FRIDAY, DE - the hundr d. of money-saving bar- id county USDA ag- •ai ns we are offering. It pays to buy l'icultural defen~e board has be en ,• t Tohu b. on's Se cond Hand Sto1 ,,, in. tructed to organize immedinil.•ly l'owc•II Blvd, Gresham. -Adv. a nd carry out farm machinery repa ir llel'trand Ll•o 1\1<-Laughlin , ath d- p1,og rnms in every one of Oregon's ic Jlrl •s t U).(ai11,t whom a $6000 judg_ l\lc-fals and d orations in the U. 36 counties. lll(•nt \I th g,vcn last November 2 l in F rmerg contacted in th currl' nt favor of Go ·don R .F, lk hus bePn S. navy ure, for tho most part worn ).\'l',rntul u11t il Junuu 1 y r, to fil a mo- on the 11.'ft breast. This custom may signup campaign for the 1942 farm t io n for u nc-.v ttiul. The dute wa, he Lr:tc('(l from the practice of th 1: defense program are bein,g advbcd Ol'iginully set for December 16 but Cru. ad 'l'8 of the Middl e Ages wear- to ch ck over old maehinery and or- on motion of attorneys for the dP ing lhe badge of honor of their or_ der needed parts at once, Mr. Hes, el explained. F'armers Who find that ft>nse it was advanced on an ordl·r d(•l s near the heart. need d part are not availabJe a 1 by Jud ge Latourette. asked to notify the board promptl y. Falk a s dminist1·ator of the e. tale MACHINE REPAIR IS Rob ert B. Taylor defense chairm,111 of his liaugh te r Elinor Marian Fa lk PROGRA M'S AIM sa:d "this is a defen job to whic h instnntly J.. illed on the evening of every farmer in th state can contd- December 21, 1040 when her bicy- W . A .Hessel of the He el Imple- bute by repair, better care and more cle was struck b.y the McLaughl in car on the super highway near Island ment com pany of Gresham this week effice nt use of the maehinery he h ,station had sued for I 0,000 damage., called attentio n to the plan to help on hand." Mr. Hess I pointed out that limited and was granted $5000 by the jury t'ann(•1·s meet shortages of new farm machinery in 1942. Along this line labor supplies will fo1,ce farmers to heari111~ the case. Chairman Robert B. Taylor of th~ rely more on machinery to accom- We have so me rwonderfuJ buy in Oi~•gon SD A agricultural defense plish the record produ.ction called mattresses, dav enports, London L eaf board rece ntly announced a state- for und er the food_for-freedom pro- dining- room tables and a lso a go'l-1 wide cam paign for repair of exist- · gra m next year. As_ shortages of st eel Fairbanks table scales. ome and Sf'.J i,: , farm mackinery. and other metals w1ll reduce new mi:- =:::.::::.._~_...:::::::==---=::..::::..;=...::::.::.:::;;:::_===;;:;;:::=:;;s-'I======~::;. chinei,y manufacture farmers are ad- w• vised to "help their country and help M them selves," by repairing old mach- inery now instead of trying to get unn ecessary new machinery next year. :::c -::i:: NEED CITED FOR AIR OB- SERVERS IN T HI S COUNTY PRIEST GIVEN TIME IN NEW TRIAL MOVE • I ) ------ - s---- i Business Justness ; and fairne e the corner tone on which business is founded l= = CARROLL FUNERAL HOME j_G_R_E_s_H_~_:_:_o_~_:_~_0_.:_IG_H_T_S_E_R_Vl_~~-b-en_e_24 _~ -·- Remember Pearl arbor Defense Bonds Today! Clackamas County Sandy,Oregon ~-~~Piriaiiii~ = - = = - - = - - - = ;:;; r r;i~~~ § -- . . ' . J:~\ j PIER CY'S Broadway Theatre ----------~= = ----------------------------- = I Volunteers in this all important se• vice are badly needed and if you are not now engai~d in other defense work you are asked to contact your air-observations post. In these time3 we must all concentrate our emer- gences and abilities to assist our avmy, navy and marine corps where_ ver and whenever we can. Figures show taut the great num- 1b er of recruits in Uncle Sam's navy enlist because they want to learn a trade. The most popular trades are aviation ,metalsmith, welding, ma- chinest and electrician. Y ou'II Find the Best Selection of GOOD THINGS to EAT for the CRANBERRIES RIPE OLIVES ORANGE, LEMON • nd CITRON PEEL SWEET POT A TOES FRUIT COCKTAIL PUMPKIN Christmu Candy and Nuts at Special Prices. Tobaccos and Ci- garettes in Christmas Packages. For Everything to make a Happy Christmas, Shop at Wright's Eagle Creek Store Eagle Creek, • = = = Eagle Creek Store SWEET PICKLES FRUIT MIX Be,u:,'.' 1 s fro m Anny Trainin~ = Oregon the naval reset'Ve with the exception of applicants for enlistment in elas_ § ses for prospective commissioning. _ _ _ _ _ Fresh eggs are probably the most I==- popular pait of the menu of the U . . navy. In oone year over 146,- 016,000 are consumed. § = Christmas Holidays at Wright's == flow the AntPri,·an Country Boy ., Th m rican coun try Loy-tha t rmy with n inquiring mind an tatw11rt f!•ll,,w from thC' farms n11d a fund of practical experience; thl to" ns and mall1•r riti, s has declares the vcleran of 191 . He, A relaxation of physica l standarrls contrihut!'d nnl o nly hiR brawn to is a good stu nt. lie has learned/ for cn li tments in the . '. navy n!'lr Sum'. armi , but exem- to work with his h nds well .f1 plo hPR patriotism, iniliat 1w, and his brains. He i quick to gras~ and the naval reserve was announ- 1ntl'llige11t d1.-cipli n a . "' II. the exceptional opportunities which• ct'd this week by the navy depart_ Such is th(• gist of authoritative modern military service provides. ment. [n commenting on thi s action commf'ntary on the rank and fil,· of WhC'n he returns to the f rm h~i th e rm} in e, ery instance wh •re finds that his skill in handling n thl' nuvy de11a1 tment announce me nt citizen soldi!'rs have been called to ''j p," a truck, or a tank for Uncl(\ 1 ,tated that numerous men who in the nation's defrnse. 'l'otlay th Sam has fitted him expertly to car past months have so ught to enl i~t I part>uts of the young men lutdy for gricultural ma.chin ry. He . calll•d into sen ice re a king what h s learned th economy of trans-• and have been rejected on the bas:, 'the urmy in turn does for th coun- portntion. He has been observingf of minor phy~ica l defects w :11, be- trr hoy. Here is th answer: of the practice of farmers in otherj cause of the modification of phys ical "H e gains a broadening experi- ctions of the country. He sees ence in adventUl'e, friendship, and where improvements may be made. 1 standards b.e enco uraged to re-app!y learn ing which only ervice in a He knows more of conservation. for en listment in either the regula r common cau e can give." Active s rvice in our Army has 1 navy or the naval reserve for •he The quotation is from an over- been America's greatest training/ s as veternn of the World War who school for the professions, in durution of the eme rgency. served in a hard hitting outfit com- sci nee, and in busin s. In every, The navy department has request- posed largely of youths classed period in the nation's history the: ed that any person knowing of young ,generally as country boys. Ampli- lenders in civil life have been: ,fying his statement, he stressed the largely thos who in their youth\ men who have been barred from en- 'young soldier's experience in ad- answered their counh-y's call to listment in the navy or nava l rese rve ,venture, friendship, nd I aming. defense, and first of the,ie hll4 been because of minor pyhsical reaso ns t Boyhood adventure& in rambles the country bo:ii-,, ---. ·- 8 should bring this modification in phy- hi~ e 1~ s:cal tequirements to the attentio n 1&wimmin' hcl " and of these young men. le:xploratloos in the woods pave the way AJ>plicants with varicose veins will f h1 d ti ~cami• neandw lnu thees be acceptable under the chan:ged stun dards ,this varicocele condition to be eld. 1ll' Army af- ord:s new scenes corrected if the condition is painful nd still :mot-el'. art.- a t the naval training stal!on to ~ ;ening ·adventures. which the ne,\I recruits are sent. Hy- He gains a strong physique, good drocele, another defect that fo1·merly \health, and a cleall -- ruled out numerous applicants will \mind. He comes Shortly after the outbreak of hos_ he corrected if necessary after enlis- jhome equipped for be h U S d J »fe ehergy work with . · il t 1t1es tween t e . . an apun tees arrive at training stations. Appli- 'his lreJlewed and the second intereeptor command of cants suffering frcm hernia will be !IL brlgliter ot:4look th e a rmy ordered all ob ervaton posts accepted provided their I. Q's. arc lupon the world. of the aircraft warni?Y,g se.i:vke to be 7 5 or better. Recruits suffering from ' In .,~ship be . ·1 1broo.....,·um.~ , operat ed on a 24- h our b MIS unt1 hernia will be treated at the training !moot. '1hoaaandli of further notice. stations and will be e nrolled for ')'OUnj men 1tke him- This order has bee n complied with sc hooling dUJ