Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, December 12, 1941, Image 7

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Is there any time fo r athletics
on board ship? Yes the navy en­
courages athletic competition. Each
ship has an o ffic e r in charge o f ath­
letics who ois assisted by a commit­
tee o f officers in arranging con.
teats. On most ships there are box­
ing wrestling basketball und base­
ball teams. Tournaments are often
held within the fleet with the var­
ious winners receiving trophies as
More Pastures Advised
for Saving Farm Labor
Thi more nearly dairy farmers can
arrange for a year-round pasture
system the less they will be both-
eied by labor shortage next year
points out K. R. Jackman extension
farm crops specialist in listing a
number o f ways Oregon farmers can
prepare in advance to cheat next
No One
can hope to progress in business today by fol- ==
years labor shortage bogie.
When dairy cows art» on pasture
labor is reduced by more than half
as compared with feeding harvested
ciops Jackman points out. Hogs also
get part o f the'ir feed from pasture
with alfalfa and rape being the b'St
bets fo r them. I’ igs on such pasture
need only half as must protein sup­
plement fo r balanced ration.
For dairy farms a high percentage
o f land in hay and pasture has been
found most profitable. Coast farms
particularly have adopted this plan
p ieferrin g to buy grain produced in
regions where growers specialize in
grain crops.
Queen Candidate
is Announced
m il
pursuant to the provisions o f C hap-
ter Ul, Oregon Laws o f l ‘J41, and
hereby appoint Brigadier General
A lvin C. Baker commander th ereof;
2 Designate the Superintendent
o f State police to coordinate .super­
vise and direct the activities o f all
regular peace and other law enforce­
ment officers o f this state in all mat­
ters and respects touching the needs
and measures for state and civilian
defense in cooperatiion with the arm­
ed forces o f the United States;
3 Authorize the State Defense
coordinator to direct and complete
the voluntary civiliian defense or­
ganizations o f this state and to ex-
pediute the enrollment and training
o f personnell fo r civiliian protection
4 I hereby enjoin the people to
comply promptly with directions of
duly constituted m ilitaiy and civil
In Witness W hhereof I have here­
The first candidate fo r queen o f unto set my hand und caused the
the Oregon W inter Sports activities Seal o f the State o f Oregon to be a f ­
to announce herself is 18-year old fixed.
Melba Bailer o f Timberline Lodge.
Done in the City o f Salem this
Miss Bailer will represent the Tim ­ eighth day o f December in the year
Phone 247
berline Lodge, the Mt. Hood area, o f our Lord, nineteen hundred and
Sandy and Gresham areas. She is the fo rty one.
daughter o f Mrs .Katherine Bailer of (S e a l)
Charles A . Sprague,
Portland and a niece o f Fred Van Attest:
manager o f the lodge.
Earl Snell, Secretary o f State.
WWMRWabi >; x KMSigfgs, ;; a t« ><b(»« «i:;» Kt>tiHi«BBanmioagiM>nHmmiaiKTO Dyke
Miss Bailer will graduate from the
Commerce high school in Portland
this January. She is 5 feet, 3 inches
tall and is a brunette. H er hobbies
are skiing, horseback riding and cook­
Trainmen jumped four fe e t high
when they passed a certain flatcar
in the Portland Electric power line
yard F iiday and well they might.
Aboard was the gosh-awfullest col­
lection o f teeth, arms, torsos ,wikl
eyes, fongs and beaks ever to strike
Whereas, a state o f war has been Portland in one shipment, two totem
declared to exist between the United poles bound from Nice ,Calif., to the
States o f America and the Japanese Homer E. Leasch farm near Sandy.
O fficials o f the P.E.P. lines could
Empire, and
Whereas, the Oregon National not say whether the totems were gen­
Guard is in active federal service, uine but they could and did say they
were the wildest looking cargo ever
Whereas, it therefore becomes my to roll into the yard. They form eily
duty as Chief Executive and Com- stood on property owned by Leasch
mander-in-Chief o f the military fo r­ at Nice and in a fe w days will take
ces o f the State o f Oretgon to take their posts at the Leasch farm near
such steps as may be necessary to Sandy.
safeguard the lives and property of
the citizens o f Oregon, and
Conunittmen of All Counties
Whereas, provisions must be made to Attend A A A Meet
fo r fixin g responsibility fo r the co­
ordination and the direction o f the
Farmers who adapt and direct the
efforts o f the m ilitary establishment, A A A farm program in Oregons 36
law enforcement machinery, and the counties will meet at Oregon state
volunteer civllan defense organiza­ college December 15-17 to dicuss the
past years achievements and piob.
Now, Therefore I, Charles A. lems and express their ideas on the
Sprague, under authority vested in makeup o f future programs.
me as Governor o f the State o f Ore­
W ork at this years state A A A con­
gon and director o f civi.ian defense, ference the second annual such ev­
declare an unlimited emergency to ent will be lea and directed by far­
mers and ranchers who make up coun
exist and
Authorize and direct the vol­ ty A A A committees. With few spea­
A »6
untary enrollment o f a state guard kers on the protgtram most o f the
lowing the methods of yesterday
for the Whole Family
Bill Folds, Shaving Sets, Shirts, Ties, Sox,
Handkerchiefs, Pen and Pencil Sets, Silk Nighties,
Bed Jackets, Aprons, Dresses, Silk Hose, Toilet Sets,
Toys, Stationery ,Box Candy.
Christmas Tree Decorations, Gift Wrappings
and Novelty Gifts of all kinds.
Men, Munitions
and Money f
M Day
to lick the Japs
Defense Bonds
Clackamas County
are needed on
E itacid« Methodist Church
three day conference will be taken
up with committee meetings and re­
Church school at 9:50 a.m.
ports. Committee chairmen all far­
Public worship at IX. Sermon sub­
mer committeemen were announc­
ject “ Some Things About God.”
ed as follows:
Epworth league at 7 p.m.
Glen Cumberland of
You are cordially invited to attend
Clackamas county; county o ffic e
the services o f our church.
management Layton Mann, Umatilla
county; range and pasture develop,
ment Jack French .Grant county;
Christian Church Notes
soil building practices and conserva­
tion materials, Chester Wendt, Jack-
10 a.m. Bible school. Just a week
son county; crop insurance, wheat and a half until Christmas. I wonder
and statistical .Henry Baker, Morrow i f under the conditions in the world
county; seed purchase program, Ro­ that it can get into the real spirit
bert Pence, Polk county.
o f Christmas. Isaiah the prophet o f
Agricultures all-out program to
provide abundant foud supplies for
American defense workers and mili­
tary woi „era and lend-lease aid to
Biitian imposes a new responsibility
on A A A commmitteemen.
and community committeemen have
recently completed a
survey o f potential 1942 production.
The results o f this survey and prob­
lems attendant to achieving the pro-
duction called fo r under the food
fo r freedom program w ill receive
attention at the conference.
old said Jesus would be the “ Prince
o f Peace.” and it is true Jesus is.
But He has been rejected, neglected,
forgotten .until the world thruout
bitterness and greed is at war aga'n.
My prayer is that we shall soon come
to a fu ll realization o f our folly.
11 a.m. worship hour in hymn,
communion and sermon on “ Know­
ledge that Assures Us.”
Minister, Palm er A. Ford.
--------- o
- ■
Representatives o f A A A ’s western
division who will attend the confer­
ence include Arthur Cummings, as­
sistant to the director, Washington,
D .C „ Fred Entermille, commodity
loan specialist ,Baker, and Jack Hart-
line division o f information .Denver.
The second day o f the conference
will coincide with the firs t day of,
the annual all s taff conference of
the division o f agriculture at Ore­
gon state college including the ex.
tension s ta ff in home economics. A
joint session will be held with out­
standing speakers addressing the
OST people think of pens aa
just one small part of a meal
and fall to idealize how far they
am be extended. But peas are inre
por Lint in the diet and so flexible
that they can be made part of a
recipe for one person, or used in
quantity as an important ingre
dient of a recipe for fifty. Here *
the proof. For your child's school
lunch box what would be better
than this
Tomato Stuffed vHth Chicken
and Pea Baiati Cut stem end from
one small or medium tornata^
•coop out and drain, and dust In-
■lde with a little salt Combine
•no quarter cup chopped canned
chicken and two tablespoons can­
ned peas, and moisten with cooked
salad dressing. Fill tomato, re­
place top and set in lettuce-lined
Jelly glass or paraffined covered
container. Serves one.
la a Quantity Recipe
And here’s the rest of the proof.
I W a graduation or Junior-Senior
banquet, a church supper, or any
meal for many people, here is a
recipe for
Bluffed Potatoes with Curried
Pear : Sauté one-half cup minced
onion in one and a fourth cups
batter a few minutes, add two-
thirds cup flour and six table­
spoons curry powder, and stir
smooth. Slowly add two and a
half quarts milk (substitute part
of the canned pea liquor for some
of the milk if desired), and cook
until creamy, stirring constantly.
Add the contents of live No. t
cans peas, and season to taste with
salt and pepper.
Meanwhile, ' hake twenty-live
large Idaho potatoes until soft,
cat each in half lengthwise, scoop
oat centers and mash and season
to taste. Fill the potato coses with
the carried peas end spread the
ttaxhwj potatoes lightly on top.
G EIL’S SEK YB('E9 Estacada, Oregon
Bottle's Travel
Thrown overboard near Fiji by
Capt. E R. Johanson, of the Ameri­
can liner Monterey, a bottle trav­
eled 1,700 miles until picked up by a
woman near Moreton island, off the
coast of Australia. A report from
Brisbane said the message asked
in eight languages Hist the finder
report Us recovery bo the nearest
United States considL as the infor­
mation would be useM In compiling
data on ocean currents.
Deep Creek Dairy.— Morning de
liverise ol cream and milk. Call Carl
Rehberg, Tal. 80-61.