Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, June 27, 1941, Image 3

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tion a success. Buy where you get
“ the most o f the best for the least.’
Hepp” s Racket Store, 218 Main Ave.
Jessie Alt o f Cherryville and \V. E, North, Giesham, Ore.— Adv.
Koch o f Brijihtwood were elected t<>
fill vacancies on the Welches tcrade BORING ELECTION HELD
school hoard this week. Mrs. Walter
Sinclair succeeds Mrs. W alter Creigh­
A t the annual meeting o f the local
ton as school clerk.
The new budget o f $11,774 is al­ .-■chool district Monday night the huJ-
most $2000 under last years budget get was adopted and two ntw direc­
and it provides fo r salary raises to all tors were elected. W allace Aschot'
teachers and the principal. Mrs. Lor- was elected fo r one year in place o?
ene Smith and Mrs. Doris Guthrie John Karle, resigned and Ray Nam!
have already signed new contracts. for a term o f three years to succeed
- ..i- - «•»—■ ' i -
Arnold Moore whose term expired.
Nora Richey was reelected clerk.
Here is the place to get your sup­
Melville Richey is chairman o f the
plies far that Fourth o f July outing.
W e have paper plates, cups, napkins,
waxed paper, paper spoons, sand
Free Enlargement at Davidaon’i
pails, bathing caps, sailor and yacht
caps, cap guns, ammunition, colored Drug Store, Gresham, with any 6 or 8
glasses, eye shades, in fact everything exposure film finish at reasonabi
to help make your outing or celebra- price o f 25 cents.— Adv.
2x4, D grade, per 1000 ft.............................. $13.0C
5-8x3 Clear Dry Flooring, per 100 ft.............. $2.90
1x4 Clear Ceiling, per 100 ft........................... $2.80
1x8 Ship Lap, U grade, per 1000 ft...............
5-8x6 B and Better V rustic, K. D.
dry, per 100 ft.........................................
1x6 K. D. Siding, E grade, per 1000 ft.......... $25.00
Overhead Spring bal. Garage Door Sets....... $13.95
Cedar Shingles, per bundle ............................... 50c
40V < Discount on discontinued Paint items.
Also— Beautiful Pecan Hard wood flooring.
our prices on your requirements.
W. J. McCready
Estimates Freely Given
Mil. 2-5021
Lumber Co.
Prompt Service
Milwaukis, Oregon
LAncaster 4757
-4 .
$ Full 1.85
It is clear that Mr. Churchill’s re
cent remarks to the Commons hav<
been designed to buck up a British
JAS. BARCtAY A CO., LTD. • Detroit; Peoria
Sû Mi/C/V?
uninterrupted series o f military suc­
cesses. Furthermore aggressive oppo
. .lion to Uie Churchill leadership has
appeared within the Commons. It is
led by Hore-Belisha who was dis­
missed as war minister more than a
year ago fo r alleged inefficiency.
And while the opposition is small in
numbers it has some strong talking
points and if allowed to go unanswer­
ed might create a serious internal
problem at a time when the highest
attainable degree o f British unity is
Prime argument used against the
Churchill policy is that he takes too
many chances, or, to use a racing
term he bets on too many long shots.
The disastrous Crete a ffa ir is the
latest example o f this. In reply Mis
Churchill said that b- cannot and will
not figh t a cautious, defensive war.
He said that the enemy must be har­
ried at all times even though the cost
to the British army is heavy. And fin»
ly he said that the Crete adventure
ha.- justified itself by distracting Ger­
man attention and German military
energies from other areas.
On the other hand British sea con­
trol despite heavy losses remains un­
questioned. The Italian navy with
many o f its vessels sunk is largely
bottled up in port and seems to have
little taste fo r battle. The German
navy has often shown courage but,
at least so fa r as surface vessels are
concerned it is considerably smaller
now by comparison with the British
fleet than when the war began. And
English reports say German submar­
ine losses have lately been very
Equally important Britian seems to
have achieved a minor miracle in
iirming and fortifyin g her island
after the terrible disaster in Flan­
ders which ended with extraordinary
evacuation at Dunkirk.
The bulk
o f British equipment was le ft on the
French beaches. American reporters
tell o f British regiments marching
thru the streets o f London without
even rifles. Today Britian is literal­
ly and armed camp with the finest
o f defensive equipment, including
according to some new devices which
will give the Germans an unpleas­
ant surprise if they try invasion.
Most important o f all perhaps,
Britian has apparently gained con­
trol o f the air at home. Reliable re­
ports say the R A F has done wonders
in destroying attacking planes o f the
Lu ftw a ffe. She is receiving consid­
erable numbers o f long range multi­
engined bombers from this country
■which aie enabling her to increase
her raids over German and German-
| dominated areas.
| W orst phase from the British vieM
point remains the shipping problem.
It was recently necessaiy to impose
new and very severe food restrictions
in England,,, today British diet is
definitely inferior to German’s. War
materials get first place in the ships
and only a subsistence minimum of
other materials are brot in. It re­
mains to be seen w'hat a ffect thi.-
may have on British morale.
Mr. Churchill also said recently
that if England is no worse o f f in
six months than she is now she will
have reason fo r self-congratulation.
In other words he apparently feels
that the time o f great crisis is at
hand. The period o f fine weather is
here and the unpredictable Hitler
may have some world-shaking plan:
in mind fo r the summer months.
W e wish to express our sincere
and heartfelt thanks to friends ana
neighbors fo r their sympathy and
assistance at the death o f our beloved
husband and father and fo r the beaj-
t iful floral offerings.
Mis. Eleanor C. Day,
Kenneth Day,
Don Day,
Mrs. Roy Brown.
xmsrs Mmws 4MMitr x
/ w p a x.'m yw A ty
public which is gravely disturbed by
This is a good time to sum up Bri»
tains position after a year and a half
o f war inasmuch as our government
obviously considers the survival o f
England necessary to the safety and
defense o f this hemisphere. To. be­
gin with it is clear that the Germans
have been immensely superior on
land, England is nowhere the N azi’s
equal in equipment and it looks as
if the British high command lacks
those qualities o f thoroness, imagi­
nation and cold daring which char­
acterize H itler’s general staff. Every
battle fought on land has ended in
victory fo r Germany and routs for
the British. Even the British succes­
ses against Mussolini’s spiritless
troops in A frica were afterwards
competely offset when the German
legions moved in.
a jT M K E ll
FRIDAY, JUNE 27; 1941
••Thanks fo r the lovely dinner!*' w ill be
oft-repeated music to your ears when
you cook with a General Electric Range.
Roasts, pies, cakes, cooked in the new
"Flavor-Saver” Oven, taste different—
even look different— for they are not
dried out. Moisture and flavor are sealed-
Stews and vegetables, cooked in the
n e w D eep W e ll T h r i f t C o o k e r that
steams in 311 their goodness, are dee-Ii-
cious! Savor)-sizzling steaks get a "Char-
coalike” broil with the famous Broiler.
A n d think! N o more smoke and soot.
N o more greasy walls. N o more “ hot-
stove” discomfort. Cook the clean, cool,
fast, safe, automatic way— at a current-
cost o f only one cent per meal per person.
Ask about new lo w prices, too.
$ 139.95
I0 '
Ì Ism
M M DD2-1I
A. W. Metzger
East Powell Blvd.
& Gresham,
Friendliest Border in the World
years ago in dedicating one
of the several international
bridges between the United States
and Canada, President Roosevelt,
with prophetic insight referred to
the international boundary as “ the
’one which JOINS our two coun­
tries.” Never was that so true
as t%day when in all things except
the political, Canada and the United
States are as one.
One hundred and twenty years
ago the Rush-Bagot Treaty was
signed between Canada and the
United States. It ended forever the
possibility of strife between the two
nations which since have gone for­
ward as neighbors in an under­
standing and friendship that never
vas more knowing or stronger than
it is today. When the centennial of
the signing of that treaty was ob­
served. the school children of Brit­
ish Columbia and Washington
poured t-heir pennies and nickels
j and dimes into a common pot and
, tmiit thr f- a • A n ! vrMch
dies the line between Bellingham.
Washington and Douglas. B ftfsh
Columbia. That was propb'*'
Americans have always
honored visitors in Canada. 'J lay.
Americans have won and hold i
full affection and esteem of t *
Canadian people aad not more so
anywhere than in British Columbia,
the most westerly province of the
Instead of being re­
stricted. the border line between
Canada and the United States is
more open than ever.
On the
British Columbia side of the line
there is a mat with welcome on it
that stretches from the most east­
erly to the most westerly limit of
the province. No passports, no
visas are needed by Americans to
enter Canada. Except for restric­
tions upon photographic activities
within certain small, prescribed
military and naval area
whi h
every reasonable person will under­
stand, there ore no regulations to
prevent the visitor from goi.ig
where he wishes, doing what he
wants in Canada hut because In
these parlous days the United
States must also take precautions.
it is advisable for \
mm visitor*
to bring with them pr> of t their
citizenship, such ar a birth ertifl-
cate, naturaliza i : certifies e, tax
bill or car licen' . n <
r t » estab­
lish their ident.-ty v ith American
Immigration authorises on return­
ing home.
Although Canada is at war and
there are areas of pronounc” I mili­
tary. naval and air activity in
British Columbia, these are limited.
There are thousands upon thou­
sand- of square miles of territory
in which n > si ns of war activity
occur and when- the normal facili­
ties for the enjoyment of a vaca­
tion remain Just cs they were in
times of p°ace. There are the same ,
opportunity 3 for fishing, camping,
photographing, relaxation and the
peaceful participation in peace
time pursuits as before war broke
out. British Columbia, in war time,
oilers just as many attractions to
American tourists as in peace time
with the added advantage that
every American dollar spent In
Cam. la is more than ever in
Canadian funds and that every
American dollar goes back imme*
diately to the United States for the
purchase there of materials which
Canada Deeds for th- fight to per-1
petuate that way of life without j
which American and Canadian
ideals no longer can exist.
Try our Classified Ads. for
Small Cost