:?8, 1941 PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. D. EADE, Editor and Publisher DR. H. V. ADIX PubJ ished weekly on Fridays 11t Estacada, Cla ckamas ounty, ,Oregon. Entered in the postoffice at Estacada , Ore~n, as econd~al matter. Phyaiotherapy-X•Ray Radi um SUBSCRIPTION RA.TES In Clackamas Ceunty, one year $ l.50; outside the county and in the State of Oregon, one year $2.00; outside the State of Oregon, one year $2 .60 : Co1 eign $3.00 a year . Subscriptions are payable in advance. Phyaicia.n and Sur1eon Tel. 596 1 Greabam, Oro. Dr. H. A. Schneider DENTIST Tel. Sandy 151 - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - ADV ERT ISING Rates for advertisi ng made kn own on applicntion. Advertiser~ will pleua toke note that lo insure in8!'1'tion of adve11.i menl in the i ue of tho 'fue day noon. As•istance c: ce:·fuJ;,. _zlv II in the prepa•. ation of cop) current week, advertising copy shoul,:l reach thir. office not later than - DEFENSE MATERIALS ARE V ITAL -- Electrical. Appliances I tomed if we are going to produce as we need to procuce. Defense materials arc sometimes This is a story of shortages, sho rt- classified in two ~neral categoric.;, Captive Coal Mine D iapute O.D.EBY ages of raw mate r ials, raw mat.efTia!.; "critical" ana "'&trateglc." I The Defense mediation board vot- vitally necessary for the defense of ritical mat.e1 rats in the te<:hnical l ed against a union shop agTeement Attorney at Law the Nation and its peopl e. To make sense are those which are produced in the steel industry's captive coal General Practice Confidential guns and tanki'f a nd planes and ships. in this country and in which supply mines and stated the nited Min e Advisor To make the United States an ac- problems exbt. The method to be fol- Work ers could "greatly strength~n Oregon City, Ore1on lual arse nal of democracy for embat_ lowed with the.,;e is to increase our their position before the people o:· tied free nations thruout the world, out.put, build new mir.es and new the nited tates "by refraining f1·01H vast quantities of these raw matc>r- sourees. At the same time we mus~ further strike action." ials a rc needed. ret to increase domestic pro• chine tools to the Soviet Union. Th O ffico Houra, 2 to 8 P . M. civilian - Better see it. Co ngress passed and sent to the to 600 miles of seacoasts mu st b," Nortbweatern Mutual Fire I••• Co. 10 acres 1 acre mostly cleared, Aetna Fire Ina. Co. White Hou se legislation to repeal prepa.r d to blackout on a "night to well 9 ac'res timber, 2nd fir, alder Eatacada, Ore10• three key sections of the Neutrality night," basis. a nd maple fit for furn iture, good Tel. Eatacada 84-1 well, fenced thr e sides. Only $ 00 act, Section 2, bannini; merchant Production and Subcontracti ng. ships entry into be,lligerent ports; down, easy payments. Vice Pre ident Wallace s1 eakinµ Se tion 3 ,barring comhatent zone 20 acres mostl:"' cleared on high In New York City said "by puttin DR. H. M. KRAMER way electricity, telephone, good travel; and Se<:tion 6 prohibiting ar_ one-half our effort into national dc> oil.' no buildings ,bus to school s. ming of hips. DENTIST fen in ead of Jes. than one-fi ftil Only $1750 cash, $600 at 6 pe, Navy ecretary Knox is~ued a state 905 W eatherly Bld1. ere 1hall match what the British and cent interec!t. ment that removal of th' Neutrality Germa ns are doing." Prioritie. di - E . Grand and Morriaon The MEYERS SERVICE act shipping restrictlion make it rector Telson told the •ew Ensrland PORTLAND, OREGON "possible to get th e re they can be useful y employ- country mu'it pend ap!)'l'oximately ed. It also insur that the war ef. $3,500 ,000,000 month on d fen . OPM ns, ocia: dirl'clor Hillman an• DR. L W. GRIFF.ITH Paint & Wallpaper Store Notice of Fi ling Fi nal ccount noun d _ om<• pl nts ar orkrng A complete optical •e"ice 160 hour a we •k with four tlO -hour Sign Paintin1 Picture Framia1 otice i He1 eh} Given Eyes examined hifts but "th is opnation can ml Glaaa und 1 igned {m1'l.A,· tnx having Olassell fitted should be rxpand(•d." ThrC'c pe!'i- I filed her Final ccount of the ta~• Gresham Broken Jen I duplicated pon reel by OP 1 con ract Powell, Blvd, of Beach R. K immel, d cea d, rith troin Byerl• frames repalnd while the clerk, in th C'irt'uit C'ourt of the di. ribution rhvi ion hav I f Wa h. Stat of Oregon for Clackamas coun- ington on a 10-day our of 79 ci - you ,nit. ty, I n Probate; aid cou ha, <' I • Th e train. ar ar1ying - mple Evelyn M. Lawrence We bl-.ite comparl.oa ef ---.ice, D ember 8, 1941 at !l o'clock of n cl, cl def en. e part o how man- •aality ull prk.. Notary Public ufactur Ml and fa ilita th con- We do our OW'Jl pmdin1 tract di ribution prol('ram. Agent for Aetna Casualty and VISION OPTICAL CO. Surety C • Off&c. - P-•11 IY4, . . ,._ Sandy, Ore1on J Clackamas County News = Briti h Commonweal h, I ;;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of hma and Ru si hold out greutl; promis of ultimatp vie j tory" In an rmi tic day a·, • h, un- to i ppreeiate a gift of this kind . Our pl('<' tric-al ap- ident Roosevelt said the nited 8tat.c.,' pli:u1 c m,• ull n•liublt• und the !)rices are exceptionally low. Fol- io" 111 1 • n few of our elt•ctrical offerings. took up arms in l!l 17 "to make the world habitable for decent self-re_ 1 Electric Perco~ato1 Electric Irons speeting men." Il e id the m n who died then did so to "prevent the \'(•Iv Electric utomatic T ast rs th ing that nO\\' ha. happened frn111 Waf'flp frons hristma: Tr e Light!:; one ('nd of r.uropl'e to thl' oth<'r. ' The P resident . aid the f)('Oflll' of Am - S URDY TOYS FOR LITTLE FOLKS erica b lieve liberty is worth fiJ,:"htin •{ for, "and if they arc obligrd lo fil(ht I Sleds, Scooters, Wagons, Tricycles, Etc. eternally to hold it. This duty we owe to the many who di d to gain ou 1 1 freedom for us, to make the world n place where Ire dom cnn Ii, e and The Peraonal Service Store ... ---·-···- __ _ _ grow into the ages." = =F· A t C.M. Sparks Hardware Co. ·• _ = - = - ............ ..,. ro s ano - = Gifts of Lea- Make your election now. Remember a mall depo ·iL holds any gift until Xmas. - - A.H. _ - "Your Jeweler" MEALEY Telephone Bldg. Gresham, Ore. = jj I I Ill II I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill I II 1111111111111111 I I I I I I l I I 111111111111111 J 1 m: · h "z= _ l _ t r~,-a55l3ii 'i·i11ilw YOU ALONE • • • Can Give this Gift - YOURSELF TWELVE Gx7 cabinet photos with one hand color 1 for only $6.90 Our natural artistic work is guaranteed. Ar- range with us today for thi personal Xma g ift. GrP-sham Studio ACCROSS FROM COUNTY AGENT'S OFFICE Tel. Gresham 5672 Gresham, Ore. _.c-.= = =:::c Save Money --=--------- on LUMBER Huy Direct from tile Mill Prices aa low u I De p Cr •k Dai ry.••· loming de !iv rl s of er am and milk. all Carl ' ,i.hbe . 'l'el. 6-61. Lockets and Chains, Cro es, hain ' , Birth tone Ring . Lodge Emblems of All Kind ther. - - = American Queen E pansion Bracelet in coin and rose gold. ulturecl and Indestructible Pearl , a rare col- lection to choose from. - - = NEWEST DESIGNS IN POPULAR MAKES OF WATCHES - I T.L Graallea 117, • our large tock. - b ·1e= .. • And elect your gifts now from _ - = = "The Ideal Christmas Gift" _ Dr. V. A. Nedderman Gnaaan.. ... Give Jewelry - :: Ire • = Surety Bonds -~- Cai>ltol Fire Jnsuran4: Co. Accidl nt and B-.ltb ~ D C I Tel.. 97-1. J:steeNa, On. Estacada, Ore. ~••1111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ I PANKRATZ ----------------------------•t t ~- - -==-- Broadway, We carry dre $15 per 1000 feet, d dimension stock and hiplap Barger -Hite Planing Co. Beaver State Bldg., Gresham, Or . --------=-- -===-...,..,,._ .. =--,,==== ... . . ., . _ , , - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------- The Golden Rule e triv tom asur our rvic in ev ry d •tail by th Gold n Rule JACOBSON fUNERAL HOME Phone 208 Graham. Or• 1