Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, September 02, 1955, Image 1

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.unie 51
Number 36
Estacada, Oregon
Tom May Treats
Kiwanis Group
> to
Tommy May treated the KJ-
,UdW Mountain.
Joe ba.r, our local Scout wanis Club to lunch Tuesday
leader had made the arrange­ and received a unanimous vote
ments for the billeting on the of thanks and the lunch col­
Jenkins ranch — and Lem de­ lection was donated to the
serves the credit for the above club treasury by a unanimous
photos as he suggested the vote too. Dr. Ralph Svehaug
officiated for Dick Schmidt
The horses are kept at the who is on a Canadian vacation
Mt. Scott Boy Scout Training with his w ife and his parents.
Center during the winter and
City Recorder Bob Cooke
then driven to Camp Baldwin reported on current develop­
for the summer use o f the ments. A Census Director from
scouts. The trip thus far had Earl N ew b ry’s office w ill be
been uneventful for a couple in Estacada Sept. 19-23 for
o f the fellows and a horse be­ the purpose of compiling an
ing kicked— the horse appar­ official census. The City has
ently having gotten the worst also received a deed to a sub­
o f the deal as it had a swollen stantial area o f the Estacada
leg. The boys showed some Park area which had been
of fatigue— especially taken for taxes and which w ill
since a fourteen year old be used for park and recrea­
horse named “ Babe” had de- ■ tion purposes.
veloped colic and had to b e '
Mr. Cooke also reported on
walked all Thursday night.
the Bureau of Land Manage­
They were a real nice bunch ment meeting held in Portland,
o f boys— and it was especially on Friday. There were rough­
impressive when they lit out ly 30 people in attendance and
on the last nineteen miles of out of a registration o f 27
their journey from Estacada. there were 9 from Molalla,
Mr. Best placed special emph­ showing that Molalla has no
asis on their good behavior on little interest in obtaining an
their return to civilization by additional log supply by hav-
imploring them to please not li ig the Coilowash river area
whistle pr make cat-calls at included in their timber mar­
any members of the fairer sex keting
Estacada was
and to disport themselves as represented by Bob Cooke and
boy scouts and gentlemen. Of City Attorney John Caldwell
course, it probably wouldn't I who had previously gone on
h e w . b e w ’itecessary — Jiuow- record with the Bureau that
ing boys as Mr. Best must by Estacada does not want its
now— but it was impressive t i m b e r resources allocated
and a pleasure.
elsewhere— and would cooper­
ate in the event that some of
the Molalla mf.lls would care
On Two Days’ Visit
to move to Estacada in order
Mr. and Mrs. C. W Bond of to be eligible for timber from
Auburn. Calif., are visiting at our area. The Bureau repre­
the home of Mrs. Bond’s par­ sentatives seemed fair and are
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Chris M y­ taking Molalla's requests un­
ers for two days this week.
der advisement.
A special meeting of the Mt.
Hood Hardboard & Plywood
Co-op was held on Sunday,
Aug. 28th at the high school
with over 400
membérs attending.
Copies o f the financial re­
port as of July 31st w ere dis­
tributed, with the co-op ac­
The opening of high school
countant explaining the w ith­ is just around the corner. Last
drawals from the treasury.
minute efforts are being made
A progress report was asked to complete arrangements. For
from individual members of three months the janitors and
the board o f directors. James others have scrubbed, varn­
Snyder and Charles Goddard ished and waxed floors, va r­
commented on details of the nished
windows, painted walls and
lease agreement.
On a motion from the floor. ceilings and made other im­
W ill Lock was removed from provements.
Curley and Merle report
the board. Basis for his rem ov­
al was that he had received that the floors were in pretty
over seven thousand dollars in good condition when school
salary while acting as a board closed last spring. They feel
that the effort to eliminate
Mention was made that A l ­ cleats on shoes during the
an Wright had been removed school year was not in vain.
The cost o f keeping floors
as secretary of the board about
two weeks ago. A motion was varnished and waxed is very
passed giving him twenty-four high. During the past few
hours to deliver the complete weeks numerous visitors have
records o f the co-op to James remarked favorably about the
Snyder, the new Secretary- condition of our corridor and
classroom floors.
Parents and pupils are asked
There was considerable dis­
cussion on the long delay in to help with the elimination of
cleats on shoes.
the start o f construcion of the
“ No cleats.
few er
plant Doubt was expressed as
to the ability o f the organizers scratches on floors, less scuf­
to raise the necessary capital fing under classroom desks,
on terms that would be profit­ less noise, less cost, less labor!
and certainly a more beauti­
able to the membership. An al­
ternate proposal was offered ful surrounding for students,
teachers and visitors.”
whereby the group would re- !
organize under complete mem­
Springwater Grange
bership control, use funds re­
maining to build a green v e ­
neer plant, and borrow addi­
Sept. 1. Springwater Grange
tional capital for expansion.
is holding a special meeting
Mr. Wright, present mana­
at which the 1st and 2nd de-
ger. stated that he was invited greees w ill be put on. Other
to attend a meeting o f the fi- ; Granges are being invited to
nancial people on Tuesday, present candidates for initia­
Aug 30th. at which time some tion at this meeting.
progress regarding obtaining
a lease-option agreement and Ihorizing the board of direc­
building funds would proba­ tors to remove Wright as man­
bly take place. A motion was ager if nothing definite is ac­
passed by the membership au- complished before Sept. 3rd.
No Heels With
Cleats Wanted
In High School
$2.00 Per Year, Single Copy Five Cents
A t a very impressive cere­
in Estacada
school auditorium Aug. 26, a
joint installation of officers of
Carl Douglass No. 74 A m eri­
can Legion and Auxiliary was j
held with approximately 150 ,
The Estacada Grade and Es­
people present. Commander i
Bob Cody and President Mrs. I tacada Union High School w ill
Agnes Carpenter opened the j open Tuesday morning at 8:45,
meeting, with bugle call by September 6th Any child who
Robin Cody, presentation of w ill reach his sixth birthday
colors by Legion and Auxili- | on or before November 15th is
ary,Invocation by Chaplain S. eligible to start school. School
E. Lawrence. The meeting was busses w ill make their usual
then turned over to installing routes Tuesday morning. A ny
changes in routes w ill be
Auxiliary officers were in­ worked out the first week. The
stalled by team of Jr. Past busses w ill pick up students
Mrs. Barbara Peters, left, Past President of Dist.
Presidents of Districts No. 8 along the routes between 7:45
No. 9 giving Mrs. Leila Gordon gavel.
and 9 with Mrs. Barbara Pet­ and 8:15 and w ill return the
children shortly after 11 a.m
ers as installing officer.
Past Commander, Dist. No. 9 Bill Fleming at
Mrs. Leila Gordon is new j the first day. The grade school
right giving Ray Gordon oath of office.
president, Mrs. Dorothy M ar­ cafeteria w ill start serving hot
shall first vice president, Mrs. i lunches Wednesday, Septem­
second ber 7th. Hot lunches w ill cost
vice, (she was not present), j 2oc at the grade school. F ol­
treasurer. Mrs. Bessie Meade, ' lowing 14 a list o f items by
(not present). Secretary Mrs. I grades
Grace Still. Recording Secre­ should have;
FIR ST GRADE — 1 guide
tary, Mrs. Jane Abbott, Chap­
lain, Mrs. Helen Christiansen, lined pencil tablet; 2 soft No.
Historj^o, Mrs. Lois Erickson, 2 lead pencils; 1 large eraser;
sg t . at Arms. {drs. Carrie Mar- j 1 large box crayolas (16 col­
* i Color Bearers, Mrs ! ors); 1 box kleenex; 1 12-inch
fce Lamb, Mrs. Mary , ruler. - ■ { \
Among department officers j first grade plus a pair ol small
present were Mrs. Eda Zolez- i siiarp pointed scissors.
T llIR D GRADE -—Same as
zo, Department hospital chair­
man, Mrs. Barbara Peters, j second graders plus 1 pair of
Past President of Dist. No. 9. tennis or gym shoes.
Mrs. M arjorie Leach, Vice
President Dist. No. 9, Mrs. “ iVly Weekly Reader” ; tennis
Gertrude Dickey, President of inoes; ruler; eraser; 2 pencils;
No. 9; Mrs. Thelma Pefle>, ; pencil tablet spelling tablet, 1
Dist. No. 8. Mrs. Eleanor Rueff pair sweat sox.
district guest chairman, Mrs.
F IF T H GRADE— 2 pencils;
Jeannie Whitehead, Depart- | 1 spiral note book and paper;
Past Commander not in range of camera. Others
ment music chairman, also ! 1 box of crayons; 1 ball point
are Ray Gordon, Commander; John Abbott 1st
Mrs. Lois Erickson, Past De­ pen; 80c for “ N ew stim e’ ; 1
partment President.
Vice Commander; LeRoy Forman, 2nd Vice Pres.;
spelling tablet; 1 pencil tablet;
L e gion
distin­ 1 pair scissors; eraser; 1 ruler.
Adolph Still, Adjutant for Merle Marshall. F. E.
S IX TH GRADE— 2 pencils;
guished guests were Bill Flem-
Erickson, Finance officer; S. E. Lawrence, Chap­
| ing Past commander, dist. No 1 notebook and paper; crayons
lain; F. E. Dooley, Service officer; O. M. Stormer,
9. Dept. Commander Jack 12-inch ruler; scissors; eraser.
Larson of Springfield. Paul
historian; Fred Millard, Sgt.-at-Arms.
Sabrosky, new Commander of as sixth.
! Dist. No. 9, Vice Commander
EIG TH GRADE — 80c for
Leila Gordon and Dorothy Marshall not in cam
| Ordey Davis No. 9, Multno ' Read Magazine” ;' 2 pencils;
era range. Others left to right are: Lena Faye Kig
I mah county council comman- protractor ruler; note book &.
gins, 2nd Vice President; Grace Still, Secretary
! tier Gordon Pefley, Jr Past paper; crayons.
; Commander of Dept, of Ore .
A ll fifth graders through
Jane Abbott, Recording Secy.; Gladys Stormer
Dallas E. Nollsch, and many the eighth grade should have
Treasurer for Bessie Meade; Helen Christianson
guests from various Legion & the following for physical edu­
Chaplain; Lois Erickson, Historian; Agnes Car
Auxiliary Posts and Units.
Mrs. Florence Loe presen-
penter, Jr. Past President; Carrie Marshall, Sgt.
G IRLS— 1 pair o f tennis
| ted Mrs. Agnes Carpenter her shoes; gym shorts and gym
at-Arms, Florence Lamb and Mary Millard, Coloi
Past President pin and Bob blouse; towel; 50c for lock All
Cody presented Mrs. Carpen­ items, should be marked with
ter with a potted plant in ap­ student's name.
preciation of her work the
BOYS— 1 pair tennis shoes;
past year in Auxiliary. She al­ , gym shorts; 2 T-shirts; 2 pair
so presented Mr. Cody with a I -sweat sox; athletic supporter;
gift and gave a gift to Mrs. towel. A ll items should be
[ marked with student’s name
Between installation cere­
had a narrow escape last Sat­
Broadhurst, youth activities,
Eagle Creek schoql, along urday morning when they be­
tained with a hula hula dance Adam Gable, civil defense,
with other Clackamas county came stranded on the side of
in a grass skirt with a lei of Ray Gordon, high school ora­
schools, w ill open its fall term, a c liff along the Clackamas
Dr. Hollister Stolte, Clacka­ lavender flowers about her torical, Bob Cody, agriculture
Tuesday, Sept. 6. Three new river. A fter fishing at a point
mas county Health Doctor w ill neck, music to her dance was and conservation. Bill Chris-
teachers have been added to on the river about six miles
conduct the first well-baby “ A Little Brown G irl” .
i tianson,
legislature, S
its four-teacher staff. They are above Estacada. near K elley’s
clinic this fall in the Estacada
Legion officers were seated Lawrence, public
as follows:
Prim ary School Bldg., Sept. 7, by the Rose City Post No. 35 Larry Meade, radio. Lest* r
Mr. W illiam Dickman. prin­ John A. Gundel attemped to
9:30 a m. to 11:30 a.m.
1 installing teeam in their navy Rivers, rehabilitation, R. o.
ciple, teaching the 7th and 8th scale the cliff to reach the
Appointments may be made blue uniforms with gold trim. Reed, school awards, R it
Mrs. Stella Chilton Clackamas river road Sud­
by calling Mrs. John Marshall, Bill Fleming was the Legion , Cooke.
will teach the 5th and 6th for denly finding t h e i r
phone Estacada 77-32 or Mrs. installing officer. New officers
c o m m it t ees*
her fourth consecutive year. blocked, and unable to turn
Cecil Harbert, phone Estacada i are. Commander Ray Gordon, membership,
Miss Rose Marie Royden w ill back they were forced to cling
1st Vice Commander John A b ­ Marshall, Juniors, Mrs Cyn­
have the 3rd and 4th grades, to a ledge for about two hours,
Any pre-school child is
bott, 2nd Vice Commander thia
and Mrs Ruth Wilson is the until help arrived. Providen­
eligible to attend the clinic.
Adjutant, tion, radio,
new primary teacher.
tially another fisherman Elmo
The object o f the clinic is to Merle Marshall, not present., (•rare Still, child welfare, Mrs
Eagle Creek school district Williams, of Portland, stopped
keep all children well: by pre­ j Finance officer F. E Erick- viln° . Abbo,t- Americanism!
No. 17, w ill run a bus for the at a point on the hiway just
vention, to avoid epidemics; to 1 son, Chaplain S. E Lawrence, Mrs. Jane Alexander, civil de­
first time this year, to pick up above the stranded pair and
detect in early stages any j Historian O. M Stormer, Ser- fense and community service,
nearly a hundred pupils. Miss heard their cries for help.
physical disability; and make ! vice officers F E Dooley and Mrs. Eva Dooley, Girl State
Nola Clester w ill be the bus Alerted Foresters at North
suggestions a s t o
general Frank Marshall. Sgt. at Arms Mrs. Betty Cody, Past P resi!
driver of the new Internation­ Fork Guard Station summoned
health and w elfare o f all pre­ Fred Millard, Color bearers : dents Parley, Mrs Agnes Car-
al recently purchased by the help from the Forest Service
school children.
Bill Christianson and Frank , penter poppy cards. Mrs Lois
personnel in Estacada. and the
| Erickson, poppy poster. Mrs
rescue crew, with the aid of
Millard, music. Mrs
long rope and telephone safety
his past commander's badge Lena F. Kiggins. publicitv!
belts, brought the men to safe­
As we go to press, this is to Short talks were given by of Mrs. Meta Kiggins legislature.
ty, unharmed but exhausted.
Mae Leonard,
remind vou that there w ill be ficers and invitations given H n
an open hearing on the annex­ from other Posts to visit them | chairman. Mrs. Minni
For- •
ation of the Bonney-Sinclair
The new Commander Rav
Mr. and Mrs Del Davies are property on Thursday evening Gordon and new President
The Alpha I.amhda Theta enjoying a visit from their at 8.00 p m. Mr. and Mrs Mrs Gordon announced their
Rho dance which was to hbe daughter Caroline and her Bonney and Mr and Mrs Sin committees to
held Sept. 1st has been post­ husband Charles Williams— clair petitioned the city for them this year. Legion commi­
poned because of conflicts--- who has recently returned annexation on August 3, and ttees are Americanism. Frank
Assortment of pies and cof
'football game— no men).
from a naval assignment in the resolution for annexation Marshall, child welfare, Rav , fee was served in school cafe
However, the regular Theta Guam. He w ill report to San was executed Aug 4 setting Aycock. graves registration. teria.
Rho meeting will start at 7:0« Francisco, for firem an’s school the hearing for Sept 1. at 8 Frank Chevron, membership
Next meeting of Legion A
and all members are urgged to after a two-week furlough.
P m . which is also City Coun­ I John Abbott, junior baseball 1 Auxiliary will be Seotember
cil meeting night.
Joe Loe, Bov State. Jack I 12, B Dm in their hall
Student Needs
Eagle Creek School Fishermen Rescued Wed. Sept. l,S et
ror Well Baby
Opening Set
Theta Rho Dance