Page Six Estacada, Oregon NOTES committee also believed that the ] ure. They said at that time tile. The committee recom­ Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Eva Dooley, Mrs. Forrest Clackamas County News loading dock of our only sour­ that for a man, his Wife and mended that land owners Uie Mrs. Frank Marshall Tuesday Erickson, Mrs. S. E Lawrence, Friday, February 24, 1956 ce of supply is inadequate. They two or three children to earn by saturation’ method -not afternoon. Mrs Adolph Still, Mrs. Fred BY THE WAYSIDE . . by J. J. Inskeep, W f stated that when sacked lime is being loaded from dock to truck, farmer's trucks have to wait In line sometimes for sev- Extension Agent | eral hours. only those who sought cost shar­ "Mr. Buxton, chairman, re­ ing through our office.” The ported that in 1940, there were committee found that this de­ million people in Oregon, crease is statewide. Washington, and California, "The sojl test requirement and at the present time the pop­ may be a factor in this reduc­ ulation has increased to nearly tion. It was pointed out that 17 million. The increased pop­ many farmers, even though ulation will affect two things: they know they should have a competition for farmland for soil test made, usually just do­ homes and it will change the n’t want to take the time to market picture for what we produce here. have it done. "About a year ago, the area “Unavailability of an adequ­ ate number of trucks to haul of farmland in Clackamas coun­ lime to the farm at the time ty that was used in subdivid­ needed is another factor invol­ ing, building airports, etc. ap­ ved in reduction of use of lime­ proached 1800 acres; in Mult- stone. Peak season requirments and in Washington county, 18- on the farm serve to aggravate 000 acres. "There was quite a little this situation. Members of the subdividing going on for awhile in th e D am ascus area, b u t it seem s to h av e dropped off at p resen t. However, it The Clackamas county soils and water resources committee met recently and issued a report o i general interest to citizens of this county. This committee is headed by Oliver Buxton, Molalla. The committee found a rather alarming decrease in the use of ground limestone on Clack­ amas county farmland. It was reported by J. Wescott, Jr., Stabilization and Conservation office, Gladstone, that Clack amas county farmers used 7300 tons of limestone on 5600 acres in 1951. In 1955, usage had dropped to only 2000 tons on 1200 acres. "However,” Wescott replied, “our records included K . C . Rasmussen's ESTAC AD A SHOE m ? Now Features A LINE OF CHILDREN’S and MEN’S WORK SHOES Some Women’s Shoes Also Besides A Complete M odern Shoe Repair Departm ent COME IN AND SEE US N e x t to Gosslm g's V a rie ty w as believed b y com m ittee m em b ers th a t th e ra te of subdivision is in creasin g in C lack am as c o u n ty and th a t e v e n tu a lly m uch o f th e p re s­ e n t form ing a re a in th e n o rth and w est p o rtio n s of th e coun­ ty w ill be u rb an ized . U rb a n ­ ization is also pro ceed in g in a re a s su rro u n d in g o u r county cities an d tow ns. T he W ilsonville freew ay took 1000 a c re s of farm la n d in C lack am as county. In Los A ngeles and area, farm in g groups h a v e se t u p a zoning re stric tio n . T h e re is one. 14 m iles sq u a re in th e c e n te r o f Los A ngeles zoned I stric tly for d a iry production. T exes a re ta k e n care o f in th e zoning laws. T h is questio n w as b ro u g h t up- w h a t is a fam ily -size farm 7 In 1935 th e co m m ittee said th a t for g e n e ra l fa rm in g 80 ! icres w ould be needed, plus I 80 a c res of tim b e r and past- Llttle Boy Blue Is happy and gay His electric water heater Takes much less o f his pay. JOT " ia t m s a v im o s HEAT W ATER ELECTRICALLY M R T u a n om cB M electric co . Get a record -breaki n o’ run for your a living with berries, he just the wet spots but the en­ would need a minimum of 40 tire farm or field.Many drain­ acres. At the present time, he would need 40 acres in pro­ age problems will have to be pro­ duction. and another 40 acres solved by community to rotate. jects. A family of four needs to There is a good possibility invest $40,000 to provide a labor income of $4500 a year, of growing horticulture crops on Amity soils if they are the committee believes. Extension agent Hugh Ca- drained. The individual farmer can­ ton reported that the dairy committee agreed that it not do murh about flood con­ would take about 30 to 40 trol but it should be ap­ cows to make an economic unit at the present time. The proached from the standpoint cooperation. dairyman must invest about of community by the $1500 per cow when estab­ They can be helped lishing a grade A dairy farm. ASC office, Army engineers The committee defined the projects, etc. family-size farm as a unit Following are the recom­ that is big enough to justify the farmers full time and de­ mendations by the commlittee- clared the acreage and invest­ 1. That the committee go m e n t necessary had increased on record approving increased considerably since the 1936 | drainage and flood control, land report. The committee Millard, Mrs Frank Chevron. Mrs. Oral Stormer, and Mrs. Meta Kiggins. all past presi­ dents. Mr.s Merle Marshall and Judy and Jerry came in for refreshments. The Clackamas County News, dedicated to your community and every person in it. ...................................................... Fo r Heating Oils Call U N IO N O IL COM PANY h esitated to m ake m o re defi­ • und in ad d itio n do ev ery th in g n ite recom m endations be­ possible to encourage th e cause of th e v ariatio n p ro d u c­ building of sm all farm dam s, tio n p e r unit. F o r instance a all ty p es of sto rag e dam s, and d airy m an w hose production p e r cow exceels 400 lb s of also to en co u rag e the re fo re s­ b u tte rfa t p e r y ear m ig h t be tation of tim b erlan d s in o rd er of th e in a b e tte r position w ith 30 i to hold back som e cow s th a n a n o th e r w ith 40 w aste w ater. Je n k in S y 2. T h a t th e com m ittee go cow s w ith av erag e production on record ap proving a study of 300 lbs. W ater w ill be a m ajo r factor of storage on th e u p p e r Mol­ in th e d ev elopm ent of both alla and also include any o th ­ m ight a g ric u ltu re and in d u stry in e r w a te r storage th a t th is county from h e re on, th e be av ailab le fo r th is area. 3. T h at th e com m ittee re ­ th e com m ittee reports. iim iiiim im iiM im iiiiiiim iim iiiiiiiim iiiiiiim iiim m m im im m m M M iiiT The co m m ittee recom - com m end th a t m ore study be m ade of co m m unity-type pro­ moi ded co ntinued in te re st in jects fo r storage on d u al or farm pond construction. O p­ I single p u rp o se (flood co n tro l p o rtu n ity fo r d ev elo p m en t of | or irrigation dam s on th e w ells for irrig atio n w a te r is h eadw aters of an y of th e t r i ­ lim ited an d u n certain . We b u taries of riv e rs in C lack ­ h av e a few v ery good sites am as county. fo r irrig atio n dam s th a t 4. T h at th e com m ittee on- recom m end the could be co n stru cted on a | ccurage an d com m unity basis. M ost w a t­ I use of lim estone to th e fullest individual e r shed stru c tu re s a re fo r e x te n t needed on flood control b u t th e re is a ; farm s. The grim spectre of disease in your oil is still 5. T h at a com m ittee be a p ­ n ew law th a t w ill m ak e it with you. This spring, take corrective meas­ pointed to check w ith the possible to use w a te r sheds lim e com pany in re g a rd to the ures early. At Farmer’s Gas and Supply there fo r irrig atio n also. | a v ailab ility of lim estone. The is a complete supply of insecticide-' and oU ch airm an ap p p in ted R odney T h ere seem s to be som e d e ­ conditioners. And at a good price. Check with | P itts and W ard Seely, J a y g ree of feasib ility of b rin g in g j W escott, H ugh W illiam s and Farmer’s Gas and Supply this w ick. w a te r to C lackam as county I Ed S cag rav es to w o rk w ith from the S an tiam w hen the th e ASC office. 6. T h at any fu tu re zoning - rig h t. T he com m ittee farm in g elieves th a i one or m ore in the co u n ty give lam s on th e M olalla m ay be du e consideration because a g ­ D orm ant Spray for Trees and Cene Berries lccessary fo r fu tu re irrig at- ric u ltu re is v ery im p o rtan t to th e econom y of th e county. By the 50-gallon In Bulk on in the M olalla-C anby area 7. That the chairman be T ile d rain ag e and open given authority to appoint an iitc h construction have been interim committee to take th e biggest soil problems en­ care of any matters that need Estacada I L. L. Consignee Fhsnes 7 6 -1 Home S A V E Y O U R 55-7 S O I L It Holds Your fopjre i f me Sulphur $ 1 4 *2 5 countered by Clackamas county farmers during the past ten years. Tile installed through the ASC office since 1950 approximates four and one-half million feet. The ASC office believes that we have tiled 50 percent of the acreage in the county needing Only Chevrolet puts you In charge of the dynamite action and sure-fire handling qualities it takes to break the Pikes Peak record! Better try it before you buy any ear at any price. Almost everybody likes a real Yoad car. And nowadays you no longer have to pay a king’s ransom to own one. They’re going at Chevrolet prices! For the new Chevrolet is one of the few truly great road cars being built todayl It has to be to hold the stock car record for the Pikes Peak climb. It tion (horsepower now ranges up to 225!) and nailed-down stability on turns—plus lots of other built-in qualities that make for more driv­ ing pleasure and safety on the road. Come on in and try a record- breaking Chevrolet! The women made many crepe paper flowers for the veterans’ hospital wheel chair parade held annually in June on the hospital grounds. Mrs. Marshall served angel food cake, strawberries and jello, whipped cream, tea and coffee to Mrs. George Tracy, Mrs. O. W. Carpenter,, Mrs. Don Showerman and Debbie* Mrs Leslie Kiggins and Bobby. Also present was baby Nancy, to be given attention with the advice of the county exten­ sion service. Members of the soils and water resources committee in attendance were: Oliver Bux­ ton, Molalla, chairman; Oke Ekholm, soil conservation ser­ vice, Odis Menser, Damascus; Ward Seely, Wilsonville; Ver­ non Hepler, Barlow; Arthur Shrock, Needy; H. Williams of Beavercreek; Elmer Deetz, Canby Jay Wescott, Glad­ stone; Everett Shibley, Spring- water; Rognar Anderson, Col­ ton; Art King, Oregon State college; Rodney Titts, Canby; Steve Eyman, Molalla; Larry Aylsworth, Sandy; Ed Sea- graves, Logan: Jack McDer- mid, Oregon Clity; A1 Parker, project forester, Oregon City; and extension agents Clive Cook. Lee Garoin, Hugh Ca- ton, Claron Mace, and J J. Inskeep. drum 4 S C S^* Weed Control Sprays IPC, DENITRO or FOR STRAWBERRIES KARMEX D. W. - New Spray for Weeds. For Caneberries only. First time on the Market. FA R M ER S G A S A N D S U P P LY Acoss from the Cannery, Gresham 600 E. 8th Street MOhawk 5-2501 W E A IM TO M AKE O L D F R IE N D S LEGION AUXILIARY rUESDA MEETING OF N EW C O M ER S! Past President’s Parley of the local American Legion In banking, perhaps more than in any other PLYWOOD CO-OPERATIVE MEMBERSHIPS business, success depends upon pleasing the customer. So we regard each new patron— and his account—as an opportunity for Real Ser­ vice. Put us to the test. You’ll get a warm wel­ come here, even if you just want to talk over money matters. A state income tax representative will be at this bank Thursday, March 15th, to help you with your state income tax return. This service is free. CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK SANDY. OREGON p à i )