C LA C K A M A S C O U N T * T H IS W E E K Report o f Condition o f the Clackamas County Bank at Sandy County o f Clackamas, at close of business on SE PTE M B E R 24, l ‘J41 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including $.'¡07.41 overdrafts) .. $220,416.49 Un.ttd States Govt, obligations, direct and guaranteed 74,031.1(1 Obligat s o f S tate; and political subdivisions .... 65.628.S9 Oth r bonds, notes and debentures ............................... 5.00 Corporr' j s to c k s ............................... ................................ 9.00 Cash. I alance with other banks, including reserve bal anees, ar. 1 ensh items in process o f collection 191,375.06 li nk pie .ises owned, $1,600.00; furniture and f be­ ta r s $000.00 ............................. 2,500.00 Real estate owned oth r than bank premises ...... _ .... 3,135.00 IN NEWS DEFENSE Fourteen new ships were launched in “ Liberty Fleet Day” ceremonies ield at shipyards on Saturday Sep­ tember 27 at Baltimore, Md., Los Angeles, Calif., Richmond, Calif., Portland, Ore.. Quincy, Mass. Ches- .er, Pa., Kearney N. Y., Pasagoula, Miss., Seattle, Wijui., and W ilm ing. .on, Del. The navy annulled the launching o f the battleship Mass’, ■husetts, three minesweepers,, Sum mit, Guide and Ideal and the sub ma ine chaser PCS 15. Aid to Britian, Russia .. . The navy department announce« 15 British and Free French warships T O T A L ASSE TS ....................................$550,100.60 currently in United States ports and said 12 others had already le ft U.S. L IA B IL IT IE S ports where they had put in fo r re­ Demand deposits o f individuals j aitnerships, and pairs or supplies. The war depart corporations ............. ...................... _ .......$252,771.48 Time deposits o f individuals, partnerships and ment said 59 officers and enlisted corporations .... ........................ 219,277.'.'4 men o f the British armored corps Deposits o f States and political subdivisions ................... 33,449.55 are studying American methods at Other deposits (certified and officers checks ,e tc .).......................... 1,769.84 the army armored force school at Font Knox, Ky. Treasury secretarj T O T A L DEPOSITS ................... $507,288.81 .......... 1,648.54 Monganthau announced the Soviet T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S (not inculding subordi- government has already repaid in I obligations shown below) ............................... $509,937.35 gold “ a little more than half’’ o f tha C A P IT A L AC CO UN TS $10,000,000 advanced by the U. S ................................................................................................$ 2 0 , 000.00 treasury in August I0,500.oo Surplus Undivided profits ........................................... Reserves (and retiement account fo r debentures or preferred stock) ............................................................ 1,913.25 7,750.00 T O T A L C A P IT A L A C C O U N TS ...............................$40,163.25 T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S A N D $550,100.60 C A P IT A L AC C O U N TS Clackamas County Bank Sandy,Oregon purest ¿Memorial |Iark G R E SH AM , OREGON A LAWN CEMETERY WITH PERPETUAL CARE Lots including burial priced as low as $15.00 D IR E C TO R S B. W. T H O R N E L. L. K ID D E R A R T H U R D O W S E TT F R A N Z O LB RIC H A. W. M E TZG E R WM . M E TZG ER R O Y B O H A N N O N , Superintendent Phone Gresham, 245 Prodduction F riday , öct . 10,1941 production will not come until this winter or next spring. 11c said the army has much to learn about the ttank-plane and anttitunl; plane com­ binations and “ we still have a long way to go in our coordination be­ tween air and the ground but we are beginning in earnest in Louis a: a now.” He ssiid plane production “ at this time is still not satisfactory as a result o f she tages in manufacturing facilitites and ees ential raw m ater, ials but it is cominj up. He said sev eral U. S. planes far exceed anj others in the world. Honoring Two Famous Pan-Americans Priorities Priorities director Nelson limited production o f spare parts for passen­ ger automobiles and light trucks for the pe iod September 15-December 31, 1941 to 60 percent o f th - num­ ber sold during the first six months this year. SPAB said it will extend American industry assistatnee in ob­ taining repair parts. Ag riculture Agriculture secretary Wicnard told northeastern farm leadens and ag­ ricultural workers Brittian will need between now and June 30, 194. evap- ( orated milk and dried skim milk and cheese that will require processing o f more than 4 % billion pounds o f milk; a billion and a half pounds o f pork and lard; about 500 million do. zerr eggs; 18 million pounds o f poul­ try meat and quantities o f tobacco, vitamin rich fnuits and vegetables. He said the British ne d a minimum oig $1,000,000,000 in food between now and February 28 ,1942 SPAB announced special attention will be given provision o f equipment necessary fo r expanding dairy pro­ duction to meet domestic and Briti.-h requirements. The agriculture depart ment said total income from farm marketings will reach $10,000,000,- 000 in 1941. Statue of Simon Bolivar In Central Park, New York City. We will publish additional authentic feature articles dealing with the signifi­ cant personalities and fundamental in­ stitutions o f Latin American countries whose newspaper publishers are co­ operating w ith Publishers' Reciprocal Program ( Inter-A m erican) by printing in their newspapers feature articlee backgrounding and interpretative o f our ‘way of life ' in the United States.— E o it o b . Assistant attorney general Arnold speaking at Yoseemite, C alif., said, “ there is not an organized basic in­ dustry in the U. S. which has not been restricting production, to avoid what they fear may be runous over­ production a fte r the iwnr. . . They have concealed shortages by overop- timistic prediction about supplies. Mr. Arnold also said “ a fe w stra­ tegically located labor unions were costing the American consumer one billion dollars a year thru labor r e ­ strictions on production by strikes and boycootts fo r illegitimate pur­ poses, price fixing, restricting labor saving devices, elimination o f small competitors and owner operators and “ tying up huge Industries in a strug­ P r ic e s gle to determine which o f two un Labor secretary Perkins said food ions shall dominate the field.’ ’ prices continued to rise during the first half of September with biggest A r m y Preparedness Status Assistant w ar secretary McCloy in increases iin pork chops, lard, eggs, speaking at Jackson ,Miich., said the and milk. Price administrator Hen­ U. S. has an army and an air force derson said eviction proceedings had “ in the sense that one is in the pro. been begun b,y “ unscrupulous” land cess o f production. . . Some o f its lords in various parts o f the country elements are prepared to meeet any against tenants who complained or foe . . . Y e t that army is just be­ threateneed to complain o f «ent in­ creases to their local rent conumiittec. coming an army.” By E d w a r d C. J o h n s t o n A few years ago there was unveiled In Caracas, the capital of the South American republic of Venezuela, a statue of a great Pan-American. The inscription on It, written in Spanish, reads: “ Henry Clay, 1777-1852, Apos­ tle of fraternity between the coun­ tries of Am erica and valiant defender o f their independence. The United States o f America presents to the United States of Venezuela this statue of its illustrious statesman, speaker of the House of Representa­ tives, Senator and Secretary of State.” The statue, given in return for one o f General Simon Bolivar, the South American champion of independence and Pan-Americanism which was unveiled in Central park in New Y ork city in 1921, was form ally dedi­ cated by a distinguished delegation from the United States and the statue was received by the President of the Republic of Venezuela. This ceremony, which honored the man who, in the United States, has been called “ the First Pan-Am eri­ can” and “ the Father of Pan-Am er­ icanism” , was a significant one in the history of the nations of the N ew World. It was a gesture of friendship on the part of the most powerful of those nations to a smaller nation He said the army has its full am­ W o m en and A r m y Morale which has reason to feel grateful to ount o f the fundamental weapons, Mrs. W illiam P. Hobby, chief of an older sister in the Pan-American rifles, bayonets, machine guns, artil- he Women’s section o f the war de. family. For to the Venezuelans the leey, grenades, but does not have itspartment speaking in N ew York statue, erected in the square in their full equiment o f light and medium sai