CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS D EPEN D A BLE L oE D CARS WANT to TRADE lumbar for a good Guernsey or Jersey caw. Mrs. 1941 Dodge sedan, fluid drive.. Elizabeth Sladky, Cherryville, Ore. 1938 Plymouth 4-door. 1937 Dodge sedan. FOR SALE. The Anderson farm 1930 Dodge sedan, completely re­ at Eagle Creek. W .ite Fred H. An. conditioned. derson, Long Beach, Wa h. FILBERT and WALNUT Drying. The dryer o f C. I. Seraanous,, Doug­ las Ridge, near Duoglas Ridge school will accept custom drying again this year on filberts and walnuts. For further purtculars inquire of W. R. Woodle. Tel. Estacada, 166. FOR SALE. Road gravel and driv* ■ray gravel for sale at pit or deliver­ ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co., rt. 1, ,boj 101„ Boring, Ore. D« Laval W o r ld *! S t a n d a r d Sarlat FOR SALE. Yellow Bermuda on­ ions, nice and sweet. Home every day but Saturday. J J. Marchbank, I«i. Estacada 25-4.. ' DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WANTED. Glean fox glove seed, 35-cents per lb. "Louie’s Tavain,” 4 miles east o f Colton. 4pd. De Laval Separators have been first choice with dairymen for c3 years because they are unequaled in quality, clean skimming and long life. Today, as always, the world’s best separator is the De Laval World’s Standard Series. t See us for a free trial. BUY NOW DEPENDABLE USED CARS— TRUCKS LOW STANDS A ll W o r ld ’s S tan d ard and Junior Se rie s Se pa ra tors except the N o . 1 can be furnished with low stands, when operated b y electric motor drive. Low S foods HESSEL la ll JlVilKJM lI r « . Gresham, Oregon 1941 Plymouth coach 1941 Plymouth sedan, heater and defroster. 1940 Chrysler sedan, radio and heater. A clean car ..... $1020 1937 Pontiac sedan, heater ..... $495 1937 Plymouth coupe, heater ........ A -l shape .................................. $395 1937 Ford tudor, 86 .hoator $366 1933 Ford coupe ............... $131 1935 Olds sedan .radio, beater $325 USED TRUCK LIST 1932 Chrysler flat bed ......... $125 HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. Gresham, Oregon International Trucks Chrysler, Plymouth, IHC Trucks Chrysler Plymouth PHONE 220 IZZY ’ S AUTO WRECKING. We buy old cars and trucks. We sell auto parts, tires, batteries, oil and re­ built generators. Also cable, pipe, fit- .mgs, angle lions, flat irons, etc. We buy junk, radiators, batteries, (and scrap iron. Tel. Estacada 73-6. Address box 375D, route 2, Boring. At Barton on Estacada highway. Apples and pears 25c per box. Bring containers and pick. Several varie­ ties. C ,L .Chambers, near Eagle Creek, Oregon. FOR RENT. Two room furnished cabins, with water and lights. Only $10. Park Bonnie Lure, Eagle Greek, Oregon. 3t Local Farmers Praise Their FORD TRACTOR with Ferguson System BECAUSE It’s a two-plow tractor, doing the job quicker and more economically. Come in and let us show you how this tractor will cut your operating cost. FARM EQUIPMENT COMPANY SUPER H IG H W A Y A T GLAD STO NE Phone O regon City 2-7801 P. O. Box 127 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. To buy buzz saw. Os- burn Bros., Tel. Gresham 5168, rt. 9, box 369, Portland. Cor. Birdsdale and Baseline. WANTED. Home and care for old lady. Will pay $30 per month. Inquire Mrs. C. E. Surfus, Estacada, Oregon. FOR SALE. Strawberry plants, $1.50 per hundred. Have five kinds to choose from, all Michigan varety. Three kinds o f everbearing and two spring variety. Champion, Gem and Wayzeta are everbearing, Premier and Dorsetts spiring variety. Dor- setts are the greatest canning berry on the market. Hold their color and Shape when canned. F. N. Cadenau S. Estacada. Call evenings or Satur­ days. DEPENDABLE USED TRACTOR AND HORSE DRAWN IMPLEMENTS WANTED. To buy laying batterj for hens. Must be reaxi.iable. Mrs F. M. Wood, Eagle Creek. Tel. 22 3 „ . _ ,. , - , , i- - Bob Ganger, 17 .high school junior chased a registered Jersey heifer at Silverton. Earl alrerdy has two reg. istered Jerseys and 50 Rhode Island . , , . . „ hens in his farm project. The FFA claae of 27 proHpec-tiVe farme s ia doinK fine VVOIk according to Len­ nox Blatchford instl'-U'tor. Injured in Loop Auto Accident Save T im e b y u sin g this M o d e rn D e p o sit P la n Oregon City Branch United States National Bank Friends C A R R O LL F U N E R A L HOME SAVE MONEY Feed and See«l Oshurn Ur os. Will Hold Meeting Sandy Plans are now being purfected for the Clackamas county I. O. O. F. and Rebekah convention to be held at Sandy on November 8th. The Odd Fellows are to meet in their own hall and the Rebekahs will meet in the Masonic temple A dinner will be served in the ev­ ening by members of the Sandy Wo men’s dub to which not only the convention delegates but the general public is invited. W a lk into Fall in a NEW SUIT from R a j M artin’ s The dinner will be followed by a program and dance sponsored by the Odd Fellows. This program will be open to the public only the afternoon sessions being closed to all except members 30 Caterpillar tractor as is .. $475 15 Caterpillar tractor ,all re­ EMPIRE FURNITURE CO. HAS conditioned ........................... $925 2ND A N N IV E R SA R Y SALE 10 Caterpillar tractor ...............$775 E Clectrac late model, A .l Attention is called to the advertise­ shape ......................................... $975 ment in today’s issue of this news­ W Clectrac .................................. $150 paper of the special sale in celebra­ tion o f the second anniversary of F-12 IHC Farmall with 16-in. plow ...........................................$475 the Empire Furniture company o f Gresham Ford Shaw on rubber and steel $125 This growing Gresham concern was HESSEL IMPLEMENT CO. founded two years ago by Carl Burch, the owner, and in appreciation Gresham, Oregon o f the fine patronage they have re. FOR SALE. 22 acres unimproved ceived is offering some exceptional­ land 9 miles 9 .E. o f Estacada near ly fin» buy# in furniture and house­ Delph Creek. Running water the year hold furnishing«. The Empire Furniture company is round .Half or land can be easily cleared Located on rock road and conveniently located at the corner bus and mail routes. Has electricity. o f Powell ami Main in Gresham. We will do custom sawing at reas­ PEN DANT A T E ST A C A D A FOR SALE. A real trailer. Good onable rates or will saw on shares. rubber and in first class shape. A real Shingles and rough lumber for sal« The Welches PTA won the pen­ at all times. W u e r Whoel Shingle hajgam .See Park Bonnie Lure, Ea­ dant at the Clackamas county coun­ gle Creek, Oregon. Co., Estacada Ore., Tel. 88-81 cil wh i h was held at 1'stacada on Wednesday of Irst week. The Wel­ FOR SALE. 3 acres just outaide FOR RENT. 60 acre farm, 40 ac­ Estacada city limits, 3 bloc*« north re« cultivated. In nuts and fruit. ches delegation had traveled the far thest miles and had the biggest dele­ of _ school. House 16x24, good Fair buildings, electricity. On good gation. Those attending from Welch­ berry land. A bargain for $699. 4. ^ mile* northeast of Estacada) J. Marchbank, Estacada. Tel - . inquire S. E. Wooster. Bstaceda, Or^ es were: M ja Waiter Koch, Mrs. Me 26 4 COW S TO HERD AM ITO N ’ S FURNITURE E X . CHANGE OPENS A T GRESHAM Announcement is made in today s h:.d added two registered Jereeys' issue o f this newspaper of the open- which he purchased from A Malar to; ng o f the Amiton Furniture E x­ the FI A project. He also has two change in the former P.G.E. location on Powell Boulevard in Gersham. The new firm will carry new and used furniture, stoves and heaters, floor coverings and will handle the Seeley line of davenos and mat­ Donald Larson, 18, of Boring suf­ tresses. fered a possible skull fracture early Sunday in an automobile accident on We have an assortment of 350 old the Mt .Hood loop highway which books including fiction, educational sent him and four companions to the books for children .etc. Will sell all Portland General hospittal. or pari o f these very reasonable. Ohers injured includeel: Dorothy Here is one o f the biggest buys you Larson, 15, Boring, possible fracture will ever see. Investigate. Tobaison Quick Easy - Safe of both legs; llaro.d Larson, 21, ol Secnod Hand Store, Powell Blvd., 110 N.W. King street .concussion and W rite or Call for Gresham, Ore.—Adv. shock; Walter Kuehn, Boring ana C om pléta Information Arthur Anderson, Gresham, lacera­ V A L E OF VIO LA tions. o t th e Deputy sheriffs Auborn and Smith It is perhaps amusing when we con said the colliision involved cars driv­ en by Kuehn and Anderson and hap. template the results o f our frenzied Head O ffice, Portland, Oregon \ \ i spring planting. We reached out for pened near Kane road. MEMBER f EC ERR L DEPOSIT I WSUWQNCE C 0 R P 0 R « f l 0 W everything. Planted with great hopes -----------o---------- ■ in the soft mellow earth of garden. Waited ‘bill “ danger o f frost” had COTTRELL passed. Spent hours hoeing and pul­ The Cottrell extension unit will ling weeds that the young seedlings hold an aU day meeting at the home might thrive unhindered. Visualized of lli-s. Joa. Caldo, Thursday, Oct. boxes of gleaming tomatoes, crates 9. Mrs. Ault and Mrs. Caldo will bo of cabbage, quantities o f golden car­ project leader*