CLACK AM ACCOUNT Y NEWS ESTACADA, ORKGON VOLUMF. XXXVI •kit;)AY, NOV. 7, 1041 NUMBER 9 RUTH SAUNDERS WEDS P. T. A. Holds GIRL WEDS Joseph I.Guttridge H. S. Education LOCAL Estacada Hen PORTLAND MAN IN SOUTHLAND and Mrs. J. W. Saunders of Interesting Meet ceremony Wins Top Honors Dies this Week this their Mr. place daughter Not Required in In the a new simple chapel impressive announce the marriuge of of the 23rd infan­ Ruth Margaret, to LOCAL LEGION HEAD, HIGH SCHOOL HEAD TELL OPPOR­ TUNITIES OF U. S. NAVY Since secretary Knox announced the enlistment drive for Uncle Sam’s new two-ocean navy several weeks ago, many young men have asked if they were eligible to enlist without a high school education. S. F. Lawrence, commander of the local American Legion post answei- this important question for the young men of this district. “Navy enlistees do not have to ho high school graduates,” said Com­ mander Lawience. “Any ambitious and patriotic young fellow who wants to serve his country has that oppor. tunity now by joining the U. S. navy or naval reserve. Of course he must be of average intelligence, good char­ acter and be able to pass certain phy­ sical and mental examinations. Now, more than ever before the navy needs men of that type. “All aplicants whether or not they have high school diplomas are given an elementary examination contain­ ing about 100 questions.’’ explaiined Commander Lawrence. “Those recei­ ving a grade of 50 percent or more satisfy navy educational standards.” “Naturally a high school education is helpful in the navy just as it is in civilian life” points out M. F. John­ ston principal, Estacada high school “There are certain advantages for the high school graduate in the navy” said Mr. Johnston. “He has a wider background to call upon in earning advancement in position and pay. For example men who are proficient in English may be sent to one of the navy's communications or clerical schools. Recruits with a knowledge ox tools might be marked for trade or engineering courses. Men with col lege educations may qualify for mid­ shipmans’ training courses in the na_ val reserve and after their schooling period they will report for active duty as officers with the rating of ensigns. “The navy has four excellent trade schools to which new recruits in ei­ ther the regular navy or the naval re­ serve may be sent after a training period providing they pass the en trance examinations with sufficiently high grades. At these schools they will be trained in any one of nearly fifty skilled trades or vocations to which their aptitudes suit them and will receive free schooling valued at many hundreds of dollars in addition to their regular navy pay. Such an education is valuable for advance­ ment in the navy and later in civil­ ian life,” he concluded. try at San Antonio, Texas, Miss Lois R .Smith .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith became the bride of 1st Lieut. Rodney A. Seydel of Co. M, 23rd Infantry on Wednesday, Oc­ tober 22nd at 6 p.m. This was the first marriage to be solemnized in the new chapel which was beautifully decorated with bas­ kets of white glads, wlhite daisies and white carnations for the ceremony which was performed by Chaplain Kenneth I. Tucker. The bride was attired in a gray- blue suit with navy blue accessories and carried a corsage of white car­ nations. Immediately after the cere­ mony the newlyweds left on a honey­ moon trip to New Orleans. They are now living in San Antonio at 505 King’s Court ' _ PAST NOBLE GRAND CLUB TO MEET The Past Noble Grands club of the Rebekah lodge will meet at the home of Mrs. Susie Kitching on Monday, November 10th at 1 p.m. HARRY LABARRE REACHES 81 ST MILE POST IN LIFE Harry LaBarre prominent resident and pioneer Estacada business man yesterday passed the 81st milestone in the journey of life. Although he is now over 81 years of age Mr .La Barre looks more like a man of 60 or 65. As he leaned across the coun­ ter in his store here yesterday on his 81st birthday anyone on observing his clear compexion and evident live­ ly interest in life would have never believed him to be well past the or­ dinary span of human existence. But Mr. LaBarre comes from a long lived n ace and ths, newspaper hopes to have the pleasure some day of re­ cording his hundredth birthday anni­ versary. BLACKOUT CAUSES A NEWSPAPER SQUABBLE Oregon City’s two newspapers the Enterprise and Banner-Courier have been having quite a squabble on ac­ count of a certain item in the Satur­ day edition of the Enterprise. The item in question is a paragraph in re­ porting the blackout in Oregon City Friday night and reads. “The only residence in West Linn was that of E. A. Koen newspapei publisher with house lights and garage lights burning.” Koen says the Enterprise spoiled the blackout by a display of spite or untruthfulness in reporting that he did not turn out his lights. The truth of the matter apparently is that Koen did put out his lights but that he turned them on a coup- pie of minutes before the street lights were turned on again in West Linn. We can’t help but believe the old The Estacada and Sandy districts | boy was sincere in believing that the were proud of the effectiveness of blackout test was over. Maybe he was their fifteen minute blackout staged in a huiry to get back to reading Hallowe’en night but most person* showed disappointment over failure True Confessions or something. of U. S. army bombers and pursuit "WE’RE HEK” TO STAY” planes to come to the party. Many residents of both cities wat­ SAY THE MCMANNS ched from roof tops and other van. tage points for the promised planes Mr. and Mrs. Veinard McMann of but they failed to materialize. Not South Dakota arrived in Estacada on even a flock of geese flying over­ Tuesday and are now looking for a head was reported. location. They want a chicken ranch. The night was almost clear with The McManns spent the summer in a brilliant moon shining thiu the Estacada about two years ago and light fog. Conditions as for as this this is their third visit to the Esta­ area wi s concerned were just right cada community- “We’re here to stay for an air raid. this time,” they said when inter- All business houses and residences v ewed. turned off their lights in Estacada and Sandy during the blackout ami WILL SPEAK ON roads lending into both cities were "FOOD DEFENSE” patroled. Cars were stopped at th« city limits and their drivers ordered to pull over to the side of the road An open meeting to which the public is cordially invited will be and turn off their lights. There was practically no vandal­ held by the .Sprinjgwater grange in ism in either city on Hallowe’en | the grange hall this Saturday, No- night. With the exception of soaped . vember 8 at 1:30 p.m. windows and the usual trick or trert J. A. Westcott county grange de­ stunts of the kids no further activity puty will speak on the subject “Food Defense.” is reported. Batney Gilbride reports seeing' two Mt. Chapter Cheer club had an deer near his home in Estacada this enjoyable meeting Inst Tuesday after week. Both were does and one must weigh over 200 pounds he said. noon at the Masonic temple. Blackout Works in this Àrea HILLVIEW RHODE ISLAND RED NATIVE OF * SPRINGWATER HE Ellis B. Sauvitz of Portland .Oregon. MRS. JOHN RUFF ELECTED VICE The marriage was solemnized at HEN FIRST IN U. S. NATION. HAD LIVED IN THIS COMMUN- Vancouver, Wash. ,on November 1, PRESIDENT TO SUCCEED MRS. ITY ALL HIS LIFE AL EGG LAYING CONTEST Rev. Goudie of the Congregational OLIVE MEHL, RESIGNED church officiating. people will make their Mrs. A. W. Armstrong owner of Funeral services will be held Fri­ The in young Portland where Mr. Sauvitz The PTA held their meeting on Hillsview Poultry farm in Estacala day .November 7th at 2 p.m. from home the first Tuesday in November as has received word that one of her the Chapman Funeral home, Rev. is employed. their regular meeting date came on Rhode Island red hens sent to the Thos. Duncan pastor of the Spring- national poultry contest at Modesta, water Presbyterian church officiat­ RIDING THE BOOK TRAIL TO Armistice Day. Before the meeting there were two shows in the huh Calif., has won first place over all ing. Concluding services and inter­ hens of every breed in the U .S. This ment will be in the Spiingwater cem­ KNOWLEDGE AND ADVENTURE school auditorium presented by the Clackamas county T. B. association hen laid 324 eggs in 51 weeks and etery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner to demonstrate how the T. B. germ fi'i st place was ranked by value of will be in charge of the music and November 2 to 8 has been set aside is spread and to urge everyone to eggs. casket bearers will be Chas. Colson, thruout the U. S. as Book Week. It buy seals. The grade school children Among the ten high individuxil Fred Horner, Everett Shibley, Jack hens in the standard class the Hills­ Aiken, Ernest Generroski and S. E. is intended to arouse reading interest also attended these shows. After the in both adults and children and it is shows the regular PTA meeting was view Parmenter reds won second Lawrence. that this new enthusiasm will called to order in the grade school place. This was based on points . Joseph I. Guttridge was born in hoped auditorium. The sixth grade piesent- The national contest at Modesta Springwater, Oregon November 12, increase thru the whole year. started October 1 ,1940 and lasted 1876 and died November 2 ,1941 at It is. b,y the medium of good books ed a two act play. First act, an old until October this year. Hillsview the age of 64 years 11 months and boys and girls are enabled to vast­ fashioned school room ,2nd act, a Poultry farm sent a pen of 26 birds 20 days having spent his entire life ly enlarge the horizon of their know, modern school room. They also re­ ledge and experience and therefore ceived the dollar. Following the pro­ to the contest in which official egg near the place of his birth. laying records of hens of all breeds On October 18, 1916 he was mar. the observance of Book Week is to gram a business meeting was held. from all over the U .S. was kept. ried to Miss Rose Zurcher of Silver- encourage and develop of this love Olive Mehl, our former vice president having resigned Mrs. John Ruff was The Hillview hens were working un­ ton who survives him. Besides his wi­ of and interest in books. der gieat difficulties at the beginning dow he is survived by 6 children, 4 Let us in our community make elected to fill her place. The meeting of the contest since they were in full daughters and 2 sons; Mary Louise, each week thruout the year be a was well attended. moult. In spite of this handicap they Mrs. Ruth Aycock, Mrs Ann Vau­ Book Week. Visit our library and finished among the ten high in the ghan, Joseph, Richard and Elizabeth enjoy the splendid new books recent­ standard class in the entire contest. all of Estacada. Also 3 sistens and 2 ly purchased by the book committee. Five hens in the Hillsview pen of brothers, Mrs. Dora B. Herring of Ramona, by Helen Hunt Jackson. is recognized by foremost crit­ 26 scored over 300 points. Estacada, Mrs. Fx-ed Sanders of Glad­ This as one of the best creations of Hen Wins Golden Egg stone ,Mrs. Alice Shannon of Beaver­ ics The championship Rhode Island creek .Robert Guttridge of Estacada modern fiction. It will always remain hen from Hillsview is to be awarded and George Guttridge of Indepen­ as a plea for justice to a rapidly dis­ a golden egg as a trophy of her dence, Mo., and many friends made appearing native race. achievement in outclassing all the thru a lifetime need in this com. Doctors on Horeback, by Flex- Melvin F. Johnston principal of ner. Here is a grand book filled with the Estacada union high school was hens in the U .S. munity. the experiences of (treat men who elected president of the Big Nine have made the history of medical re­ high school athletic league at a meet­ ing held Wednesday at Molalla. read like startling fiction. WILL DEDICATE NEW TEACHER’S CONFERENCE AT search Stars on the Seas, b.y F. Van Wyck Johnston succeeeds Geo. D .O rr of CHURCH DECEMBER 6TH OREGON CITY Mason. In a vast drama both (snipping Sandy who will retire after ten and authentic is told the story of the years as president of the circuit. C. The new Estacada Seventh day Ad. Teachers in this area will attend of our first navy. E. Willard of Molalla was reelec- ventist church will be dedicated with the annual autumn North Willamette birth ed secretary-treasurer. The Keys of the Kingdom, by A. appropriate ceremonies on December Valley district conference of the Ore­ J. Cronin. This is Dr. Cronin’s first The league decided to adopt a sin­ 6th it was announced this week. The gon state teachers association at in four years as dramatic as gle round robin schelule for the co­ Oregon conference president and ot­ Oregon City today, November 7th. novel Hatter’s Castle ,as moving as The ming basketball season with all re. her prominent churchmen will be on Supt. E. A. Woodworth said that Citadel, more significant than either gularly scheduled games to be play d the speaking program the theme for the formulative ses­ by reason of its theme. on Fridays. sion wall be “Future Conditions Our Patricia, by Grace Livingston Hill. The league basketball jamboree Schools Must Prepare to Meet.” Another delightful and intensely hu­ be Friday night, December 5th Schools of three counties will be man stony by this well loved author. will at Gresham and the first regular lea­ closed for the day ,since all faculty Wind, Sand and Stars, by Antoine gue games are slated for the follow­ members will be expected in atten­ de Saint Exupery. The reader who Friday, December 12th. The sea­ dance at the conference which opens ciimbs to his level will be rewairded. ing son closes February 20th. at 9:15 a.m. at the Oregon City sen­ The authors descriptions of flying are President Johnston has named the thrilling and magnificant. following baseball committee: Cla­ The Estacada Ranger juniors lost ior high school. Heidi’s Children by Johanna Spyri. rence Owenby, Corbett .chairman, P. a fast football game Tueslay after, Here is a warm tender and altogether B. Bartholomew, Gresham and Hal noon to the West Linn high juniors CARL J. SANDSTROM IS exiciting story which children of all Chapman Woodbum. The baseball on the local grid by a score of 15 to R.E.A. PRESIDENT ages the world over will enjoy. committee named are Doug Olds, 12. Touchdowns for Estacada were The Prince and the Pauper, by Chcmawa, chairman, Champ C. Vau­ made by Beard and Marion Tuckei-. The recent election of the North­ Mark! Twain. You will want to read ghan, Estacada and W. F. Fallen, The next league game of the Es­ Clackamas county REA held at this delightful story about the little Molalla. tacada Rangers will be staged at Gre­ east ,Carl J. Sandstrom was elected Prince who changed clothes with the sham on Friday, November 14th at Sandy president ,Roy Maxwell vice presi. ragged little berzgar boy and of the 8 p.m. This is the regular Armiptice dent .Mildred Decker secretary, and strange adventures the youth had. ESTACADA GARDEN CLUB Day game which this year was post­ Frances M. Hiatt treasurer. Also the Here are some very interesting poned to the 14th. following directots were elected: C. county books now at the library: MEETS WITH MRS. REED A. Chaney, C .H. Dice, Leonard An­ Adult Fiction ders, Victor Bodley and Charles Up- Dr. Hudson’s Secret Journal, Dougas The Estacada garden club met at JERSEY CATTLE CLUB TO The Keeper of Red Horse Pass, Tut­ the home of Mrs. R. O. Reed with MEET NOVEMBER 13TH degrave. tle. a large attendance of members and The November meeting of the In This Our Life, Glasgow. four visitors. Two new members Clackamas county Jersey cattle club White Oak Harvest, De La Roche. joined, Mrs. Many Dijce and Mrs. NAVY BOOKLETS AT will be held at the home of H. L. The Case of the VelVet Claws, Myrtle Finney. Gribble on Grrbble Prairie south of THE NEWS OFFICE Gardner. The meeting proved very interest­ Canby on Thursday, November 13 Appointment with Death. ing and there was a beautiful and “Everything You Want to Know at 11 a.m. This will be the first meet­ Adult Non-Fiction unusual display of chrysanthemums. ing since the fall fair season and a About Life in the U. S. Navy,” a This Believing World, Browne. Mrs. A.G. Ames explained flow­ laige attendance is expected. Th s book issued by the U .S. government Arranging Flowers, Cary. er arrangements and illustrated by will be an all day meeting with pot may be had at the News office for Fifty Football Plays, Bergman. of flowers. luck lunch at noon. the asking. Designs of the Craftsman, Gotschhall. means Packages of flower seeds were do­ This book gives in detail and with Vogue’s Book of Smart Dressmaking, nated for the Estacada garden club photographic illustrations life in the Vogue. OH, BOY, LEMON BUTTER center at the library. U. S. navy together w»th much valu­ Father of the Blues, Handy. CAKE IS BAKERY SPECIAL were made at this meeting able information and chances for ad­ How to Enjoy III Health, Schultz. for Plans the annual Xmas party. vancement and the many advantages Photogtaphy Today, Spencer. Bakery specials for this week: one may have for the asking. Juvenile Books Lemon Butter cake. Again we are featuring this tasty yellow butter And remember, you have a chance A Son of the People, Arnold. ATTENDS F.B.I. DEFENSE cake. The lemon butter frosting is to be one of the greatest fighting The Young Trailers, Altsheler. topped with a lemon and nut crunch, forces in the whole world and may Where the Winds Never Blow, Colum SCHOOL IN PORTLAND 30c and 50c. For a real breakfast try see action in many of the seven seas. Somoon, Boy of Bali, Elliott. our Streusel Coffee cake. You will Your navy is in need of your ser­ Chief of police Dale Russell and find this streusel topped, cream-fi1- vices and you are in need of the Judge C. O. Troupe attended the led coffee cake the best ever. Each navy! First for the protection of your ESTACADA STUDY CLUB F.B.I. defense school in Portland this 25c. Oiacked wheat bread.. The nat­ flag and your home, a home free of MET TUESDAY EVENING week. The school Was devoted mainly ural wheat flavor is retained in this tyranny that you will more than like­ to methods of combating gas and-pro healthful loaf of bread. Wonderful ly be called on to maintain. And se­ redure to follow in bombing attrfrk t. toasted too. Pound loaf 11c. Order condly for your own education .ad­ The Estacada study club held their Another school for this purpose lad­ from our salesman uithen he calls at vancement and experience ,an exper. November meeting last Tuesday ev­ ing a week will be held in the near ening at the. home of Mrs, Marjorie your home or from our bakery. Gre­ ience you can get no other way. If you are interested and you should Cooke .Topic for discussion of the future Chief Russell said. sham Bakery—Adv. be come to the News office and evening was “Growth of Big Busi. we will give you one of the illustra­ nesic” Biography was presented by NOTICE TO HUNTERS ted booklets and get you in touch Mrs. Grace Eliassen and fiction by FOOD SALE AND BAZAAR with the proper authorities for en­ Mrs. Ellen Yocum. Mrs. Madeline Captain Gurdane of the Oregon HERE NOVEMBER 15TH listment in this navy of ours. Fourier gave a ten minute news item. state police has advised Judge C. An all day food sale and bazaar O. Troupe of Estacada that a reward is being given by the women of the of $1000 will be paid to persons lo. Methodist church at the Hedgecnck Earl Shiblev is expected home to- Mr. and Mrs. Wayr.e Finneral of rating the missing plane supposed to Grocery A Market on Saturday, No. H-v from Waldport where he is em. Port and spent Friday night at the be in the Squaw mountain or Eagle 1 ployed. home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Snyder. Creek sections. vember 15th.—Adv. M. F. Johnston Heads Big Nine Ranger Juniors Lose to West Linn