CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS “ I Am An Ameri­ can” Day According to a bulletin just re­ ceived by Rex Putnam, superinten­ dent of public instruction from J. W. Studobalter U. S. comnvisioneC of education, May 18 has been de­ signated “ I Am An American'* day. Schools thruout tbe nation are plan­ ning to dramatize and celebiate Am ci lean citizesnhip. The spotlight of attention is to be turned on the con tribution o f various races and na­ tionalities to the American way oi life. The days preceding May 18 ought to feature the contributions o f lead­ ing immigrants, Czechoslovakian, Polish, Greek, Chinese, Japanese,, German, Austrian, French, Italian, Serbian, Negro, Spanish, Scandinav, ian and all others to science, litera­ ture, industry, education in a word to American democracy. The educational forces are endea­ voring to knit more closely than evet the strands o f Americanism represen­ ting people from every part o f the world. They wish to take advantag< o f the devotion of those who have an unusual appreciation of what it means to be an American since that came to our shores to escape oppres­ sion abroad. In stressing the fact tha' this is a time for rededication to tha great phases “ irresponsive o f race or religion” they are building nationa unity. being arranged. This will be followed by gatherings arranged by employing and employee groups. Chambers ol commerce, trade organizations and other civic groups in all paits o f Ore­ gon will be furnished speakers. Following general staff meetings in Salem employment office person­ nel will be grouped at the following p.aces to be announced later: Astor­ ia, Corvallis,, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Baker and Pendleton. Field represen tatives of the commission also will be called for special training. While legislative changes in cover age of certain groups already are in effect amendments to the benefit structure will not become effective until June 14, claims filed after that date will require only two wait­ ing weeks and the weekly compensa­ tion will be based on 6 percent of the Highest quarterly earnings with a minimum of $10 New seasonabilit^ leterminations will not affect benc- lit payments until 1942 although thq groundwork is being laid now. OF ALL SAD W ORDS FRIDAY that we can build tanks, alripanes and ships fast enough to get them to England and other nations tha are fighting against the enslavement that overtook a dozen fine cultured peaceable nations that have been overwhelmed by the Nazi juggernaut before, they too, are added to the loot o f the dictators. The tax bill will go thru in the or dinary course o f events. Doubtles there will be opposition b,y the same group that has opposed practically every stage of the defense program, not because they are against it, but because it is an administration meus- sure. THE T A L K IN G Clackamas county, and has qualified. A 1 persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tlte same to me at my home in Esta- cada, Oiegon, or at the office of my attorney, John W. Loder,, RoonJ 4, Andresen Bldg., Oregon City, Ore gon, with vouchers and duly verified within six months from the date hr rof. Dated and first published May 2 1941. Date o f lust publication May 80 1941. DORA KIMMEL, Administra. trix of the Estate o f Beach R Kimmel, deceased. Address,, Estacada,, Oregon. F ree E nh -rgen'en r at D avid son ’ » John \Y. Loder, Attorney. Drug Store, Gresham,, with any 6 or 8 Room 4. Andresen Bldg., exposure film finish at reasonable Oregon City, Oregon. Attorney for Administratrix. price of 25-c.—Adv. “ Food, clothing, shelter, school ex­ penses and medical cane are some of the thli which th- poppy means to unforti Mate children o f veterans. We think it highly fitting that the flower which honors those who have died for America should help those who will build the America of the future. Wi hope that everyone will remember these childen when they secure their poppies on i* p;»y l>ay and contribute as generously as possible to the aux­ iliary’s welfare fund.” B IB L E SEALED B ID S FO R Many attempts have been made in recent years to give new life to the Bible in an effort to get young peo pie more interested in its teachings. Modernized versions o f the bible have been revised and a general effort has been made to keep religion in accord with the many changes in the way o f life. „ One o f the most interesting endea­ vors along this line is the new Talk­ ing Bible being sponsored by the Bible Foundation o f New York City- In a recording studio the Founda­ tion has had talented actors and ac­ tresses bringing the Bible characters to life, acting out the famous bible stories for recordings. Now the re­ cords which will eventually include all of the important bible stories are being offered to radio stations,, chur­ ches and any other interested organi­ zation. The Bible Foundation is a non­ commercial, non-sectarian, organiza­ tion supported by donations from people interested in its work. Its whole purpose in preparing these re­ cordings is to create new interest in the Bible. These recordings are not sold or rented but are offered without charge to interested groups. Many o f us will undoubtedly wel* come the opportunity to hear the beautiful stories of the Bible brot to life. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S E state No. 6 6 3 5 I The G raduate ¡ H A R V E L I W OOD In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon for County o f Ciackama- Probate Department. In the matter o f the E-fate of Beach R. Kimmel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed admin­ istratrix of the estate o f Beach K. Kimincl, deceased, by the Circa« Cou.t of the State o f Oregon for If our two—ocean navy were an actuality and not merely a doubling of our ship strength in course o f con­ struction, for example, we would not be watching Japan wandering if she was going to go after the British and Dutch possessions that represent her empire expansion projects. Japan would in all probability never have joined the Hitler Axis had we not abandoned the idea of constant mili­ tary preparedness. C A M P A IG N T O E D U C A T E But twenty years ago the whole world dreamed o f a period o f peace. W ORKERS The nations had subscribed to anti­ Preliminary plans for a 60-day aggression pacts and war was out­ workers, 10,000 employer's and 250,- lawed, theoretically and diplomati­ campaign to educate 400 commission cally. The people of our country like 000 employes on recent changes in those o f Britian, France and the the unemployment compensation law smaller countries were weary of strife and procedures were announced to­ and doubly weary o f war taxes. Theii governments followed the popular day by Administrator Silas Gieser. Bulletins introducing the subjects ambition and disarmament seemed a to be discussed at meetings all over realistic and economic couise. So the the state during May and June are world slept while Germany was nurs being mailed out this week by the ing her wounds and building up the administration office in Salem. Four most complete war engine ever con­ subjects will covered: 1, Recent ceived. So we find ourselves today doing legislative changes; 2, seasonality; S P O P P IE S A ID N E E D Y C H IL D R E N experience rating; 4, partial benefit in haste what we, had we had su­ perman foresight, could have done af payments. A schedule of meetings to be hel<^ liesure, arming against the aspirants How the little red poppies worn in at local employment offices now is of world domnination and praying honor o f the World War dead on j Poppy Day help care for needy chil­ _ iiiimmimiiimmiimmimiHHiiiiiiiiMmimmiiiiiimmiimmiimiiiiimiimin-. dren o f war veterans thruout the year was exlplained today by Daisy Tracy child welfare chairman of the Carl Douglas unit of the American Legion auxiliary as the unit contin­ ued praparation for the observance Chooses E of Poppy Day Saturday, May 24. “ Every poppy that is worn mean, 1 MAY 16. 1941 W ANTED Sealed bids will be received by thq lioaid of Directors of School District No. 108, Estacada, in Clackamas County, Oregon, at a meeting to be held at the school building, Estacada, ut the hour o f 7 :30 p.m., on the 5th day of June, 1941 for furnishing said school distiict with 60 cords of 4-foot wood. Wood must be sound and in good condition. Submit bids on both old and second growth wood. I I. W. TUCKER, Chairman. Fremont Hayden,, Clerk. First pub. May8,1941. Last pub. May 29, 1941. N o. 6 3 7 9 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the Circuit Court o f the State o| Oregon for the County o f Clacka­ mas, Probate Department. In the Matter o f the Estate o f Petal William Ledine, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that th* un. dersigned as Administrator o f the Es­ tate o f Peter William Ledine, de­ ceased, has filed his Final Account in the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and that Monday, the 26th day o f MBy 1941, at the hour o f 9:00 o ’clock in ths forenoon of said day and the court room of lid court has beer appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing o f objec­ tions thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published April 25, 1941. Date o f last publicatioon May 28 , 1941. STANLEY T. LEDINE, Administrator. Cooper & McAllister, Attorneys, Gresham, Oregon. til 1 1 « MARSHALL WELLS more help for the children who have . ONE OF AMERICA’S FINEST WATCHES We have them in the latest styles for the boy or girl graduate. Make your selection early. been left without a fathers support | because o f the last war” she said.' “ First, there are children o f the men j who make the poppies, the disabled veterans in the government hospitals ! and those employed in the auxiliary’ s j poppy work rooms. These children be- j nefit from the earnings of their fa thers, the poppy money helping keei j their homes together until the father can once more take regular employ­ ment. “ Then there are the children whose | fathers have died or are not in posi- j tion to work in the poppy program. The money contributed for the pop­ Priced from § 1 2 . 7 5 upwards pies goes to work for them and keep« working all the year thru the auxili­ ary’s vast child welfaie program. It i is the determination o f the Legion and auxiliary that no child o f a vet­ eran shall be left in need and th< = I funds collected on Pappy Day are th< E Telephone Building Gresham, Ore. E ' principal source o f finance fo r carry- 7 iiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiim- I out this determination. | Also Elgin,, Waltham and Gruen Watches. | A. H. M EALEY WE CHALLENGE Y O U TO SPEND TEN MINUTES IN A 1941 w /vr/AC roxrsvo Y ou ’ ll say it’ s the greatest car in the world. 3 lines. 10 body styles. Your choice o f a six or an eight in any model. Come in today! Af AnofAer ¡An>r / 4 ■ i O T E SO-Foot COUPLED CHI-22KID HOSE !N ¡¿CKEWDMVER Enameled hurdwood handle, ease Season's Most Sensational Buy! ¡hardened steel blade that will take a lot of punishment! This low price only good as long rs cur present itock lasts! 1 ' - - - - OUR PR IC E S ARE LOW. LOOK! Two heavy lavers of black rubber, rein­ forced by a strong layer of lough cord. Long wear at very low coeu 2 3f: ORIENT GARAGE Route No. 2 L p . : * & - - Gresham, Oregon . ■: vfc V •*- A ... c -jf" A. W. Metzger <& Co. Foweli Boulevard - Gresham, Oregon