Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, July 04, 1941, Image 1

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    C lackamas C ounty - N ews
FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941
Buckaroo On
This Week
u n i t e d s e r v ic e
„ 1.
Thirty Mea are
forest Guards
Are Named
Called to Army
County Judge E. L. Pope has nam-
d C. M. Sparks and L. D. Meade as
chairmen o f a committee to receive
ANNUAL WESTERN SHOW AT] donations o f funds fo r the work of MEN WHO W ILL GUARD THE MT,
MOLALLA IS BIGGER AND BET- the United Service orgnaizations in
.he Estacada community.
Donations may be made at the o f­
fice o f the Clackamas County New%
The Mt. Hood national forest at
The biggest roundup ever staged or at the C. M. Sparks hardware
this time is holding its annual guard
at Molalla is taking place this week
training camp at Bear Springs.
This is what the USO w ill do.:
in Estacada’s neighboring city. Re
F’orest guards attending this camp
Operate more than 360 service
cord crowds are expected today, July clubs in various parts o f the coun- are in excess o f one hundred and are
4th, and it is expected that atten­ ry and in the overseas bases which being taught fire prevention, fire de­
dance records will be broken during «vill piovide a friendly place fo r sol­ tection, fire suppression, ,law enforce
A ll o f
the remaining days, July 5 and 6. diers and sailors when they go to ment and public contacts.
these men will occupy their various
Nationally known cowboys ar.
Each clubhouse will be staffed by stations by or about July 1.
competing in the events including
F’ orest guards fo r the Clackamas
capable trained people who will do
Clay Carr, 1940 champion R. A. A. -•verything they can to make things river district will be located as fo l­
calf roper, Lee Perkins, bulldogger pleasant fo r members o f the uniform­ lows:
and roper o f
many others.
Phoenix, ,Ariz., anc' ed forces on leave and to provide un­
derstanding help when asked for.
George Sky Eagle and Blue Wing
Cherokee Indians from
and Frank and Bernice Dean o f Li
vermore, Calif., both expert trick rid
ing and roping teams are featured.
Sky Eagle also is a bow and arrow
marksman and will demonstrate ar
The clubhouses w iil be a place to
meet, to talk, to loaf, to read, to re­
lax and comfortable, homelike sur­
roundings. I t w ill provide thhe little
conveniencess so important fo r any­
one in a strange town. A place to
wash your hands, take a shower, check
your things or get a bite to eat with­
out getting stung fo r it. I t w ill be
.he hub o f social events fo r soldiers
and sailors in towm, fo r dances, en­
tertainment, sings, games, meetings
o f various kinds.
The United States government will
provide the buildings but the USO
turn to you and your fellow citizen»
everywhere fo r aid in operating the
The cowpokes are coming fo r th
$2650 in prize money and events o.
the afternoon programs include bronc
riding, hulldogging, calf roping, bul
riding, bareback riding, .wild cow
cowgirl, roman and relay racing
trick roping and l iding and othe ‘
Estacada’s own riding club, Riders
E very section o f Clackamas county
o f the Cascades, are billed to tako in donating funds liberally to this
part in the western drill competition cause and it is certain that the people
of the Estacada community w ill get
on Sunday, July GWi.
behind this United Service program
with their characteristic whole-heart­
The 1940 royal matrons and pat«
rons and trailers o f Portland were
delightfully entertained at a picnic
at the beautiful summer home o f
Mr. and Mrs. Dunford in thhe Gar­
field district last Sunday. Thirty-twe
people were present to enjoy the
hospitality o f the Dunfords and all
present report a marvelous time. The
Dunfords have one o f the prettiest
summer homes in this section and
have made extensive improvements
on their property during the past
The follow ing men have been se-
‘ected by the Clackamas County
tra ft board at Estacada fo r induc-
ion into the United States army on
Monday, July 7th. They are to re­
port to the selective service head­
quarters in Estacada at 6:45 a.m. on
-hat day.
Jack Harold Elle, Bonneville,,
H erbert Norris Urmson, Milwauki
Claude Joseph Johnson, Mdwaukie.
Richard M. Lang, Sandy,,
William John Peters, Molalla.
John Loren Hoyt, Lebanon.
Gordon Christopher Lauzon, Cher-
. yville.
Irvin Dawson Prather, Woodburn.
Donald Fancis Haston, Moalla.
Stanley Janies Koos, .Molalla.
Arnold Edward Fuerstenau, Bor»
R oger Joseph Cipolla, ,Milwaukee.
Arnold Mike Heiman, Boring.
Maurice Melvin Byrd, Portland.
Sherman Chandler Harris, Sandy)
Howard Laurie Kasch, Clackamas.
Clifton Earl Sexsmith Jr., Milwau-
Clarence Alvin Hinkle, Oregon City
Clarence Carl H oeft,, Stanfield,
W illiam Ilieb, Portland.
Einar Thorlief Spor, Portland
Kay Lyle Carothers, Canby.
Donald Fred Schacht, Portland.
Leo Aloysius Gulden, Milwaukie.
Richard Donald Otis, Boring.
W alter Francis Robinson, Boring.
Arthur Floyd Zinzer, Milwaukie.
Robert V irgil Richardson, Molalla.
F’ rank Wayne Kozlowski, Canby.
Arthur Carl Wagner, Canby.
Ralph Chaney, Hawk Mt.
Jack Shumate, Lowe Mt.
Pete Maliytes, Bull o f the Woods.
Norman M ayfield, Thunder Mt.
Frank White, Fish Creek Mt.
Robt. Hunter, ,Bagby Hot Springs.
Jas, Merritt, Oak Grove Butte.
Rex Orser, Oak Grove,, Ranger Sta.
Weldon Hibbard, same.
Henry Williams, same.
Dan Jones, Jr. South Fork Mt.
Geo. Ruhl, Fanton Guaid Stat.
Ray Hale, North Fork Guard Stat.
Don Hale, Bedford Pt. Lookout.
Leslie Kiggins, Squaw Mt.
Forman Wornack, Oak Grove Ran-
ger Stat.
Louis House, Hillickburn.
Gus Peterson, Oak Grove Ranger
Joyce Pedersen, ,same.
Arden W right, ,same.
People going into the district are
urged to contact some o f the above
men to obtain their camp fire per­
mits and obtain knowledge o f the
Local residents having available
telephone communication and who
are in a position to cooperate with ESTACADA MERCHANTS
the forest service on fires are asked WIN TWO GAMES
to submit their names to the Oak
The Estacada Merchants defeated
Grove ranger station.
the Sandy Sluggers last Sunday a f­
ternoon on the local diamond in a
double header. The first game re­
sulted in a 15 to 4 score and the se­
— T* —■
cond 3 to 0 with the Estacada lads
John Barton King who was arrest­ each time on the long end o f the
ed by Sergt. Meads on the Squaw score. Sven Rasmussen was on the
Mountain road last Sunday on a mound in the first game fo r the
charge o f driving while under the Estacada Merchants and “ Iron Mon
influence o f intoxicating liquor plead M etcalf in the second game. Lynn
ed guilty when tried before Judge Sorenson was on the receiving end.
C. O. Troupe in Estacada justice
The Estacada Merchants will play
court this week. Judge Troupe fined Beavercreek next Sunday at Beavei-
King $100 and costs and gave him a creek at 2 p.m.
30 day jail sentence to be suspended
--------- o---------
upon payment o f the fine. The Judge MRS LENA BARR IS NEW
also revoked Kings operator” s license UNION HIGH CLERK
fo r a period o f one year.
Mrs. Lena Barr has been appointed
as clerk o f the Estacada union high
school district No. 6 to succeed Fred
W. Bates.
Lloyd Nolan as Mike Shane fast
talking, two fisted detective solves
his most b afflin g case in ‘“ Sleepers
West” the first picture o f the double
bill at the Esta theatre this Friday
and Saturday, July 4 and 5. A tram
load o f trouble confronts fiction’s
famous wise-ciacking private detec­
tive when he hops aboard the crash«
bound Comanche Limited. In the se­
cond feature on this program a pleas­
ing combination o f action, romance,
adventure and thrills is dished up in
“ Girl from Havana.” The gay cos­
tumes, fie ry rhumba tunes and sing­
ing make this picture ace high in
the enteitainment field. Stars arc
Dennis O’K eefe, Victor Jory and
Estacada and vicinity is actively
Claire Carleton.
participating in Governor Sprague’s
“ The Great American Broadcast’’
Keep Oregon Green as are other cit­
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July
ies thruout the state.
6, 7 and 8 the Esta presents Alice
Oregonians seem determined to
Faye, Jack Oakie, John Payne an<
Harold Wunsch o f the “ Windy
make the slogan “ Keep Oregon
Cesar Romero in ‘“ The Great Am eri­ City” was a visitoi in Estacada the
Green” more than a slogan. They are
can B ioadcast”
Against a back­
early part o f the week. He is a fo r­
translating it into terms o f action, ac­
ground o f tuneful melodies this pic­ mer pal o f Estacada” s chamber of
cording to reports reaching the o ffic e
ture unfolds the gay, fascinating commerce president Dick Sponhauer
o f the state forester from every part
story o f the courageous talented pec
and was a member o f the CCC base
o f Oregon.
pie who first filled the air waves will ball team here in 193T>.
“ Enrollment o f members in thq song and laughter. Styled as the fin ­
K eep Oregon Green association is est musical o f them all the produc­
progressing very satisfactorily Re­ tion is filled with new song hits
ports Dean Johnson chairman o f the Program concludes with sportlight
association which is a non-profit or­ scenic and news.
ganization set up by a committee ap-
“ No, No, Nannette”
pointed by Governor Sprague to lead
On bargain nights, Wednesday and
the fight to keep forest fires out of
Thursday,, July 9 and 10 Ann Nea-
the state this year.
gle, R,oland Young, Billy Gilbert,
“ Citizens unanimously agree that
Victor Moore, Zazu Pitts and Tamara
it is little short o f criminal that 600
are starred in the happiest show on
forest fires should have been started
the screen, “ No, No, .Nanette.
Ba: -
in Oregon last year by careless smo­
ed on the Broadway hit o f the same
kers. They are aroused to the vital
name but streamlined to strike a
need fo r demanding enforcement of
swifter pace and a mo: e modern at­
the forest laws and educating every
mosphere the story deals with a gir! «
citizen to realize his or her respon­
dual romance while she is endeavor­
sibility in checking the damage and
ing to pull her millionaire uncle out
waste caused every year by man­
o f a jam. In addition the feature
made preventable fires.”
“ Information Please” and sports ar*
Everyone interested in the cause
is being invited this week to enroll
--------- o---------
in the Keep Oregon Green associa­
Mrs. J. C. Kiggins am.
tion. Annual dues are 25 cents and
entitle the member to an attractive daughter Dorothy and Bob Shibley
enamded mefc'l pin. A il proceeds from returned from a trip to California
this weeks membership enrollment last Wednesday bringing Leslie R ig ­
will be used fo r educational and pub­ gins who has been making a goo
showing fo r himself at the Polvtch-
licity purposes.
nic college o f engineering at Oakland
Keep Oregon Green enrollment
With Leslie aboaid they visited man*
station in Portland is located at 712
interesting place in the golden -ta'..'
P oiter building.
and at San Francisco saw Hugh
Contributions may also be mad« Hughes and had a short talk with
•t the Clackamas County News O f­
fice, Estacada headquarters.
The first marriage ceremony in the
new Seventh-day Adventist church in
Estacada was read by Elder H. D.
Strever June 21 at 8 p.m., when Miss
Violet May Greenman daughter ol
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Greenman was
united in m an-age with Roy Leonard
Henricksen son o f Mr. and Mrs. N.
G. Henricksen.
Helen Mae Botkin accompanied by
Irvin g Botkin at the piano sang “ A t
Dawning,,” and “ I Love You Tru ly”
Preceding the ceremony Mrs. Chas.
Benson played the wedding march
from Lohengrin.
The bride wore a white satin wed­
ding gown with short train and full
length tulle veil and carried a bou­
quet o f white lillies with streamers.
Miss V iolet Benson maid o f honor,
wore a pink ta ffe ta form al and car,
lied a houqet.
Vernon Botkin was best man and
and James Greenman and Ralph Ben­
son served as ushers.
Immediately follow ing the cere­
mony a reception was held at the
home o f the bride’s parents in Gar­
field. Viola Hendricksen sister o f
the groom served the wedding cake
She was assisted by May Tompkins
V iolet Benson, Helen Botkin ant
Doris Greenman.
The young coupfe will live in Gar­
During July all fresh vegetables
available on local markets can be
purchased with blue stamps by fam­
ilies taking part in the federal food
stamp plan according to announce­
ment made today by Mr. Belangie,
area supervisor o f the surplus mar­
keting administration.
M oie than 60,000 public assistance
families will participate in the plan
and by placing all fresh vegetables
on the blue stamp list it is expected
that considerable increase in the con­
sumption o f seasonal local surpluses
o f perishable truck crops w ill re­
In addition to all fresh vegetabes
which includes all varieties o f pota­
toes, other commodities available to
blue stamp users during July are:
Shell eggs, fresh oranges, fresh
peaches, pork lard, pork meats (e x ­
cept cooked, or packed in glass or
metal containers,) ciorn meal, ho­
miny, (corn) grits, d iy edible beans,
prunes, wheat flour, and w h oli
wheat (graham ) flour and raisins.
Families taking part in the food
stamp plan use blue stamps to secure
any o f the above commodities from
their certified neighborhood markets.
Orange food stamps which partici­
pants purchase thru their w elfare
agency are exchangeable at local cer­
tified markets fo r any and all foods
fo r human consumption.
With each dollar’s’ worth o f or­
ange stamps purchased thhe partici­
pant receives free a certain amount
o f blue stamps which are restricted
Joe Rickey Jr., son o f Mr. and Mrs. to purchasing the above commodi­
J. C. Rickey o f Estacada has been ties only.
promoted to the rank o f sergeant.
Neither type o f stamp can be used
He is stationed at McChord Field.
to piocure beer, wine, liquor, to­
bacco or household items.
The Gresham Bakery this week an­
nounces “ Enriched Bread.”
bread contains the extra vitamin B 1
also the pellegra-preventative vita­
min (nicotinic acid) and iron in the
;ame amounts supplied by bread
made with the average «-bole wheat
flour. Gresham Bakery “ Enriched
bread” confoims to the requirement,
proposed by the Committee on food
and nutrition o f National Research
council for “ Enriched Bread.” Now
you are offered a delicious white
loaf and can also enjoy the benefits
o f these extra vitamins and iron.
Order G esham Bakery ‘'Enriched
Bread” from our salesman when he
calls at your home or from our ba­
ker.' in Gresham. Gresham Bakery.
— Adv.
F O R E S T :'* ’
Ù , *”1“ — -j. 7 !
Styled as the greatest musical show
o f them all “ The Great American
Broadcast” comes to the Esta thca
tre this Sunday, Monday and Tues­
day July 6, 7 and 8 starring Alice
Faye, Jack Oakie, John Payne and
Cesar Romero.— Adv.
N U M B E R 42
Della W. Shriner
Called by Death
Della W ills Shriner, last o f one
o f Portland’s oldest pioneer fam ilies,
died June 18th, 1941 in Los Angele3,
Calif. She was the last o f the Jacob
W ill fam ily who crossed the plains
and settled in the west, taking up a
donation land claim what later be­
came part o f Portland, Ore., a part
where the Reed college now stands.
She was married to I. N. L. Shriner
November 4, 1880, and had he lived
a fe w months longer they would have
been married 50 years. They lived
at a place known as Willsburg for
many years, then moved to Pleasant
Home,, Oregon. In 1922 they moved
to Ashland, Oregon, where Mr. Shrin­
er died 8 months later. She then re­
turned to Pleasant Home and vicin­
ity where she lived until 3 years ago
when she went to Los Angeles.
She was buried in Ashland, Oregon
beside her husband and leaves fiv e
children W alter Shriner o f Estacada,
Etta Bankus o f San Francisco, Wil-
lena Fredeen o f Los Angeles, Ray
Shriner o f PeEll, Wash., and Lloyd
Shriner o f Oswego, Ore. Also ten
grandchildren and three great grand
children to mourn her loss.
W e o f the Estacada community
knew her as Grandma Shriner, when
she lived with her son W alter and
fam ily in the G arfield district fo r
several years.
John David Roper
is First Registrant
The first new 21-year old to reg­
ister fo r selective service at Clack,
amas county d raft board No. 2 o f
Estacada was John David Roper o f
The young man arrived at head­
quarters in the Masonic building at
7:15 a.m. Tuesday, the day set by
law fo r all young men who became
21 years o f age since last October
16 to sign up and was duly regis­
tered by Mrs. Frank Shelton and
Mrs. F. E. Dooley clerks.
Registration hours were from 7
a.m. to 9 p.m.. The new enrolees will
not receive order numbers fo r at
least a week or ten days according to
draft board authorities.
No date has been set so fa r for
the national lottery on the last reg­
A ll men who are over 28 years of
age as o f June 30 have been placed
on the deferred list according to an­
nouncement this week.
Clackamas county d raft board No.
2 at Estacada believes they have the
smallest registrant fo r the d ra ft in
the United States. He is Clarence
Howerton better known as “ M ajor
Mike” o f circus fame. The “ M ajor”
is 3 fe et 6 inches tall and weighs
52 pounds.
The draft board at Waupaca, W in
on hearing about the smallest regis­
trant being listed at Estacada wrote
the local draft board as follows:
“ Our hat is o f f to you. However
we have C lifford Thompson whi
weighs 380 pounds is 96 inches tall
and wears a size 16 shoe.”
“ In This, Our L ife ,” Ellen Glasgow
The scene in this book is laid in
the Tidewater country o f Virginia
just before the outbreak o f the war
in Europe. The characters are true
and the story is intensely dramatic.
“ They Came to a River” Alice Me
This is a story o f our own Ore-
gon that we shall all be anxious to
read. Miss McKay has a rare story­
telling ability and is gifted with an
unusual understanding o f people.
“ Mutiny on the Bounty” N ordh off
and Hall.
Another book by these authors that
will stand the test o f time.