J CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS This Week in Defense Labor Disputa» President Roosevelt in u letter to steel, copper, aluminum, rubber and ol the House chemicals, might be put into e ffect within three months. Mr. Nelson also Ways ond Means committee said ad­ “ fro ze ” all stocks o f magnesium and ditional taxe» are needed to absorb allocated such stocks to defense or. purch.using power and “ prevent a tiers only. He ordered production of fu .ther snarp increase in the cost light trucks fo r civilian use in Jan­ o f living.” The Senate passed and uary 1942 cut to 40 percent below returned to th^ liou e lo r concur­ the output fo r January o f this year. rence in amendments a bill to ‘ freeze* He also extended priority assistance rents in the District of Columbia as to production o f materials fo r repairs o f Junuary 1, 1941. Price adminis- to elevators and escalators and fo r trotor Hendetson announced execu. construction o f conveyor machinery tive s; les engineers with extensive experience in the industry machinery Conservation of Materials field are needed in the OPA. Mr. Associate price administrator E l­ Hendeinon also announced temporary liott announced “ The Consumer's stabilization o f prices o f a large var­ Pledge fo r Total Defense,” -which iety o f builders hardware ami of chairman Doughton rug:; and carpets. He asked manufac­ turers o f mettal office furniture not to raise prices above the levels o f November 0 when the OPM curtailed their product:on. Priorities ______ M en- artin YOUR CLOTHIER’ < > K i:m iA 3 i Ik Old A Time N and Modern C i: • EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT EAGLE CREEK Music by Tiny and His Wranglers Every Suntlay Night at RIVERSIDE HALL, WILLAMETTE KWJJ Every Sunday at 3 P. M. Refreshments ASK FO I! is I -'11001 If l |i | PRIVATE STOCK ^ Q t . $2.10; n RYE It is both smart and patriotic to be thri.ty ‘ hese days when food waste is frowned upon both by the givern- ment ami one’s hank account. Repre­ Z w / y / s / ì t e r íS , WHISKEY Pint $1.10 i * : . JAS SARCt AY S CO., i n a i n o , OlTSOt T, MICH., MORIA, I I I . ■HS sentatives o f the governinentt'a con. suim-r division are now circulating pledge blanks on which one promises to avoid waste in managing a home. Much waste can be avoided in plan­ ning meals ahead o f time points out Miss Lucy A. Case extension nutri- Sania tiouist at Oregon state college. \\ i ,e bu,vers buse their shopping plan on advance meal plans although these may he changed in the light o f unex­ pected opportunities found at the stori. Improper storage is another forni th ief says Miss Case. A h nonneos Grand Opening TWO THANKSCIVINCS V ÎT To settle all o f the confusion ab­ out some states celebrating Thanks- giviing on one Thursday and others on another Thursday maybe we should hereafter have tw o Thanksgiv­ ings in all states. of .>Ii‘lz»i>i,'s lEasoiiioiit T oy land V * This year at least Americans have so many things to be thankful for that it might well require two days to do an adequate job o f giving I thanks. i Lome and see the hundreds of Toys of Every Description on display, the Games, the Dolis, Buggies, Books, Animals, W a­ gons, Skiis, Trains, Scooters, Bicycles, Sleds, Guns, Trucks, A r­ chery sets, Skates, Etc. Perhaps one Thursday should be devoted to giving thanks fo r our per­ sonal blessings and the other fo r our country, fo r its freedom,, its riches, | its production capacity and the gen­ ius o f its leaders. Bring the Chil­ dren to visit this fairyland of Toys Watch for our Xmas and Toy Broadcast in the mail soon. Your Xmas gift problems will be easily solved if you come to our store where you will find appropriate gifts for every member of the family. Thanksgiving is the time fo r us to reflect on these blessings and to pledge ourselves to their preserva­ tion. Now— Avoid ■•rice Advauee STRAIGHT Food Thrift both Smart and Patriotic Nowaday» When we compare America with any other country in the world it seems as though God has showered us with favors which have been denied to all other people. Practically any­ thing you can think of, food, cloth, ing, housing, mw materials, comfort, gold, education, freedom, churches, we have in greater abundance than any other nation. Buy V oiii * Suit ami Overcoat Union Music President Roosevelt created an emergency board to report within .'10 days on a dispute between the m il- way express agency, Inc., and team­ sters and chauffers. OPM associate director Hillman said “ the record in Washington shows every difference between labor and management has a basis fo r solution” without a strike Labor Secretary Perkins certified to the defense mediation board the trea- tened strike o f employees o f the waterfront employers association of Seattle, Washington. The U. S. con. ci hat ion service announced settle­ ment o f 47 other disputes. calls fo r elimination o f waste and careful buying. She said business and civic organizations, the Boy Scouts, retail merchants, church groups, trade unions and women's organiza­ tions are cooperating to make copies o f the pledge available to Am erica’ s .‘10,000,000 homes. The OPM and O P A asked stove manufacturers to elliminate steel coverlids fo r domes­ tic cooking ranges by December 16. The agencies estimated the change would save 2500 tons of steel in Priorities director Nelson began co'lection o f month-by-month esti­ mates o f requirements for critical materials from all industries as a step toward eventual allocation of all critical materials both to defense and non-defense industries. He said such a program, to apply first to 1942. Tune in on FRIDAY. NOV. 2«. 1941 Thruout the world today millions o f people are looking to America with envy and with hope. The unfor­ tunate people o f Europe and Asia see our country as the neatest thing to heave« on earth and they also see us as the one nation which has the strength, the morale and the vis­ ion needed to make the world o f the future a better place to live. A world made up countries like America is the dream o f all other peoples. W e should thank God that we happen to be part o f this great free nation and ask God heelp us in the major role which we have a.-*- sumed in sptteading the igospel o f freedom to all o f mankind. W . M etzger & Co. Powell Boulevard DODGE Gresham, Orego i HERES YOm CHOICE READING AT HEW LOW PRICES A kitchen shower was given at the home o f Mrs. Johnnie Marrs in honor o f Miss Ivalou Kiishpaugh on Thursday. Games were played. The many lovely gifts were opened and displayed. Lunch was served to Mrs. Marie Stahlnecker, and children, Mrs. Lin­ da Hunter, o f Colton, Mrs. Grace Spradlin and children, Mrs. Irene Pe­ dersen and baby, Mrs. Ethel Horner, Mrs .Chas. Colson, Mrs. Evelyn Stahl­ necker, Mrs. M ary Kishpaugh, and Sharon, Mrs, Martha Kishpaugh, Mrs .Elmer Jacques, Mrs. Dallas Kish paugh and baby, Mrs. Vivian Kish­ paugh and two children and the host­ ess and guest o f honor. m * < ! — y IIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Yr., And Any Magazine Listed Unable to attend but sending gifts were Mr«. Della Marrs, Mrs .Rex Or- ser, Mrs. A lice Pedersen, Miss Janet Pedersen ,Mrs. Dan Stahlnecker and Mrs .Bass. ----------o---------- The tone o f the German press has undergone a curious change. For in­ stance in a recent article propoganda director Goebbels seemed actually pessimistic as to Germany’s chances He didn't say that in clear words o f course but the intimitation was that the Reich had a mighty tough job c,.i her hands and that victory was far away. It is generally belived in military quarters that th?h blitz technique has finally failed. It worked with France, Poland, the Low Countries and else­ where. But it didn’t work with Eng­ land. And It isn’t working in Russia. The war is becoming more or le.-s stabilized. It Is turning into a war o f resources. H itler’s prime concern now is to orian ize Germar. "C o n tr o l­ led Europe into the vast producing machine that the Nazi armies need. And the democracies' prime concern is to out produce him in aU fields. Mi . Churchill’ s recent statement to the effect that the British airforce ; is at least equal to Germany’s is not regarded as braggadocio by those who have access to the facts. Eng, lard has done wonders in building up air power and American aid is s"h_ | stantial and increasing. The demo­ cracies are gaining ground now, but] they have a long way to go still. H :t - ! ler's land forces are still the best! equipped and best trained on ea th.j “THE CHRISTMAS STORE” • BOTH FOR PRICC SHOWN ALL MAGAZINES ARE FOR ONE YEAR • □ American Fruit Grower....*1.75 Am erican G i r l _____________ 2.25 American M a g a zin e _______ 2-95 American Poultry Journal IDS Breeder’» Gazette ■ 1.65 C ap per’« Fanner _________ 1.75 C h ild L i f e __________________ 3.00 Christian H e r a l d _________ 250 Click ......... 2.00 Collier’« W e e k ly ___________ 2.50 Colum n Digest _ _ _ _ _ 2.95 Fact Digest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 260 Farm Journal Sc Fanner’s W i f e ________ 165 S □ □ □ □ □ 8 □ □ □ Through special arrangem ents with the m agazine publishers w e offer Am erica's finest farm and fiction m agazines— in com­ bination with our n ew spap er — at prices that simply cannot b e duplicated else­ where! Look over this lo n g list of favorites and make Y O U R selection today! THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR, AND FIVE FAMOUS MAGAZINES For both n ew spaper $ * and m agazines . . . GROUP A — SELECT 2 MAGAZINES ] Fact D ig e s t ___________ 1 Yr. ] Screcnland 1 Yr. ] C lic k ....... ................... 1 Y r. ] Screen G uide ________ 1 Y r. American G i r l _____8 Mow jjj Ba 3 ■ SI ■ 9 H J n jjj □ Household Magazine _ _ D Hunting and Fishing.... _ n Liberty t Weekly) ........ n C o o k (BiWceklv) 1.75 2.00 250 2.50 3.45 □ Modem Romances____ _ 2.00 2_no Q Nature (10 Is». In 14 Mot.) S.45 □ Official Detective Stories.... 250 □ O p e n Road (Boys), (12 Iss. in 14 Mos.)___260 □ Outdoors (12 Iss., 14 Mos.) 2.00 □ Pathfinder (W eek ly)___ - 2.00 2.95 H n Popular Mechanics ___ 2.95 2.95 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 V 1 □ Successful Farming _ _ _ 1.75 j t , □ True Confessions______ _ 260 Q True Stnrv 225 4 Q World Digest 8.45 2.95 _ i * B Parent«’ M a g a z in e __6 M o. Christian H e r a l d ___ 6 Mo. Outdoors (12 Isa.) ...14 Mo. Pathfinder (W eek ly)..! 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