go lilS IA S S Rates, 10c per line, minimum Ad. charge 1 time 76c; 3 times $1.50 Deadline for regular classified section is Tuesday For Sah* Real Estate PERSONW-PERSON WANTAPS FOP QU/C N RESULTS/ Business Sen-ices For Rent, Houses FOR RENT: House a mile FLOW ERS for all occasions. Speoial arrangements for and quarter out of Estacada. showers, parties, etc. Also Six room modern house. Tel. flow ering potted plants. Ames Estacada 14F31. Available Flowers, telephone 59-1, Es­ now. tacada, Oregon. FOR RENT: One bedroom CONCRETE BLOCKS modern house with garage in O N L Y 27c each Estacada Call 267 or contact for A ll shapes 8x8x16 “ L ite " Loren Bowman, N. W. Wade. Blocks sold at our plant Possession immediately „ Gladstone Block Co. FOR SALE— 3 bdrm Calif, ranch style 2-yr-old home. Auto, oil heat, fireplace, hdwd firs, patio. Best location near new grade ach. By owner. Ph. 82nd at Clackamas Bridge 2747, Molalla, or Estacada 851. FOR RENT Furnished Apart­ Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 43*8 ment in Gladstone. Please Located at Molalla. phone Oregon City 8532 IZ Z Y ’S A U T O W RECKING Listings Wasted Sleeping rooms for rent. Phone Damascus 2317. Address FOR SALE: Several good M16 Rt 3 box 311 Boring. Oregon at places near Estacada; some Phone Estacada 441. • Barton. We buy and sell all for trade. Phone Estacada FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mo­ kinds of batteries, radiators 14R3. H. A. McClure, Rep. dem home between Eagle and scrap automobile pans, George Beers, Broker, Phone Creek and Barton on high­ tires, old and refittings, angle MU 7-2621, Sandy way. O. J. Workman, Eagle irons etc. We buy junk, any Creek route one,Phone Esta- | old junk FOR SALE- Houses and lota aeda 74-2 in Estacada ;alao other proper­ ty. See or phone Veo Rals­ FOR RENT: One- room fu r­ B U LL SERVICE — By artifi­ ton, Estacada phone 4F5. tf. nished cabin with bath. Gar­ cial insemination. Prices from $8, based on area and herd L E T US SHOW YOU THESE den space. Near Eagle Creek. size. Finest selected dairy $25 monthly. Phone 98-11 9 1-2 acres, good soil, straw­ and boef sires. Phone Esta­ berries,3 rm. house, ch. house; cada 651, 1921 or 492. Oct.* FOR RENT: Unfurnished garage; shop; tractor and cabin. 2 rooms, kitchenette, W ANTED : To buy one sec- tools. About 7 miles out.On- shower; newly decorated; ond -hand coal heater for Es- ly $2500 with half down. near Eagle Creek. $35 month­ tacada postoffice. Refer to 2 bedroom house on corner ly. Phone 98-11 Postmaster Chris Myers at lot; close to city center. Full price $2250 with $800 down. COTTAGES for rent, all elec­ Post Office. Good 2 bedroom cottage on tric. $25.00 and $30.00 a W E LL D R IL L IN G “ Honest Lake Shore Drive. Has garage month. Lakehead Park. Far­ and shop; small ch. house; 100 aday Road, Estacada. • Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- sen, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon, x 100 com er lot and includes Phone Oregor r ‘«ty 6085. an electric range and oil circ. heater. Priced at $4500 with Help Wanted FOR SALE— Tw o 5-piece $800 down. bedroom sets in excellent con­ 10 acres w ith 7 cleared; W AN TE D MEN- WOMEN, dition. $100 each. T. C. Jones good location on oiled road 3 who are interested in making Rt. 2, Box 9A miles out.Has 3 bedroom mo­ some extra cash selling Scotch- dem home needing some in­ lite Mail Box signs that shine numbers Lucich & White terior work, barn, shop, trac­ at nite also; house tor and equipment. Good buy and door plates. Quick sellers, Tractor Co. big profit. Ideal fo r retired at $7500 with liberal terms. Authorized Clinton persons. Free sales outfit. Illu­ Air-Cooled Motors Listings wanted on all types minated Sign Co., 2942 1st Repaired - Rebuilt Ave. S. Minneapolis, Minn. o f property. Parts and Service See Howard Smith or H. N. W ANTED: Someone to do Super Hy., Gladstone, O. C. Millard, Brokers, next door to 6477 wood turning and lathe work. Post office, Estacada Larry Fortner, Estacada Rt. 1, L E N A ’S B E A U T Y SHOP FOR SA LE or TR A D E 4 Br. Phone 14R5. Announces Mrs. Bea Hale, an House, U tility room fireplace, Anyone interested in w ork­ 40 Acrea w itt^ l2 under cul­ ing 12 acres B. Caps on shar­ expert in all Hair Styling and Permanents w ill be the new tivation. 2 wells, 1 spring. New es Phone 14R3 evenings. I operator commencing Feb. 1. 20x30 Chicken House, Garage have all equipment H. A. W orking Wed. thru Sat. and bam. Desire 3 Br. House McClure, Rt 1, B 53. Estaca­ Shop open 6 days a week. near or in Gladstone. W ill con­ da. Call 89-11 F4 sider lot. Phone or w rite W A L ­ TER H. M AU RER Rt 1, Box INCOME TA X 45, Estacada, Ore. On Folsom Wanted, Livestock State and Federal Returns Road 3 miles north. Raymond L. Jones W ANTED : To buy all kinds Public Accountant FOR SALE: Real Farm close | of livestock. Harold Sarver, On Broadway - Phone 15F1 1:00 to 5:00 P. M. - Tuesday, to Estacada. 50 acres; 44 Estacada phone 35-51. Thursday - Saturday cleared: lays perfect; modern 6 W ANTED : To buy all kinds room honse, barn. Circ. fire­ o f livestock. Pay cash or S TE IN M A N BROS. place, large yard with fire­ trade. E. Van Drimmelen, Rt. Water W ell Drilling place; 5 acres prunes; spring; 1. Box 162A, Estacada 5 mi. Ford tractor. Disk, Harrow and east of Estacada high school There is no substitute fo r ex­ perience. 30 years at the power sprayer; fence charger. on Squaw Mountain Road business. M ove right in and go to work. Licensed and Insured. Free $15,000 with $4000 down; bal. Estimates. S500 year plus intrest. Lots of Real Estât Loans 15112 S. E McLoughlin (99E) other good deals. Geo. Milwaukie, 22, Oregon Beers, Pioneer Broker, Sandy, M O NEY to loan on farm and Phone BElmont 6-4234 or or Phone MU 2521 Sandy or home mortgages. Beattie, O live 4-2890 Estacada 14R3. Hibbard and Caldwell, Hogg Bldg., Oregon City, phone Septic Tanks Cleaned $25.00 5259. The Estacada office, Roy Reynolds, 9602 S. E. 80th FARM : 1 mile Estacada; 50 Phone Prospect 5-5346 next to the Broadway Thea­ acres, 3 bedroom modern view Portland, Oregon ter is open on Wednesdays; home; double garage; straw­ phone 451. berries. Approx. 25 acres G LAD STO N E FLO RIST, small second growth; 20 prune featuring Valentine Special : trees; fam ily orchard; creek; Carnations $1.95 per dozen; For Sale spring; $25,000. Estacada Real­ Heart and Flow er Corsages 75c ty Co. on Broadway. Cars - Trucks and up. A ll deliveries made promptly. Phone O C 4898 or FOR RENT: Furnished ap­ FOR SALE- Ford Pickup, visit our shop opposite Chick- artment. Call 8x2 early morn­ ’48 Merc, motor; 4 speed en-In-The Rough. ing. trans., good tires. Enclosed E LE C TR IC AL W IR IN G box. Due to sickness must W. A. (Bud) N A S S H A H N sell. G. Chumey, Elms Trailer Licensed Electrician FOR SALE - NEW L IS T ­ Court, Estacada M2 Phone MO 5-4064 or INGS MO 5-2917 L ovely 3-bedroom in Jen tf. Lodge area; Living & Din­ Logs Wanted ing Room; Frigd., Breakfasl nook; U tility Room; 16x36 For Sale Farm Fqu‘t. Party Room with large pa* FIR LOGS W ANTED We give full scale and pay tio; close to street car. IR R IG A T IO N Pumps, Pipe, cash each week for old growth $17,850. Terms. few good used Y ello w Fir Peelers delivered Fittings; 2 Bedroom Home incl. Auto pumps to our plant in Gresham. Washer and Garbage Dispo­ Rogers Machinery Co. O LY M P IC M A N U F A C T - sal; Car Port; O il Heat S E. 5035 McLoughlin Blvd., URING C O M PA N Y $8,100; Terms. Portland, Oregon Division, The Dean Co. BE 4-6478 tf. Gresham Oregon 2 Bedroom Home;large bed­ Tel. MO 5-2161 rooms; nice kitchen; Utility room; close in. $8,500. W it carry contract. ROSE R E A L ESTATE Phone O. C. 7424 and O. C ............. 8756 465 Portland Ave. Gladstone, Oregon SHORT LOGS W A N TE D — 12 and 14-ft. lgths, 24” max. d i­ ameter. $52.00 per M. MacPherson Lbr. Co., Eagle Creek, Ore., Telephone O L 4-7411 SOLD OUT NEED TIM BER W AN TE D : Top Lost and Found_____ prices— cash or stumpage for fir or alder--10,000 ft. or more. LO ST Blue metal tool box Have own equtp’t., and can furnish bond for your protec­ with hand tools all Initialed road between L. D. Houghton's tion. For free estimate contact and A1 Larsen’s. Reward. Call A1 Fickett, Rt. 1, Box 20, of Estacada 486. Don Schlicter Ea-gle Creek. Meeting Notice A N N U A L M EETING OF C O O PERATIVE MAR. 6 The annual meeting o f the members of the Farmers Gas and Supply, w ill be held on Tuesday night, March 6, 1956 at 7;3.0 P M. at the new Gres­ ham Grange Hall on Section Line Road. R. H. W ilcox, Sec.-Mgr. M2 COOPERAGE LOGS & BLOCKS W ANTED: Old growth yellow Fir logs and blocks over 30 inches in diameter, any length « f t or over. Wood Log grade and better. West- ern Cooperage Co. Log Dump, St. Johns Mill, Portland, Ore. Phone AT. 1171 or UN. 0611. A 11 , For Sale Livestock FOR SALE: Leghorn Baby Chicks. Dryden strain chicks on order. Now call K. G. Rasmussen, Beavercreek 3155. FOR SALE : t a t hens alive. Red hens 22c lb., White Leg- boms 17c lb. Phone Estacada 8R3. Carl Brdt FOR SALE: TW O 16 gallon m ilk cans perfect condition inside, both for $6. W. E. Sirplees, Estacada R t 1, Box 131, Phone 19R21 FOR SA LE — Purebred Cocker Pups, both male and female, red and white. Phone Estacada 17F2 FOR S ALE : Ladies Cloth­ ing, suits, dresses, and skirts. Sizes 12 and 14. Phone Oregon City 7098 FOR SALE: Guernsey cow, second calf, gentle, heifer calf, fresh ten days. Gives now about 3 gallons to m ilk­ ing. Phone 86211 or Claud Potts, Rt, 1, box 15, Eagle Creek. FOR SALE: FRYERS, live or dressed. Weaver, Estacada phone 48-51 j | , j | BERENTZEN Phone 24F12 McCullock Lawn Mower See the All-New McCullock 21” Safety Rotary Lawnmower Jolly Hoe Slicer-Mulcher for Heavy Duty Tilling “Try Before You Buy” BARR E Q UIPM E N T CO. 1075 E. Powell, Gresham Guaranteed Flow er Service Far Every Occasion W e ‘arrange' to Please Phone O.C. 5838 - OL 4-2969 Anytime ■ — Daily Delivery Service— S It H Green Stamps Clackamas County News Estacada, Oregon Page Seven March 2, 1956 Friday, Legal Notice BORROW CASH C A L L FOR BIDS The Board of Directors of School District No. 108, Clack­ amas Count,, Estacada, Oie- gon. w ill accept scaled bids for one new 66 passenger school bus until 8:00 P.M. March 14, 1956. Specifica­ tions may be obtained at the ! A N Y M AK E — P A ID FOR Estacada Grade School O f­ OR NO T! fice or by writing Howard C. And at the same time, Sanders, Clerk Box 220, Esta­ cada. M2 reduce your present car payments. On your car or Truck! Be Wise — Get your auto leans from aa Auto Dealer. BALL'S FLOWER MART C o ld C a s h Oregon City Motor Co. 18925 SE M el.rag kiln Blvd Gladstone Across from Gene & Joe’s Passed on to Yon FORD D EALER llt h and Main P L A N T IN G YOUR LAW N? Polehn Farms F «r Best B i t u 4 Quality Seed, and a Pleasant Drive via the Seeale Bedlam! Road 8 miles Bast of Oregon City Phone TEmple 1-2061 PLU M B IN G CO. 611 7th St. Oregon City Water Heaters Immediate Installation. No Down Payment 51 Intemation % ton 4-speed transm-, 8’ bed Good cattle rack option. A good buy for $695 or Brush 54 Pontiac Star Chief Paper Hanging 1- Dr. Hydrom. R & H Prompt and Expert Service Beautiful clean car and A. R. TA L M A D G E , Sr. for only $1595 280 W. Exeter - 51 Ford 4 dr. Fordomat. 2- tone R & H $695 50 Ford V-8 2 dr. $395 E LK IN S H E ATIN G SERVICE 611 7th St. Oregon City T e l OC 6404 Gladstone, Oregon ¡47 Plymouth Spec. De- Luxe 4 dr. R & H Fog M Y R T A BELLE SW A LLO W , | lights, Runs real good Accredited Piano Teacher. jand for only $195 Studio 150 E. Clackamas General Plumbing Phone O. C. 8558 C A R PE N TE R REM ODELINO 53 Olds. Power Steering General Contracting & brakes R and H W S W 2-tone $1595 Painting - Decorating- Spray 51 Packard “300” Ser. 14-dr. Ultramatic R & H 2-tone. A fine car at the low price of $695 Open ‘til 9 p.m. for your convenience SALES and SERVICE We service all makes of Gas and Oil Equipment 24 hr. Service Blvd., at Arlington Gladstone, Oregon Phone Studio 4547-Res. 4058 CALDER BUICK Picture the Fun In Your Life Super H ighway and Arlington THE C A M E R A A N D HI-FI SHOP Model Train Repairing Bus. Phone O. C. 8434 Gladstone, Ore. Phone O.C. 5129 Also Chair Caning Night Phone O. C 7733 Portland O L 4-5456 Dick Barney - Carl Moline 721 Main St., Ph 4804 Oregon City J A C K G R E N FE LL 265 Abernathy .Gladstone Phone Oregon City 6716 For Sale ' ' Miscellaneous FOR SALE: 3-8 in Ext. Rej. Plywood, 4x8 Sheets $3.20. Browns Building Supply,, Su­ per Highway, Gladstone, Phon­ es OC 6420, OL 5717 FOR SALE: Monarch 7 speed electric and wood combina­ tion range with automatic ti­ mer; in excellent condition; 3 1-2 years old. Phone after 6:30 P.M. Jack Raney, Phone Canby 35-65. AMES FLOWERS of course. 1950 Ford V-8 4 - d o o r ........................ $ 395 New paint FOR SALE— Dry Slab wood, 12 and 16 inch. $12.50 per cord or 2 cords for $22.50. Harry Carroll, Estacada, Ore., | Phone 30F3. FOR SALE: Montgomery I Ward Fence Charger with 6 volt battery, never used $7. 1 W. E. Sirpless, Rt. 1 Estaca- I da, B 131, Phone 19R-21 FOR SALE: Good used pi­ ano. $100. Phone Estacada 441. M16 FOR SALE: 1 lot of used lumber. Make an offer. Es­ tacada Christian Church. Tel. 832. F10 FOR SALE: Sheep Shears, Electric Sunbeam Stewart. Practically new. Henry Heilsbcrg, Estacada route 2, box 74, Phone 17R15 STOMACH ULCERS d u e t o EXCESS ACID As k A b o u t 15- D o y T r ia l O f f e r ! Q r v flvs million p a c k * «» of tko W nXAM T U A T M B f T ha vs bat* «old for rshsf s4 symptoms of dlatrsm anata« from H a w arti and Pws4sw l Utcara d’ja to b oso a Ac M « Poor P l f attan . gmur or Uaaat Stoma«** Qaaalnosa, H s a rth a rn , tUsolsaanssa. a t» ., dus to Kaaaas Acid. AaR for “ WWar#*] R Y N N IN G R E X A LL DRUGS Get the N E W S for $2.50 FLOWERS llllllllllllllllllllll QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST REAL ESTATE Bowman-Hoffman Pontiac G. M. C. Gresham, Oregon Phone MO 5-2166 Adv. GO! First Class, the OMC Way! OREGON C IT Y Symptom« of DlttrsM Arising from LISTINGS ! First c b m i h e G M c W ayij ESTACAD A. OREGON 1950 Ford 6 2 - d o o r ..............................$ 375 1948 Buick 4 - d o o r ........................... $ 1 7 0 1940 Pontiac, good condition . only $ 100 1946 Ford Convertible, R-H, wsw SPECIAL 1952 MERCURY . . $ 150 $1095 MILLER CHEVROLET SERVICE is shooting for a peak year on car sales - - so buy a new or guaranteed 0 . K. used car for $4 5 0 or more and you stand a good chance of getting a new $3000 1957 Chevrolet absolutely free. New Paint, good tires, radio, heater. Merco-matic transmis­ sion, back-up lites, windshield washers new seat covers, etc.