Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, June 27, 1941, Image 8

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" FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1941
- it
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bartholomew,
and grandson o f White Salmon, were
Rev. John E. Nelson died at hi,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Osborne and
Fred over the week end and on Sun­ home m Oregon City last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne and
day they all went to Oak Grove and Funeral set vices were held in Ore
daughter left last Thursday for a
had dinner with Mr. and Mis. C. C. gon City and b.urial in thhe Elwood
nine days vacation trip. They will vi­
sit Klamath Falls, the Oregon Caves
cemetery. Mr. Nelson lived in our
over into California and other place;
community for many years and will
There are 90 boys enjoying their
be missed by all who knew him.
Mrs. F. A. Darrow has been enter­ vacation at Hillock/b.urn this week.
Mrs. Mildred Rhodes O’Neel was
Mr. and Mrs, Kerman Weeg and
an Estacada visitor a few days ago. taining her six year old grandson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson are son Tommy of Tacoma, Wash.,, spent
Bobby Rasmussen of Portland for
Frank Wells not Frank Wills has several days. Her son Lyle Darrow taking their annual vacation and vis­ the week end at the Westlund home
Mr. and Mis. Frank Hunt o f Bre­
moved into the Thornton house.
also visited home folks over the week iting relatives and friends in several
ta lc n states and plan to be gone merton, Wush., were week end guests
Deep Creek Dairy .— Morning de­ end.
at the Jagmin home, Mr. Hunt is
about two weeks.
livery o f cream and milk. Call Carl
Mis, Walter Lemon returned horn#
employed in the navy yards.
Mona Leta Hayden went to Port­
Rehberg, Tel. 86.61.
from a two weeks visit with her dau­
Mr. and Mrs. rtue-en Westlund anc'
land last Saturday to visit her mo­ children Janet and Norma attended
There has been a new driver on ghter Mary at Lakeview Tuesday ev­ ther for a week.
a picnic at Pa's Acres in Canby on
Orchard Ridge dairy track this week ening.
Miss Ruth Judd home for her sum­
Mrs. Mae Reed left Estacada last
Mrs. Floyd Bradley was rushed to
mer vacation from Oregon state tak­ Thursday for East Lansing, Mich.,, Vernonia to spend the week end with
the hospital Thursday night. She is
ing the reins from her dad.
where she will visit her daughter
reported much improved at this writ­
Mrs. H. A. LaBarre delightfully Florence June and family for six or
ing. .
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Markvay of
entertained u number o f friends at
Strawberry season is almost ovet
luncheon Tuesday at her home in Es­
Orchard Ridf® Dairy. Refrigerator Florence, S. D. were guests o f their There was a goou ciop this year but
tacada lake park.
cooling system, good cold milk, but- uld frienda Mr- and U r a ‘ Chris Wyers the rain destroyed much o f it.
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Brice
Bob Storey o f Eagle Creek under, ler and cream the whole year round
Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Goo­
went two operations the past week
ber were dinner guests at the Jag­
at the Portland sanitarium. Report?
Mrs. Amos Hills went to Eugenq '^ riemls in Estacada this week.
min home Sunday.
indicate that Mr. Storey is recover­ last Saturday to visit relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Linn and friends j
ing us satisfactorily as could be ex, to attend a family reunion Saturday
rom Portland came to Estacada last U. S. CRUISER HAS
night, returning Monday.
Sunday and accompanied by Mr. and PAIR OF MASCOTS
--- O——
Mrs. W. E. Linn all went to Roaring
The Methodist conference in Port­
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hayman had q
Meet Acey-Deucy.
land last week closed Sunday night. family reunion over the week enq River where thvy enjoyed a picniv
Or better meet Acey and Deucy.
Rev. Joseph Pope was again permit­ which included their daughter Mrs. dinner.
But don’t expect u game.
ted to be pastor at Estacada an j Truman Hostetter and husband from
Mr and Mrs. J. E. Shibley attend­
And don’t expect to be able to tell
Viola which seems to give general Madras and their son and wife from
ed a picnic at one o f the parks in them apart. Even the officers and
satisfaction. Rev. Pope has been the
Portland last Sunday.
men of the U. S. S. Charleston whose
pastor o f the Methodist church here
mascots they are can’t do that.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith left
for the past two years and the con
Mrs Harry Poole o f Thiee Links
Acey and Deucy are a couple of
• gregation is pleased to have him and Estacada Wednesday for Los Ange­ is reported on the sick list again this
Malemuto-Husky pups acquired from
les where Mr. Smith will attend th,* week.
his estimable wife back again.
“ Klondike Kate” a famous Alaskan
U.S.C. during the summer term.
Dr. and Mrs. Mack Dale and sons
Ray Rickey is in British Columbia character.
Three months ago you
O. E. Smith is making improve­ this week as the guest of the Orcy could tell them apart only by a small
o f Redmond were week end guests
at the home of the doctors sister Mrs. ments on the interior o f his residence goniar,. He is one o f the several hun­ black stripe on Deucy’s nose. Today
doing the work himself.
O. E. Smith.
dred boys and girls who are carrier^ they cavort around on deck like o
for that paper winning the trip by couple o f young perchoions dressed
getting subscriptions. They travelled in cotton wool the color o f rich
on ar. ocean liner from Seattle tc cream and they’re as much alike as
Vancouver B. C. and before return­ a couple of sister-class cruisers.
ing will visit different scenic spots
Acey always seems a little foi-
o f the Canadian west. This is thi ward. Not long ago he started howl,
third trip Ray has won from the Ore­ ing while the Captain was talking tq
the officers and crew assembled on
the after-deck. That rated him a call
Carl and Barbara Perry childrer
before the mast and the ship’s re­
Our plant is equipped with the most up-to-date
o f Bill Perry foim er residents of Es-
port for a few days.
tacada called on their aunt Mrs. Rose
Deucy’s different though. He’s not
machinery enabling us to give your prompt, reliable
Perry the first o f the week.
quite so husky having suffered a bro­
service on all cleaning and grinding. Reasonable
Mrs. Harry Woods and daughter of ken leg not long ago. The ship’s doc­
Salem were at the Purcell parental tor X-rayed it, set the bone and pla­
ced “ Deucy, apprentice seaman” on
home the first o f the week.
the ship’s binnacle list.
The Clyde Schock home is bein',
But befone the bone had knit com,
We buy Crimson Clover and pay Highest Cash
redecorated and papered.
1 pletely, Deucy tried a run and a jump
Noah Tracy who has been ill lately1 from the ship to a dock and suc-
is staying at the home of his sister ceeded in landing where no sailor
Mrs. Addie Marshall in Estacada.
I ever wants to be, overboard.
I One o f the craw jumped over.
The United States navy in action Coal'd an(j pulled the pup out of the
with all its thrills are shown in the arctic harbor. Later when the ship
picture “ Here Comes the Navy” star­ lay at anchor the Captain mustered
Tel. Damascus 101 or Sunnyside 203
ring James Cagney and Pat O’ Brien the crew aft and presented the res­
Damascus, Oregon
which comes to the Esta theatre on cuer with an .appropriate medal in­
bargain nights next Wednesday am, scribed with his name and the cir­
Thursday, July 2 and 3.—Adv .
cumstances o f the rescue. The pups
John Geil and Melvin Whitrock looked on unimpiessed and stroller
who are in the army were transferred idly forward.
That, really is the way they live.
to Scotts Field in Illinois a few day:
No responsibilities except to be by
the galley when mess is ladled out.
Misses Ruth Taylor and Ruth Fields Not a worry in the world except the
o f Salem were guesis o f Misses Ann inevitable baths that come after a
for the week-end and the
and Ruth Dillon one day last week.
stroll ashore, baths which result from
the fact that the men of the Chares-
Mrs. Amy Ely has closed her stock
ton have found it’s easier to wash
of goods and the door is now closed
the dogs than the decks after Acey
to patrons. She expects to go to Ti­
and Deucy return aboard.
gard the last o f this week for a few
But that’s not all. It’s well that
days visit with her daughter Mrs
a man’ s not a full fledged sailor un­
Jack Norton.
til he’s found his sea legs. Thus with
Lloyd Yocum went to his home at the pups. It’ s already decided the*
Corvallis last Saturday to spend the when they can balance themselves oi
week end and Mrs. Yocum accom­ three legs against the roll o f the ship
in a heavy swell they’ll be rated up re
panied him back to Estacada.
“ seaman, second class*. Then they *1
Mr. and Mils. Harold Wooster ot
be real sea dogs.
Three Links w eie business visitors
in Porland Wednesday.
Bette Davis is starred at the Esta
theatre this Sunduy, Monday and
Tuesday, June 29, 30 and July 1 m
the tensely dramatic picture " ‘ The
Creat Lie” . It is truly one of thi
finest screen entertainments o f thi
year. Starring with Miss Rogers arc
George Bient and Mary Astor.—Adv.
Grain and Crimson Clover
Elliott Mercantile
iM .
The operator o f the machine at the
Wc wish to extend our heartfelt
Esta theatre has changed hands and
thanks to our friends and neighbors
a man from Sheridan is now employ­
for their many acts of sympathy and
ed. He has a family and they hav<i
kindness and for the beautiful flow­
leased the Geo. Barr house.
ers sent us at the death o f our be*
The latest report from Mrs. Eliza loved husband and father.
Mrs. A. P. Sagner and Family-,
' Tocum who is ill at the home o f her
i daughter Mrs. Jones in Portland is
that she is much improved.
No. 6544
Mrs. Geo. Howell was brot home
In the Circuit Court o f the State of
I from the Oregon City hospital on
Oregon for the County of Clack­
Saturday. She underwent a major
amas,, Probate Department.
operation and is regaining her health In the matter of the Estate o f Hugh
Fitzgerald, Deceased.
at home.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
as Executor o f the estate
We have many varieties of Dan
of Hugh Fitzgerald, deceased, has fil­
ish Pastry. A real treat for that Sun ed his final account in the Circuit
day morning breakfast. Priced at 25c Court o f the State o f Oregon for
a dozen. Order from our salesman Clackamas County, and that Monday
the 4th day of August, 1941, at the
when he calls or at our bakery.
hour o f 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon
o f said day and the court room of
said court has been appointed by said
Free Enlargement et D nidion 'i court as the time and place for the
Drug Store, Gresham, with any 6 or 8 hearing o f objections thereto and thd
exposure film finish at leasonabl settlement thereof.
. .. . .
Dated and first published Juno
price of 25 cents.— Adv.
27th, 1941.
, o-
Date o f last publication July 2o
Estacada Methodist Church
®tail a school 9:60 a.m.
Executor o f the Last Will and
Testament o f Hugh Fitzger­
worship at 11. Sermon sub*
ald, deceased.
a. l n v a Fruit o f the Spirit.”
J. S. Middleton,, Attorney.
7 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sarver vis,
W. J. Slaughter purchased a new
ied at the home of the latters sister car last week.
in Vancouver lust Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs R. O. Reed and dau­
ghter Lois and Mr. Reeds aunt Miss
Oakley their house guest, spent the
week end at Seaside visiting with
ft ¡ends.
The Shankland residence on the
Cuirinsville road has changed hands
,.nd the house is oeing reconstruct­
ed in a very elaborate manner.
Mrs. Everet Osborne’s mother Mrs.
Ficken who lives in the Viola district
had a birthday Tuesday and Mrs. Os­
borne made a beautiful cake and vi-
vited her mother to celebrate the
Miss Mary Alice Reed is in Eu­
gene taking a special course at the
Mrs. Mary Boyle and mother Mrs.
Eeker called on friends in Gresham
Monday afternoon.
E.O. WILSON, Ph. N., D. M. D.
Ex-Lieut. D. R. C., U. S. Army
Drs. Wilson, Hasgsmi and
Postal Bldg. S.E. Cor. 3 and Wash.
Portland, Oregon
For Appointment Tel At. 3403
Every Sunday Afternoon
and Night
Music by Silver Streak Orchestra
of Portland
Bakery Special
Apple Sauce Cake 30c& 50 c
You delight in its appealing flavor
and we’re not fooling. Iced with 7-
minute frosting.
Danish Pastry
dozen 25c
Many varieties to choose from for
that Sunday breakfast.
MAPLEBARS — They must be good as we nev­
er have enough to meet the demand.
sham Bakery offers a complete line in buns, coneysj
bread and a large variety of cookies.
Please place your orders in advance for special
Remember, BA LAN CE D BUN BREAD is sold
by our salesman who calls at your home and at our
Gresham Ifakery
North Main Avenue,
Tel Gresham 288
Gresham, Ore.
Fourth of July Specials
Special Prices from FRIDAY, JUNE 27 to THURS­
H A Y SA LT, 50-pounds .......................................... 5 5 *
H ALF GROUND SA L T , 50-pounds.................. 5 0 *
KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR , 49-lbs................ $1.49
$ 1 .49
MILL R UN, 80-lb. sack ..................................... $ 1 .1 0
SH ORTS, 80-lb. sack .......................................... $1.25
MIDDLINGS, 90-lb. sack ................................ $ 1 .4 9
FISHER’S “ ‘W IN D M ILL’’ FLO U R , 49-lbs.
1 pkg. Triangle
1 pkg. Triangle
Pancake F lo u r................. 15*
Rolled O a t s ...................... 15*
Total Value
K1X, package .......................................... ^................. 10 *
H and D SLICED PINEAPPLE, c a n ................. 2 0 *
CRISCO, SN O W D R F IT or SPRY, 3-lb. can
8 *
All Prices subject to a 3% discount for cash
Morgan Feed & Grocery
Telephone Estacada 48-1