Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, November 28, 1941, Image 6

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Don’t miss Bud Abbott and Lou
Costello in that hilarious comedy,
Hold That Ghost” at tthe Broadway
Mr. ami Mrs. G. R. Sagar enjoyed theatre this Sunday, Monday and
T uesday.— Adv.
Thanksgiving in Portland.
estacada l o c a l s
Chief o f poliice Dale Russell of
Estacada will attend the special de­
fense school conducted by the feder­
al bureau of investigation and held
in Portland next week December 1
to 6.
John Geil who is now a radio
specialist in the U. S. army arrived
here Tuesday from McChord Field to
spend a fifteen day furlough visiting
at the home o f his parents Mr. and
Mrs. George Geil.
sure her not being disappointed in’
the selection of a present the club
presented Mrs. Erickson with a col.
lection o f dimes contributed by mem­
bers o f the club.
Mr. and Mrs .Earl Jones entertain­
Ear) Shibley who is working at
Waidport spent from Thuraday to ed Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Looney and
son Donald at their home here last
Monday at his home here.
Thursday. The host and hostess al­
Guests at the R. F. Snyder home
ways at their best in this role pro­
for Thanksgiving dinner included,
vided a most remarkable dinner. Also
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Snyder Jr., Mr
enjoyed by their guests was the de­
and Mrs. Glen Keeth and son G or
lightful after dinner enteitainment.
,don, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fanton,
provided by Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
Mrs. Holman and Mr .and Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones purchased
FRIDAY, NOV 28, 1941
veil. She cairied a shower boquet of
V « * .gardenias and bouvardia.
Her attendants were Miss Francine
Sharp o f Clackamas maid o f honor,
and Misses Beverly Menke and Irene
Park bridesmuids, each wearing pas­
tel frocks and carrying harmonizing
colonial nosegays.
Roy Park was the groom’ s best
man and Herbert Franklin and Bob
Tohey were ushers.
The brides mother wore peacock
hue velvet with a corsage of Rebrun
lillies while the grooms mother wore
dusty rose lace with a coisage of A l­
bum lillies.
The church was beautifully decor
ated with large white chrysanthe
mums in tall gold baskets with white
candelabra .palms and ferns.
Mrs. A. B. Peterson sang “ Until”
and “ I Love Yo uTruly” preceding
the ceremony accompanied by Mrs
Dan Hayne at th“ organ. Mrs. Hayne
also played the wedding march.
A reception was held in the church
parlois following the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Park are well known
i nEstacada where they graduated
from the Estacada high school. They
have lived in Albany about a year
where Ml .Park is employed as saw­
yer at the 13 right wood Shingle Co.
The bride and groom huve temporar­
ily taken an apartment until their
new home is completed.
Guests from Estacada and vicinity
who attended the wedding at Albany
were Mr. and Mrs. Rt ssell Reed and
daughter Lois, Mr .and Mrs. Clyde
Schock and daughter Roseanne and
Miss Connie Tooley o f Sandy.
Mr. and Mrs. R .F. Snyder spent and installed in their home here last
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday visit­ week a beautiful new electric tange.
Mrs. B. R. Kimmell o f S. Estacada ing relatives at Bend.
moved this week to Eugene wh re
The contract bridge club met at
M eth odist C hu rch N otes
she will live with a daughter.
the home o f Mrs .R. H. Currin yes
Church school at t9:50 a..m.
The Bengy Sarver family were terday afternoon.
Thanksgiving guests at the home of
Pubic worship at 11. Sermon sub.
There will be a bazaar and chiick- ject, "The Work of the Bible in The
Mr. and Mrs. George Geil.
en supper served cafteria style at the Life o f the Individual".
Miss Phyllis Cary o f Gleneden Eagle Creek grange hall Friday De-
Plans are under way for our Christ
Beach spent Thanksgiving with her veember 5. Serving 6:30 to 8 p.m.
mas program. It is hoped that all who
grandmother, Mrs. N. B. Eckier.
Sponsored by the Eagle Creek ladies attend Sunday school will be pres­
aid.— Adv.
ent Sunday so they may have a part
Mr. and Mrs .Curt Sagner and son
o f Dee, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sagner
Mrs. Mae Howe teturned home on in this most joyous occasion.
and daughter o f Traill, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday after spending Thanks­
Max Sagner and son and Mr. and giving and the week end at the home
Mrs. M. Carson of Portland enjoyed of her son Ted Howe in Seattle.
a Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. A.
The C. M. Sparks famiy spent the
Sagner in Estacada.
Thanksgiving at the home o f Mrs.
The pot luck dinner and program
Mr. nr.d Mrs. John Eliassen spent Spark’s brother Harry Furnish in
at the Springwater grange hall last
Thanksgiviing at the home of Mrs. Portland.
Friday evening, November 21st, drew
Eliassen’s parents in Willemina.
Mr .and Mrs. C .M. Sparks attended a large crowd. Principal feature of
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Johnston were the wedding o f friends held in the the evenings entertainment were pic­
Thanksgiving gut3ts at the home of Westminister church in Portland last tures o f Mexico shows b j Shirley
the latters parents Mr and Mrs. C. E. Friday evening.
Earker at Aloha.
The Estacada study club will meet
The regular December meeting of next Tuesday evening at the home
the Estacada Masonic lodge will be of Mrs. L. D. Meade.
held in the Masonic temple next Tuts
Mrs. Catherine Allen ,Mrs. G. R.
day evening. The annual election of
Ellis and Miss Maude Sturgeon were
officers will be held at this time.
At a beautiful church wedding on
Based on the very favorable sur­
Thanksgiving guests at the home of Saturday evening in Albany, Miss
vival and growth of several forest
Chas. Surf is from Fort Stevens Mr. and Mrs .31. Gerbriclc.
Virginia Menke daughter of Mr. and tree plantations set out last year by
spent Thanksgiving at his home here.
Mr .and Mrs. Amos Hills spent Mrs Ivan Menke became the bride of Clackamas county farmers in cooper­
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Rose enjoyed Thanksgiving at the home o f Mr .and Ernest Park, son of Mr and Mrs. ation with the Clackamas Farm For­
l b : nksgiving at the home o f their Mrs. Ed Cooley at Camas, Wash, Mrs. Bert Park.
estry project a number o f new planta
The service was read by Rev. Ed. tions are planned for this coming
son George and family in Milton. Cooley is Mr .Hill’s sister.
Freewater. Other guests on the happy
gor Luther of the First Baptist wintei according to W. M Ferguson,
Mrs. Amos Hills spent the week church in the presence o f about one forester for the project.
occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
. tui in Salem visiting at the home hundred friends and relatives o f the
lUgele of Umatilla.
All seedling trees used here last
ji her s.sver Mrs. Kay Brown.
young couple.
year were set out on cut-over land
rIhe Dwyer Logging company tn.s
The bride was given in marriage that have produced no return to the
The Ralph Aiinert family spent
wee k took delivery of a new 1942
by her father and wore a lovely white owners since the areas were logged.
Ford 122 inch cl jsed cab express body Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and
tiuok from the Bob Cooke Motor Mrs. John Anderson in Portland. Mrs. satin gown entrain with a finger tipJoe Wagner, K. F. Roos .both of Bea.
More Trees to
be Planted
company, local Ford dealers.
Anderson is a sister o f Mr .Ahnert.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Cooke were
surprised on Thanksgiving day to 3ee
their son Bob Cooke Jr., drive up
lor dinner. The air service gave the
aviation cadets leave on Wednesday
and Bob and another cadet drove all
night getting home. Bob returned on
Saturday to Gardner Field at Taft,
There will be all day services start
mg with the morning scrvico at 11
u.m., at the Estacada Seventh-day
Adventist churen this Saturday No­
vember 29th. Elder J. A. Rippey is
scheduled to speak at 2 p.m.
vercreek and Geo. Howard o f Red-
land a>ie the proud owners of these
new plantations.
J. J. Inskeep Clackamas county ag­
ricultural agent in whose office the
Farm Forestry project is located and
who has joint responsibility for the
work states: “ There ure many farm­
ers thruaut the county who have non­
producing areas on their farms. These
areas should be put into some soit
o f production. Many o f the areas are
capable of producing only trees, oth­
er areas while suitable for pasture
or clearing are not being used or are
not be:ng planned to be used for
such and therefore might well be
put into economic production by
giowin-g a forest crop. Also toward
the north end o f the county wind­
breaks are a good investment for
protection against drying east wind.
So far Douglas fir, black locust,
cascara and Port Orford cedar are
the only species planted but there
are several more equally good spe.
cies available from the fedeial-stair
nursery from which trees may be had
at a very nominal cost.
The Oregon state board o f for­
estry at Salem manages the Clark-
McNary nursery and distributes the
planting stock. Order blanks and in­
structions for planting stock and in-
foimation are available at the coun­
ty agents office. Trees may be ob_
tained and planted between now and
the first o f March.
Too Late to Classify
FOR SALE. Crosley battery radio.
Call Estacada 6x-51.
L a b e l, on F oods Found K ey
to Q u a lity ,
T h rift
Time spent in a grocery store read­
ing the labels on packages will give
good returns in money saved these
days points out Miss Lucy A. Case,
xtension nutritionist at Oregon state
college. More and more manufactur­
ers are now putting grade labels on
canned foods as well as net contents.
These two items observed together
can save the buyer money and avoid
disappointment says Miss Case.
1 Broadway Theatre |
| Denzel Piercy, Manager.
Telephone 87-5
Estacada, Oregon
F rid ay and S aturd ay, N o w m b a r 28 an d 29
Wallace Beery in
Plus Tom Harmon in “ HARMON OF MICHIGAN’ ’
S un day, M ond ay and T u esd ay ,N ov . 30, D e c .1 and 2
Abbott and Costello, the Andrews sisters in
The technicolor picture
We especially recommend this as one o f the years best.
Doors open at 6:45 week days.
Holidays starting at 2:15.
Regular admission.
12 years 9c.
Continuous show Sundays and
Adults 30c including tax.
Children undei
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ficken enjoyed
Thanksgiving dinner with their dnugh
ter Mrs .Everett Osborne and family
at Estacada.
tend the party was enjoyed by all
present. Those included were Mrs. E.
W. Cutting, Mrs .Arthur Alf, Mr*.
R. J. Schafer and Mrs. G. R. Ramsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew
The Three Links birthday club held
and son Bobby o f Estacada spent a meeting at the home of Mrs. Ar­
Thursday wRh Mr .and Mrs. Ben thur A lf last Wednesday night in
honor o i Atm. B, .A .Erickson. To in-
That’s the kind of starting
you want when the thermometer is flirting with
zero and your breath hangs heavy in the clear, cold
air. And that’s the kind of starting you’ll get all
winter long if you treat your car to this Quick-
Starting Service Special N O W ! Here’» a real bar­
gain if there ever was one! A gilt-edged invest­
ment in motoring pleasure on the coldest days.
'Teu important service operations— all for a price
you might expect to pay for just ooe operation.
Drive in TO D AY! Just s a y -’ Winter Quick-Start­
ing Special!” Then forget about the cold weather.
nappy starting :
C U M '1*
a e î* e d end se rv e d .
1 . tt*CTW C»l S Ï S U * n
C o il, C o" d.e *omplcteVy
2. s«,; RJ0dpi “p6»ced-
cYUHDtR « * D S * *
¡W * 0 U » r N~ p r ^ o n
com p «**
*• -sSriSS
,e d H ose tigh t'
« f ü S “ “ *“u,or
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‘s S l S - I » ! “ “ “ 1'
t r a n s m is s io n m
4 ^ - o tie c tto n sd e a n
“ “
5 . c « w « ’ w, I T S
All For O n ly
* * h' c 0 e d
• 9
_ M aterial*
E x tra
T b it p ric e c o v e rt w ork on
F ord and M ercu ry care
Bob Cooke Motor Co.
“ Your Ford Dealer
W ed n esd a y and T h u rsd ay, D ec. 3-4
The Gingham club will hold its
annual bazaar and silver tea in the
city hall Saturday November 29 from
Mr .and Mrs. Jack Kohl were
1 to 4:30 p.m.— Adv.
Thanksgiving day guests at the home
the home o f the latters parents Mr.
and Mrs. R .R. Cooke.
Grace Still in charge o f the Red
Cross solicitation o f memberships
The party given last Thursday by
in the Barton, Douglas Ridge and Ea­ Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wooster occupied
gle Creek districts collected $89, her a prominent place on the Three Links
quota being $85.
social calendar of Thanksgiving day
The Sam Barr family celebrated activities. A delicious dinner and af­
Thanksgiving on Sunday this year all ter dinner entertainments were thor-
the children being home including oily enjoyed by the entire company.
Joe from Pacific university at For­ The guest list included the names of
est Grove and Miss Ruth from Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walert, and son
land. Joe was suffering from a sty Leon of Portland, Mrs. Ina Sinitl.,
in his eye probably from looking at Miss Laura Smith, Mrs. Saiah Town­
too many pretty girls on the U cam- send and Homer Matson all of Three
Links. Mr. and Mis. Wooster proved
themselves to be entirely competent
Mrs. Sam Barr was the guest of in the role of host and hostess.
her daughter Ruth at the Paul Robe­
Leon Romsey returned home from
son concert in Portland last week.
Corvallis where he attends Oregon
J. C. Clearwater arrived last Sat­ state to spend the Thanksgiving hol­
urday from Saskatoon, Sask., Canada idays with his aunt and uncle Mr. and
for an indefinite visit at the home of Mrs. Geo. R. Ramsey,
his brother C. L. Clearwater here.
Also important on the Thanksgiv
Mr. and Mrs .Robert L. Hughes ing social calendar was a Thanksgiv­
came up from Eugene Thursday mor. ing celebration sponsored by Mr. and
ning and remained until Friday Mrs. R. J. Schaffer. Guests who shar­
night visiting relatives and friends.
ed the w'onderful hospitality o f the
Schafer’s were Mr .and Mrs. L. L.
St. Aloysius Altar society will spon
Jenkins and son of Estacada, and Mr.
or a card party and dance on Fri­
and Mrs. R. R. Norquist and baby
day eve, November 28 at 8:80 o’clock
Gary o f Three Lings.
sharp. This social will be held at
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Peterson of
the Estacada city hall .An enjoyable
evening is assured with refreshments Portland and Dan Jennings of Three
and prizes. Adm. 2pc. Watch for the Links were Thanksgiving guests of
big Xmas sale in Estacada from De­ Mr .and Mrs. E. W. Cutting here who
cember II to tilth where you may provided a delightful dinner and al­
secure your fancy work and gifts. ter dinner entertainment. The party
— Adv.
thanks to the projicienry of the host
and hostess 'Was a definite success
World Fellowship circle will
and w m Virnensely enjoyed by all
m e e t’Yiedae.- i «y XV rniKr 3 at the
home o f Mrs .it' F,. Glover, "t he Port­
land Presbyterial oKicers will give
Th< local b idge dub held its week
an interesting program bogVntting at ly n eetini; it the home o f Mrs. R.R.
1:30 p.m. Anyone interested is w el­ N on
la Friday. Though several
v l ihi m mbers were unable to at­
Phone 24-5
Estacada, Oregon