Two Clackamas County News federal high dam at Hells Urines w ill make plenty oi When a vacation I begin Canyon, the cost of which has noise But a vast majority of F riday, September 2, 1955 Estacada, Oregon been estimated at nearly informed citizens will approve I ’m inclined to have the su case sin I ’ll pack and pack and a few more Dresses I take over a score. Hats of all colors whi^e, black and brown And shoes to match I carry around Sheets, blankets and rolling Sui pin Woi I carry so much it’s really a Christ sin. An electric, heater for fear I Evening L. The hardy old political per­ get cold ennial, agricultural policy, Four suit cases my son w ill Wednesday, * w ill make its appearance in scold Prayer S the next congress as it has in These suit cases are in the way all the past ones for a genera­ They cause me w orry from BARTON tion or so. The battle between day to day. Six Miles W the partisans of high, rigid I sedom wear half I pack Niles Southi. supports and the advocates of They are in the cases to carry Sunday School some more flexible and less back Worship Servie costly system w ill be joined Just two, I think when I begin Juniors for Chi again. But 1 still have the suit case Evening Service Without arguing the merits sin. Tuesday, Wemen'. of any particular program, it Mrs. Whitehouse now lives Service 1:> is simply a fact that the sub­ in Mission, Texas and plans to sidy system has become an return there in October. H ow ­ Tuesday, Men’s Ca enormous burden on the tax­ ard, who is employed by M. K. Thursday, “ Hour of payers. | Construction Co. as a dragline Y et some of the most im­ operator and instructor is portant agricultural industries I working at Tim othy Meadows C O M M U N ITY have operated without sup­ dam. M ETHODIST CHURCH ports or subsidies— and with Fourth and Main Streets distinguished success. Meat V iolet Bolliger, Pastor (which represents the farm ­ er’s largest single source of Church School . . . 9:45 a.m. ! cash income) is one. Vegetable Worship 11:00 a.m. production is another. Pro­ Methodist Youth F ellow ­ Su.. ducer’s of both these basic ship 6:30 p.m. | foods have sought and found Wednesday, Church Night: j solutions to their problems on 7:30 p.m. ! Looking at the marquee of Choir Rehearsal S A IN T A LO Y S IU S their own initiative, without the B R O A D W A Y THEATER, Prayer and Bible Study at C A TH O LIC the parsonage 7:45 p.m. succumbing to the “ let govern­ we see now playing a very 7th and Zobrist Streets ment do it” philosophy. outstanding combination— the Woman’s Society of Christian Service: | Father Norbert Fritz, Pastor Last fall, for example, a first “ RUN FOR CO VER” is D ear Customers: highly successful partnership a super western in technicolor Third Wednesday o f ea.month Mass First and Second Sun­ promotion of beef and vege­ using the wonderful new wide As we approach our new dial telephone days, 11:00 a.m. tables was carried on. It w ill screen technique called Vista- CHURCH OF GOD Mass, Third, Fourth and Fifth project, we must start to plan for the future, in be repeated this year, in a Vision. The second feature is Sixth and Main Streets Sunday, 8:00 a.m. campaign with the attractive order we may give the type of service that you H. P. Harris, Pastor Marian Guild, Sponsoring A c ­ also in color with unusual title “ Harvest Festival.” The require. tivities Day, July 13, and Aug. undersea photography “ Hunt­ Sunday School 9:45 a.m. American Meat Institute and ers o f the Deep” . The western 10. Potluck dinner at noon. Worship 11:00 a.m. the United Fresh Fruit and W e are especially interested in our present General meetings are ostpon- stars James Cagney, who Evening Service 7:45 p.m. Vegetable Association are the ed until September. teaches Viveca Landfors, the Wednesday Prayer Meeting customers. Any of you in the rural areas who prime movers, and allied girl that helps him with his Club Meetings are at 7:45 p.m. Pacelli w ill be requesting one, two and four-party groups and industries w ill problems, and young J o h n Missionary Society last W ed­ postponed during the summer help. The idea is to move great service we will appreciate your contacting our Derek, whom he wishes were nesday o f each month and w ill be resumed Septem­ A N Y M AKE — PA ID FOR quantities of beef and vege­ his son, that there s a time to ber 15. office in the very near future so we may de­ OR NOT! tables through proven m er­ fight and a time to ’Run For F IR S T C H R IS T IA N sign to meet our needs. chandising techniques — and And at the same time, Cover’. Filmed in the grand CHURCH SEVENTH D A Y by offering consumers top Rockies of Coorado and on reduce your present car Sixth and Pierce Streets A D V E N TIS T To customers who are not presently being value for their money. payments. down in the vast country of Oscar Pearson, Pastor Sixth and Broadway The more producers o f any Texas. served by us in the Estacada a Telephone & Bible School . . . . 10:00 a.m. Armen Johnson. Elder commodity can do for them­ •HUNTERS OF THE DEEP’ Telegraph exchange area we request that you Be W ise— Get your auto selves, working in the free features skin divers, seeking W o r s h ip ................. 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Bible Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. loans from an Auto Dealer. contact us as soon as possible so we may de­ market, the better o ff the adventure in marine life with Worship . 11:00 a.m. Study 7:30 p.m. whole country w ill be. sign our system to serve you. their underwater cameras. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting There are many close escapes at 7:30 p.m. G A R F IE LD In the city area, our plans have been engi­ from the denisons o f the deep N A Z A R E N E CHURCH neered to meet any telephone requirement. with many scenes o f unusual L A T T E R D A Y S A IN T S F ive miles East Mrs. Delia Whitehouse who color and beauty. Gerald D. Aylett, Pastor (M orm on) Sunday, Monday and Tues­ is visiting her son Howard H. Sunday School . . . 1 0 : 0 0 a.m. FORD D EALER Seventh and Broadway Whitehouse of Tunnell’s trail­ day— A pair o f classics! ‘Heidi’ W o r s h ip ................... 11:00 a.m. er court sent the follow ing and ‘White Mane.’ “ Heidi” is l lt ii and Main Evening Service . .7:30 p.m. Sunday School 10:30 A.M. clever jipgle. Perhaps you. our | the story o f the little orphan Evening Service 7:00 p.m. girl in beautiful Switzerland Thursday, Prayer Service readers would c-fijoy it too. at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Prim ary 3:30 P. M. as told in the famous book by Johanna Spyri. A ll of its story Miss Norma Jean Linn w ill i I,inn. Miss Linn who was book wonder becomes screen become Mrs. Paul Floyd Sep­ graduated from the Estacada magic with the lovable little tember 2 in an afternoon cere­ Union high school with the girl played by Elsbeth Sig­ mund, as you wander over the mony at the home of her par­ class o f ’54 is now employed snowy Swiss Alps with her. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur in Oregon City. “ White Mane’ is the story of j a beautiful horse— a white wild stallion! He has long led ! the wild band of horses when G O LD SEAL ■ A R M ST R O N G - PA B C O one day the ranchers decide to capture him. He is saved by BIRD - M A T IC O - TILE TEX a small boy, who le&rns to ride him and makes a pet of and All Leading Brands him— in a second attempt by the ranchers the small fisher­ Inland Remnants and Ends of Rolls at Special Prices man's son rides the lovely 6’ x 15’— Room size, 7 h x 12. . . . . . $20.50— Save $7.00 white horse out of reach of the 6’ x 18’— Room size, 9 x 1 2 .............. $24.95— Save $8.05 ranchers forever. Wednesday, Thursday, F ri­ 6’ x 21’— Room size, 1014 x 12........... $28.95— Save $9.55 day and Saturday— John Lund 6’ x 17’— Room size, 8 x 12 ............ $23.80— Save $7.40 and Dorothy Malone in a wide 'H * — --------- 't r LO TS OF SM A LLE R REM N AN TS FROM 25c UP screen and technicolor west­ z; 11 IM I tl 111 II I II II 111 li I II 111111 II IM IM I II II III II I ill 11 11 11 till I II 11 I II II 1111 II II I II 11 Mil 11 II 111 II III III II I III II II III I m I II 11 II 111 11 III III! Ill II 11 II I U 11 * < 111H 111111 Ml H ern FIVE GUNS WEST— with DO IT YO U R SE LF AND SAVE— OR WE W IIL DO IT their guns they hold a girl for ranso mas they try to steal the A ll installations Guaranteed— Check Our Prices gold. Laying in wait for the Inlaid Linoleum - Linoleum Tile - V inyl Tile stage coach that carries a huge gold shipment, these five vio­ 6’ - 9’ - 12’ Yard Goods - Rubber -Tile - Plastic Wall Tile lent men capture the station W'all Coverings - Window Shades - Venetian Blinds master's daughter and intend to trade her for the shipment, these five violent men capture the station master’s daughter and intend to trade her for the Phone Estacada 51-1 shipment. One o f their own turn agairgst them, saving the gold and the girl. Companion feature— a shocking story of a vice and violence ring in New York City. “ N ew York Confidential“ . Vice and cor­ ruption builds up to a point where it destroys itself and fortunately also all o f those perpetuating it. Based on the story by two crime reporters, Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer. $400,000,000— or by the three ho Power Company to build smaller dams which would be three power dams on the financed entirely be regulated, Snake river This uproar t taxpaying private enterprise, should not be allowed to ob­ would cost about $160,000,000, scure the solid logic back of and, together, would produce almost as much power. the FPC's action. Ai> was to be expected, An FPC examiner held ex- The controversy involved, sSiouts of outrage arose from | huustive hearings. Every point socialist-minded groups when which has gond on for years, of view was presented He ( h r Federal Pow er Commis­ is basically simple. Snake recommended that Idaho Pow- sion, by unanimous decision, river power would be devel­ | er be permitted to start its oped either by a tax-financed approved a license to the Ido proposed project. One reason for that is in­ tensely practical Legislation for the federal high dam has been offered in four succes­ sive congresses and has been approved by none. There is absolutely no evidence that D U A L C O N TR O L CARS the situation w ill change— Congressmen from other parts C A L L US AND WE S H A L L PIC K YOU UP FOR of the country see no reason YO U R D R IV IN G INSTR U CTIO N why their constituents should subsidize the power bills of the IVL S. S T A P P O R E G O N C IT Y 5504 consumers Hells Canyon Licensed by and Bonded to the would serve. As the Portland STA TE BOARD OF EDUCATION Oregonian said, “ It was certain that a federal dam could not have been completed in time to relieve a power shortage which w ill hit the region about 1960 if nothing is done to pre­ vent it.” More important still, there is great and growing senti­ ment in congress, as in the ex­ ecutive branch, against put­ ting government into commer­ cial business when private en­ terprise can do the job. In oth­ er words, there is sentiment against more socialism. The FPC did the right thing. Snake River Dams Save Taxpayer the decision. Agricultural Support Problems Still With Us DRIVE-WELL TRAINING SCHOOL TO PRESENT AND PROSPECTIVE SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ESTACADA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH SERVICE Broadway Theatre Briefs, Hits BORROW CASH On your car or Truck! Oregon City Motor Co. Estacada Telephone & Telephone Company Suit Case Burdens J Headquarters For SCHOOL SUPPLIES - m: \rn i:s si. in 100 Count FILLER PAPER 25c 10c Pkg. $ 2 . 4 » Big Count PENCIL TABLETS Reg. 25c for 19c $1 Doz. BALL POINT PENS 25c to $1.69 CRAY0LAS 8 ' s ......................10c 15c 16's 25c 24's 59c 48's ESTACADA FLOOR COVERING 18" HEAD SQUARES SILK 25c PAPER MATE Boy's Socks TWO-TONE Match Your Car's Colors $L69 Cello Pak FOUNTAIN PENS 50c $ 2 .» » 4 prs. for $1.00 Eraser - Rulers Work Books - Paints Music Staff Books, Etc. 3-H0LE BINDER 49c PENCILS Good Grade 29c Doz. KIDS' LUNCH PAILS Reg. 2,89 Now 2.59 Annie Oakley Wild Bill Hickok Choice .........................................................................................1........... . Gossling’s Estacada 5-10-15c Store IN ESTACADA It's the NOTICE OF SCHOOL B I S PURCHASE Sealed bids w ill be re­ ceived by James W. Smith, clerk of Estacada School Dis­ trict UH No 6. o f Clackamas County. Oregon, for furnishing and delivering one 66-passen­ ger school bus. Bids w ill be received until 8 00 P.M . September 19. 1955 Specifications may be ob­ tained by calling Estacada 93-11, or bv calling in person at the Estacada Union High School. Bids must contain the ear­ liest delivery date Under no circumstances w ill a bid be considered if filed af­ ter the hours specified in this announcement. The board reserves the right to reiec* anv or all bids 1 publication. Sent 2. 1955 Let The Clackamas County News help you “ sell y o u r , stuff.” I SPORTSMAN CAFF The Home of Good Food You’ll like our food and delicious coffee. Give mo­ ther a treat and bring the whole family. SPORTSMAN CAFF - Formerly Howard’s & Betty’s Cafe - “The People’s Choice” BROADW AY ESTACAD,