Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, October 31, 1941, Image 2

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    C LA Q E A M A 8 C O U N T Y N E W S
Used Tractor
FARM -ALL A . 1940.
V ery few
hours o f work.
Complete with
plow ami cultivator. On rubber.
On rubber.
Factory made. On rubber. You
ride this one. Complete with plow,
disc and cultivator.
Good Stock
Super Highway at Gladstone
P. O. Box 127, Oregon City
Telephone 2-7891
W e will do custom sawing at reas­
onable rates or will saw on shares.
Shingles and rough lumber fo r sale
at all times. W t je r W heel Shingle
Co., Estacada- Ore., TeL 38-31
FOR SALE. Airw ay vacuum clean­
er in good condition. Priced very rea­
sonable. Inquire L. D. Meade resi­
FOR RENT. Furnished house. Mrs.
E. J. Standisti, Estacada, Ore.
24 acre level ranch, 4-room farm
house, unfinished barn, 12 acres o f
clear land, part timber, 2 acres oak
trees, electric lights, mail, *4 m il«
good road to the paved road, 1 ’ i
miles east o f Eagle C ieek grange
hall. Cheap price or trade it for
Portland property. Call Earl H. B er.
ry, Eagle Creek, Oregon Goose creek
runs all year aiound.
berg, Tel. Estacada 86-51.
Dodge & Plymouth Dealers
Tel. 207
Gresham, Ore.
FOR SALE. Dandy fine 3-year old
gelding, w’t about 1750. Sound in e v ­
ery way. One 4-year old Guernsey
cow, fresh three months. R. D. W at­
kins, Eagle Creek, Ore.
The community club held its regu­
lar meeting Friday night. The pro.
gram consisted o f a violin solo by
Dolores Davidson accompanied by
Mis. Davidson. An old fashioned spel­
ling match was enjoyed with honors
going to Mrs. Coop and Mrs. Bur­
nett. Refreshments were served at
the close o f the program.
A card party sponsored by the
community club will be held at the
school Saturday evening, November
1. Refreshments will be served.
Tractors and Implements. Repairs
John Glover is recovering from
and Service
pneumonia. He is expected home in
Dependable Used Tractors
a fe w days.
Gresham, Oregon
FO R S A L E or T R A D E . 12 year
old bay mare w ’t about 1350. W ill
trade fo r team o f gentle horses.
Would p refer team of mules and will
pay difference. W rit» or see Ernest
Eschler .Estacada, rt, 2 in Garfield
FOR SA LE . Road gravel and drtv«
way gravel fo r sale at pit or deliver­
ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co., rt. 1, .box
101„ Boring, Ore.
Reasonable, ca-
in on Cedar Creek. Has fireplace.
Furnished or unfurnished. For par.
ticulars see C. Tobaison, 417 E .Pow­
ell Blvd, Gresham, Oregon.
Dependable Used Cars
Still at the Lowest of Prices
International Trucks
IHC Trucks
2*4 acres with 4-
room house, also garage and wood,
shed 18x18 feet Located in city o f
Sandy near grange hall. Priced at
rock bottom figure o f $1200. See or
phone Guy E . Matthews Agency,
Gresham, Oregon .
I Z Z Y ’S AU T O W R E C K IN G . W e
buy old cars and trucks. W e sell auto
parts, tires, batteries, oH and re­
built generators. Also cable, pipe, fit­
tings, angle irons, flat irons, etc.
W e buy junk, radiators, batteries,
and scrap iron. Tel. Estacada 73-6.
Address box 375D, routs 3, Boring.
A t Barton on Estacada highway.
Retail food prices are still reasonable. For
proof roll back the years to pre-depression days
when food costs were really HIGH. The ta­
ble below shows the “ special” prices of 1920
compared to this store’s present prices of the
year 1941.
ca. 60c
Here is a cake to meet all party occasions. One
layer chocolate and the other orange. Iced on sides
with chocolate frosting with an orange icing top. Decor­
ated with cats and pumpkins.
Egg, fresh ranch, doz........... .........72
Cane Sugar, 100 lbs.................
4-lbs. .25
Crisco, 3-lbs............................
Swansdown Cake flour, pkg ..
... .28
Shredded Wheat, 2 f o r ..........
2 for .25
Ghirardelli Choc., lb. can .....
Ivory Soap, 3 lg. b are..............
bar .11
Pork and Beans, 2y> cans ....
Mazola Oil, quarts .................
Corned Beef, No. 1 can ......... ....... .37
Pineapple, lg. can .................
Carnation Milk, case ..............
can .09
A m I
Currinsville Men canine to.
r _____ •
i i M1
Currinsville, Ore.
J. C. Tunnell, Mgr.
Telephone Estacada 100-2
“ Dive Bomber”
W ill Protect
Farm Prices
Plain, powdered sugar, frosted and nut.
I popular with apple cider.
Best Butter, lb. .....................
The Morrs fam ily on the Currin
The magnificant technicolor pic­
Mrs. E. L. Trullinger had the cast
place had a telephone installed last
ture “ Dive Bomber” starring Errol
removed from her elbow Friday.
Flynn ,Fred MacMuuray comes to
The Dover community club held
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Boichuk o f
the Broadway this Sunday, Monday
its regular meeting Friday evening.
Redland entertained for dinner on
The school is planning a Hallowe’en
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hale,
Every type o f fighting and observa-
program and pie social fo r October
Mr. and Mrs. R. H .Currin and Mr.
31. The a ffo ir will be a benefit foi tion plane used by the U .S. navy in.
eluding the newest super-bombers,
Mrs. Hen^H eiple.^O ther^geusts
the 4-H project.
were Mr. and Mrs. G. Norman from
and fastest pursuit and interceptor
Mrs. Guy W ilcox is home from the planes orff the assembly lines were Redland and Mr .and Mrs. Fisher o f
Portland sanitarium after receiving used in film ing this new picture. The Beavercreelk.
medical treatment
Henry Heiple spent the week end
cast in addition to Flynn and Mac-
The Hildebrand fam ily were in Murray include Ralph Bellamy ,R i- at Camp Eight as a guest o f Mr.
Portland Saturday. Mrs. Hildebrand gis Toomey, Robt. Arnislrong, Craig Poole. On Saturday they got their
who has been ill is greatly improved. Stevens and a scoie o f other young deer, a fine big buck.
Electricity is expected in the Dover leading men in minor cadet and pilot
On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Currin
community by the first o f November. roles. Only woman in the cast is the drove to Crawfordsville to see his
The Jack fam ily attended the laun­ strikingly lovely Alexis Smith who sister Mrs. Sara Spurlin who makes
ching o f the Merriweather Lewis in appears b riefly but memorably to her home with the A rt W eigle fam
stir up a little trouble between Flynn'i jly. Mrs. Spurlin has been an inva.
Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jolly O ’Brien moved and MacMurray. Just as the U. S. lid for several years caused from an
to Portland from Dover. They have navy air f i g h t e r s fill the sky injury sustained from a fall.
Bob Jones is telling the other boys
been residing on the Cubbage place. nth “ Am erica’s glory” the picture
Dive Bombers” fills the screen with just how he did it, shooting his first
Ralph DeShazer delivered one of
deer on his first hunting trip.
the largest ship knees ever to leave thrills.
Our Present
1941 Prier
Hallowe’en Special
Gresham, Oregon
imum under present day conditions.
Announce Winners
in Contest
’’The Invisible Woman”
Dover to Portland. I t w ill be used on
a fishing boat that is under construc­
The hilarious production “ The In­
tion there.
visible Woman” comes to the Broad­
The Dover school has an enroll­ way theatre on bargain night, W ed ­
1941 Plymouth coach, heater
ment o f 24. Another will enter soon. nesday and Thursday, November 5
1940 Chrysler sedan, radio and
Miss Helen Wunsche and Vernon and 6. Intended to outshine the lim­
heater. A clean car .......... $1020
ing tricks o f its fore runner Uni-
Fritchie were honored at a dinner it
1937 Plymouth coupe, heater
Oregon farmers who volunteer to
the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeSha­ versal’s “ The Invisible Woman” stars
shape ............................. $395
help in producing therincreased quan­
tities o f dairy products ,eggs, chick­
1936 Oldsmcvbile Redan ......... $325
ens and hogs sought in the 1942 farm
1931 liuick coupe, heater .......
defense program will have protec
tion o f new federal farm legislation
1931 Pontiac sedan ...............
against price collapses fo r these par­
1930 Plymouth sedan ..... ...... $75
ticular commodities, Robt. B .T a y ­
1930 Oldamdbile sedan .......
lor chairman o f the state USDA ag­
riculture defense board pointed out
1926 Chevrolet coupe ...........
this week.
will continue to hold retail food prices to a min­
Winners in the county contest for
grange canners have been announced
following the competition at Boring
last week. They are: Jelly, Doris Lan­
kins, Harding grange, first; Mrs. A u ­
gust llruns Sandy .second; and Nancy
Delano, Central grange third. Pre­
serves, Doris Lankins, first; Mercy
E Boynton, Harding second; and Mrs.
Orin Coop .Garfield thiiVl. Fruits,
Mrs. Rosa Lankins, Harding first;
Clara Gill, Redland .second; M eicy
Top entertainment in westerns E. Boynton .Damascus, third.
was gathered up by Paramount and
nerded into "T h e Round Up” whichh
<s the first feature o f tne double bin
at the new Btoadway theatre this
Mrs. Mae Shirley from Giants Pass
c riday and Saturday. A thrilling out­ and Madeline Fourier o f Estacada
door romance topped o f f by gun-blaz­ called at the R. H. Currin home on
ing action and spectacle is portrayed Monday.
in to story that does justice to the
Mrs. Clara W ebber moved from
lamous trio o f stars that head the
the Richard Githens cottage to a cot­
east. Richard Dix shares the honors
tage on the Robert Heiple farm re­
with beautiful Patricia Morison aau
Preston “ Northwest Mounted“ Fos
J. Courtain recently bought the
ter. Loaded with everything in the
nooks "The Round Up” succeeds in Whitlock place close to Estacada.
Bob W alter has been visiting his
living up to its title. Exciting battles
oetween Indians and white men stam mother the past wedk.
pede their way across the screen in_
Mrs. Glen Davis and the twins
teispersed with six-gun, hand-to- have been spending the week visit­
hand matches. Don’t tail to tie up at ing at the Henry Heiple and Richard
the Broadway hitching post and en Davis homes while Glen was away on
joy “ The Round Up” this week. Se­ a hunting trip. Richard Davis and
cond picture on the program stars Clyde Schock accompanied him and
Jackie Cooper and Jane Withers in all three brot back a buck.
Her First Beau” . This is “ tops’ ’in
Mr. and Mrs. W agner from P o rt­
entertainment with Jackie and Jane
land spent the week end on their
at their best.
farm here.
1941 Plymouth sedan, heater and
1932 Chevrolet truck in good
condition ............................... $125
The Currinsville Store
W ith the price o f all we eat and
going up so fast, from 20 to 50
FO R SA LE. 1 work horse and har­
ness $15. Also dry cordwood $3.50 percent on some things, some one
per cord at place. Ted. Mudrow, Do_ page Leon Henderson. What has he
and his s ta ff o f 800 helpers done to
ver district.
earn their wage.
W A N TE D . Anvil and foig e. Also
can use other small farm or shop
tools. Address all answers to Clack,
amas County News.
FO R SALE. 3 acres
E.'tacada city limits, 3
o f high school. House
berry land. A bargain
J. Marchhunk, Estacada. Tel 25-4.
1938 Plymouth 4-door seedan.
1937 Dodge sedan.
1937 Plymouth sedan.
1934 Plymouth tudor .
1932 Plymouth sedan.
zer parents o f the latter Wednesday John Barrymore, John Howard, Chai-
evening, October 23.
Guests were lie Ruggles and Oscar Homoka. Th
Ralph DeShazer and Mr. and Mrs. novel story o f th ° picture presents
A llie d Wuniachu abd \l..Mick.
Barrymore as an eccentric professor
who discovred a formula for human
invisibility. Miss Bruce as a discour­
aged dress model offers herself as a
subject fo r the scientist’s experiment
Mrs. Lydia Kuhl who form erly liv-
which proves completely successful.
eh in the George ills trie. was married Therupon Miss Bruce employs her in­
October 19 in her new home in the visibility to gain revenge on ail abu
Lents suberb o f Portland. Mr. and give employer ,to torment a young
Mrs. Hy Klinker .Leslie Miller, Clar­ playboy and his befuddled butler with
ence Gerber and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. her invisable pranks and even round
up a gangster mob in a hilarious se­
Ruhl all attended the wedding.
quence. Program concludes with the
Mrs. O. V. Bieeee and daughter
eighth chapter o f “ Riders o f Death
lone visited in Portland with relatives
and friends last Friday.
FOR SALE. 24-n. hand split fir
R. S. Chaney is engaged in pulling
shakes, $12.50 pen- M. W. E. Hyde qp the meter loops m tile George dis­
rt. 2, Estacada. A t Viola Store.
t f trict this week. W e hope it won’t be
long now till we can get light in the
FOR SALE. Milk house equipment
and small route. Will also rent im­ dark murky evenings when we have
proved farm. Inquire o f Carl Reh to go out and chore around
FO R S A LE or R E N T. Small farms
with houses. Tel. 29-12. U. S. Mor
just outside
gan, Estacada, Ore.
blocks north
16x24, good
fo r $600. J.
F R ID A Y . OCTOBER 31 .1041
They are
ea. 30c
Spiced just right.
(■resliain B akery
North Main Avenue,
Gresham, Ore.
Tel Gresham 288
This new act o f Congress the Stea.
gall amendment requires the secre­
tary o f agriculture to give public no­
tice whenever he finds it necessary
to encourage the expansion o f any
non-basic commodity. The lawi furth
er directs him to use public funds to
suppoit the farm price o f the commo­
dity at not less than 85 percent ot
B efore the secretary can dirontin
ue a price-suppurtmg program h-
must give sufficient public notice
o f the termination to permit produ.
cers to make a readjustment in pro­
duction T aylor explained.
Secretary Wickard has already g i­
ven public notice covering until De
cember 31 ,1942 eggs, hogs, evapor­
ated milk, dry ^kim milk, cheese and
chickens. This protection is not re­
quired now because the farm price«
o f all o f these commodities are w el’
above the 85 percent parity level.
These “ flo o r prices” will enable fa r ­
mers to plan their 1912 production
in the knowledge that prices can and
W eek End Food Specials
j J
9 8-10 pound sack ................................5 8 c1
* §§{
CANE and M APLE SYRUP, 5-lb. c a n ........ 6 5 c p
Tastewell brand, none better
25c jj
Jonnson’s Sweet Cider, gal.
Bring your own container
_ _ _ _ _ _ ;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i 11
M EAT BALLS, pound c a n ............................ 2 5 C ||
CH ILI CON CARNE, No. 1 c a n ..................... 1 5 c m
C O C K TAIL TAM ALES, 10y2 oz. can .......... I O C %
CODFISH, pound............................... 15^ jj
SPICED HERRING, pint ............................. 2 5 C
SA LT M ACKERAL, each ............................ 1 5 C p
SA LT HERRING, 2 for ...........................
25^* ¡1
The Choicest Selection of Fresh Fruits and Ve- H
Highest Quality Fresh Meats at Lowest ^
i Prices.
Estacada Meat Co. I
H. C. Gohring,
Tel. 75-1
will be supported should it become
lecessary, Taylor added.
The following commodity parity
prices on a national basis were re­
ported as o f September 15, 1941.
Butterfat 34.8 cents a pound, chick,
ens 15 o cents a pound, eggs 33.3
cents a dozen, hogs $9.89 a hundrtd
weight, beef cattle $7.14 a hundred
w eigh t These parity prices are not
constant however, but are subject
Estacada, Ore. jÉl
Í - X
to change depending on the changing
relationship o f farm costs to farm
prices as compared with the 1910-
14 base period.
’’ This new price supporting deve1-
opment is an added feature o f the
national farm program designed to
protect the income and security o f
the farmers who answer America's
call fo r greater production o f the
T aylor commented.