Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, December 26, 1941, Image 6

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F R ID A Y , D ECEM BER 26, 1911
1 I
com -
»1 vhe city
o f the state,
, « C. O. Troupe
js week picked
om vines growing
t his home. When
ripe at Christmas.
r, M . D .
OFFICE HOUtfS— 10 to 12 A. M.,
1 to 5 P. M.
Evening», Saturday and Suiiday» by Appointment
M ID F O R D B I.D G ., E S T A C A D A , ORE.
T e l. 33-6
Estacada, O r :.
___________________ ._______ _—
Wishing You a Happy
Holiday Season
and Good Luck and Happiness
in 1942
C. M. Sparks Hardware Co.
B ro a d w a y ,
T he Personal S erv ice S tore...................
Estacada, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs Fred G. Robley en ­ Ample Supply of Fruit
tertained ten friends at dinner on Foreseen for Coming Year
Ximis day. A tw enty pound turkey
'im m iiin m iiM iim iiiiiiiiiiiim m m m iiiiiiiiim iiiiim iiiim iim iim iim im iiiiiiitr
Marchbank’s Confectionery |
graced the table.
A smaller output o f decidious
fruits and moire citrus is in prospect Ê \
in 1942 compared with 1941 accord­
ing to information in a review of
Extends Best Wishes for
the outlook for fruits and nuts just
issued by the Oregon agricultural ex­
tension service. The report also in
dicates that domestic demand will
continue strong whl.e export fruit
Your patronage in 1941 has been sincerely ap- |
The students o f the E tacada union business will remain at low level.
high school put on a paper duive
“ It is not possuiie to estimate the § predated and we hope to be able to serve you in =
last week in the interest of national volum e o f fruit and nut production
defense. Over 2200 pounds o f paper in 1942 at this date,” says the re. | the new year.
were collected in a day and a half port, “ although general conditions .. .......................................... mu ....... . ................................... iiuiiiiiiii ............ mini....... ...
Principal M ,F. Johnston said that it w ould suggest a smaller output of
was expected that a total o f 2400 decidious fruit and more citrus than
pounds of paper would be collected this year The citrus crop o f 1942-43 » iiiiiii ......... ................... iiuiiiiiiii
m u , |„ , , ltt
before the termination o f the drive may be the largest o f record if no
See Orson Welles in the year’s serious damage to the crop occurs.
most discussed photopay “ Citiaen It is very probable that domestic de­
Kane,” at the Broadway theatre this mand will be even st>: onger than the
Sunday .Monday and Tuesday.— Ad". high level o f demand this year. It is
to be expected that costs o f produc­
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sagner and tion .harvesting, and murketng will
fo r
daughter Darlene an.ived Sunday increase also.
from Traill, this state to spend the
"Beyond 1942 the outlook is for a
holidays with Estacada relatives and moderate increase in thte rate
fruit prediction for several years
owing to increases expected in citrus
Mrs H. E. Hughes went to Hills­
;lears, cheiDles,
boro Sunday morning to remain foi j
plums, fresh prunes and grapes. Cit­
an overnight visit and get acqauin.
rus fruit production is expected to
to all O ur Friends
ted with her new grandson.
continue to increase for several years
Wishing all our readers a Merry more. The production o f apples and
Once again the Christmas season is with us, and
Christmas. This newspaper will sus­ dried prunes is expected to continue
to decline .Nut production is expect­
again we take pleasure in extending the greetings
pend publication until next year.
ed to increase furtheir.”
of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eliassen enter­
The complete fruit and nut out
tained at a Christmas party Sunday
look report which contains several
This Christmas wre also express the hope that'
important statistical tables and charts
Orchard Ridga Dairy. R efrigerator is available from county agricultural
the coming year will see the dark clouds of war lift
cooling system, good cold milk, but agents or direct from the college.
and that the New Year may bring you, our friends,
ter and cream the whole year round
Among the visitors from out o f
town who attended the Masonic-Eas­
tern Star installation last M onday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. E. Stain-
man, Mr .and Mrs. Roy Robiey and
Mr. and Mrs. B e it Fraley all o f Port­
M e rry
i li risi inns
an abundance of health, happiness and prosperity.
— Oscar Judd.
Filbert Output Grow» Rapidiy
Season’s Greetings
Mr .and Mrs. John Eliassen left
this week for Astoria to spend the
Oregon now has approximately 23,.
Xmas holidays.
50 Oacres of walnut» and 11,000 ac­
May this Christmas tide be a merry one for
res of filbe. ts according to estimates
• Loren Kerr and D<»ie May of
contained in the current agricultur
you and may the New Year bring you an abundance
Portland were business visitors in
al situation and outlook report issu­
o f health, wealth and happiness.
Estacada last week.
ed by Oregon state college. Average = M ilw aukie,
O reg on =
Your patronage has been sincerely appreciated.
Assessor Rufus Wood was a busi­ filbert production for the period of
ness visitor in Estacada on Saturday 1926-1930 was only 162 tons p?r
Estimated production for
o f last iwieek.
M em ber F ederal D eposit Insurance C orp oration
1941 is 5030 tons mostly in O re.
D en n y B ld g ,
B ro a d w a y
gon. Total supply ofi fifbeuts has
-.-. -r-
-i--- —
--------rm„n-'T T-.r-m.--r-
i -------------m rrr-«T -y iM ri
ember 31 and January 1st the great
not increased however as imports o f
technicolor picture "Dive Bomber”
starring Errol Flynn and Fred Mac
t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i n i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i j i Murray comes to tr«e Broadway thea­ per year .shelled, to 753 tons shelled
for the 1940-41 importing year.
tre. Continuous performance on New
Years day from 2 : 15.-_-Adv.
First State Bank
| Broadway Theatre
| D en zel P iercy, M anager.
T elep h on e 87-5
Estacada, O reg on
Friday and Saturday, December 26 and 27
Roy Rogers in
Plus Bonita Granville, and Roy McDonald in “ DOWN
The year’s most widely discussed photoplay
with Orson W'elles, producer ,director and star.
Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 31, Jan. 1
Continuous performance New Years Day f'lom 2:15
Errol Flynn, Fred MacMurray in
Doors open at 6:46 week days.
Holidays starting at 2:15.
Regular admission.
12 years 9c.
Continuous show Sundays and
Adults 30c including tax.
Deep Creek Dairy.— Morning de
liveries o f cream and milk. Call Carl
Rehberg, Tel. 86-51.
Estacada schools closed for the
Christmas vacation on Tuesday of
this week. They will reopen on Mon-
January 5th.
Sunday, Monday and Tueaday, December 28, 29 and 30
Women of Estacada and vicinity
are needed for the womens unit ol
civilian defense in Estacada. Every
twoman o f thp community is u:ged to
attend a meeting at Estacada union
high school auditorium Monday De
cember 29 at 2 p.m. to meet Mrs.
Alice Maxwell, Red Cross county ex­
ecutive secretary.
Children undei
'lim ili.......................................................... .
im iiim iiiiiiiiim iiiiim iiiiiiiiiim iim m iiiim im m im im m im m iiiiiim im m iim ii
Griietings j
As the bells ring out this holi­
day season we wish you all a
| Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
In the f a c e o f war and world-wide turmoil let us
| have faith that the right will triumph and “ Peace on
Earth, Good Will to Man” may become realized |
The Harold DeBorde family have
moved into the Dillon residence in
North Estacada.
Dr. J. W. Miller is driving a new
Pontiac motor car purchased last
Mir. and Mrs. E. C. Roberts of
Eagle Creek are the parents of a
baby daughter born on Thursday a f­
ternoon, December 11th .
United States National Bank
O reg on C ity,
A. W. Brookings, Mgr.
O regon
C.F. Gleason, Asst Mgr.
A n O re g o n B ank S ervin g O reg on P eople
f«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHiiiuuuiiiiiuiuuuiiiiiiiiiiil iiuiiiiiiii papers are read more
thoroly by rut a/' people than any
other publications and hence they
are the most valuable medium for
discussing farm news according to
AA A committeemen attending the an
nual conference at Oregon state col­
lege. One farmer serving on the edu­
cation committee o f the conference
stated that although his grou(p is
always glad to get news in the me­
tropolitan dailies the news that real­
ly counts in reaching a large pro­
portion of the fanners is that used
in the country weeklies.
The farmer committeemen recom­
mended that close contact be kept
between those dealing with the great
agricultural programs and the local
editors in order that each may be
o f the greatest help to the other
to the benefit o f the rural popula.
tion as a whole.
The community
committeemen were urged to see that
local coxnespomlents obtain prompt
and accurate reports o f local hap­
penings relating to the farm prog­
The following people from this
part o f the county have been selec­
ted to serve on L'.ie new circuit couit
jury panel for the January term of
court. E .W. Ficken, rt, 2, Estacada;
Marie Wallace rt. 2 Baling; J. R.
Stall rt. 2 Boring; William Wiese rt.
2 Boring.
Mrs. Paul Neuman of Eagle Creek
was admitted to the Oregon City hos­
pital Sunday.
Ed Adam s is building a new pump
house on his farm. He has practically
com pleted the modernization o f his
barn and is now contemplating fur­
ther improvements. Mr. Adams who
originally hails from the state of Tex­
as is turning the former R H. C u r.
rin farm into one of the outstand­
ing stock ranches o f O.egnn.
thruout thte world.
Oregon City Branch
Home-Town Paper» Held
Best Read Publications
Mr. and Mrs .Chester Dayton of
North Estacada are visiting relatives
in California and taking care of bu­
siness interests.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lamb were
pleasantly surprised this week when
their son Roy and his wi.e arrived
by autom obile from Bo l n. Mass.,
to spend the Xmas holidays with
them. A fte r the holidays Mr. and
Mis. R oy Lamb will make their per­
manent home in Portland where Mr.
Lamb will he employed.
Jack Churchill o f Estacada, author
and traveler said this week that he
had an extra special grudge against
those — Japs. “ I was getting in some
swell fishing below River Mill dam”
said Mr. Churchill. “ However since
what happened at Pearl Harbor all
that is at an end as nobody is right­
fully allowed in the vicinity o f the
power house. Naturally my fishing
grounds have been taken away. It’ s
all because of those pesky Japs and
I hope to get me a couple before this
squabble is over.”
Incidently Mr. Churchill who is
said to be distantly related to the
famous war pnemier o f Great Brition
made a trip to Portland this week to
enlist in the army or navy. “ They
would’nt take me” said Mr .Churchill
“ but I’m not giving up hope. They
may change their mind later on.”
It Can Happen Here
Business men of T oledo, Ohto,
formed ■ cheering section when
W P A w orkers neared the (inish o f a
repair paving jo b on a main thor­
oughfare of that city. They were
impressed w<th the speed of the job
1 Sincere Wishes for a Happy |
Holiday Season and Pros­
perous New Year !
| Bob Cooke Motor Company
= E stacada,
O reg on
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.......................................I....... ......................................................................... .
Holiday Greetings |
% 9 l
Dick’s Service I
We cannot permit this holiday season to pass |
without wishing our friends and customers
Our sincere thanks for your business in 1941 |
and we hope to have the pleasure of serving you in =
the New Year.
M aim
E stacada, O reg on
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi,,.... „„,„7 ,
Try Our Classified Ads.
They Make You Money