V CLACKAMAS C#UNTY NEWS FRIDAY. DEC, 5, 1041 THREE LINKS postmaster A H. Fasel o f Esta- • - urge* early mailing of Xmas ■ -, "Wrap securely and mail . V Postmaster Faael. * The Three Links Red Cross unit rr daughter of Mr. which has been meeting tegularly for rr left this week the past year held its first meeting '¿ere she has a last Monday under its newly elected .'era Union as chairman Mrs E. W. Cutting. The • 9 taken to ituiday t. He Has . • ,v 4k - il uniit was recently presented with a sewing machine by Mr. H. R. Poole of Three Links. Mrs. Earl Jones has also informed the members that they may use her machine. A birthday party was given here Mrs. R. A .Erickson last week in ;jr o f Mrs. E. W. Cutting. The / was given in connection with 'hree Links birthday club. An »1 method of entertainment was ' yed by Mrs. Erickson, all the irs working in groups forming puzzles. This novel form of inment and the delightful re. ants which followed were huge­ yed by the entire gathering were Mrs. R. R. Norquist, J. Schaeffer, Mrs. Geo .Arm- Mrs. Earl Jones, Mrs. Arthur s. G. R. Ramsey, Mrs. R. L. Mrs. J. R. McGinnis, Mrs. eckgren, Mrs. E. W. Cut- ra. H. E. Wooster and Mis. Greison. riple Links club, an organi. t the schoot children o f Dist. was entertained at its reg- . fcting last Thursday by Mrs. nes. The first part of the was devoted to working on -sents t>e;ng prepared by the . for their parents. The last s spent enjoying games and rents. / 4-H Clubs Are Organized rty-two additional 4-H clubs organized during the month of ¿mber. These clubs had a totaj •Ument o f 269. Of this group were clothing clubs, 8 homemak- 1 camp cookery, 2 woodworking, i 7 health clubs. Many home eco- ~ .mica 4-H clubs are not yet organ- _j.ied according to Edwin Keltner, 4-H or club agent. *• Clubs which were organized dur. mg the past month and their lead- " ers and community are as follows: Health. Christine Lolande, Arden- wald; Edith K. Magee, Monte Chris­ to; Mrs. R. J. Elkinn, Russelville; Mr. Geo. Whitmore .Hillsview; Mrs. Car re McMillan .Bear Creek; Mrs. Mabel Simmis, Elliott Prairie. Clothing. Nettie M. Conroy, Col­ ton; Mrs. Wm. J. Banks, Oswego Eva Maxwell, Milwaukie; Mrs. Lillian Millerl Oak Grove; Mrs. H. B. Schrie- ver, Yoder; Mrs. Still; Mrs. Emery Ford, Eagle Creek; Mrs. H. W .Dalby fennings Lodge; Mrs. Glen Lacey, El­ iott Prairie. > Cooking. Mrs. M. M. Johnson Damascus; Mrs. G. Shold, Cottrell lira. Lilliian Miller, Oak Grove; Mrs ,L B .Schreiver, Yoder; Mrs. Louis epson .Mulino; Mrs. Gene Curley, ■Icho Dell; Mrs. R .W. Dalbey, Jen. tings Lodge. (jamp Cookery. Mis. R. J. Elinks, with FSA have already launched in­ tensive live-at-home programs that include ample gardens, food storage and canning and production o f al dairy, meat and poultry product* nee­ ded for home use” said Mr. Cook. Farm Security is cooperating close, ly with the county agricultuial de­ fense board in the campaign to ac- heive the “ Food for Freedom” goals aet out by secretary o f agriculture Widcard. W . J. Miller, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat O F F IC E H O U R S — 10 to 12 A . M. 1 to 5 P.M . E ven in gs, S aturdays and S undays by A p p oin tm en t MIDFORD BLDG., ESTACADA, ORE. OSC C om m ittee to After December 10, 1941 O rg e nize H elp ia F arm R ep air Plan A committee to mobilize the ef­ forts o f the Oregon state college ag­ ricultural staff behind the current national campaign to insure adequate machinery for producing and har­ vesting next years crop has been ap. pointed by Wm. A. Schonfeld dean and director of agricultuie. The Com mittee will help carry on the pro­ gram inaugurateu in this state by the U. S. agricultural defense board aimed at bringing about early re­ pair o f all presnet machinery on farms and immediate ordeiing o f es­ sential new equipment. Named on the special committee are F. E. Pi ice agricultural engineer in the experunent station, chairmain; W. L. Teutsch assistant director of extension and E .R. Jackman exten­ sion farm crops specialist. All Coun- t yagents will be enlisted in the state wide program. The most acute farm machinery problem in Oregon is to obtain ade­ quate eqaipment to handle the 60 percent expansion in acreage of w in. ter legume seed according to Dean Schoenfeld. Tentative plans have been made for a series of county wide educational meetings at which seed harvesting methods will be dis­ cussed and the machinery situation in the various localities will be sur­ veyed. Oregon farm machinery deal­ ers and distributors will be invited to cooperate in these meetings which will deal with the most efficient op­ eration of seed-harvesting machine:y as well as how to obtain necessary equipment. Tel. 33-6 Estacada, Oregon K---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- MiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimii'Xi'l! PIERCY’S S Broadway Theatre | § Denzel Piercy, Manager. Telephone 87-5 = Estacada, Oregon E F riday and S aturd ay, D ecem b er 8-6 5 Clink Gable, Rosalind Russell in § “ T H E Y M E T IN B O M B A Y ” Plus Gene Autry in “ U N D E R F IE S T A S T A R S ” “ Sun day, M onday and T u esd ay , D ec. 7-8 -9 Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland in “ L IF E B E G IN S F O R A N D Y H A R D Y ” Plus cartoon “ B O O G IE W O O G IE B U G L E B O Y ” = W ed n esd a y and T h u rsd ay, D n eom ber 10-11 S Wallace Beery, Lionel Barrymore in “ THE BAD M A N ” Doors open at 6:45 weak days. Continuous show Sundays and Holidays starting at 2:15. Regular admission. Adults 30c including tax. Children under — 12 years 9c. ~ B B 5 5 'mmiiiimiimiimiiimmmmiimnimiiimiiiiimiiiimmmimimmmiimmmiiM The Gift of Gifts for Christmas this Y ear—a N tw IO I2 Ford Car Eaily repair of all machinery now on farms will be urged thruout the state to make sure that necessary parts can be ordered in plenty ot time. Extension men believe that Oregon farmers generally have had suoh long experience with handling and repairing machinery that they are more skilled than the average thruout the country hence will not need actua ltraining schools o f this work. The principal task it is believed will be to bring auout an immediate inventory o f repair needs with orders placed at once. Closely allied to this is the current drive to have farmers gather and seP all scrap iron available. Useable parts and iron suitable for futuie repair work are to be held on farms . Come in and let us tell you about the wonder­ ful value you get in an automobile when you buy a FORD See the new Super DeLuxe 4-door sedan we have on display. Liberal allowance given on your used car. You can make a better deal with us. Bob Cooke Motor Co. “ Your Ford Dealer” Estacada, Oregon As an indication o f the amount of » i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i < i i i ) i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i > : i i i i i | food it requires to feed the sailors in the U. S. navy more than 12,. 168,000,000 dozen eggs, 55,000,000,- 000 pounds o f fruit will be consumed | Santa is Here by fleet personnel during the next year. | With Christmas lolalla. Homem^king. Mrs. B. Shortlidge, ,drs. Mary Thompson, Park Place; ire. Lillian Miller, Oak Grove; Mrs. {. W. Dalbey, Jennings Lodge. Woodworking. Mrs. Lloyd Leach, ■Icho Dell; Tony Buhlinger, Eagle ' >eek. Two hundred seventeen farm fam dies cooperating with the Farm Se­ curity in Clackamas county are gear­ ed to do their part in the department Sof agriculture's food for defense program by inci easing production of dairy, pork and poultry products re­ ports Clive W .Cook, County FSA supervisor ,11 Beaver B id'., Oregon City, Oregon. “ Most FSA families in this district have already placed their farms on a balanced crop and livestock prog­ ram and this diveisification will en- , able them to quickly adapt them, selves to the food goals being set up for the county,, Mr. Cook said. “ Sup­ plemental loans will be made aiaila- ble for sound expansibn o f livestock enterprises or for repairs and im­ provements necessury to bring live­ stock numbers up to the amount of feed available on the farm.’ ’ Financing for additonal commun­ ity and cooperative services to pro­ vide joint ownership and use o f farm machinery .purebred sires ami other operating goods is avai'able and should help meet pro per;ive short­ ages next year in farm machinery and dairy breeding stock it was ex. plained. Cooperative associations may be established to provide for proces­ sing plants, group purchasing medi­ cal programs and land leasing activi­ ties. “ Farm homemakers cooperating IM USTUN SCIENCE CHURCHES Gifts for All ! i 44 1 NCIENT and Modern Necro- I \ mancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced” was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scien­ tist, on Sunday, November 30. The Golden Text was, “Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets, and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you . . . For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name: I have not sent them, saith the Lord” (Jeremiah 29:8,9). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: “Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you; they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. Am I a God at hand, saith the Lard, and not a God afar off?” (/ereudah 23*16 , 23 ) . The Lesson-Sermon also In­ cluded the following correlative passages from the Christian Science textbook, “ Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­ tures” by Mary Baker Eddy: "Animal magnetism has no scien­ tific foundation, fot God governs all that is real, harmonious, and eternal, and His power is neither animal nor human. Its basis be- in« a belief and this belief ani­ mal, in Science animal magne­ tism, mesmerism, or hypnotism ia a mere negation, possessing neither intelligence, power, nor reality, and in sense it is an un­ real concept of the so-called mor- tad afaid ” (p.102). We have some real bargains in Xmas gifts § this year, gifts for every member of the family. Select your Xmas cards from our large stock. Fme line of ribbons ,cards and wrappings. | ESTACADA PHARMACY I - ESTACADA, OREGON r..... ....... linn...... .. n .................... .. YOU ALONE . . . Can Give this Gift - YOURSELF TWELVE 5x7 cabinet photos with one hand colored for only $ 6.90 Our natural artistic work is guaranteed. Ar­ range with us today for this personal Xmas gift. (jresliam Studio ACCROSS FROM COUNTY Tel. Gresham 5672 AGEN T 'S O F F IC E Gresham, Ore. =