NOTTS BY THt WAYSIDE . . by J. J. Inskeep, Extension Agent Notes by the Wayside Here is some advice on fer­ tilizer use for snap bean growers. This material is ta­ ken from our notes during a district conference on fertili- izer at Oregon State college recently. In trials conducted at var­ ious locations throughout the state, maximum yields have resulted of approximately 75 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre applied annually in ad­ dition to other elements as described below. Nor does See BOW MAN- HOFFM AN'S Used Car Buys! 818 E. Powell M O haw k 5-2 16 6 G R E SH A M , OREGON New Construction ^ - Repair hours a day — every day including holidays * HY-D Plumbing & Heating Co. 12 Mile Comer i Clackam as County N ew s Page Three Estacada, Oregon Friday, January 13, 1956 Why do we dwell at length . matron, respectively; Elm­ on fertilization of pole or snap er Linn was installed as asso­ beans? Because, according to ciate patron and Eleanor Ne­ extension agent Leon Garoian, well was installed as Martha. the Willamette Valley is the A number of Springwater best snap bean growing area friends atended the ceremon­ in the United States. In 19’5 ies. Don and Rditha (Gant) r^F ’-{¡Bf lusitors to NORWAY r s Clackamas county grew 325 Thomas came from Oregon \ enjoy riding Oid- acres of irrigated pole beans I City for the event as did Del- world Sfotk;a?rre' which grossed the growers | mor and Norma Gant from c a r t e up to the scenic . n : S296.000. Clackamas county Three Lynx. * -v Jfriksdal Glacier. bean growers last year paid The Nick Hinehliffes return­ r j lut'dy fjord horses, pulling fit \ Five Clackamas county dai­ out $125,000 in picker wages. ed last Saturday from a three r k e carte, have "¿ oh -s e a r iff, weeks visit in McFarlane, ry herds qualified for the power tor cne steep mountain California, near Bakers­ reads-. county honor roll by produc­ field. at the home of Mr» ing 40 or more pounds of but- Hinehliffe’s mother Mr» terfat during the month of De­ t fi/anuary and Four Springwater residents Williams. They reported find­ cember, according to Hugh ' j, February are Carnival were specially honored in in­ ing nearly summer weather ' months in £(JROp £ Co2o^ ul Caton, county agent. The monthly reports of W. stallation ceremonies at Mt. in Bakersfield, after traveling ‘ /arch Gras p a ra d es and cos­ J. Allen, Richard Gale, and L. Chapter, O. E. S. in Estacada through innumerable de­ tum e balls m ake th is a y C. Berney, DHIA supervisors, last Friday evening. Del and tours on the southward trip, as due to the rains. tim e fo r transatlantic holidays. list the high-producing herds. Nita Gant were installed worthy patron and worthy owned by: James A. Morgan. V -f' Hubbard, 40.8 pounds with la cows, 2 dry; Arlo and Jean Thompson. 42.4 pounds with 24 Spring comes early cows, 2 dry; Antoinette Van- I ù* PORTUGAL. making derbeck, Mt. Angel, 42.3 th is flo w e r -fille d pounds, with 24 cows, 3 dry: W E W IL L CUT AND W R A P IT FOR YOU co u n try an ideal sta r Charles Couche, Sherwood, j in g poin t fc 41.4 pounds with 27 cows, 3 W ill call for and deliver free of charge E u rop ea n dry; and Sea Lion Dairy, Aur­ P ric e s a r e low to o , ora. 40.8 pounds with 51 cows, 3Vi>c Cut and Wrapped with good hotel room s 8 dry. from . <&4.oo daily The three DHIA supervisors Hith m eals!. also recorded 19 individual cows which made outstanding PHONE 20-R-6 Estacada, Ore. records of 75 pounds of butter- Rt. 1, Box 141-C fat or more during the month the form of nitrogen used ash per 100 lbs of fertilizer. of December. They are: Cyn- seem to make much difter- When potash is used, we sug­ thy, a registered Jersey owned ence. Ammonium nitrate pro­ gest banding, along with by James A Morgan, Hubbard, vides 33.5 pounds of nitrogen phosphate, at planting time. with 78.7 pounds: D 10, a re­ for each 100 pounds of fertil­ Extension agent Leon Gar gistered Jersey owned by John izer used, ammonium sul­ oin has not noted systoms of Gale, Canby with 78.2 pounds; phate 20, and urea 45 pounds. potash deficiency in Clacka­ Nos. 78 and 81, Guernseys Placing the fertilizer about mas county bean yards but owned by Sea Lion Dairy, of 2 to 3 inches to the side o f such deficiencies have shown Aurora, with 78.2 and 78.3 the seed and about 1 to 1 1-2 up in other parts of the W ill­ pounds respectively; Niy and inches deeper than the seed amette Valley on Sauvies Is­ Judy, a Jersey and a registereu will help get the beans off to land. Once deficiencies of Jersey owned by Earl Barber, a thrifty start At least one- either phosphorus or potasn Aurora, with 78.1 and 88.9 half of he nitrgen and all of show in the is too late pounds respectively; Topsy, a the phosphate should be ap­ to correct them for he cur­ registered Jersey owned by plied at seeding time. rent growing season. Charles Couche, Sherwood, O IL B U R N E R S - P U M P S - F U R N A C E S The soil should contain Sulphur deficiencies have with 76.1 pounds; Bell, a regis­ from 120 up to possibly 240 not shown in bean yards to tered Jersey owned by Harry However, many phos­ Lane, Sherwood, with 77.» lbs. of available phosphoric date. PIPE V A L V E S A N D F IT T IN G S acid. A reliable soil test will phate bearing fertilizers aiso pounds; Actress, a registered indicate the additional carry adequate quantities of Jersey owned by G. F. Levin, amount needed. Average sulphur and the same is true Oregon City, with 75.3 pounds bean yard tests run about 40 of ammonium sulphate. Tre­ (21 days); Wisteria, a register­ lbs per acre. In this case, it ble phosphate and ammoni­ ed Jersey owned by G. F. Le­ the individual decided to um nitrate carry smaller vin, Oregon City, with 79.8 The pounds; Bess McLily, register­ provide 200 lbs. of actual quantities of sulphur. phosphoric acid,he would add point is thiis- unless the grow­ ed Brown Swiss’ , owned by 160 lbs. er is using some other fertili­ Meier Dairy Farm, Boring, Treble phosphate, contains zer supplying sulphur it will with 75.9 and 95.2 pounds re­ 45 pounds of phosphoric acid be well to provide 100 lbs. or spectively; Vessi and Graoie, per 100 lbs.of fertilizer in the so of landplaster a year as in­ registered Jerseys owned by M O 5-5 49 0 147 E. Powell Gresham sack. Superphosphate con­ surance. Antoinette Vanderbeck, Mt. tains 18 to 20 lbs. It is desirable to ask for an­ Angel, with 97.2 and 83.3 The soils delpartment at alysis of magnesium along pounds respectively; Bouquet, Oregon State has failed to oo- with the test for other ele­ a registered Jersey owned by tain consistent results from ments. But before applying Rex Ross, Mt. Angel, with 87.2 use of pptash because boost magnesium, someone with a pounds; Rocket, a registered of our bean soils seem to con­ good knowledge o f soil man­ Jersey owned by Kehrli Jersey tain enough potash. How­ agement should be consulted. Farm, of Molalla, with 75.0 ever, if the alnalysis shows Magnesium need is directly pounds; Honey, a registered less than approximately 250 related to the amount of cal­ Jersey owned by Mr. and Mrs. lbs of available potash per cium and potash found in the Arno Scheller, Colton, with acre, it wil be well to add soil, plus the amount applied. 76.2 pounds; and Paula, a about 200 lbs. of muriate o f There is no general answer to grade Holstein owned by J. B. potash. Muriate o f potash the magnesium question. Lausen, Beavercreek, with provides about 60 lbs. o f pot­ Bean growers should not 77.9 pounds of butterfat. Tiny, a registered Holsein owned by Dr. J. B. Harrison, Eagle Creek, topped the list of roll of honor cows in Decem­ ber by producing 692.1 pounds of butterfat and 15276 pounds Your of milk in the 305-day lacta­ tion period completed in Dec­ ember. No. 56, a registered Guernsey owned by Staehely Brothers, Oregon City, was in 2nd place with 652,3 pounds of butterfat and 12714 pounds of milk. The 3rd place cow was Dolly, a registered Jersey owned by John Lienhart, of Woodburn, which produced 631.4 pounds of butterfat and 11533 pounds of milk in her last 305-day lactation period. The three DHIA supervisors posted the results of 2573 cows during the month of December. A. G. Riehle. Oregon City, is again a member of the assoc­ iation on the owner-sampler plan. Owners interested in testing should contact one of the DH­ IA testers or the county agents office in Oregon City. 5 fU - :, , ¿Sip' l ' \ SPRINGWATER M EAT CUTTING FOR LOCKERS — PLUMBING Alterations use boron on our soils. What would be considered a norm­ al application of borax for al­ falfa, cole crops, and root crops will prove very toxic to bean plants. Just me same it may be well to se­ cure a test for boron along with the general soil test.But dont apply any borax with­ out the test and then without consulting with someone who has expert knowledge of the subject. Call MO 5-3732 HAROLD MIDDLETON PLUM BING, HEATING «rfStb EXPLOSIVES STUMPING POWDER SHEET M ETAL WORK PETERSON DYNAMITE Plumbing & Heating Co. BLASTING SUPPLIES Now Avavilable At DICK'S LOGGING SUPPLY ESTACADA, OREGON PHONE 13F2 Speaks softly and -ffo tta e w a / im & i packs a powerful wallop ! S T O P S WINTER C-O-L-D STANDARD iments conducted up time by the soils de- t at Oregon State in­ maximum snap bean esult from a sand of nts to the foot. FURNACE OIL NOW Friday Might's THE BEl AIR SPORT COUPE—one of 19 high-priced-looking Chevrolets, all with Body by Fisher. Soft-spoken, yes. (One reason is the hydraulic-hushed valve lifters now- in all Chevrolet engines—V8 or 6.) And this handsome traveler packs a horsepower wallop that ranges up to 2<>o! It’s charged with sheer, concentrated action. Action that can save you precious seconds for safer passing! Action that lets you take steep hills in ef­ fortless stride! Action that helps you zoom out of trouble spots! And action isn’t all. Chevy holds the road like part of the pavement! Of course, Chevrolet brings you the security of safety door latches. Instrument panel padding and seat belts, with or without shoulder harness, are offered at extra cost. Come in and highway-test it. the Night GRESHAM SEED & FEED CO. ESTACADA EVERY WEDNESDAY PHONE MOhawk 5-2186 GRESHAM, ORE. at Viewpoint COCKTAIL LOUNGF | with Shannon's ittar--»' WESTERN SWING BAND But, Don’t Forget MILLER CHEVROLET SERVICE Telephone Estacada 84-2 Estacada, Oregon I Saturday, with The Three •r u n i « IIM VM NÍI SI NCI 1*0 0