Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, June 27, 1941, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1941
County agent Inskeep advices tha
Clackamas county sheepmen consul
u locui veterinarian or veterinarian
at lli O.egen experiment station
concerning the drugs to be used to-
sheep parasite control.
Favorable concerning the use of Phen
otbia-.ine in other states has caused
the purchase o f this male: la. by Ore-
fon sheepmen with disastrous results
Clive W. Cook, county FSA supervis-
11 Beaver Bldg., Oregon City.
"Secretary of Agriculture, Claude
.{. Wickard has announced that pri­
ces o f these commodities will be sup­
ported thru department purchase on
the following levels (Chicago mar­
ket). Hogs, $9 per cwt; butter 31c
per lb; eggs 22c per doz; and chick­
ens 15c per lb. Cook said.
The husband and hog calling con - 1
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Syion en joyej
tests are very amusing allright, bu* a nice trip to Seaside and Cannon
I would like to see some o f the old Beach last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
timers stage a contest with scythe Paul Syron accompanied them.
or cradles. Points to be counted on
----------- o-----------
worx, us snea-n„s. the way the
M„ Gladyi Graham o f
cythe was handled. It could be maue1
. lt
. ,
into an interesting contest. Then th e, r,Ved the latter part o f the week and
young fellows could try their hand visited at the home o f h<?r Ktandmo-
ut binding by hand too.
I ther Mrs. M. Schock for a few days.
“ Supplies acquired by the depart­
ment will be used for lease lend food
aid to Brltlan and other countries,
The valley has been visited l.y nu Ked Cross shipments, distribution to
1941 Plymouth sedan, heater and im ero.s storms lately, storms o f gen­ needy and destitute families thru the
tle mist and storms o f several degrees state welfare agencies, free school
defroster. A clean car
of intensity. A storm that struck with lunches and release on the market in
1939 Chevrolet tudor, heater and
fadio. A clean car ................. $645 sudden violence hurled buanches from case o f unwarranted speculative price
tiers, uprooted plants, blew over bean rises. Increased home consumption ol
1938 Willys sedan, heater. All
poles tore at tree tops till they these products will also be urged to
reconditioned ............................ $40C bent under the unreal violence. Sel­ build a healthier America and streng­
1937 Packard coupe, 6 ............ $475 dom has the valley been visited with then our home defense efforts.”
such severity.
FSA famillies can support the Food
1936 Dodge sedan, radio. A -l
This almost daily washing from the for Defense” program with little
shape ...........................................$375
thick ruin from the clouds has left change in present farm plans or out­
1935 Plymouth coupe ................. $325 -his region
almost mi.aculously lay o f additional funds, explained
A ” N o one knows yet how
1931 Chevrolet sedan .............. $65 green. Splashed here and there with Cook thru added feeding for sustain
SUNSHINE H I-H O CRACKERS pkg................1 9 « 4
long »"C a terp illa r” Diesel will
aright gardens, with acres of purple ed egg production and increased milk
1931 Buick coupe, heater .............$65
last. A recent survey showed
- etch and hedgerows bright with wild ! Production, saving their best heifei
TIDE CREST OYSTERS, 2 tall c a n s ............. 2 5 < ^ j j
24 o f the first 2 5 Diesels built
1930 Oldsmobile sedan .............. $65 flowers and brake,, it forms a vision calves,
are still g o in g stron g a fte r
H-D JELL DESSERT, all flavors, pkg.................. 5<*
1929 Ford coupe ....................... $6C for the painters brush. The various
m ore than ten y ea rs’ w o rk .
shades of green alone wouid test 300 TWENTY-ONE YEAR OLDS
Some o f them have operated
3UNBRITE CLEANSER, 3 cans ...................... 1 3 « ?
-n artists ability.
more than 30,000 hours.
Added to this are several wild
1938 Ford panel delivery ........ 475
PARD DOG FOOD, 3 cans .............................. 2 5 c 4
Between 250 and 300 lads whj
hilds new to this region. The variable
1938 1HC D-2 pickup, ‘A ton
song o f the mocking bird comes from have become 21 years old since the
A -l shape .................................. $475
NAPKINS, assorted color, pkg. of 8 0 ............... 9<^
the trees by the school But it is not first registration under the national
1935 Ford 1 Vi ton flat bed truck
a mocking bird for the bird wears a selective service act will appear in
PAPER PLATES, 9-inch, d o z e n ........................... 1 U « 4 |
as is ................
$150 coat of yellowish green. Its clear Estacada next Tuesday, July 1 to be
Hessel Implement Company whistling and various smjxhes of enrolled at draft board headquarters.
MAJESTIC GOGGLES or Sun G lasses............2 5 < ^ ||
They come from the second dist
song make us wonder for never be­
M ARLIN R A ZO R BLADES, pkg. of 20 ........ 2 5 c 4
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Trucks
fore has such a bird been our neigh triet o f Clackamas county which takes !
bor. Another bird with body and in ail the east part which includes
Guaranteed by Marlin Firearms Co.
wings of black and bright yellow, Milwaukie, Aidenwald, Sandy, Bor- i
Gresham, Oregon
with a red head darts in and out of ing Colton and Molalla.
We will pay 7-cents each for com­ the big cherry tree in the back yard.
Luncheon Meats, Cheese, Olives, and Good Things ||
mon burlap sacks and more for Tri­ Another caller for a few days was
to Eat for your Picnic or Outing
angle sacks of quality. Bring them what seemed to be a white kingfishei
in. Currlnsville Merc. Co., Currins- A bird of bright blue larger than a
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maertens traded
vllle, Oregon.
common bluebird spent a day or twt their farm known as the Bulard farm
; Choicest Fresh Meats and a large selection o f the
by a small pond. But these did no to some people from Portland and
Best in Fruits and Vegetables
FOR SALE. 27 V4 acres on what Is
We will do custom sawing at reas­ known as Troxell cutoff, now Ferrel tarry. The vdhite robin did not re­ moved to their new some recently.
Ed Maeitens, his brother and mother
onable rates or will saw on sharea utoff. Enough timber to pay for it. turn this year. We miss her.
Now that the rains seem to have came here from Kansas about four
Shingles and rough lumber for sale Live spring. $460, $200 down,, ba­
at all times. Water Wheel Shingle lance terms. Good title. Inquire W. ceased we can take an inventory of years ago. The brother returned to
Co., Estacada Ore., Tel. 88-31
P. Ferrel, Eagle Creek, Ore.. Route the garden. The cabbage plants have their former home in about a year
more than doubled in size. The beans amj his mother soon went back. Some
1. Tel. 73-111.
have reached the top o f the poles and time later Ed went back and return- ^J. C. Tunnell, Mgr.
Currinsville, Ore.
SEE Harold Shelhamer for paint­ are stretching out for somthing more eCj wjth a bride.
1940 Dodge 4-door sedan
ing, papeiing, kaLomining, carpen­ to cling to. The tomato plants have j Mr, and Mrs. Earl McConnell and
1939 Chevrolet tudor sedan
try, plumbing, plaster patching and really started to grow. They stood Mrs. G, B. Linn attended the funer­
house raising. Estimates gladly gi­ still so long. Now they are really go al o f Norval Kirchem in Oregon City
D odge and Plymouth D ealer.
First class work. Eagle Creek, ing places. The corn has had a hard on Sunday. Mr. Kirchem was a cou­
Tel 207
Greehem. Ore.
race with the weeds and needs atten­ sin of Mis. McConnell.
Oregon. Tel. Estacada 22-4.
tion as soon as the ground dries out
Mr. and Mis. Ed Steinman spent
We will pay 7-cents each for com­
SAWS hammered at my shop ot a little. Potatoes, squash and cucum Sunday at the
H. Currin home.
mon burlap sacks ana more for Tri
at your mill. Robt. Jonsrud. Tel San­ bers are all ready to start out on
Word was received that Mrs. Clara
angle sacks o f quality. Bring them
new adventures. Grass and weeds by Bullard is In a convalescent home ag­
in. Currinsville Merc. Co., Currins- dy 20x2.
the way stand enviously by.— Z. H ain in Portland,
ville, Oregon.
Dependable Used Tractors,
Miss Betty Zuber accompanied Mrs.
Cross and Denver Cross from upper
FOR SALE. Road gravel and drive
30 Caterpillar all reconditioned $850
way gravel for sale at pit or deliver­
10 Caterpillar, all reconditioned $775
HEN SCR ATCH , 100 pounds...........................$ 1 . 8 0
dence one day last week-
ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co., K. 1, ,box
15 Caterpillar, all reconditioned $975
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hale are drl
10X„ Boring, Ore.
ALE. R ABBIT PELLETS, 100 lbs....................$ 1 . 8 5
1940 Model L John Deere tractor,
ving a TerraplaJne purchased last
like new .................................... $425
Clackamas county tenants, farm week.
NOW is the time to buy you a
Clectrac W, tuned up and re­
Mr. and Mrs. Pentacost entertain­
laborers and share croppers who wish
home you will need it. Look at these
painted ................................... $250
to be considered for loans to purchase
prices and terms. 7 nice 10 acre
Mrs. Henry Heiple went to Camp
family type farms under provisions
tracts between Sandy and Gresham, Tel. 229
Gresham, Ore.
of the department o f agriculture’s Eight on Friday and stayetj tmth
close to Loop highway, gravel road,
The High Quality complete Feeds for best results
tenant purchase plan should file ap­ Mrs. Poole who is ¡11.
creek and timber, $600 each, $100
plications now with the Farm secur­
down. Also want listings o f places
ity administration announces, Clive
near Gresham. Many calls. Geo. Beers
W. Cook, county FSA supervisor 11
Sandy, Oregon.
Beaver Bldg,, Oregon City.
Ernest Duus >s working at Nehifcl-
Under the tenant purchase plan !» em. Mrs. Duus and Glen spent all last*
« SALE. 8 dozen quart Masoii
7914 5. E. 82nd Avenue, Portland, Ore.
Tel. Su. 6023
* at 45c per dozen. 1 doz. Mason 1939 Pontiac 4-door sedan, heater farmers are purcliasing farms in the week with him. They had a cottag«
$675 „uniy. Two or more additional loans at Manzanita beach and visited Twin
t jars at 25c per doz. V4 mile E,
will be made durrng the 1941-42 fis­ Rock and Rockaway. Jack Duus left
rile north o f Eagle Creek grange 1938 Pontiac 4-door sedan, radio
Tel. 40-65. Mrs. Ben Blalsdell.
and heater .....
$545 cal year. Applications are being tak­ for Lebanon,, this state where the
en now to give all eligible farm fam* company he works for are digging a
1937 Pontiac 4-door sedan, radio
lies in the county the opportunity welL
and heater ................................ $449
R»elALE. One medium size sep-
to have their qualifications reviewed
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gredvig and Jas.
'1. About % mile from Esta- 1936 Pontiac 4-door, heater ....$395
and allow sufficient time to selec’ were home over the week end.
ilson Hill road. Fred Mi- 1937 Dodge pickup ......................$345
farms and set up farm plans for the
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duus attended
Implement Co.
Currinsville Mercantile Co.
C a sh a n d C a r r y
Purchase Family
Type Farms
C _
U sed C a r
S p e cia ls
the Norval Kirchem funeral at Ore­
next crop year.
Only bona fide farm families with gon City last Sunday.
i. Youngberries and boy,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dice and
sufficient experience to qualify them
T*l. Study, ,431, Sandy, Oregon
.’hone your orders. J. J.
for successful ownership are eligible. Mis Taylor were shopping in Port-
n&nk, Tel. 2-54.
FOR RENT. Good pasture for rent. Preference will be given to married ]and Saturday.
The Wm. Salzwedels are reported
Mrs. C. H. Duncan, route 1, Esta­ persons, ,those with dependent fam­
ilies and to persons having sufficient moving after berry picking to New-
ST. Tarpaulin between Currlns- cada.
livestock and equipment to carry on berg.
tore and Bartholomew’s store,
FOR SALE. 6 room house with
Mrs. Gunter’s brother and Frank
reward if returned in as good bath, partly furnished. 3 fifty foot farming operations. They must be
as when lost. Jesse R. Moore, lots. Write to Mrs. John Irvin, 6429 unable to secure credit for farm pur­ Egan and a friend, Bruce Boyd called
Sunday at the Gunter home.
on City, rt. 2 or leave at New:« Puget Sound Ave., Tacoma, Wash chase from other sources.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gunter and dau
Families approved for tenant pur­
or inquire at News office.
chase loans by the county tenant pur ghters visited Sunday afternoon ^41
chase committee will be made loans Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henricks oi
sufficient to purchase land, construct Canyon Road, Portland.
beve 30-pound used berry cans
Leonard Andeis is reported get
buildings and imporve or to re*
'"resham Bakery, N. Main
pair existing nuildings and improve ting fine. Mrs. Anders visited him oi
ments if necessary. The loans are Sunday.
made for forty years with interest at
i « f each for com-
•*'more for Tri-
Phenotthiazine, a new drug which 3 percent..
Applications and full details of
,.iy. Bring them has received wide and satisfactory
inerc. Co., Currins- use for treatement o f intestinal para­ the program may be secured at the
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Luckey visitet
site o f sheep in eastern states has county supervisors office.
with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Chaney or
not proved efficient in treating Ore­
Sunday, They enjoyed the seasona
940 deluxe Hot Point
gon sheep for the common and ser
Ties 4 years guaran-
shortcake that goes with nice rip<
ious parasites found in this state
siti awberries.
ondition. Price $165)
according to county agent J. J. Ins-
t, balance terms. S.
The bountiful spring rains alonj
keep who has just received a special
-stacada, r t 2. Tel.
with Uncle Sam’s potent phosphatf
report o f investigations on this sub­
and lime made the clover and alfalf.-
Family type fanners and small o p
ject by Dr. J. N. Shaw o f the Oregon
waist high this year. Cattle will hav
erators cooperating in the Clacka­ plenty this coming winter o f higl
experiment station.
Copy o f this special report may bq mas county farm security admiaistra prices. Wonder how we will get alond
obtained in the extension office ii> tion program are being urged to in­ when they take the fertilisers ta
Oregon City. The poor results ob crease p odaction e* mi k,, eggs| make gunpowder. Seems to me thl
tained by Oregon shseepmen are due chickens and po k th.s ye... to n* more peaoef ui growing of grass )
to the fact that parasites in Oregon crease their incomes and share in the better than the blowing up o f peopl
are quite different from those in oth expanding market for these products with bomb*. destroying h o m e s an
er states and are not destroyed by resulting from the deparment o f ag- bringing starvation to the DeODle
the same drugs.
ricultnrc’s Food for Defense, says | th,, World
G e o rg e
K och
Says New Drug
Won't Work Here
Farmers Urged to
n :rease Production
S p e cia l