u lackam as PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. H. V. ADIX Physician and Surgeon Physiotherapy—X-Ray Radium Gresham, Ore. Tel. 5961 Dr. H. A. Schneider DENTIST Tel. Sandy 151 Sandy, Oregon O. D. EBY Attorney at Law General Practice Confidential Advisor Oregon City, Oregon S. E. WOOSTER Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Rentals Estacnda, Oregon Tel. 77-3 Dr. Thomas B. Carter Veterinary Surgeon Tel Gresham 310 Gresham, Oregon C. DON PLATNER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Clackamas County Bank Bldg. Sandy, Oregon Office Hours, 2 to 8 P. M. Evenings, Saturday and Sunday by Appointment Tel. Sandy 441 L. A. CHAPMAN MORTICIAN Estacada Oregon Calls attended Day or Night Tel. 56-7 or 56-61 E. O. WILLSON, D. M. D. Dentistry 211-13 Postal Bldg S. E. Cor. 3rd and Washington PORTLAND. ORE. Telephone At. 3403 Dr. V . A . Nedderman DENTIST (Now in Dr .Kramer’s Office) Tel. Estacada 3-15 Complete X-Ray Service Office Hours, 9 to 6 P. M. Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays by Appointment Masonic Bldg., Estacada, Ore. S. E. LAWRENCE Licensed Electrical Contractor HOT POINT MAJOR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Rt. 2, Estacada, Oregon Tal. Estacada 97-3 Richard Sponhauer Agent for rthwestern Mutual Fire Ins. Co, Aetna Fire Ins. Co. Estacada, Oregon Tel. Estacada 84-1 S7> DR. H. M. KRAMER DENTIST 905 Weatherly Bldg. E. Grand and Morrison PORTLAND, OREGON Tel. EA 9445 Res. Phone Mur. 8318 PANKRATZ Paint & Wallpaper Store Sign Painting Picture Framing Glass Powell, Blvd, Gresham Evelyn M. Lawrence Notary Public Agent for Aetna Casualty and Surety Co.. Capitol Fire Insurance Co. Accident and Health Insurance Estacada, O n . TeL. 97-». county n e w s f r id a v , O c t o b e r u , 1941 ery “must be used” before any re­ course is taken to a strike or lock, out.” He said organizational rivalries and jurisdictional conflicts must he discarded for the duration. Labor L. D. MEADE, Editor and Publisher secretary Perkins told the meeting ,it Published weekly on Fridays at Estacada, Clackamas County, .Oregon. is of extreme importance that trade- Entered in the postoffice at Estacada, Oregon, as second-catss matter. unions develop in the near future a pcittern of self-unposte discui.'.n«" SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Clackamas County, one year »1.50; outside the eounty and In the State She said the closed shop, closed mem­ of Oregon, one year $2.00; outside the State of Oregon, one year $2.60: berships and high dues should be “re­ foreign $3.00 a year. Subscriptions are payable in advance. studied with a view to the pubic wel­ fare’ ’and to provide for those who ADVERTISING Rates for advertising made known on applioation. Adveitiscrs will please “are not joiners by nature.” , take note that to insure insertion of advertisement in the issue of the Labor Safety current week, advertising copy should reach this office not later than Tuesday noon. As'istauce el —»fully given in^tbe preparation of copy Navy secretary Knox told the 30th national safety congress in Chi­ T H IS W E E K IN DEFENSE medical supplies. The American Red cago a killed or injured worker is as Gioss will send replacement supplies much loss to defense as a wounded }soldier because “we have no time to Stating “we will not let Hitler pre to England. train replacement workers”. He said scribe the waters of the world on Price. time lost thru injuries last year Retail food prices continued to rise which our ships may travel,” the Pre­ between mixl.August and mid-Sep­ ¡would have built 45 battleships, 75,- sident asked Congress to repeal Sec­ tember increasing ¿.6 percent to 000 fiijhter planes or 15,000 heavy tion 6 of the Neutrality Act which reach the highest level since Janu­ bombers. prohibits arming of American mer­ 1931 the labor department repor­ P rod u ctio n chant ships and to examine other ary ted. Consumer commisisioiier Elliott OPM director Knudson speaking phases of the law. The President said reported food prices have risen 29 in New York said despite tremendu. this action “is a matter of immediate percent since the war began as com­ necessity and extreme uugency." pelled to 18.4 percent in the com­ ous increases in British and Ameri­ The President said conditions have parable World War period and farm can production the Nazis will contin- so changeil since enactment of the products have risen 43.1 percent as ue to hold their lead in certain im­ law it is no longer truly a neutral compared to 12.6 percent during the portant war items "foir a long time ity measure. He said “it is time for last war. unless we step up our present pace.” this country to stop playing into Hit­ Price administrator Henderson in OPM chief statistician May said in ler’s hands and to unshackle our own speaking in support of the pending a New York radio speech that the He said the L. B. should not “he price regulating legislation said “evn U. S. is devoting only 15 percent of forced to masquerate American, more frightening than the present le­ its resources to defense while Can­ owned ships behind flags of our sis­ vel of price advances is the fact that ada and Great Britian are devoting ter Republics.” these advances have been gathering 50 percent, close to the absolute max “Most of the vital goods autho momentum since the early months of imum. Mr. May said to put U. «. pro­ ¡zed by the Congress are being de­ the year.” He said the cost of living duction on a plane with Britian’s livered” Mr. Roosevelt said. “Yet last August was 1% percent higher means drastic diversion of material, many of them ai:e being sunk; and than two years ago. Since March al­ man-power and facilities from civil, as we approach full production re­ one he said the cost of living is up ian to military uses. He said for ex­ ample auto production would have to quiring the use of more ships now 5 percent. be cut from 50,000 to 1,000 cars a being built it will he increasingly ne­ Priorities cessary to deliver American goods The supply Priorities and alloca. week. under the American flag.” tion board ruled that no new public Foreign Trade A id to B ritia n and R u t.ia or private construction can be start­ President Roosevelt told the 28th The American Red Cross instruct ed unless it is essential for defense national foreign trade convention in ed the British Red Cross to forward or the health and safety of the peo­ New York that equality of treatment immediately to Russia 800 tons of ple or does not involve use of stra­ and mutual benefit to all nations tegic materials. The ruling applies to could be the only basis for post-war .iiiMiiimiimiifiiiiiiiim iiiimiiiiiiiiiiit federal, state and local government commercial relations if peace is to buildings .roads and highways, rivers be enduring. Under secretary of state and harbor improvements, residen­ Welles told the convention that trai.e tial building and all commercial build­ agreements similar to those made be­ ings .Efforts will be made however fore the war by the U. S. would be INSURANCE AGENCY U> aid completion of construction al­ one of the post-war economic tools. Gresham, Ore.— = Tel. 4241 ready substantially finish jd. V^.&er secretary of commerce Chat- The SPAB also voted to permit fi-iu.Taylor told the group “we must | building of 228 commeicial aircraft, not repeat the mistakes of Versailles, | with the reservation that the army of stressing territorial and political can take them if they are needed. adjustments and asking little provis­ Physical Rehabilitation for Select.'. ion for the basis of sound trade and The President annaunced plans to economic reconstruction.” He sold “salvage” 200,000 of the 1,000,000 England and the U S. must set the Direct Agents z selective service who have trade pattern because only they have is Oregon Mutual Fire Ins. Co. E been rejected for registrants health i easons. productive facilities, natural re­ s Oregon Automobile Ins. Co. 5 also announced he would initiate He a the sources and capital necessary for *<111111111111 Hill I III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR long range pragram of federal, state world economic order . and local cooperation to remedy con­ Helping South America ditions which have resulted in 50 per Speaking in Boston coordinator of cent of men of army age being physi­ Inter-American affairs Rockefeller cally unfit for military service. The said the U. S. “has taken federal government would pay for the slack left in practically the trade of the medical and dental treatment of up republics due to their loss o f the those men certified by local boards 20 continental European markets” by as subject to health improvement. increasing import purchases from Selective service announced that $450,000,000 to nearly a billion dol­ starting January 1 all registrants will W. W. SIEMENS lars a year. He said the $ 700 , 000,000 be given only one physical exam, by made available to South America Jeweler for the army. At present registrants are loans is being used by Latin countries Expert Watch Repairing examined hy local boaiid doctors and Former Post Office BMg. to build up agriculture and indus­ Powell Blvd. Gresham, Ore. then by army physicians and cannot tries “worth fighting for”. He said tell until the final exam if they will actually only $37,000,000 is current­ be accepted. ly not repaid and that not all funds Air available were borrowed. OPM announced 1914 military THE BEST THAT’S aircraft were delivered during Sep­ seldom resides In a breast tember ,a new monthly record. The that Modesty is not enriched with nobler vir. LEFT . . . . war department announced it will al­ tues.—Godlsmith. army aviation cadets 30 hours around Gresham so say many real­ low flight training prior to enlistment Forest Tree Seedling, are tors at the top of hill fronting for thereby cutting half the flying Powell Blvd. North side south­ time neccessaxy in in the to win Free to Youth Group. ern slope wooded background, wings. Mimic air raids army began along nice shrubbery, variety trees, It East coast from Boston to Sa­ Four-H clubs or other duly organ­ acre asparagus, V4. acre youngber- th« vannah to test ability of civilian spot­ ized and supervised youth groups ries, 2V4 acres red iiaspberries, 33 ters and their communication system. may again obtain forest tree seed, fruit trees .nice variety, 4 walnut lings for farm planting free of cost trees all bearing. A street full Nursing according to a new circular just is­ The Red Cross announced a pro­ length on east, nice timber for by the Oregon state board of park. This choice piece may now gram to Instruct 500,000 American sued forestry. The circular describes 16 be had for $2800, well worth housewives in home nursing in the kinds of seedlings available from the next year. Courses will taxe six $4000 for a nice home. Look af­ Clarke-McNary nursery located be­ ter it now while open.. Only re. weeks of class work and practical ex side the Oregon state college McDon­ perience. Miss Olive Peterson direc­ quires $500 down. tor of public health nui sinri for Min. ald forest north of Corvallis. Orders for trees for organized nesota will conduct the program. The MEYERS SERVICE E m ploym en t. . youth clubs must the submitted thru The President's committee on fair some official of the club. Trees, are GRESHAM, ORE. Tel. 257 employment practice asked any one available as usual also to individual denied a defense job because of farmers at the rate of $2.50 per creed, color .race or national origin thousand f.o.b Corvallis. Orders are to write the committee at Washing­ to be sent directly to the state board ton so an investigation can be made of forestry in Salem and must be ac­ and remedial steps taken. OTie OPM companied hy a signed agreement cer DR. L. W. GRIFFITH labor division Issued new reporting tifying that the trees will be used A complete optical service forms to speed up surveys by the ' only for establishing wood lots,, wind Eyes examined S. employment service local offic"- breaks or shelter belts Glasses fitted of situations where civilian factories This year’s list of available trees Broken lenses duplicated are closed by material shortages and describes 10 kinds of conifers and Eyeglass frames repaired while priorities. The OPM advised the war eight hardwoods department that 34 companies mak­ you wait. ing most of the nation’s washing ma­ Orcli.rd Ridge Dairy. Refrigerator We invite com pirlio* e l eervice, chines can produce defense articles cooling quality end price good cold milk, but­ and asked they be given preferen­ ter and system, We do our own grinding cream the whole year round tial treatment to avoid lay-off of —Oscar Judd. VISION OPTICAL CO. workers. O ffice on Powell Blvd. Labor G reches Theater Ocean Water Varies The President in a message to the Successive Tel. G reeh as 117, er high ocean waters AFL convention in Seattle said the Portland BEA . 297» at intervals of 12t hours of time has come when federal marhin corns half the moon's period of rq volution Clackamas County News WALRAD Save Time by using this Modern Deposit Plan Quick - Easy - Safe Write or Call for Complete Information Oregon C ity Branch o f thè United States N ational B ank * c t H e ad Of t ic » , P o rtlan d , O rogon m i l at « ftctaai d i p b sit i m si i a n c o » r 0 g a i*i‘o N FOR ECONOMICAL HEATING You Just can’t Beat Montag Stoves Come in today and let us give you full details on the size Montag stove which will fit your require­ ments. A Montag stove will solve your heating prob­ lems for a long time to come and it will cut your heating costs to a minimum. Visit our store today and see the “Harvest Bargain Sale” which is now in progress. You’ll find real savings. C.M. Sparks Hardware Co. Broadway, The Personal Service Store Estacada, Ore. X f ii ’ s O x fo r d s “STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER” Solid leather oxfords with good heavy soles for winter. Blacks and browns. Buy your shoes now at the old LOW PRICES. $ 2.98 and up iFire - Automobile! 1 Surety Bonds CHILDREN’S SHOES $ 1 . 4 9 and up WOMEN’S SHOES $ 1 . 9 8 and up RAY Powell Boulevard M ARTIN Gresham, Or .1. I C onn Itro w ii REAL ESTATE — LOANS INSURANCE 37 E. Powell Blvd, Gresham Cordially invites you to visit his new office across the street from his old location. Listings of Farm and City Properties W anted Telephone Gresham 227 Make a note to try a bottle o; Barclay's Private Stock straigh Rye Whiskey. You’ll be might} glad you did. It’s only $2.10 • quart, $1.10 a pint ,a real buy. Qt. $2.10 Pint $1.10 •A tetar a company 86 PRO O F , i imiti d pu.ri«