CLACKAM AS COUNTY NEW» Reviews Real Estate Situation A. Meyers of the Meyers Service agency, for 35 years a real estate broker in Gresham says that easte.n G C O D /Ï E A i TIRE SALE ! GET OUR TRADE-IN DEAL ON THE * GREAT FIRST-LINE “ G-3” ALL-WEATHER (Illustrated above) Come in NOW and get our big allowance < n the new, improved "G-3" All-Weather. It gives you 19 feet ol road-hugging safety grip in every foot of its world-famous diamond block tread. , BE SAFE' ACT NOW1 U > < (ft T Û z SALE Popular ALL-AMERICAN < s o EtWS ¿66 $ H ■ Size 6.00-16 a CO 4.40-21 4.75-19 5.25- 5.25- or 4.50-21 $P-t0 or 5.00-19 Ò.J.5 18 or 5.50-18 6.10 17 or 5.50-17 6.15 Caift pKcts with your old tiro Goodyear materials! Ul > Goodyear workmanship! j« Buy NOW—and SAVE! trt Û Famous MARATHON Z < S o z t > A great Goodyear-made guaranteed tire now bet ­ S $ « ter th an e v e r ! Value leader in its price class. Buy NOW— and SAVE I White sidewall 5 Q 9 5 Cash pricea with your old tiro 13 00 A ll price* s u b je c t t o any increase in tax EASY-PAY TERMS AS LOW AS 50 < IV A WEEK (In clu d e s sm all ca rry in g ch a r g e ) W RITTEN LIFETIM E GUARANTEE T h ey or make fo o d W e dot Free Enlargement at Davidson' 10W COST 7.HIGH VALUE Drug Store, Gresham, with any 6 or 8 price o f 25 cents.— Adv. exposure film finish at iea3onabl- All price, .o b ject to change without notice , nd ,uh ject to any increase in ta*. E N G LISH W O M A N Bob Cooke Motor Co. from Lady Stella Reeding, Women’s Voluntary Services, London. May 11, 1941, “ 'As chairman of WVS I want to thank every member o f your Chapter for the wonderful contributions you have sent to us, and for the help this ha3 been to everyone who has suffered. The g if's received have made it possible to s.-ist people who have lost everythin.- in the bombing of their homes; people who have not only lost their poressions but often members of their family as well. Mobile canteens given by you feed those who have been bombed. War nurseries which take the small chil­ dren suffering from enemy action have been started because your Jun­ ior branches have sent us donations, clothing you made, is being issued to persons as they emerge from the hor­ rors o f being bombed. I wonder if you realize how much the fact that each individual member o f you has shown sacrifices and un­ derstanding in your gift has helped to strengthen the courage and deter- ! mination of the recipients o f what you have sent. | Every man, woman and child in this country is playing a definite part in the battle which is now raging and it is because o f your help and | sympathy that battle is less bitter, suffering is less severe, strain is less acute. It is for this reason that as chair­ man of W VS acting for the Ameri­ can Red Cross in matters ofeivilian relief in this country I thank you both on behalf o f those who benefit by your generosity and o f our mem­ bers who have the joy o f handling your gifts. Stella Reeding. EXTEND S THANKS Hundreds o f Oackamas county I women have contributed hundreds of hours and completed many hundr <1- o f garments and knitted articles for women and children to wear in war torn Europe. The Clackamas County- Chapter o f the American Red O os« has just received the following letter tions the past week. Carl was pro­ moted to first class private with spe­ cial rating, having enlisted May 15 News of several weeks A community picnic w ill bo held at in the independent military area with Eagle Fern park Sunday, June 29. headquarters at the courthouse in Everyone is cordially invited to come. Portland and Richard Mudrow waS Bring your lunch, the coffee and promoted to sergeant having enlisted cream will be furnished. January 6 and is the enlistment clerk The electric light line is slowly- nearing completion. Poles have been in the Portland recruiting office. DOVER set and houses wired in our district. The berry season is rapidly draw­ Stringing o f the lines is to begin in ing to close. Though it has been a the Sandy Ridge district some time rainy season making picking some­ this week. what unpleasant it lias been a good Miss Jeanne Bews returned home season and a big harvest was report­ to spend her summer vacation. She ed a:.,ong the Dover growers. attended school at Salem and expects The Kruse boys were coyote hunts to return there in the fall. in with their hounds Sunday. Mrs. George Hicks who has been visiting her father Alex Bews, and Clackamas county farmers inter­ brother W. E. Bews and family re­ ested in growing this crop are in­ turned to her home recently. vited to attend a sugar beet seed Robert Craft received a certificate tour arranged by the Oregon exten­ o f award from V. D. Butler for out­ sion service and slated for Tuesday» standing work in chemistry at Sandy July 11. Tourists will meet at Jeffer­ union high school. Robert will be a son at 9:30 in the morning. The first stop will be made on the Harnish senior at Sandy next fall. farm five and one-half miles south Miss Mae Sturmer of Beatrice, of Jefferson. Additional stops will be Neb., who has been spending a week made at the Harnish experimental with her sister Mrs Ted Mudrow and area four miles southwest of Jeffer­ family left Tuesday for Los Angeles son, the Helms farm two miles north where she will attend the summer west o f Jefferson and the G W. Potts session o f the University o f Southern faim eight miles northwest of Jeffer­ California. son. Carol Jones o f Portland is visit­ ing at the John Schmalz home. We have many varieties o f Dan­ Ennis Entwistle who has under­ ish Pastry. A real treat for that Sun­ gone a major operation at Oregon City is reported as doing well. Mrs. day morning breakfast. Priced at 25c Entwistle is the former Ruth Craft. a dozen. Order from our salesman Carl Krieger and Richard Mudrow when he calls or at our bakery.— two local boys received army promo­ Adv. BARTON The Highest Hal Gibson has been confined to his bed for several days with a pain­ ful stomach disorder. Earl O’ Dell was elected director o f the Barton school and Hazel Tuck ed reelected clerk at the annual school election. The Good Will club will meet with Mrs. Haziel Wooster this week at their new home at Oak Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fait and son Hollis o f Blackrock, Idaho were visi­ tors this week of Mrs. Fait’s sister Mrs. Harry Hickmund. Mr. Fait is supervisor o f the Idaho state hospi­ tal. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pilet and Mr. and M:s. Robert Gibbs o f Portland called on Mr. and Mrs. Hal Gibson Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Louis Rivers had the pleasure of having all their children home o f the week end with two sons in-law and Mrs. Rivers mother Mrs, Kate Alley o f Pullman, Wash. Mrs. Grace Still and Mrs. Eva Mil- sap visited at Newberg Tuesday. Earl O’ Dell and family spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Olds at Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wallace had as Sunday guests their son Ernest from Fort Lewis, Wash., who expects soon to be removed from that fort,, Blue Lake Park.— Recreational ac. and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wallace o7 tivities are offered individuals of Beaverton and Mr. and Mrs. Geralc' all ages at Blue Lake paik this sum­ Wallace o f Linton. mer commented Manager N.B “ Nick” Mrs. Leslie Wallace delightfully Welsh yesterday as he pointed to a entertained with a shower for Mrs. group o f picnickers playing a lively Frank Whitehead Last Wednesday. game o f softball on one of the many The honor guest received many love, diamonds for tilts purposes at the ly gifts. The rooms were decorated park. with many beautiful flowers and a For those not in the mood for delicious two course luncheon was watching of playing softball or base­ served. Guests were Mrs. Adolph ball Manager Welsh pointed to the Still, Mrs. Earl O’Dell, Mrs. Ferrell, park pool where persons of all ages M/s. Minnie Sumpter o f Topeka, were swimming, diving or dog pad-- Kas., Mrs. Gladys Lake, Mrs. Bert dling according to their age and ex- Mi.lsap, Mrs. Harry Hickmund, Mrs. pei ience. Perched on the lookout Mabel Slaughter, Mrs. Ross Wallace, towers were a staff o f life guards Mrs. C. Whitehead, Mrs. Willard Wal­ under the supervision of head guard lace, Mrs. Sam Whitehead of Milwau- Roland Kelley, life saving and first kic and the Misses Maigaret and Ka, aid instructor. therine White o f Estacada. Special attention is called by Man. j Mesdames A. H. Still,, Earl O’Dell, ager Welsh to the fact that dancing ( and Chas. Horger spent Monday af­ to the music of Clyde Brannan and | ternoon with Mrs. Gus Burnett an l his seven piece orchestra is scheduled I with other friends helped her cele- every Saturday and Sunday nights ’ >te her birthday. starting at 9 o’ clock on Saturday and So’clock on Sund vy. Rug cutting addicts have been delighted this sea­ son by original arrangements of mo* dem melodies piesented by Branna and his music makers. Blue Lake is Popular Place SIZE > Multnomah ami Clackamas counties » ‘ 8 the lurgest crop of ber ries that has been known ami while there has been reported a shoitage o f pickers the owners of fields who have provided good accomodations and entertainment for the pickers have had no difficulty in obtaining all the help required. He further states that notwithstanding the rise in com. modity prices and the effort put forth by some to boom the price of real estate especially where rentals have had a sharp advance, unimpaov- ed lands, farm lands, berry ranches and country homes sites may still be had at very conservative prices. It is true many are unrestful and look ing aiound for a change but that is not unnatural in times o f advancing commodity prices and rentals and not good reasons for booming prices of either production or unproductive farm lands. The price o f farm lands must be based on the pi of its there­ from over a long period o f yean* The intelligent buyer of farm lands is not influenced by any sudden ad­ vance in commodity prices. However the stability or instability o f other investments may cause people to buy or refrain from buying real estate long considered one of the safest investments to he had. Right now many people are buying homes and farm lands as well as taking into con­ sideration the unsteadiness o f the whole world and are buying for all cash and o f course thereby obtain more favorable prices which in turn tends to make real investments more stable. This agency has in the past ninety day sold and closed or has now ii? process of clpsing eif&t dbffeiYsnt tracts of which six were all cash transactions. They were as follows: 78 acres o f unimproved land for the Continental Illinois National Bank of Chicago, co-executives o f the estate o f William B. Staiy. IV t acres with house on Powell Boulevard, Gresham for J. R. Green of Charleston, Ore. 1 lot and house in Maplewood,, Ore» gon for Howard L. Oliver. 4 acres with buildings for Verne Richey of Tule Lake, California. 12 acres at Haley for Jermie M. Raghm. 6',i acres on Powell Boulevard for Win- nifred Kronenberg o f Oakland, Cal­ if. 1 acre and buildings at West Ruby Jet. for P. F. Mulvaney estate. 80 acres o f timber land for Paul Hoet zel o f San Francisco, Calif. Paul Hoetzel will be remembered by many in this community as »»Tier and op­ erator o f the Gresham Bakery in Gresham a number of years ago. F R ID A Y , JUNE 27, 1941 endorsement of our services is that our clients recommend us to their friends. CARROLL FUNERAL HOME D AY AND NIGHT SERVICE GRESHAM. OREGON P h on e 247 HIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii I It’s A g a in T im e | for the I Molalla Buckeroo ! Western Oregon’s largest and most outstanding round-up promises to be one of the largest yet held, with an all-star list of competitors already signed for the event. BRONC RIDING BULLDOGGING CALF P ^ ’ ST'