I to go. 18925 SE M( Coughlin Blvd Just $5,500 with $1,000 down turn from Hillockburn corner, kinds of Gladstone batteries, radiators j FORD DEALER on Molalla-Colton Hwy. Inq. HESSEL IM PLE M E N T CO. payment. Across from Gene & Joe’s and scrap automobile pans, top of. hill. 2p S & M 11th and Main tires, old and refittings, angle Gresham, Oregon Fifteen acres on highway, 2- FREE— To a good home: one- irons etc. We buy junk, any bedroom modern home, ga­ year-old cocker spaniel, blond, old junk rage, barn, railroad frontage. male; loves children. Joe Jans­ Full price $10,500, w i t hi sens, Rt. 1, Box 122. B U LL SERVICE — By artifi­ PLANTING around $4,000 down. cial insemination. Prices from S & M YOUR L A W N ? $6, based on area and herd CARPENTER 108 acres, 45 cultivated, good; Wanted, Livestock size. Finest selected dairy CHAMPION soil, springs, 6-rm. modern and beef sires. Phone Esta­ REMODELING house, 2 barns, about four W ANTED: To buy all kinds cada 651, 1921 or 492. Oct.* GARDENER General Contracting miles out. Priced at $16,000, of livestock. Harold Sarver, For Best Buy and Quality W ANTED : To buy one sec­ with half down. Estacada phone 35-51. Painting - Decorating- Spray ond -hand coal heater fo r Es­ Seed, and a Pleasant Drive S & M or Brush Refer to W ANTED: To buy all kinds tacada postoffice. via the Scenic Redland Road Notice of Public Hearing at Paper Hanging o f livestock. Pay cash or Postmaster Chris Myers For a Fair Deal See: 8 miles East o f Oregon City Notice is hereby given that H OW ARD SM ITH OR H. N. trade. E. Van Drimmelen, Rt. Post Office. on the 16th day of March 1956 Prompt and Expert Service 1. Box 162A, Estacada 5 mi. Phone TEmnle 1-2001 M ILLA R D . Brokers at the hour of 8 p.m. on said W E L L D R IL L IN G “ Honest A. R. TA LM A D G E , Sr. east of Estacada high school day a hearing w ill be held to N ext door to postoffice Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- on Squaw Mountain Road afford persons particulary in­ 280 W. Exeter - Tel OC 6404 ESTACADA OREGON sen, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon, terested and the general public Phone Oregor '"’ity 6085. Gladstone, Oregon OREGON C IT Y of the City of Estacada an op­ Real Estât Loans FOR SA LE — 3 bdrm Calif, Howard Rotavator B A N T A M portunity to be heard with re­ PLU M B IN G CO. ranch style 2-yr-old home. Lucich & White gard to the proposed adoption is the all-purpose rotary tiller Auto, oil heat, fireplace, hdwd M ONEY to loan on farm and 611 7th St. o f Ordinance Series of 1956, No. Tractor Co. fo r the seriou s gard en er. firs, patio. Best location near home mortgages. Beattie, 7 o f the City of Estacada. Said Authorized Clinton Fine fo r mulching-in plant Oregon City new grade sch. By owner. Ph. Hibbard and Caldwell, Hogg ordinance is the final and per­ trash, making seedbeds, cul­ Air-Cooled Motors 2747, Molalla, or Estacada 851. Bldg., Oregon City, phone Water Heaters manent zoning ordinance for tivating orchards, bushber- Repaired - Rebuilt M Y R T A BELLE SW ALLO W , Located at Molalla. 5259. The Estacada office, the City of Estacada which has ries and between rows. Parts and Service Immediate Installation. Accredited Piano Teacher. next to the Broadway Thea­ been recommended by the City • T ills 14 inch wide. Listings Wanted ter is open on Wednesdays; Super Hy., Gladstone, O. C. Planning Commission for pas­ Studio 150 E. Clackamas 6477 No Down Payment • T ille r in rear o f machine— phone 451. FOR SALE: Several good sage by the city council. The Blvd., at Arlington no fo o tm a rk s or w h eel places near Estacada; some General Plumbing place o f hearing w ill be in the Gladstone, Oregon tracks on tilled soil. * Septic Tanks Cleaned $25.00 for trade. Phone Estacada city hall in the City o f Esta­ Phone O. C. 8558 Phone Studio 4547-Res. 4058 Roy Reynolds, 9602 S. E. 80th • P o w e re d w h e e ls — d o n ’t 14R3. H. A. McClure, Rep. Logs Wanted cada. Phone Prospect 5-5346 wrestle it, just guide it. George Beers, Broker, Phone R. R. Cooke, Recorder Portland, Oregon MU 7-2521, Sandy • Tw o forw ard speeds. FIR LOGS W ANTED • 3.6 hp engine. E LE C TR IC A L W IR IN G We give full scale and pay E LK IN S H E ATIN G FOR SALE- Houses and lots cash each week for old growth • Positive adjustable depth W. A. (Bud) N A SSH A H N SERVICE in Estacada ;also other proper­ Yellow Fir Peelers delivered control down to 8 in. Licensed Electrician ty. See or phone Veo Rals­ to our plant in Gresham. Phone MO 5-4064 or 611 7th St. Oregon City — ond other rectal diseaiei ton, Estacada phone 4F5. tf. O LYM PIC M A N U FA C T - MO 5-2917 COLO« A STOMACH AILMENTS SALES and SERVICE tf. URING C O M PA N Y treated without Hospital operatloo. ROTAVATOR Division, The Dean Co. FOR SA LE or TRAD E 4 Br. CREDIT TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE L E N A ’S B E A U TY SHOP We service all makes of Gresham Oregon House, U tility room fireplace, Announces Mrs. Bea Hale, an Tel MO 5-2161 I years FREE « 'S r « .”*' THE C AM E R A A N D 40 Acrea with 12 under cul­ Gas and Oil Equipment expert in all Hair Styling and tivation. 2 wells, 1 spring. New 24 hr. Service D EA N C L IN IC HI-FI SHOP new 20x30 Chicken House, Garage SHORT LOGS W AN TE D — 12 Permanents w ill be the P ra c tic e lim ite d to p ro cto lo g y E Q UIPM E N T CO. and barn. Desire 3 Br. House and 14-ft. lgths, 24” max. d i­ operator commencing Feb. 1. O p en 10 o.m . u n t.l 6 D.rtv M on. W e d .. F ti. Bus. Phone O. C. 8434 Dirk Barney - Carl Moline W orking Wed. thru Sat. 10 a m. anti I 5 o.m . To o l. ond Th o r,. near or in Gladstone. W ill con­ ameter. $52.00 per M. P h y ii-j'h e ro o ittt - C h iro p ra c tic P h y n cio n i 1075 E. Powell. Gresham Shop open 6 days a week. 721 Main St., Ph 4804 sider lot. Phone or w rite W A L ­ MacPherson Lbr. Co., Eagle Night Phone O. C 7733 7 0 5 6 N I S A N D Y » O U liV A K D Call 89-11 F4 Phono CE 7 -3 9 1 8 P o r O m » ! _ l 7 ;_ O r o a g ; TER H. M AURER Rt 1, Box Creek, Ore., Oregon City 45, Estacada, Ore. On Folsom Telephone O L 4-7411 INCOME TA X Road 3 miles north. State and Federal Returns COOPERAGE Raymond L. Jones LOGS & BLOCKS Public Accountant FOR SALE: Real Farm close W ANTED: Old growth yellow On Broadway - Phone 15F1 to Estacada. 50 acres; 44 Fir logs and blocks over 1:00 to 5:00 P. M. - Tuesday, cleared; lays perfect; modern 6 30 inches in diameter, any YOU CAN WIN BOTH Thursday - Saturday room honse, barn. Circ. fire­ | length t ft. or over. Wood Get that big car feel, get behind the wheel l • • l place, large yard with fire­ Log grade and better. West­ o f t h e C h e v ie s y o u s e e D in a h S h o r e place; 5 acres prunes; spring; ern Cooperage Co. Log Dump, m o d e lin g . . . a n e w C o r v e t t e a n d Thrill to beauty, power, safe performance, too ; Ford tractor, Disk, Harrow and St. Johns Mill, Portland, Ore. For Sale a B e l A ir 4 - D o o r S e d a n . . . by • • power sprayer; fence charger. Phone AT. H 7 l or UN. 0611. a n s w e r i n g a f e w e a s y q u e s t io n s l When your drive is done, you’ll want to order one l M ove right in and go to work. A 12 Livestock a n d s u p p ly in g t h e b e s t l a s t lin e $15,000 with $4000 down; bal. t o a c h o r u s o f " S e e t h e U .S . A . in $500 year plus intrest. Lots of FOR SALE: Leghorn Baby y o u r C h e v r o l e t ” . . . a t le f t ! For Sale other good deals. Geo. LAST LINE RHYMES WITH "T O O Chicks. Dryden strain chicks Beers, Pioneer Broker, Sandy, on order. N ow call K. G. M iscellaneous ................. or Phone MU 2521 Sandy or Rasmussen, Beavercreek Estacada 14R3. 3155. IR R IG A T IO N Pumps, Pipe, ing. Fittings; few good used FOR SALE: Eat liens alive. at all the Chevies pumps Red hens 22c lb., White L e g ­ JENNINGS LODGE Rogers Machinery Co. being given aw ay horns 17c lb. Phone Estacada 3 BR., 147 x 100 lot, L iv I S E. 5035 McLoughlin Blvd., 8R3. Carl Brdt & Dining R, Oil hirnace, Portland, Oregon Some Fruit, Cement base1 BE 4-6478 tf. FOR SALE: FRYERS, live ment. $13,500; Terms; con' or dressed. Weaver. Estacada FOR SALE: Sheep Shears, phone 48-51 tract on balance. Stewart. FOR SA LE - NEW L IS T ­ Electric Sunbeam CORVETTES Practically new. Henry INGS Heilsberg, Estacada route 2, Paid Political Advertising L o vely 3-bedroom in Jen Lodge area; Living & Din­ box 74. Phone 17R15 Your vote appreciated ing Room; Frigd., Breakfast FOR SALE: Good used pi­ nook; U tility Room; 16x36 FOR SHERIFF $100. Phone Estacada Party Room with large pa* ano. 441. M16 tio; close to street car. Itti A ir 4-Door SrJuns $17,850. Terms. 2 Bedroom Home;large bed­ FOR SALE— Working share in rooms; nice kitchen; Utility Mt. Hood Plywood. W rite Gay Hatch, Rt. 2, The Dalles, Ore­ room; close in. $8,500. Will carry contract. gon. M23 BALI'S FLOWER Polehn Farms or Truck! Oregon City Motor Co. Legal Notice Picture the Fun In Your Life BARR Own TWO NONE ! new Chevrolets fo r the price o f IEQ ROSE R E A L ESTATE Phone O. C. 7424 and O. C 8756 ............... 465 Portland Are. Gladstone, Oregon For Rent, Houses Kiddie Corvettes FOR SALE: 3-8 in Ext. Rej. Plywood, 4x8 Sheets $3.20. Browns Building Supply,, Su­ per Highway, Gladstone, Phon­ es OC 6420, OL 5717 123 prizes in a ll! Here’s your chance to win tw o new Chevrolets! T h e contest closes April 14— and the earlier you enter, the more chances you have to win. So, stop in soon for your official contest form. FOR SALE: Ladies Cloth­ ing, suits, dresses, and skirls. Sizes 12 and 14. Phone Oregon City 7098 FOR RENT: House a mile FOR SALE— Dry Slabwood, and quarter out of Estacada. Six room modern house. Tel. 12 and 16 inch. $12.50 per Estacada 14F31. Available cord or 2 cords for $22.50. Harry Carroll, Estacada, Ore., now. Phone 30F3. rent. Sleeping rooms for M16 FOR SA LE — 5 Vi ft tamden Phone Estacada 441. disc. Fair condition. Phone 88-3 FOR RENT:2 bedroom mo­ or contact Keith Lyone, Rt. 2. dem home between Eagle Estacada. Near Estacada Res­ Creek and Barton on high­ ervoir. 1 *2tp way. O. J. Workman, Eagle $349.95 Butane - Kerosene Creek route one,Phone Esta- combination range: used but aeda 74-2 six months. Come in and see FOR RENT: One- room fu r­ it. Make us an offer, van the nished cabin with bath. Gar­ Appliance Man, Inc., 55 N Gresham, Osegon den space. Near Eagle Creek. Roberts. Phone MO 5-4011. $25 monthly. Krone 98-11 >1« CONDITIONING— TEMPMATURES MADE TO ORDER—AT N E* 1 0 * COST. LET US DEMONSTRATE! Erwin L. ‘Red B A C O N Vigorous. Impartial Law Enforcement Your Vote Will be Appreciated Courteous, Personal Service Q U ALIFIE D - EFFICIENT Chevrolet’s own Dinah Shore seen on N B C Television every Tuesday and Thursday MILLER CHEVROLET SERVICE America's Favonte-by a Margin of 2V4 Million Cars! Telephone Estacada 84-2 Eatacada, Oregon