CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE. 3 acres ju st outside Estacada city limits, 3 blocks north o f high school. House 16x24, good berry land. A bargain for (606. J. J. Marchbank, Eataeada. Tel 26-4. D E P E N D A B L E U S E D CARS 1938 Plymouth 4-door seedan. 1937 Dodge sedan. 1937 Plymouth sedan. 1934 Plymouth tudor . 1932 Plymouth sedan. B R O C K W A Y & N E IS O N D o d g e &■ P lym outh D ealers T e l. 20 7 G resham , O re FOR SALE. Model T Vivton pick up, 5 good tires ,starter, U. S. bat­ tery, nearly new top and back cur­ tains, Hasslera’ all in very good con. dition. Price on application. Cash or will trade for anything that don’t eat except cars. J. F .Standish, Plumber, Estacada, Oregon. FOR SALE. Milk house equipment “ B L O N D IE IN SOCIETY” and small route. Will also rent im­ A T B R O A D W A Y T H E A T R E proved farm. Inquire o f Carl Reh berg, Tel. F.stacada 86-51. The Bumsteads go high hat to hit a new high for hilarity in the first WANTED. Anvil and forg*. Also feature at the Broadway theatre tins can use other small farm or shop Friday and Saturday .November 7 tools. Address all answer» to Clack and 8. “ Blondie in Society” is the amas County News. funniest chapter yet in the laugh- packed. story o f this favorite fam­ ily. Wherein Dagwood goes in foi the blue bloods. Blondie sees red and the neighbors grow purple with rage. S ee ou r C om p lete L ine o f It’s a scream. Second leature on this MODERN program is the technicoloi master­ piece “ Billy the Kid’ ’ starring Ro­ bert Taylor, Brian Dunlevy, Ian Hun­ ter and Mary Howard. All the natur­ Goble cover ctop discs, Hydraul al beauty o f the early west, breath, ic controlled. taking in its scenic wonder is the 5-£t. and 7-ft. Field tiller and semi background for this story which deal sub soiler. Works with Ford hy. with a youthful adventurer who first joins up with an unscrupulous gang draulic principle. in an early day cattle war then 7-ft. Spring tine 2-row cultivator. swings to the side of the persecuted Plow«, 2 14-in. or 16-in. or one 18 ranchers. Taylor is brilliant in hi- hard-riding, fast-shooting portrayal inch. o f the title role. Hydro,Scoop slip scraper. Farm Machinery Bulldozer blade and scraper, hydraul­ ically controlled. FOR SALE. At a bargain, two dandy lots in Estacada Lake park. A b o v e m ach in ery ell is c o n tro lle d These lots are especially desireable. h yd rau lically See or call Clackamas County News, Viking cream separator. Estacada, Oregon. Universal milking machines BUY W ITH CONFIDENCE Electric fence. Dependable Used Cars Reconditioned Still at the L ow est of P rices Letz combination feed mill. FARM EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1941 Plymouth special deluxe sedan S uper H ighw ay at G lad ston e at a birr saving to you. P. O. B ox 127, O reg on C ity 1940 Plymouth deluxe sedan. Very T elep h on e 2 * 7 8 9 1 low mileage. Big heater, defroster. Especially clean car. 1937 Plymouth deluxe coupe. Just A n cien t R o c k s reconditioned. The oldest rocks whose age has 1940 Chrysler Royal sedan. Radio been definitely determined are in and heater. South Dakota and Manitoba—1,700,- 000,000 years old ,_______ HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. Gresham, Oregon In tern ation al T ru ck s C h rysler, C hrysler P lym ou th , IH C T ru ck s P lym o u th P H O N E 22 9 FOR SALE. 3 milch goats, 2 fresh, 1 dry. Also considerable household furnishings for sale or trade. Julius Paulsen, Tel. 34-116. EAGLE CREEK The November meeting o f the Fel­ lowship circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Lam per on Wednesday, November 5th. It will be an all day meeting beginning at 10:30 a.m. During the morning hour a stu­ dy of Sunday school methods will be presented. The afternoon session will be devoted to Alaska. Mrs. Ann Ho!_ mes o f Portland who lived in Alaska for some time will be speaker. FOR SALE. Dandy fine S.year old gelding ,w’t about 1750. Sound in ev­ ery way. 1 4-year old Jersey-Guern­ sey cow .fresh three months. R. D. John Glover who have been grave­ Watkins, Eagle Creek, Ore. ly ill with pneumonia came home from from the hospital last week. He PRICED TO SELL. 35 V4 acres un- .vill remain at the Matt Glover home Improved level land, good soil, 1 mile for a few days. from Estacada adjoining Kimmel Six tables were in play at the com­ property, electric lights .city water and phone available. Will sell all or munity club card party at the school in 5 acre tracts. W. P. Ferrel, Eagle Saturday eve. High honors were aw­ Creek, route 1. Tel. 73.11. tf. arded to Mrs. Earl Schell, Mrs. Wal­ ter Douglas, Adolph Still and Mrs. Youngren. DEPENDABLE USED TRACTOR AND HORSE DRAW N IMPLEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pe9chal and baby daughter foim er residents have returned to the community and are living on the Weber place back of the Judd ranch. 30 Caterpillar. 15 Caterpillar. 10 Caterpillar. R- 2 Caterpllar. George Douglas fell while mount­ F-12 on rubber with 16-in. plow. ing his tractor last week and was ta­ Berry tractor with steel and rub­ ken to the hospital in a serious con­ dition. ber wheels. Fordson, has magnetto, tuns good. Ember Wison is driving a truck 1937 Fordson. Good condition. for the Squaw Mountain mill. Ed HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. Robbins is operating his service sta_ tion during his absence. Gresham, Oregon Walter Smith has purchased the FOR SALE or TRADE. 12 year former Frank Fuchs place on Weitz old bay mare w’t about 1350. Will and the family will move there soon. trade for team o f gentle horses. Mr. Smith is employed as a welder in Would prefer team of mules and will Portland. pay difference. Write or see Ernest Lawrence Blaisdell is working in Eschler .Estacada, rt, 2 in Garfield Portland. district. Joe Fuchs fell while working at FOR SALE. Road graval and drlv* the Oregon shipbuilding plant one way gravel for sale at pit or deliver­ day last week and has been in the ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co., rt. 1, .boa 1 hospital since. 101„ Boring, Ore. Clyde Phillips of Toledo spent the FOR RENT. Reasonable, ca- week end here. in on Cedar Creek. Has fireplace Furnished or unfurnished. For par. O rchard R idgs D airy. Refrigerator ticulars see C. Tohaison, 417 E .Pow­ cooling system, good cold milk, but­ ell Blvd, Gresham, Oregon. ter and cream the whole year round. — Oscar Judd. IZZY ’ S AUTO WRECKING. We buy old cars and trucks. We sell auto parts, tires, batteries, oil and re- juilt generators. Also cable, pipe, fit­ tings, angle irons, flat irons, etc. We buy junk, radiators, batteries, ind scrap iron. Tel. Estacada 78-6. address box 375D, route 2, Boring. \t Barton on Estacada highway. FOR SALE. Airway vacuum clean, sr in good condition. Priced very rea- tonable. Inquire L. D. Meade resi lence. FOR RENT. Furnished house. Mrs. E. J. Standish, Estacada, Ore. FOR SALE. 24-n. hand split fir shakes. (12.50 pe