Page Eight Estacada, Oregon r Clackamas County News Clackamas Co. News Classi- Friday, November 25, 1955 fied Ads. Get Results HOWMAN-HOFFMAN REAL ESTATE VALl'ES PONTIAC 10 ACRES — 'a cultivated '52 Pontiac 4-door Chieftain some berries, 6 miles out deluxe. A choice car with on good graveled road. 3- ; beautiful equipment $1045 room house garage, tool shed, | '51 Ford V -8 4-door deluxe. ch. house. Priced at $2800— ; Nice equipment 5645 will take trailer house 18x22 j 51 Pontiac Chieftain 4-door ft. as part payment. deluxe with everything. Fine 10 ACRES — with 7 cleared, automobile $895 three miles out on paved '50 Dodge Coronet, c h o i ce road. Good soil, some ber­ car $575 ries, orchard, 3-bedroom '51 Dodge 4-door Coronet. house needs interior finish­ This was a gentleman’s car ing, barn, shop, tractor and White side-wall tires. A tools $7500 with $2100 down beauty 5795 and $30 plus int. per month. '49 Pontiac Chieftain deluxe 2 BEDROOM home in good 4-door 5495 condition. $5800 with $1850 '46 Dodge 4-door sedan Good down and $45 mo. car .......................... $195 5 UNCLEARED ACRES on '48 Chrysler 4-door N ew oiled road 1 *4 miles out. $ 1 .» Yorker. This is very special. 000 with 5300 down. Must see to believe. RENTALS: — Two furnished '49 Plymouth 2-door sedan. apartments at $45 per mo., Premium $425 plus gas; one house available '49 Nash Ambassador 4-door in 10 days at $50 mo. plus Sedan . 9195 water and elect. ’51 Studebaker Commander See: HOWARD SMITH or II. Very clean $575 N. MILLARD, Brokers '50 Pontiac 4-door sedan S450 Next to postoffice — Estaeada '50 Willy’s Pickup. Very clean This is choice 9595 Unsuccessful deer hunters '53 CMC Pickup Long Wheel base. Heater, defroster, cus­ will have another chance to tom bumper. This is really a fill their tags this coming premium $1095 weekend. MANY MORE CHOICE BUYS According to the Oregon COME AND SEE THEM Game Commission, on Nov. Bowman-Hoffman Pontiac 26 and 27, nimrods with un­ Ore sham used deer tags will be al­ MOhawk 5-5109 818 EAST POWELL lowed to hunt for one deer of either sex throughout the ag­ 45 ACRES, 4 miles from Esta- ricultural areas of the Wil­ cada, all cleared, some seed­ lamette valley. ed lots, fruit, several acres Hunters are cautioned that prunes. M odern 6 -room unlike the general either sex house, barn, prune dryer, ga­ season in the Willamette val­ rage. Good buy for right ley when extensive private party. $12,500 some terms. timberlands were open, the Several other attractive buys November 26 and 27 hunt is between Estaeada and Sandy. limited to within one mile of GEO. BEERS, Pioneer Broker established agricultural lands. Mutual 7-2521 Sandy, Ore. Open areas are. Established agricultural lands and adja­ COTTAGES for rent, all elec­ cent areas within one mile in tric. $25.00 and $30.00 a month. Lakehead Park. Far Clackamas, Columbia. Marion. aday Road. Estaeada. Multnomah, W a sh in g to n , Yamhill, Polk, Benton, Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rickey Jr and Lane counties. The bag limit is one deer of and family had as guests on either sex for thoae hunters Saturday out of town visitors possessing an unused deer tag. who were here for the Bethel initiation o f Jo Letha Rickey, who became a member County beef, dairy, sheep of J obs Daughters at the Sat­ and swine producers are in­ urday afternoon ceremonies in vited to attend a three-day the Masonic temple. Guests veterinary school to be held at were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rickey the Fairgrounds. Canby. De­ uncle and aunt o f Jo Letha, cember 6 , 7. and 8 . according who sponsored her; Jo Letha’s to E. F. Barger. Clackamas grandmother Mrs. N. B Nash, County Livestock association of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ted president, sponsor o f the activ­ Higby and their daughter Mrs. ity. Each meeting starts at Charles W h ite of Forest 1:00 PM. Grove. APARTMENT 8X-2. for rent. PFRSO/W-RFRSOR WANT ADS FOR QU/CK RFSOIFS/ Call WANTED- Housework. by the hour. Call 9F-7. ‘ Dec.2 RELIABLE TRACTORS FOR SALE OR TRADE— Calf. FOR RENT — Sleeping rooms CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR SALE— Muscowvi ducks, j by week or month. Call after | weight about 200 lbs. Take 1950 D-4 Caterpillar with ONLY 30c each Blade & Winch dressed or alive, Hugh Carlin. 5 p m. at former Troupe i for All shapes 8x8x16 “ Lite” j pony saddle, no junk, as part Estaeada, Rt. 1, Box 44 or . house. Phone 44-11. 1 payment. E. L. Condon, Estu- 10 Cat. with Blade & winch Blocks sold at our plant 1952 8 N Ford, fully equipped phone 98-211. |---------------------------------------------- ' cada, Rt. 1. Gladstone Block Co. 1953 HG Oliver Cletrac 82nd at Clackamas Bridge ' HOUSE TRAILER— 27' Metal 1943 D.2 Caterpillar wide FOR TRADE — Kitchen white Gladstone. Ph. Ore. City 4306 guage with blade enamel trash burner and Landscape Artist Now Avail­ Spartan Manor, SI500. Hot | and cold water, toilet, elec­ We have over thirty other chickens for wood or will sell. able tric refrig., air controller, oil tractors to choose from. Phone Estaeada 86-51. Dec-2 heat, Slimp Dollie and Get your tractor now and FIR LOGS WANTED Shorty's Barber start paying in the spring. We give full scale and pay brakes. COOPERAGE *Dec. 9 HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. cash each week for old growth ! Shop. Estaeada. LOGS & BLOCKS Now available in The Yellow Fir Peelers delivered FOR SALE— Truck chassis; Your John Deere WANTED: Old growth yellow "Caterpillar” Dealer Fir logs and blocks over Star Plywood Co-opera­ to our plant in Gresham. pair and spare, 7 50x20; 3 Gresham. Oregon OLYMPIC MANUFACT - 30 inches in diameter, any side link chains, all $25 R. URING COMPANY length 4 ft. or over. Wood tive. The Star Plywood B Poppino, Rt. 1, Estaeada, BARR SPECIALS Division, The Dean Co. Log grade and better. West­ Co-operative is organ­ j Phone 13R56. N.-25 TO.30 Ferguson Tractor Gresham Oregon ern Cooperage Co. Log Dump, ized to produce ply­ like new and you really FOR SALE — Locker Beef. Tel. MO 5-2161 St. Johns Mill, Portland. Ore. 1 Call Estaeada 97-6. N -25 save on this one at Phone AT. 1171 or UN. 0611.! wood. The membership only $1375.00 A 12 fee is .$6,500. All mem­ SHORT LOGS WANTED— 12 YOUNG MAN 33 yrs. old 8 N-Ford Tractor, a very and 14-ft. lgths, 24” max. di­ berships a r e working wishes to correspond with good low priced tractor ameter. $52.00 per M. FOR SALE— Milking shorthorn $ 795.00 The Star MacPherson Lbr. Co., Eagle Christian girl in or around with lights cow and 4 months old Here- j memberships. ford bull calf. Ted Dernovek. j plant will be located Creek, Ore., Phone OL. 4- Estaeada. Write Victor W. 22 Caterpillar tractor Rowe, 400 Miller Ave., South outfit with plow and Estaeada. Rt. 1, Phone HR- disc $1065.00 112. Dec. 2 .1 near Estaeada, Oregon, BULL SERVICE — By artifi­ San Francisco, Calif. For further information, j cial insemination. Prices from FOR SALE 3 white face heif­ Howard 20” Rotavator, fully guaranteed and FOR SALE— U S. Government mail the attached cou-' $ 6 , based on area and herd ers, 8 months old not weaned, you save Vz price at inspected, quality beef at low ­ pon. size. Finest selected dairy if all three taken, $85 each. only $ 425.00 est prices. Delivcred--Estaca- and beef sires. Phone Esta­ Call Mike Matulewski. 13R3, Harrow, 3 section, lift da, Redland, or vicinity. M. Star Sales, Inc. Estaeada. cada 651, 1921 or 492. Oct.* type $ 95.00 V. Weston, Estaeada, Rt. 2. 407 N.W. 23rd St. WANTED: Have Duyers for WANTED — Lady solicitor for Harrow, 4 section, lift Phone Redland, Temple 1- Portland. Oregon $ 185.00 several 40 to 60 acre farms in photographs. Call at Estaeada type 2285. N-18. Gentlemen: Weeder, 15-foot, lift Shoe Shop Saturdays. Estacada territory. Kingwell Please send me a copy of the type $ 85.00 741 . Rates, 10c per line, minimum Offering circular relating to Agency, Estaeada. Lawn mower, save on Ad. charge 1 time 75c; 3 times The Star Plywood Co-opera- j WANTED— to buy red pullets. FLOWERS for all occasions. this one at $ 65.00 $1.50 Deadline for regular tive. Call Mrs. Nellie Currin, Es­ Special arrangements for Can offer good low priced classified section is Tuesday Name ---- ------------------------- — tacada 72-2. showers, parties, etc. Also terms and will deliver on trial A d d r e s s ------------------------------ flowering potted plants. Ames to your farm. WANTED: To buy all kinds Flowers, telephone 59-1, Es­ Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE — Sow and six BARR EQUIPMENT CO. of tiv“ stock. Harold Sarver, tacada, Oregon. Gresham, Oregon weiner pigs. Rt. 1, Box 34, Estaeada phone 35-51. WANTED — Filbert nut pick, Eagle Creek. Second house WANTED— Responsible couple ers starting Nov. 5. J. C. from the school. Mae Colman. WELL DRILLING “ Honest FOR SALE — 1949 Rollaway to look after place and feed a Cobb, Rt. 1. phone Estaeada trailer, two bedrooms. $ 1000 . Work, Fair Prices.” O.E. Jann- few stock once a day in return 11R51. sen, box 38, Clackamas,Oregon, H. G. Evans, Elm's Trailer for free cottage rent and fuel. IZZY’S AUTO WRECKING Court, Estaeada, phone 11F7. Phone Damascus 2317. Ad­ Phone Orego'- *” 'ty 6085. Ideal for pensioners. Refer­ FOR SALE — Fescue straw, dress— Rt. 3, box 311, Boring, FOR SALE— Small Estaca­ ences required. 10 miles from suitable for bedding dry , Oregon, at Barton We buy and Lucich & White Estaeada. Write X -l Clacka­ da business, For information, stock, not rain damaged. Also j sell all kinds of batteries, radi­ mas County News. call 851. Tractor Co. chewings, 30 cents a bale, alta | ators and scrap automobile Authorized Clinton at 40 cents. L. W. Fortner, parts, wires, old and refittings, phone 14R5, Rt. 1, Box 54. i Air-Cooled Motors angle irons, etc. We buy junk, A Most Cordial Invitation is Extended to You Repaired - Rebuilt any old junk. RELIABLE TRACTORS Parts and Service and Your Guests to be among the first to see 1E50 D-4 Caerpillar with MONEY to loan on farm and Super Hy., Gladstone, O. C. the Beautiful New 1956 Blade & Winch 6477 home mortgages. Beattie, 1954 John Deere 40 4-roller Hibbard and Caldwell, Hogg crawler Bldg., Oregon City, phone Septic Tanks Cleaned $25.00 1953 TD -6 International with, 5259. The Estaeada office, Roy Reynolds, 9602 S. E. 80th blade next to the Broadway Thea­ Phone Prospect 4-7935 On Display at Our Showroom 1950 HG Oliver Cletrac with ter is open on Wednesdays; Portland, Oregon NOVEM BER 4, 1955 blade phone 451. We have over thirty other FOR SALE— Two pair of red tractors to choose from. FOR RENT— 3-room furnished 1 bantams. $1.00 per pair. In­ I1ESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. apartment. Phone Estaeada ! quire at the office of the Super Highway - G LADSTONE Gresham, Ore. 97-12. N-18 I Clackamas County News. PLYWOOD CO-OPERATIVE MEMBERSHIPS j BUICKS C a LDER b u i c k P Swift's Fancy In th e S p irit o f Oven Ready thanksgiving HEN T U R K E Y S ^ à 6 3 c lb. & 5 7 c Festive Fruits and Vegetable Other Poultry FRESH CRANBERRIES lb. LADY FINGER GRAPES 2 lbs. YAMS and SWEET POTATOES 2 Ibs. Crisp GREEN CELERY ‘ bunch Boiler Onions 3 lb. bag Happy Vale Sweet Pickles 22 oz. jar 3 7 c ea. Cottage Pitied Ripe Otiles No. 1 can 3 3 ret5* Heinz Cocktail Onions 3 - oz. glass Fann’ng'r % Putter 3 ¿ oz. P itk iü S 27« Cotiage Tomato Juice 46 oz, tin 121-C Orange it!e 46 oz. tin .. * 1 25 « 2 * 9c ea. A - Sian - of - Q uality Flav-R-Pac Frozen Peas 2 for 3 5 c _____ Flav-R-Pa c Frozen Corn 2 for 2 9 c T*yior s Whole Sweet Pi,,a foes No.3 cun 2 5 c 2a* ¡bbv's Pumpkin 2- size tin can 1<)c III III A », . J J h 23c FLAYR-PAC COTTAGE CRANBERRY SAUCE a * 25c 29c 25c 25e i | 5 : 90* |tems FANCY FRE^ FRYERS 65c lb. 55c lb. •69c lb. ROASTING HENS LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS Sugar Cured Picnics fresh from the smokehouse * 3 9 c lb PORK SHOULDER STEAKS 4 9 c lb. RIB STEAK Cut from U. S. Good beef, aged just right for delicious eating 5 9 c lb. Mayonnaise NALLEY’S FULL QUART 9 Nabisco - Sugar-Honey GRAHAM CRACKERS lb 3 5 c Í » H i IF IT'S NALLEY’S ITS GOO D "Stuffing” Bread Special m 1 lb. loaf 2 0 c Seasoned Stuffing M ix Package 29c 1 iv â k M in i I CARNATIO N M IL K So Rich it Whip»! O for 7 U v See o u r Large D is p la y Nuts of all Kinds for the Holidays Horner’s Market This Ad Effective Wednesday, Nov. 23,. Friday and Saturday We W ill be closed a ll day Thanksgiving Day I 2nd & Main Sts. ESTACADA Phone Estaeada 60-2