Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, March 16, 1956, Image 1

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    PTA 'Open House'
Well Attended
An estimated three hundred i
parents and iriends thronged
to the annual T A sponsored
"Open House” at Estacada ele­
mentary school on Thursday-
night, March 8. The planned
evening began with the regular
March PTA meeting conducted
Number 11
$2.50 Per Year
Volume 52
Estacada, Oregon
Friday, March 16, 1956
Single Copy 10c
by Mrs. Win. H. Tucker, presi­
dent, and her staff of officers
Mrs. Tucker introduced Rev.
Renaud of the Viola Commu­
nity church, who gave the in­
vocation which was followed
by the flag salute.
Meeting of board of direc
Members of the Estacada
Our limited space does not
Reports were given by Health
The City Council this week
storv. tors of Chamber of Commerce
chairman, Mrs. John Marshall, Church of God are pleased to
hired the services of R. L. . . . , ..
their n e w
K. "R ed” Adamson. | was held Monday evening,
Mrs. Leonard Klees for the ex­ announce
1 "D ic k ” Senner as the new city ; ‘ lltc ,
1 son of Mrs. Dorothy Yocum of March 12, 1956, at the City
ecutive board, Mrs. W. L. M ill­ church, which has been in
car acci­ Hall in Estacada. The follow
er, ways and mean committee,
to replace Glen Ebert, who re­
ing individuals were elected
and hospitality chairman, Mrs. three years, is now ready for
cently resigned. Senner, a na­ dent near Tijuana, Mexico. He
Estacada Union High school
Funeral services for Taylor tive Kansan, has had 14 years is being unjustly held in Mex­ officers of the chamber: Her
John Geil, who introduced the occupancy.
president; Paul is stepping up its scholastic
Special services this com ing1 Comer, who was found dead
ico by the authorities there.
third grade mothers on the re­
of experience in construction
The marines are doing ev­ Treckeme, vice president; Bill requirements,
freshment committee. Mrs. Jack weekend Will mark the open- at the 350 ft. bluff near View ­ work of various types, includ­
Broadhurst headed this com­ ing of the new sanctuary, ac- point tavern on Sunday, were ing work with water and sani­ erything possible to obtain his Wymore, vice president; Salty nounced this week by school
mittee assisted by Mesdames cording to the Rev. Herman held from Chapman parlors tary systems and street con­ release. He was not at fault Treckeme, secretary-treasurer; officials. Not only will this
ruling increase the credit re­
Fowler, Harris, pastor of the church, j Wednesday, March 14. He was struction. He was recently su­ in this affair and his marine Vern Sutton, treasurer.
The board of directors was quirements for graduation, but
James Allen. Those contribut­ These services will begin at born Jan. 19, 1909 in Collins, perintendent of a construction commander
friends write to Congressman increased from ten members to , it will also reduce privileges
ing cookies were Mesdames 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Satur Miss., and had been a resident firm in McPherson. Kansas,.
Walter Norblad, who can be twelve, whereby Cliff Wilson for students failing to achieve
of this area for two years.
Nick Hinchliff, Veda Beguelin, daynights, and at 7:00 p.m. on
Senner. age 31, is married
bringing and Paul J Treckeme were acceptable grade standing,
his wife, Ma-
Martin Reed and Harold Nor­ Sunday night. The regular Sun- Survivors are
and has five childern. He will
about his release through state elected to the board. This was
Whereas, the present
day morning worship hour is rie, and son, George, at home
start work next Monday, and
necessary to allow for the elec- | quirement for graduation is
Mrs. Thomas announced a 11:00 a m., with Sunday school j in Eagle Creek, and another I is expected to be present at department pressure.
tion of three new board mem- 38 credits, or the equivalent
class in home nursing. Those at 9:45 am. Guest speaker for [ son, Taylor W . Comer, Jr., of the special council meeting
bers each year.
of about five subjects a year,
should call. Mrs. all four services on this special | Clarkston, Wash.; one brother, this Friday night.
following committees this new ruling, adopted by
occasion will be the the Rev. Bruce, in Quincy, Calif.
Thomas or Mrs. Billy Griggs.
were appointed by the presi- the school board on March 8,
Violet Bolliger
Nominating committee chair­ Edgar Bush, of Portland, evan-
man, Mrs. C. W . Kitching, an­ gelist at large for Oregon dis- 1 charge of the services. The
Finance— Vern Sutton; By- six subjects per year hence-
nounced the following names trict of the Church of God. A l- j body was shipped to Arroyo ]
for 1956-1957 term of office; j so featured at part of the eve- I Gucurat, Calif., for burial.
An evening of homespun dra­ laws. Sally Treckeme, Howard forth. A student graduating in
Mrs. W . L. Miller, president; ning services will be a 20-voice i
matics was enjoyed by a large Smith; public relations. Dr. 1959 will have to have suc-
Mrs. Leonard Klees, first vice- choir from Portland.
| company
of Grangers
and Schultz: real estate and hous- cessfully completed 22 units
Harry Randall Post V F W i friends
president; Mrs. David Horner,
Local residents have watched \ /V s T S * H O U Q l l T O n
at Springwater, on ing, John Osborne; legislative, j of study, or 44 credits.
No. 6879 and Ladies’ Auxiliary Wednesday, March 7, when Sally Treckeme; industrial de- ,
Among the changes speci-
second vice-p resid en t; Mrs. with inttrest the progress on
held its regular meeting W ed­ Springwater and Garfield Gra velopment. Bill Sinclair; agri | fied in subject requirements,
Warren Curry, secretary, and [ this new church edifice, which
nesday evening and elected nges each presented a one-act cuture, Tony Varitz; retail j prospective graduates
Mrs. S. B. Atkinson, treasurer. faces the Estacada grade school
An unanimous ballot was cast on the corner of Main street I p ast Matrons Club of OES I new ° ^ ' cers for the coming play. Molalla Grange, which trade, Paul J. Treckeme; rec- after must take four years of
nominees. and N. W . 2nd avenue (for-1 met ]ast Friday at the home of j year
Officers elected were was also scheduled to partici­ reation, Bill Ronanyne; adver­ English, instead of three, with
Haughton; an elective of speech or jour-
Pres.-elect, Mrs. W . L. Miller, merly Sixth). The first step Mrs L D
with ’J f f 6 Cuervier, commander,; pate postponed its play.
Kitching, senior vice
A miniature "Oscar” and roads and highways, Ernie inalism as a possible aiterna-
will select her own delegate to was the moving of the old one -1 Mrs. George Fourier as co­ John
Cliff tive in the junior or senior
commander; Joseph Mareck, “Em m y” were presented to the Rynning; membership,
in room church building from | hostess.
Main street to the back of the
years. In both senece and
Present for a 1:00 p.m. junior vice commander: H ow ­ actor and actress judged best. Wilson.
The above named individu­ math, students must take two
Sanders, quartermaster; Mrs. Leila Gordon was awarded
Program chairman, Mrs. Da­ lot. facing 2nd avenue. The luncheon were Mrs. Russell ard
vid Horner, introduced Dr. new concrete-block structure Reed, Mrs. Don
Day, Mrs. Earl Kelley, chaplain; John an “ Em m y” for her personif­ als are just temporary chair­ years instead o f one. They
John Schultz, local dentist, who first began to take shape under Harry Kaufman, Mrs. Loren Prokop, surgeon; Art Snyder, ication of a lovelorn old maid men of the committees, and it must take three years of social
gave a brief talk regarding the the direction of Rec. Ray M i­ Cipnus, Mrs.
George A rm ­ judge advocate; Harold Piatt in Garfield’s play,“ Hillbilly Hi- is their duty to select individ­ studies. The only reduction in
Five new members jinks” . Everett Shibley won the uals interested in the various requirement and phys. ed„
recent dental survey at the ner, former pastor. Young peo­ strong, Mrs. Florence Glover, trustee.
grade school, also on fluorida­ ple from Pacific Bible college Mrs. Ralph Ahnert, Mrs. Don were initiated. They were Earl “ Oscar” for his part in Spring- committees to become mem­ from 4 to 2 units. A student
Conrey, Fred water’ s play ‘‘ Dinner Bell” . bers and work on the commit­ seeking credit for either short­
in Portland volunteered work Syron,
Darrow, Kelley,
Principal Robert E. Cody during these initial stages of Mrs. Del Gant, worthy matron Stoecker and Stewart Puckett, The latter was judged the best tees selected by them. These hand
then welcomed those present to construction
play of the evening, and as such members will elect their own study must have passed two
of OES
and Mrs.
George Eagle Creek.
Progress on the building was Tracy, associate matron.
the grade school “ Open House.”
will repeat the performance at
years o f either subject. Added
A name for the chamber requirements are also made
He informed them that there resumed under the Rev. H. P.
A t the business meeting Harvey Gibboney, district com­ the semifinals.
Judges for the evening were
are 25 classrooms in use by the Harris, who became pastor last they voted to give $10 to Jobs
for credit in agriculture class­
staff of 28 teachers which in­ spring. Besides the new sanc­ Daughters for purchasing m a­ and Erwin (Red) Bacon, Ore­ Miss Mary Bell and Miss Don­ the Chamber of Commerce es.
cludes also a music teacher, a tuary, which will have nearly terial for new capes for girls.
na Newkirk, of Estacada Union serving Estacada and its sur­
From this week on, no stu­
rounding areas shall be known dent will be permitted to par­
Auxiliary officers are: Jo High school faculty.
band director who handles the twice the capacity of the old
shop work also, and a remedial church, there are four other Council, Jobs Daughters, was Sanders, president; E u n i ce
Refreshments were served as the Upper Clackamas River ticipate in
extra - curricular
Chamber of Commerce.
The activities,
teacher. The primary addition, rooms, to serve the needs of held at the home of Mrs. Don Snyder, senior vice president; after the program.
board of directors will again sports, dramatics, and club ac­
junior vice
which includes the first three the church and Sunday school G ay with guardians present, Jennie
meet on March 26, 1956.
grades requires a staff of ten program. Tht largest of these ; Mr and Mrs Ronnow> Mrs. president; Pat Youngburg, con­
tivities, unless he is currently
teachers for the 250 youngsters can become a part of the sane- | George Armstrong, Mrs. Lloyd ductress; Floy Wade, Treasur­
maintaining passing grades in
in that age group. Mrs. Velene tuary by opening large sliding potter, and Mrs. Gladvs Hall er; Helen Randall, chaplain;
Abernathy Grange visited Grade School Closed Fri.-Sat. all subjects. This ruling is
present Amelia Stroman, guard; Mae Garfield Grange March 10.
Ball is senior teacher in charge doors. The smallest room will of
Estacada Grade school will strictly enforced from week to
of this unit. Mr. Cody then in­ serve as the pastors office. Mr. We r e Mrs. Jack Watson and Kitching. Lillian I suderback, There were 24 members pre­ be closed Thursday and Fri week.
vited the parents to visit the Harris stated that through the Mrs. Glenn Marchbank and Katherine Jones, trusrehs. ‘A p ­ sent, 12 were officers. Spring- day fo f the state teachers’ con­
It fit hoped that .these new
pointed officers were: Lenora
rooms to meet and talk with generosity of merchants of Es- several girls,
water had 14, Eagle Creek 2 vention at the Portland Civic rulings will raise the academic
s _________________
the teachers and see the dem ­ tacada and Portland it h
Warner 1, and Garfield 45 pre­ Auditorium. The high school standing
Randall color bearer No. 1;
onstrations and displays. This been possible to finish the
school and ensure that 'its
sent. Garfield Grange visits | will remain open.
sociable and interesting period
graduates shall be qualified in
Eagle Creek Grange March 17. |
ness, No. 3: Cathy Kelley, No.
was followed by refresh!''ents ly than had been expected.
W e hope for a very large atten­ FIRST AID CLASS TO START the basics which a high school
in the cafeteria.
education is expected to pro­
dance from Garfield. Lucy Mid­
Elizton Walter, musician;.
A standard Red Cross first vide for its students.
of the church have donated
dleton was presented with a
aid class will start on Thursday
New members added to their
countless hours o f labor toward
gift and a corsage for directing
The budget board of Esta­ roll were Cathy K elley, Mar­
evening, March 15 at 7:30 in
Us completion.
Garfield in the 1 act play at
the fireman’s room at the city
The old church building is to
Taylor Comer. Jr., and wife be converted to use as a rec­ holding a reconvened meeting
hall. Anyone interested in the
Refreshments were served
arrived here Monday from. reation and youth center under this Thursday night, March by Mae Kitching and Kather­ ance won but it wasn’ t us. But course is welcome.
Grade Sshool Sports News
Lewiston, Idaho, having been the guidance of the pastor and 15, for the purpose of consid­ ine Jones.
their hospitality. Edward Lee
The Estacada Tigers ended
called here by the death of his other church leaders. Mr. Har­ ering action on the report of
Joint installation will be in
presented a floor plan for the
the 1955-1956 Basketball Sea­
Sr., ris expressed hope that this Miarch 7 of the state fire m ar­ April.
The Alpha Tombala Theta son on a victorious note last
hall we plan to build. Some
which occurred last Sunday. center might serve not only shal. Changes \Lrere demanded
The auxiliary now has a 100
members fixed the roof and Rho girls are having a box so­ Friday on their home floor as
Also arriving Tuesday was Mrs. young people of their own in regard to the grandstand per cent membership.
boarded in the stairway two cial Friday, March 16. Every­ they edged out the visiting
Comer’s father, M. Moing, of church in Sunday fellowship building, which not only seats
Patriotic instructor was Dor-
weeks ago as the winds had had one is invited. The dance will Canby team 41-40. With this
Forks, Wash.
activities, but also that a uro­ students during athletic events ateen Wade.
begin at 8:00 and the selling win over Canby, the Tigers
a field day there.
Mrs. Madge Smith was the gram
might be inaugurated but also houses in its base- I
The Garfield Grange H. E. of boxes will be at 9 o'clock. closed out their schedule with
recipient recently of a telegram here to meet the recreational \ ment classrooms for agrlcul-
met with Hattie Qualls March 6. The theme for the dance will an even eight won eight lose
informing her of the death of needs of the community, un­ ture and storage space for
On account of the snow, few be based on St. Patrick’s day. record, thus snapping a current
he sister, Mrs. Mabel Hol­ der proper supervision.
school buses and maintenance
members attended. Next meet­ Girls, young and old, bring four game losing streak.
combe. Which occured at her
including power
prize for the p’-etties
ing will be April 3 at Birdie boxes.
Estacada started out with a
home in Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. TW O A D U L T NIGH T
Steels if she is w ell by then. box will be given.
big rush and at the first quart­
Holcombe and her brother, C.
The state fire marshal’s re­
A highlight of each school She had been quite ill for a
er break held a comfortable
M. Chambers, had made their C LASSES IN E STA C A D A
port stated that no vehicles year is the annual P T A vaude­ few weeks.
15-6 lead A t the halftime Can­
Two Portland State Exten­ using inflammable liquid or
home together for many years
ville. This annlal event is shap­
The Garfield Dorcas Society
by was still down by 9, 24-15.
and will be remembered here sion classes will be offered in fuel or power shall be housed ing up for the night of Friday,
will be a Jennie Reynars March
Through the third period while
when they visited at the Smith Estacada starting in March. in this grandstand building March 23 at Estacada Union I 22 instead of the 15th.
George Kim m el, who under­ the Tigers cooled off, Canby
seminar when the same is used for as­
home seveal years ago.
High school and the theme I Visiting at Vern Lantz in went surgery on March 5, got a hot streak and edged a-
(Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reha were course carrying graduate cred­ sembly. This demand requires
Varieties of 1956.
allows a Colton the past week were Mr. after a long stay at Veterans’
Saturday evening guests at the it, will start Friday, March 30 that the board consider provi­ wide field o f choice entertain- j and Mrs Dewey Qualls, Hattie hospital, returned home this head by scoring 18 points as Es­
tacada was only hitting for 7
Whisler home.
sion fo a new storage space for ment. PTA president, Mrs. Wm. Hershberger, and on Sunday last Monday.
Friends were and gained the lead 33-31. The
Karen Potter had as a dinner o f the course is Social W e l­ all such machinery.
H. Tucker, has announced her Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gordon, who pleased to see him at Kiwanis final period was a nip and tuck
guest Sunday her school chum fare Resources and Organiza­
The second request in line committee for this project as also called on child hood friends Club and at his regular job, scoring session as both teams
Nancy Whisler. In the evening tion. Dr. W ill Drum, assistant of safety was for an additional Mrs. H W. Carnes, chairman, j from Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs for a little while at Rynning’s
i fought for the win which ended
both girls attended Westminster professor of social work with grandstand exit, no less than J assisted by Mrs. J. C. Tunnell j Gilbert Britton also of Colton drug store.
, in Estacada’s favor 41-40
Fellowship at Lewis & Clark the Portland Extension Cen­ 44 inches wide, from the cen- Mrs. Homer Newell, Mrs. Ted | Gena Ballou has been hav- .
Jim Keller was high for the
ter and University o f Oregon, ter, along the field side.
college in Portland.
Walter ing a bad cold and lost her voice ' BIES W E D N E SD A Y
i game hitting a season record
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Whisler will be the instructor.
Bartholomew Winners of the for 2 davs. She is much better | Rezen Orland Morrison died; of 20 points~to pace the Tigers
A geography class 107 will i wards Jane Little, Carol Law- poster contest relative to this now.
were Sunday dinner guests at
early Wednesday morning He as Ron Moore had 11. Others
the home o f their son-in-law be offered each Wednesday at j ] e r
show are announced as fol-
Belle Duus attended Grange was born November 21, 1862 scoring included: Codv 4. Cur­
Judges of the posters were low's:
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 7:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. The in-
I Saturday. She has been quite I Announcement o f services will ry, Beal, and Kitching all hit
Kenneth Haskett, in Portland. structor will be Clark Brooke, Oregon Citv schol personnel,
4th 5th and 6th grade group: ill for a month. Nice to have be made at a later date.
for two points each. Estacada
Mrs. Leonard Verberg left
1st, David Turner; 2nd, Joe her up and out again. ,
was whistled for 15 fouls and
last week for Medicine Hat, Al-
Reed: 3rd, Donna Kitching.
hit for 15 free throws out of 27
berts, Cnnadfl, whore she hsd I recently returned from A b y - >
school; IVTiss Nsncy
upholstering class
will attempts.
Honorable mention went to
Mrs. Alleda Jones, wife of An
been called by the death of her j sinnia. where he did extensive Fisher, Mrs. Amelia Haugen Jean Little and Carol Lawler. high school
Wm. start Monday, March 19, at
•Pacing the scoring for Canbv
I geography work. The classes and Mr. Vern Reynolds, Mt.
7th, 8th and 9th grade group: Jones,
second-grade 9:30 a m. at the V FW hall in was Buchanan.
_______ _______
Harris, and Mar-
David Bryan, son of Mr. and run for ten meetings and al- Pleasant school, and Mr. E. A. 1st, Jean Pierce; 2nd, Sandra teacher, spent two days this Currinsville. It will be a six
tin who hit for 10. 8. and8 re
Mrs. Lyle Bryan, is leaving this low three hours credit.
The Woodworth, Clackamas coun­ Moss; 3rd, Bonnie Howell.
week in Oregon City hospital hoür class .
spectively. Also Malone and
Wednesday for Portland where tuition fee is $24.00 per class. ty scoool superintendent.
Honorable mention went to with a throat infection.
For further information call Smith 6 each and Westerland2
he will be inducted into the Both classes will be held at
Judy McName and Terry Ed­
Peggy Clayville, 56-1.
Canby was charged with 20
the Estacada grade school.
their C l 24 Globemaster trans­ wards.
armed forces
----- T ~T . --------~
„ „
fouls and hit for 10 free throws
port landed in Portland. The
A .A .U . CHAM P
Mr and Mrs G uy Keller out of 21 attempts
of our observers to receive pins huge plane tipped forward due
The American Legion will
In the concluding game; the
and awards at the March meet­ to a collapsed forward landing
celebrate its birthday anniver- Estacada fighter, proved he’ s union at their home Sunday. Canby. B ’s trounced the Tiger
ing. Eligible members will be gear: whereupon all
hands I sary w jth a potluck dinner in ready for the best as he won March 11. Those present were B ’s 38-27 Estacada only led
The March meeting o f the notified — and do come Every­ slid to safety by escape lines j the‘ Legion hall Sunday. March easily over Jodie Harris, state
her aunt, Mrs. M. V. McCabe once which was at the end of
Observer body
A .A .U . champ. It was a fast of Zelrenople, Pa.„ who had the first quarter 4 2 Canby
Corps will be held in the O dd! W e welcome another recruit pUne™ which ^ b v * T h e ' ^wav" . 'h V V V u
anfd fight with Harris unable to been visiting in California
quicklv caught fire and raced
Fellows hall Wednesday. March to our post - Claribel Oswald
^ g i i
famlheS are ,nvited ‘ ° at‘
connect on the speedy Barden with her sons and was on her to a 16 8 cushion at the half.
21. A potluck supper will be of D‘ Rt. 1 1, Estacada.
- building.
- -
Slugging Bob Biesell won a way to her home in Pennsyl­ In the third quarter it was 22-14
The Tony Varitz’ are rejoic­
enjoyed at 6:30 p.m. If you
Again, do come to the pot- | The Marian Guild of St. Alo- hard-fought decision over Ed vania. Others were Mr. and for the visitors and they went
can’t manage to be on hand for ing in the arrival of their first luck supper at 6:30 p.m.. Mar ysius Catholic church will meet die Richey of Portland. Ble-
Mrs. Wm. Grant o f Redland on to a 38-27 rout through the
the supper — come to the grandchild,
21, IOOF hall. Be sure to be ¡n the church rectory Thursday sell’s hard hitting earned him , sister of Mrs. McCabe, and final period
meeting at 8 o’clock. S /S g t.
If you think that sky traffic
on hand for the meeting at evening, March 1 5 at 7 30. the decision.
Mrs. C. L. Fallert, Ronnie and
Scoring for the winners was
Mattson will provide an i n -, around here has been some-
In the most action-packed Larry, who came up from Sandsness 13 Vernon 6. Haines
8 o clock.
| Members are asked to bring
structive program.
j what light of late — look out
fight of the evening. Esta- Brookings
and Mrs. Grace 4. Cutsfnrth Hokamp and Mas
Here’s good news! The air j now for the 460th Fighter In- CORRECTION
the church. Hostesses will be j cada’ s Don Taylor and Jerry Remeti Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. sev 2 points each.
force reveals that w in ® will terceptor Squadron rrturned,
The Marian GuiId win meet Mrs Pat Youngberg and Mrs. I Oneil staged a slam-bang af D
J. Donovan, Kathy and
For the losing Tigers who
T°r 25 hours o f sky- last w e
\IrJ?d «■ Tuesday, March 20, instead of Barbara Randall.
fair with Oneil gaining a close Dennis, Oregon City; also Lu-
ended ud with a two won and
watching and M ent awards training program at Moody Air March 13 as stated in last I
________________ 1 decision.
Red McNally
re­ bert Bemetz and three chil
i without the bar) will now be j Force base in Georgia. One j week-s News
I Three Lynx public school, had ceived many compliments on dren of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs four loss record; Sanderson 7,
Hull 6. Alderron 4, Spink, Bus-
awarded for 100 hours of serv- hundred of its men experienced
__ _______ 1 __________________an appendectomy last Thurs
the fine showing made by his Jerry Bemetz and fam ily of
er. Donaldsoin, Heiple, and Br-
ice. This will qualify a number considerable excitement when I Don Kipp, principal of the day in Portland.
Oregon City.
esko all hit for one basket.
Hires Lberf
i;o:ai ferine
Hershe! York Heads Ksw üpper
Held In Mexico
Líackamas Chamber oí Commerce
11 i). Academic
Services For
Accident. Victim
Siaiiuards Raise
Grange Plays
V.F.W. Elects
New Officers
Enjoyed By All
Hostess to P. M/s
Fsre Marshal
Reports On H. S.
Eagle Creek
School Notes
PTA Vaudeville
March 23rd